Vernon tax increases

bob vernon
Lord of the Board
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Re: Vernon tax increases

Post by bob vernon »

An absolute tax hell.
bob vernon
Lord of the Board
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Re: Vernon tax increases

Post by bob vernon »

Here's another reason for the tax increase. Developer's will have to pay less for each house they build. Despite the fact that they are increasing the load on our services. The taxpayers will be paying for the wider roads, more traffic lights, larger sewage and water capacity and so on. But the developers will pay less. Kelowna and Penticton recently announced that their Development Cost Charges will be going up. ... ment-costs
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Re: Vernon tax increases

Post by tabubil »

Thank bob this is what I have been saying for a while now the Mayor and council should down from their ivory towers and take their rosy glasses off and see how the real people of Vernon live and pay taxes. They are only looking after making themselves and the rich richer. These developers should be paying much more in DCC not less and maybe we can get our water and sewer lines updated in town.
I cannot wait to see how the Mayor spins the old Canadian Tire Shop being re invented as a storage place, he should be saying how great it is for the city, but he will not say what they gave them to get to open up and how many more jobs this will create. No just take all the credit and then put his rosy colored glasses on again.
bob vernon
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Re: Vernon tax increases

Post by bob vernon »

And here we have it. It's one thing for improving our infrastructure when it wears out and needs replacement. It's another when it is necessary because of developers expanding the city. Much of the cost for these upgrades is due to developers building new subdivisions. And the city decides that the developers should pay LESS for their Development Cost Charge than in the past. The rest of us wind up paying for the new infrastructure for their subdivisions. ... l-projects
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Re: Vernon tax increases

Post by tabubil »

Well here I go again. The city council in trying to show they are transparent and are now holding an opening information meeting at the Schubert Centre (at least the centre will get some money from the city) to try an convince themselves and us the taxpayer that all the money they are spending in the budget is worth it. But is it?
First this is another attempt at being transparent but hey the truth is they passed all this at a budget meeting, which I attended and listened as many taxpayers got up and spoke many against the increase. But the outcome with per-ordained say what you want but we are doing what city hall and the business community want. I never saw or read about ideas that came from this meeting.
Now again they are spending money trying to sell something that has already been passed. How much is this costing in rent, wages and other costs could this money not be better used.
As this council has done in the past they ask for our input, then do not publish it so others can read it and do what they and the business want.
I for one am getting tired of how the city and its managers take numbers and make them say what they want. Example today I read that the cities population grew but they will not say in what age category, I am going to assumed that the greatest increase was in seniors coming to the city (not much money to spend).
Then they start on how great building was, take a look at the number of empty new places their are and also the growing number of older buildings empty and then tell me how great our city is growing.
Then their is the fact that many places cannot find help, if our city has so much of an population growth you would think we could fill them.
I also read where Mr Mund is so excited about just about finishing the rail trail connection from the Village Green Mall to the rail trail, sorry Mr Mund but friends I know who bike will not bike through town as they say it is too dangerous and too many stops. But again looking after what I consider a large waste of money the rail trail (no business plan shown when they asked for money) now we are paying yearly.
A concerned citizen of Vernon (who is retired here and wishes to remain-if I can afford it)
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Re: Vernon tax increases

Post by Ingevan22 »

The City usually holds a Capital Works Open House every year in February so it's nice to see 'em rent the Schubert Centre this time, instead of holding it at the Rec Centre.

This is an informational meeting to let us taxpayers know what capital projects are on tap in the City this year, where to expect road closures, etc. They are not asking for your opinion, they are simply trying to let you know, what they will be working on this year, what the plans are, etc. A good opportunity for you to show up and ask questions about these plans, meet the staff, etc.

Now tabubil... if you were going to complain about how much public consultation was done for the lowering of the DCC's (Development Cost Charges), then I would agree you may have an argument. The public received 1 week notice for a meeting that was held the week before Christmas on December 19 - and judging by the public input that was included in the next staff report when the new DCC rates were adopted at the next Council meeting, only 1 developer attended (or perhaps, only 1 developer provided input).
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Putt's Law: "Technology is dominated by two types of people, those who understand what they do not manage and those who manage what they do not understand."
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Re: Vernon tax increases

Post by tabubil »

I have not missed the point and have gone to four or more and you can talk to them but it makes no different it is money and time that is wasted. They should listen to what we want more, I do submit my opinions to all meetings but my point is they never publish what was talked about these expensive meetings they just agree with or nod and then vote for business or what they like. Yes if you want to go through all the videos and write down all that was said or tape it at the meeting, but if they call a meeting then they should publish what was said and why they do not agree. if you go to most of the meetings most of the time is given to business or those wanting the change to speak and if time permits the public gets to speak.
The city is trying through all the open houses and council meetings to show transparency but until they publish what was said at the meeting it is not transparent.
If you watch the news you will find that many other cities have been forced to have complete transparency because people are not being told why things are being done, as is happening here in Vernon.
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Re: Vernon tax increases

Post by Ingevan22 »

I agree that the Council meeting videos ought to stay up forever, not just for 2 weeks.

We citizens are also capable of archiving the Council videos from the City website, and publishing them to our own YouTube channels... No need for pen & paper, or audio recordings. And of course the body language on those videos usually speaks volumes too!
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Putt's Law: "Technology is dominated by two types of people, those who understand what they do not manage and those who manage what they do not understand."

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