New tax in the works on the sale of your home

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Re: Trudeau Liberals plan to tax your principal residence

Post by GordonH »

GordonH wrote: The people of Canada from sea to sea to sea need to send a very clear message ”We have absolutely no confidence in the current Canadian government, we demand an election NOW”.

Yes it sucks to have election in the middle of a pandemic, blame goes directly at jt.

:cuss: :cuss: :cuss:
vegas1500 wrote: Careful what you wish for. There are many people that think he’s “doing an amazing job” (I know it’s ludicrous) because of the money he’s been throwing at Canadians. It blows my mind how anyone could think he’s Prime Minister quality...... I wouldn’t let him run a car wash.....useless :cuss:
The bs he has gotten away with alone, last Falls election he should have lost because of SNC bs.
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Re: Trudeau Liberals plan to tax your principal residence

Post by Ka-El »

GordonH wrote: The bs he has gotten away with alone, last Falls election he should have lost because of SNC bs.
And he would have had the Conservatives fielded a candidate and platform palatable to the majority of Canadians. We have to hope they will offer us something worth voting for this next election or the Liberals will get in again. I am looking forward to their leadership convention to see what they will be campaigning on. It is going to have to be something more than just "Trudeau bad". As you noted Gordon, he was already bad last election.
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Re: Trudeau Liberals plan to tax your principal residence

Post by The Green Barbarian »

Ka-El wrote: And he would have had the Conservatives fielded a candidate and platform palatable to the majority of Canadians..
you post this every time someone says Trudeau shouldn't have been elected. No one in history has ever created a platform "palatable to the majority of Canadians", even the Trudeau in 2015 was only elected with 39% of the popular vote, the same number that Harper received in 2011 (but of course, Harper was subjected to idiots posting #notmyprimeminister because he only got 39%, Trudeau not so much). What you need to do is come up with a platform palatable to Ontario, and then get enough people in the Maritimes and the West to vote you the few remaining seats you need. That's it.
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Re: Trudeau Liberals plan to tax your principal residence

Post by roseridge »

More taxes??? Did Trudeau fall off the turnip wagon? Many international companies are leaving Canada because of high taxes, excess government regulatation, which creates uncertainty. I sold my business here, and I don't see a future of any kind here, and this equity tax makes it even more attractive for me to set up shop in the USA. I'd have Trump over Trudeau any day 10 times over!
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Re: Trudeau Liberals plan to tax your principal residence

Post by Pete Podoski »

Andrew Scheer told Canadians that Trudeau would be imposing a devastating tax on their homes.

But Trudeau has nice hair and really cool socks.

Scheer says Liberals' rejection of idea to tax housing profits can't be trusted

Sep 17, 2019

OTTAWA — Andrew Scheer is making no apologies for insisting that a re-elected Liberal government would impose a capital-gains tax of up to 50 per cent on Canadians who sell their homes, a notion the Liberals say they never considered. ... be-trusted
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Re: Trudeau Liberals plan to tax your principal residence

Post by madmudder »

roseridge wrote:More taxes??? Did Trudeau fall off the turnip wagon? Many international companies are leaving Canada because of high taxes, excess government regulatation, which creates uncertainty. I sold my business here, and I don't see a future of any kind here, and this equity tax makes it even more attractive for me to set up shop in the USA. I'd have Trump over Trudeau any day 10 times over!
Yes things are way better in the USA. Let us know how you make out.
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Re: Trudeau Liberals plan to tax your principal residence

Post by jimmy4321 »

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Re: Trudeau Liberals plan to tax your principal residence

Post by ferri »

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Re: Trudeau Liberals plan to tax your principal residence

Post by Gone_Fishin »

The Liberals are coming after your home equity


You work hard and pay taxes on your income.

You save your money and pay taxes on the capital gains.

You live responsibly and pay your bills on time thus building a good credit rating.

You purchase a home and pay taxes on the purchase.

You pay property taxes on the home.

You work hard to maintain the home and invest in renovations which of course you pay GST on.

After all of this, if all goes well your home will have gained equity.

Now the Liberal government of Canada is considering stealing your savings through an equity tax and the galling *bleep* have the nerve to call homeowners who have managed to gain equity “lotto winners”.

Doesn’t that feel nice?

Isn’t it good to know that your retirement and hard earned nest-egg may be snatched away in order to fund things such as the corrupted WE charity that appears to primarily exist in order to launder tax money towards well connected Liberals? ... ome-equity

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Re: Trudeau Liberals plan to tax your principal residence

Post by Pete Podoski »

Hold on to your wallets! And for Christ's sake, don't die!

Inheritance tax can address income inequality, says Liberal MP

Oct 06, 2020

The parliamentary secretary to the finance minister is expressing his support for wealthy Canadians to pay a little more to address income inequality.

And the Liberal MP appears to support a federal inheritance tax to make that happen, according to Blacklock’s Reporter. ... liberal-mp
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Re: Trudeau Liberals plan to tax your principal residence

Post by Boosted632 »

Borrow every nickel you can against your home before you die and spend it give to your kids or bury it in the back yard dont give them the satisfaction of getting anything out of you they dont deserve
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New tax in the works on the sale of your home

Post by Gone_Fishin »

If anyone had doubted it, it's now been confirmed by a loose-lipped Liberal that should Trudeau get back in, he's going to tax the sale of your home to pay for his (WE contributions, Tesla welfare, Chinese infrastructure fund, Liberal buddy sole-sourced contracts, etc).

This would cripple people who have retired and want to downsize, getting heavily taxed on their home nest egg that they bought with their hard-earned after tax dollars.

This will drive housing costs up as people look to mitigate the tax consequences by charging more, and by reducing housing supply as people don't sell their homes to young families because of the pending tax bill.


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Re: New tax in the works on the sale of your home

Post by Gone_Fishin »


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Re: New tax in the works on the sale of your home

Post by FairlyKnew »

This makes perfect Liberal sense. Since we pay tax on the money we make to buy a house and then pay tax on the purchase of a house why not pay tax on the sale of that same house? Why do you think they were poking around in our bank accounts to see what they could get their grubby little fingers on? In their world, what they have is theirs and what we have is theirs too.
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Re: New tax in the works on the sale of your home

Post by Babba_not_Gump »

Two or three years ago I noticed a question while doing my income tax. It went something like this,
Did you sell your principal residence last year?

When I mentioned it on this site, the Liberal minions jumped all over my concerns.
No, no, no. The government will never tax the "profit" on the sale of your home. [icon_lol2.gif]
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