Cut the PST?

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Re: Cut the PST?

Post by The Green Barbarian »

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Re: Cut the PST?

Post by Merry »

Eliminating sales tax will lead to higher income tax (the Government has to get its cash one way or another) and, if this were “normal” times I’d support that idea. Because I’ve always preferred a graduated tax based on ability to pay, than a flat tax where everyone pays the same percentage.

But that said, this is not “normal” times, and right now is not the time to be tinkering with the tax system. Many folks are relying on Government programs to get by, and are not spending much on the kinds of items that generate sales tax. So any savings would be minuscule to them. And as has already been pointed out, essential groceries are getting more expensive by the day, and that matter needs addressing far more than the price of other stuff we may buy.

The Liberals had ample time to make this tax change, and never did. And suggesting it now is clearly a blatant attempt to “buy” votes. Which seems to be the Liberals first thought these days when seeking a return to power, at both the Federal and Provincial level.

Well I don’t like the idea of them using my money to buy my vote. And I find it particularly distasteful that they’re trying to do it at a time when that money is desperately needed for other things.

These are challenging times financially; for both individuals AND the Government, and it’s not wise for either to deliberately reduce income. Even though, as I already said, the Liberals would eventually replace that income by increasing income tax, it wouldn’t happen immediately, so there’d still be a shortfall for the first year. And right now the Government can’t afford to lose that revenue.
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Re: Cut the PST?

Post by gordon_as »

Wow ! I expected to find all kinds of support for the Liberal plan here on the forums. Happy to see that people are judging it on it's merits rather than just supporting it because it's a Liberal proposition. Clearly it's just a way to buy some votes.
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Re: Cut the PST?

Post by The Green Barbarian »

gordon_as wrote:Wow ! I expected to find all kinds of support for the Liberal plan here on the forums. Happy to see that people are judging it on it's merits rather than just supporting it because it's a Liberal proposition. Clearly it's just a way to buy some votes.
I don't really support this, just like I didn't support the stupid carbon tax. But on the other hand, we have the NDP. Who would ever vote for them?
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Re: Cut the PST?

Post by jimmy4321 »

They should promise to immediately END ICBC without a *bleep* trace, leave PST alone
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Re: Cut the PST?

Post by jbird701 »

I saw the poll on Castanet yesterday and its at 58% in favor of this.

This wouldn't make that much difference for the average working person around $1700 but if you were rich you could refurnish a house or buy some new toys and save a lot more than that.

I know they would have to make it back on income tax but would I trust the Liberals to not add MSP back. This really is something a 19 year old comes up with because his Xbox or PS5 is too much money.
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Re: Cut the PST?

Post by typhoon44 »

I also really don't support cutting the PST. If people have no money they should be buying less discretionary goods that charge PST.
I do support the carbon tax. Dollar$ are the only thing that change people's behavior.
I don't support socialized insurance but removing ICBC won't save any public money. Insurance works by investing premiums. When the government takes the billions of dollars from the premiums it is impossible for ICBC to make money. Privatizing insurance will reduce premiums for older folks who drive very little at the expense of everyone else.
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Re: Cut the PST?

Post by The Green Barbarian »

typhoon44 wrote: I do support the carbon tax. Dollar$ are the only thing that change people's behavior.
Why does anybody have to "change their behavior"? This is not the government's business, to change people's behavior. That's just silly.

I don't support cutting the PST, it's too simplistic. Cut corporate income taxes and personal taxes, but not the PST.
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Re: Cut the PST?

Post by Hurtlander »

The Green Barbarian wrote:
gordon_as wrote:Wow ! I expected to find all kinds of support for the Liberal plan here on the forums. Happy to see that people are judging it on it's merits rather than just supporting it because it's a Liberal proposition. Clearly it's just a way to buy some votes.
I don't really support this, just like I didn't support the stupid carbon tax. But on the other hand, we have the NDP. Who would ever vote for them?
I’m not impressed with either party, they’re both greatly flawed..... When the Covid pandemic ends drastic measures will need to be implemented to begin paying down the debt, neither party has introduced a long term fiscal plan to address this issue, rather disappointing and disconcerting, I fully understand short term emergency spending because of Covid, but I also demand to know the long term fiscal recovery plan. Neither the Libs or the NDP have a stellar record of fiscal responsibility or fiscal integrity, both parties in the past have been guilty fiscal game playing by raising ICBC and BC Hydro rates, then robbing the profits of ICBC and BC Hydro to help balance the books, greatly harming both ICBC and BC Hydro .. Both the Liberals and NDP dearly love the carbon tax, not to address CO2 emissions, but because the carbon tax is a convenient and sleazy way to help balance the books.. The NDP is proud to admit they’re leftists, the Liberals like to give the impression that they’re centre-right, and business friendly, however BC Liberal spending habits and fiscal incompetence shows that they too are fiscally leftist.. My grandkids don’t deserve to inherit this fiscal mess..
ETA: It must be acknowledged that Carole James did introduce a balanced budget without raiding ICBC or BC Hydro.. But Carole James will be soon gone, and Weaver is no longer holding the balance of power to keep things in check.

ETA 2 ; Obviously I don’t support cutting the PST at this time.
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Re: Cut the PST?

Post by cyruslosco66 »

Bclibs tax plan so far

"Breaking down the Liberals' PST promise, what would be taxed and what wouldn't:
- Booze (not taxed)
- Cannabis (taxed)
- Ferraris (taxed)
- Pop (not taxed)
- Vapes (taxed)
- Yachts (not taxed)
- Learjets (not taxed)" ... 74657?s=20
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Re: Cut the PST?

Post by Pete Podoski »

GordonH wrote:BC Liberals are coalition of Conservatives & Liberals, just Social Credit party with a name change.
No they aren't.

They are a coalition of Liberals and Social Credit.

The Conservative Party of B.C. still exists. Social Credit was never a true Conservative party.
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Re: Cut the PST?

Post by Hurtlander »

Pete Podoski wrote:
GordonH wrote:BC Liberals are coalition of Conservatives & Liberals, just Social Credit party with a name change.
No they aren't.

They are a coalition of Liberals and Social Credit.

The Conservative Party of B.C. still exists. Social Credit was never a true Conservative party.
The original Social Credit under WAC staunchly believed in creating crown corporation’s, a truly centrist party, under BB the party moved slightly centre-right more closely resembling the old school Progressive Conservative Party.
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Re: Cut the PST?

Post by Catri »

jimmy4321 wrote:They should promise to immediately END ICBC without a *bleep* trace, leave PST alone
Don't expect ICBC to go anywhere soon. Remember that the expense of Drivers' Services (which used to be provided directly by the Province) was offloaded to ICBC years ago. No government is going to want to roll that back onto their books.
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Re: Cut the PST?

Post by Drip_Torch »

indianlarry66 wrote:Bclibs tax plan so far

"Breaking down the Liberals' PST promise, what would be taxed and what wouldn't:
- Booze (not taxed)
- Cannabis (taxed)
- Ferraris (taxed)
- Pop (not taxed)
- Vapes (taxed)
- Yachts (not taxed)
- Learjets (not taxed)" ... 74657?s=20
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Re: Cut the PST?

Post by my5cents »

Let's look at the big picture. Who has the most disposable income for purchases other than untaxed items like food. The wealthy.

Who has the ability to avoid paying their fair share of income tax with all sorts of loop holes ? The wealthy.

At this moment what can't the wealthy get away from paying ? PST.

If the PST is cut or eliminated the money has to be made up somewhere. Income tax, the tax the wealthy can avoid.

What segment of our population financially supports the Provincial Liberals the most, the wealthy.
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