NDP/Liberal Coalition

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Re: NDP/Liberal Coalition

Post by butcher99 »

Omnitheo wrote:Most representative democracies do not result in majority governments. In fact they shouldn’t. Governments should be a mix of different parties who need to work together to pass bills. Either working with the left or right, to best represent their constituents and their differing priorities and views.

Unfortunately thanks to US politics. The system has devolved into a tribalism, where it’s become less about working together for the people, and more about working against your opponent.
There is a big hullabaloo in the US right now because Ellen De Generous sat with George Bush at a baseball (football?) game. Thats how far the divide has sunk. People should be able to disagree on politics and sit and be friends with them. You can vote for whomever you wish. I might try to change your mind but normally your politics do not affect my opinion of you. That is of course unless my politics affect your opinion of me.
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Re: NDP/Liberal Coalition

Post by jimmy4321 »

Seems to me the NDP were running on fumes at the start of this campaign.
I think most minorities end in only a couple years, then what?
If the Libs can't win this election with at least a strong minority it's gonna be a slow death to a Con Majority.

A little short sighted for those enviro parties
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Re: NDP/Liberal Coalition

Post by Rcdc13 »

Having one party in complete power is and has not worked. Once you are able to break down each party's platform, which is mostly *bleep*, we see that they make their own rules as they get that power. So, why would we the people , who are NOT being listened to, support such stupidity. And THEN.........to have a situation like BC, where we have a minority party holding some serious power over the other. Who the hell makes these most ridiculous rules?? Oh.......I know, it's the benefactors of those rules that's who. Well maybe just maybe WE should write the rules, and give all four parties 25% power and then direct them to work it out. That's they're GD job !
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Re: NDP/Liberal Coalition

Post by jimmy4321 »

Got no money, got no car, got no campaign and there you are.

Good luck with that plan NDP/Greens :up:

If Libs don't have enough seats they need to let it go, no coalition etc.
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Re: NDP/Liberal Coalition

Post by Carrs Landing Viking »

I view this announcement by Singh to be a blatant attempt to alter/manipulate the outcome of a federal election, for nothing more than personal gain.

He has now proven himself to be just as unethical as Justin Trudeau. I believe there will be a backlash by voters, who just simply cannot trust Trudeau.

I did have some respect for Singh before this, NOT NOW.
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Re: NDP/Liberal Coalition

Post by gordon_as »

Omnitheo wrote:Most representative democracies do not result in majority governments. In fact they shouldn’t. Governments should be a mix of different parties who need to work together to pass bills. Either working with the left or right, to best represent their constituents and their differing priorities and views.

Unfortunately thanks to US politics. The system has devolved into a tribalism, where it’s become less about working together for the people, and more about working against your opponent.
My favourite post thusfar.
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Re: NDP/Liberal Coalition

Post by gordon_as »

Rcdc13 wrote:Having one party in complete power is and has not worked. Once you are able to break down each party's platform, which is mostly *bleep*, we see that they make their own rules as they get that power. So, why would we the people , who are NOT being listened to, support such stupidity. And THEN.........to have a situation like BC, where we have a minority party holding some serious power over the other. Who the hell makes these most ridiculous rules?? Oh.......I know, it's the benefactors of those rules that's who. Well maybe just maybe WE should write the rules, and give all four parties 25% power and then direct them to work it out. That's they're GD job !
Just want to point out the the people in power in BC got a lot more votes than the loser did. Democracy is only good when the people you like win ??
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Re: NDP/Liberal Coalition

Post by OKkayak »

I don't like the idea of coalitions. At least the Federal NDP brought it out before most vote and not after the vote like the other NDP.

I like Jagmeet, had a chance to talk to him yesterday but if there is coalition, no way he'd be getting my vote, nothing to do with the Liberals, just that I don't like coalitions.
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Re: NDP/Liberal Coalition

Post by Gone_Fishin »

Jagmeet forgot what he said earlier.

Singh wouldn’t rule out working with the Conservatives to topple a Trudeau government if the NDP held the most seats in a minority parliament. “I’d be willing to work with anyone to help achieve our values,” he said. “The future’s looking more and more bleak, and I want to get at: how do we build an economy where we all benefit?”

https://nationalpost.com/news/politics/ ... nadas-left

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Re: NDP/Liberal Coalition

Post by flamingfingers »

^^Apparently Jagmeet and his party have discerned the Scheer Cons don't " help achieve our values,” .
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Re: NDP/Liberal Coalition

Post by flamingfingers »

Omnitheo wrote:Most representative democracies do not result in majority governments. In fact they shouldn’t. Governments should be a mix of different parties who need to work together to pass bills. Either working with the left or right, to best represent their constituents and their differing priorities and views.
What you are saying is summed up as 'Consensus Government' - essentially a government made up of Independents with no party affiliation. We do have a couple of these in Canada and I really wish we were smart enough to have such nationally.

So yeah, I would vote for jody wilson-raybould because I think she is a principled person and she is an Independent!
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Re: NDP/Liberal Coalition

Post by The Green Barbarian »

flamingfingers wrote:^^Apparently Jagmeet and his party have discerned the Scheer Cons don't " help achieve our values,” .
Their main value being the destruction of the Canadian economy.
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Re: NDP/Liberal Coalition

Post by The Green Barbarian »

gordon_as wrote:[

Just want to point out the the people in power in BC got a lot more votes than the loser did. Democracy is only good when the people you like win ??
That definitely seems to be the case in BC when the Liberals win.
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Re: NDP/Liberal Coalition

Post by EZGuy »

Separatist party from one province in our national parliament - that makes sense right? Reminds me of that old tea ad “ only in Canada you say - pitty!”

Didn’t Trudeau senior green light the Bloc in parliament?
Symbonite wrote:
butcher99 wrote: Do you want Quebec holding the balance of power over the rest of Canada´?
They do already dont they? As well I always think its not good to let a national party like the one in quebec to be voted into a national election from one province only.
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Re: NDP/Liberal Coalition

Post by liisgo »


No. Here it is a vote against Scheer. Thats why I voted NDP at the advanced poll. Last thing we need is another Conservative government to drive up our deficit (while promising to lower it) and then cut services.
Look at the promises already that mostly benefit the well to do. That would be all of them BTW.[/quote].

I really have to ask, you state, actually believe, even against what is reality to support Trudeau, or not support Conservative'.

"Excluding Prime Ministers who served during a world war or a major economic downturn, Justin Trudeau is projected to go down as the biggest debt accumulating Prime Minister Canada has ever seen."

You do know that Trudeau has buried our country in debt like no other government in history?
I am not OK with him or us doing this to our future generations. We have no right to dump this on our kids, peoples of this country. As it sits, Trudeau has actually proved himself to be a failure, as much as I dont like any of the choices I cannot vote for the one that has screwed it up.
"If I find out who's been running this country for the last 8.5 yrs into the ground, there will be hell to pay",,,,,,,,,Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

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