16 months to BC election - or this October?

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Re: 16 months to BC election - or this October?

Post by cyruslosco66 »

Bowinn ma talks about BCLibs lack of leadership concerning the sexist attacks against her .

https://twitter.com/CBCEarlyEdition/sta ... 43873?s=20
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Re: 16 months to BC election - or this October?

Post by d0nb »

BC’s very own Cowardly Lion and Emperor-at-large Premier John Horgan, dazzled by opinion polls that indicate that the evil Liberals have failed to excite voter interest, has called a snap let’s-enjoy-the-pandemic-while-it-lasts election.

Having lost the previous election, the NDP (Never Democratic Party?) and their useful idiots, the Greens, snatched power from the tired, self-serving Liberals even though those Liberals won more seats and votes than Horgan's NDP. Naturally, Horgan didn't hesitate to seize the opportunity to stab the Greens in the back, reneging on the agreement he made with them not to call an election before the fall of 2021, the betrayal made all the more delicious by the fact that the hapless Greens were caught flat-footed with a new leader and no nominated candidates. The Greens can scream all they want, but they got just what they deserved; anyone with an ounce of sense knows that deals with the NDP devil never turn out well.

Being constrained by their precarious hold on the reins of power, the Dips haven’t been free to do as much damage as they might have had they enjoyed a majority, but they certainly haven’t done much good. Even putting an end to BC’s useless, life-endangering seasonal time changes, an overwhelmingly popular (93 per cent) promise that could and should have been kept was cast aside, simply because Horgan and his crew lacked the courage to act without American leadership.

Will the Liberals pull a similar stunt with their promise to end the ICBC insurance monopoly if they are victorious on the 24th? With a few notable exceptions like the ‘Bad Orange Man,’ promise-keeping and politicians are notoriously poor bedfellows.

Of course, this election is just spectacle to the fortunate residents of the beautiful Okanagan, where a rich concentration of exceptionally erudite voters virtually assures that the NDP and their deceptions will be kept properly socially distanced.

Happy voting.
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Re: 16 months to BC election - or this October?

Post by Ka-El »

How the Liberals roasted themselves in B.C.’s snap election campaign

When John Horgan and his New Democrats executed a near-flawless seizure of power in British Columbia three years ago, the vanquished Liberals gloomily took their seats on the opposition benches.


A leadership contest was bound to reinvigorate the Liberal party faithful. And the New Democrats were bound to blunder, as they had often done in the past when handed power.

With a limited shelf life for most minority governments, the B.C. Liberals could dare to dream of soon returning to power.
But it hasn't worked out that way. Now Horgan has called a snap election — breaking his deal with the Green Party to do it — and he seems poised to win a majority government on Oct. 24.

How did Horgan parlay his fragile minority into a huge lead in the opinion polls?

One reason is new Liberal boss Andrew Wilkinson has proven to be a stiff, uninspiring leader

http://www.msn.com/en-ca/news/other/com ... &ocid=iehp
It probably doesn’t help that he kind of looks like and might remind some people of Gordon Campbell. I became a member of the BC Liberal Party and helped to select Christy Clark (she was my second choice on the ballot) and voted Liberal in the next two elections. Like many I was miffed by the manner in which Horgan came to power but have since accepted such a maneuver was nothing new in politics. I was also more than miffed when they took the already approved TMX pipeline to Court. Aside from that; however, I think Horgan has done a commendable job, including the handling of the COVID pandemic, and his proposed campaign promises seem to be going over fairly well. Assuming no major eff up of Adrian Dix proportions between now and next weekend I’ll likely be changing my vote back to NDP and know others who are feeling the same way.
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Re: 16 months to BC election - or this October?

Post by Urbane »

I think it's likely a foregone conclusion that Horgan will get his majority, though my predictions are frequently wrong, but people should be asking what kind of government Horgan will run once he has free rein. Horgan certainly was within his legal rights to break the supply and confidence agreement with the Greens and also within his legal rights to ignore the fixed election law but, as the old saying goes, just because you have the right doesn't make it right.

All three parties in the Legislature were working collaboratively. Motions re covid-19 were being passed unanimously and the level of co-operation was seemingly unprecedented. And yet, the same guy who at least went through the motions extolling the virtues of PR, was troubled by some "disagreements over the summer." No, there was no threat to bring down the government but there were some "disagreements." So Horgan blew it all up and forced an election on the province so that we wouldn't be dealing with politics. Yeah, he really said that.
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Re: 16 months to BC election - or this October?

Post by cyruslosco66 »

The former BCLib for chilliwack kent made some bad remarks on contraception and has now resigned . Will run as indy .
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Re: 16 months to BC election - or this October?

Post by cyruslosco66 »

BCLibs again make a mistake . now under fire for misusing a person without permission . and in a misleading way .
https://pressprogress.ca/pull-the-ad-an ... rug-users/

At this point the BClibs are the keystone kops of canadian landscape
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Re: 16 months to BC election - or this October?

Post by cyruslosco66 »

College of docs give high marks to Ndp on health policy .

https://www.citynews1130.com/2020/10/20 ... hysicians/
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Re: 16 months to BC election - or this October?

Post by cyruslosco66 »

Looks like ndp will win tonight .
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Re: 16 months to BC election - or this October?

Post by cyruslosco66 »

Breaking : Cbc is calling BcNdp will form a majority with gains into conservative ridings .

https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british- ... -1.5776058
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Re: 16 months to BC election - or this October?

Post by Urban Cowboy »

Well I guess now that the election is over you can stop talking to yourself. [icon_lol2.gif]
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Re: 16 months to BC election - or this October?

Post by Glacier »

Eric Foster is only up by less than 200 votes in the North Okanagan. Given the fact that mail in ballots tend to lean more left, and given the number of ballots this time, he could join the list of high profile liberals going down to defeat.
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Re: 16 months to BC election - or this October?

Post by Gone_Fishin »

Quite a predictable outcome. Bonnie was a shoe-in for victory while Wilkinson slept at the switch.

Please John, don't screw up the province too badly between now and 2024. Be like George Costanza. If every instinct you have is wrong, then the opposite would have to be right.


I'm on #TeamReg for 2025!
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Re: 16 months to BC election - or this October?

Post by Urban Cowboy »

^^ :up: :up: :up:
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Re: 16 months to BC election - or this October?

Post by bob vernon »

Let's see, which would I prefer. Horgan or the vacuuous empty smile of Christie Clark running the province?
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Re: 16 months to BC election - or this October?

Post by Urban Cowboy »

bob vernon wrote:Let's see, which would I prefer. Horgan or the vacuuous empty smile of Christie Clark running the province?
Newsflash Christie Clark is no longer in politics so NOT in any danger of running the province. Try to keep up.
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