Provincial joke

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Re: Provincial joke

Post by Drip_Torch »

69cutlass wrote:The fast ferry scandal was a political affair in the late 1990s relating to the construction of three fast ferries by the Canadian provincial crown corporation BC Ferries under direction of the Executive Council of British Columbia, headed at the time by Premier Glen Clark of the New Democratic Party.

In addition to major delays and cost overruns, the ferries never fully met their original specifications, and only operated briefly in a reduced capacity, before being auctioned off at a substantial loss.

So while operating briefly and reduced capacity you rode them many times. Eh. They were only in service from June of 99 till Mar of 2000. And they started construction in 1996 not the 80s. And they were removed from service in 2000. So 20 years ago not 40.
Is that Wikipedia I smell there? Yes, rode on them many times between Nanaimo and Horseshoe Bay. That was during a time when my house and family was on the Island and the industry I was working in was booming beyond belief. Four years later that all changed though, but don't get me started.

Did you ever see them? Walk around inside? If memory serves me correct the project was rushed online to fill the gap after the Polar 8 project was cancelled forcing Versatile shipyards into bankruptcy.
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Re: Provincial joke

Post by 69cutlass »

Gonna skip right past where you said it was 40 years ago aswell. 2000 was 20 years ago
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Re: Provincial joke

Post by Drip_Torch »

69cutlass wrote:How is it fair to require only union companies are allowed to tenure a bid. Unions had their place in time. Today they breed sloth and complacency. As having worked in union and non union shops I was treated better and paid better in the non union ones. And my co-workers were way more productive in the non union shops as well
Because, as you pointed out, all companies have to bid with the same conditions in place. That's the definition of fair - everyone is being treated the same. If you have a company and want to bid - get a collective agreement. What's the issue? Apparently you'll even save money because non union companies pay better.

If I had a nickel for every time I've heard the "paid better, treated better" nonsense, I'd be surrounded in grapes right now worrying about organizing a crane to get my Sea Ray out of the lake.
69cutlass wrote:Gonna skip right past where you said it was 40 years ago aswell. 2000 was 20 years ago.
Right so long ago I mixed up the date and dove right into the battle call of remember 90's while confusing it with the 80's.

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Re: Provincial joke

Post by Gone_Fishin »

The potheads that support the NDP never really seem to remember what year it is, and math, well, uhhhh....

The political interference by the NDP in the fast ferries fiasco rivals Justin Trudeau's SNC antics. Trying to keep their friends' pockets lined, they bypassed every internal control in place that were designed to protect the taxpayers' interest. Those involved should have done hard time for breach of public trust.

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Re: Provincial joke

Post by Drip_Torch »

Last edited by ferri on Oct 10th, 2020, 7:35 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Provincial joke

Post by sixxonesixx »

I voted for NDP last election... they squeaked by. I'm voting for Liberals this time as I want to see if they will really invite private insurance into BC. If they do that, I'll be impressed and decipher their intentions after that.

One thing at a time as each and every party lies every election - even Horgan. A savvy politician will tell you everything you want to hear and talk faster than you can listen. removed

I don't like Liberals or the NDP.

At this point provincially, I feel like the Liberals are the lesser of the evils. Greens remind me of the Federal NDP by boot licking Trudy. Always riding on the coat tail of the power. Provincially, it seems the Greens ride NDP coattails.

Did anyone watch the farce debate on Castanet yesterday? Greens had no idea what was going on with the excuse "Sorry, I have no idea. I have only been a politician for 7 days". Don't get me wrong. Greens have initiative, but no real stance. As bad as it seems, I see no real option for a vote except one that can deal with pandemic, and still take care of business without kissing everyone's backside with a checkbook.
just sayin...
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Re: Provincial joke

Post by 69cutlass »

Trying to discuss reason with an ndp diehard is like trying to argue with a flat earther. Doesnt matter that you may be correct you just can't win.
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Re: Provincial joke

Post by cyruslosco66 »

69cutlass wrote:Trying to discuss reason with an ndp diehard is like trying to argue with a flat earther. Doesnt matter that you may be correct you just can't win.
Everyones opinion is correct in their own mind, but that does not translate to reality :135:
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Re: Provincial joke

Post by The Green Barbarian »

Drip_Torch wrote:
The fast ferries did go into service. I rode on them many times and I also saw the damage they did to the coast. The ships were very nice and well built. The design sucked, but the folks that designed them would never vote NDP in a million years. Gordon Campbell decided to throw the whole industry into the dumpster to make a point about the bad NDP. He could have authorized the sale for many times the amount he ended up dumping them for, but instead parked them in North Vancouver as a :cuss: you to everyone involved.
Wow - talk about revisionist history. We all know how dumb the NDP acted back then, and it just makes you look foolish to even try to spin it a different way to make them look less dumb. The past is the past, the NDP were idiots, let's all move on already.
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Re: Provincial joke

Post by 69cutlass »

indianlarry66 wrote:
69cutlass wrote:Trying to discuss reason with an ndp diehard is like trying to argue with a flat earther. Doesnt matter that you may be correct you just can't win.
Everyones opinion is correct in their own mind, but that does not translate to reality :135:

Did you mean to say there are those that are correct and those with delusions. Better to be quiet and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt....
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Re: Provincial joke

Post by Drip_Torch »

The Green Barbarian wrote:
Drip_Torch wrote:
The fast ferries did go into service. I rode on them many times and I also saw the damage they did to the coast. The ships were very nice and well built. The design sucked, but the folks that designed them would never vote NDP in a million years. Gordon Campbell decided to throw the whole industry into the dumpster to make a point about the bad NDP. He could have authorized the sale for many times the amount he ended up dumping them for, but instead parked them in North Vancouver as a :cuss: you to everyone involved.
Wow - talk about revisionist history. We all know how dumb the NDP acted back then, and it just makes you look foolish to even try to spin it a different way to make them look less dumb. The past is the past, the NDP were idiots, let's all move on already.
Maybe if you were on the coast and working amongst some people that had been displaced from the ship building industry you'd see it a little differently. Maybe not. I agree, the past is the past and the Fast Ferries were a failure, from construction to disposal, but they were still nice ships (construction, fit and finish wise) and the workers that built them were not to blame. Let's move on.

The topic was introduced around the premise of the NDP putting some money towards regenerating the ship building industry in BC. I don't see any indication they intend to start building fast ferries.

Is there a problem with investing in the future of that industry, or could we also agree the timing is right for this type of investment?
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Re: Provincial joke

Post by 69cutlass »

And my point was the ndp have no business in shipbuilding because of said past. Those that do not learn from the mistake of the past will be doomed to repeat them.
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Re: Provincial joke

Post by Drip_Torch »

69cutlass wrote:And my point was the ndp have no business in shipbuilding because of said past. Those that do not learn from the mistake of the past will be doomed to repeat them.
So ship building be damned, you're against this investment because the NDP committed to making it. "Consistent" is definitely a trait amongst the BC liberal supporters I've come to expect. That's why every time a BC Liberal supporter starts talking about ICBC, I cringe. Those that don't learn from mistakes of the past are destined to repeat them and we can't afford to let Andrew Wilkinson reignite the ICBC dumpster fire.
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Re: Provincial joke

Post by 69cutlass »

I am by no means a liberal supporter. Just an avid anti ndp supporter. It's been proven time and again the ndp make life worse for the middle class by promising more socialism for the rest. You can't give to someone without first taking it from others. Ship building can and should be supported by industry. Not government and specifically not this government.
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Re: Provincial joke

Post by Urban Cowboy »

:up: :up: :up:
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