Joe Biden Discussion

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Re: Joe Biden

Post by foenix »

The Green Barbarian wrote:
foenix wrote:
If that bar is Trump, I agree.
No, the bar is Biden giving inspirational speeches. Most of the time they are uninspiring yawn-fests, as he babbles on mis-reading his teleprompter.
Biden is peaking at the right time for Nov. I wonder if Trump is coming out of the basement because it's a one sided race right now. I do hope tho when he starts competing against Biden, he doesnt infect everyone around them because there seems to be a blackout of info from the WH as to his status.
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Re: Joe Biden

Post by The Green Barbarian »

foenix wrote:
Biden is peaking at the right time for Nov.
LOL - yes, he's definitely "peaking" after taking most of the entire presidential campaign off, hiding in his basement. Great strategy to just hide and sleep. It's definitely given the US a great snap shot of what a Biden presidency would look like. Keep "peaking" Joe, it's definitely better than your sniffing.
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Re: Joe Biden

Post by foenix »

The Green Barbarian wrote:
foenix wrote:
Biden is peaking at the right time for Nov.
LOL - yes, he's definitely "peaking" after taking most of the entire presidential campaign off, hiding in his basement. Great strategy to just hide and sleep. It's definitely given the US a great snap shot of what a Biden presidency would look like. Keep "peaking" Joe, it's definitely better than your sniffing.
When the incumbent is tripping all over himself, acting bizzarre, self inflicting himself with the "fake" virus and generally doing everything to wreck his chances of re-election, Biden did the right thing by example what most sensible Americans were doing,
self isolating and taking precautions when going out like wearing a simple thing like a mask. It sure looks like that common sense strategy worked because now it's the other guy pouting, hiding and sleeping in the basement from a self inflicted Covid infection and it's Biden on the road doing virtual townhall meetings and generally doing everything to win come November.
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Re: Joe Biden

Post by Thinktank »

foenix wrote:... it's Biden on the road ....
I hope that crook never goes on the road again - to start a 15,000 dead person war while his son
gets $3.5 million FREE from Europe's poorest people.

they overthrew the government and installed criminals that slaughtered 15,000

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Re: Joe Biden

Post by foenix »

Thinktank wrote:
foenix wrote:... it's Biden on the road ....
I hope that crook never goes on the road again - to start a 15,000 dead person war while his son
gets $3.5 million FREE from Europe's poorest people.......

they overthrew the government and installed criminals that slaughtered 15,000
Nothing to see...unfortunately for the GOP, they found absolutely NOTHING when they investigated the Bidens. They tried hard but alias.....nothing.

Perhaps that line of topic would have better success in the conspiracy thread.
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Re: Joe Biden

Post by RupertBear »

The Green Barbarian wrote:
foenix wrote:
Biden is peaking at the right time for Nov.
LOL - yes, he's definitely "peaking" after taking most of the entire presidential campaign off, hiding in his basement. Great strategy to just hide and sleep. It's definitely given the US a great snap shot of what a Biden presidency would look like. Keep "peaking" Joe, it's definitely better than your sniffing.
That's funny. Biden stays safe during the campaign and watches his poll numbers climb. Trump ignores the CDC health warnings, and then infects himself and a good chunk of his staff, at the most crucial time of the election. Not surprisingly, his poll number tank.
The American public is getting a chance to see who the real leader is. And before anyone tries to deflect, the real leader isn't Cadet COVID, Donald Trump.
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Re: Joe Biden

Post by Thinktank »

Why all of a sudden the forum is silent?

Reminds me of when Fukushima got really bad - Gloria Macarenko went SILENT. :smt045

Joe Biden just blew himself up - like Fukushima

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Re: Joe Biden

Post by averagejoe »

The Joe meeting happened, the emails are correct and Joe took 10% of equity': Bannon says EVERYTHING reported in Hunter laptop scandal is true and reveals how lawyer for Biden's son tried to get hard drive back - proving 'it's no Russian intel op'
Steve Bannon said Sunday everything found on Hunter Biden's lap top is true

'Joe Biden has lied about this for years,' the former White House strategist said
He also revealed that Hunter Biden's lawyer tried desperately to get the hard drive back after it was left at a lap top repair shop with his water damaged Mac ... -TRUE.html
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Re: Joe Biden

Post by Gilchy »

Ban on? Same guy who is out on bail for fraud charges? Seems like a reliable source.
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Re: Joe Biden

Post by foenix »

[icon_lol2.gif] Is this the same Bannon that's been charged with money laundering and caught aboard a Chinese billionaire's yacht plotting with Giuliani to manufacture dirt on the Bidens just for this election. That this is the best they could come up with after 4 years of globe trotting . Bannon is supposedly a smart guy but this story has as many holes as Swiss cheese......and of course we're suppose to take ole Stevie's word for it because................?
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Re: Joe Biden

Post by rustled »

averagejoe wrote:The Joe meeting happened, the emails are correct and Joe took 10% of equity': Bannon says EVERYTHING reported in Hunter laptop scandal is true and reveals how lawyer for Biden's son tried to get hard drive back - proving 'it's no Russian intel op'
Steve Bannon said Sunday everything found on Hunter Biden's lap top is true

'Joe Biden has lied about this for years,' the former White House strategist said
He also revealed that Hunter Biden's lawyer tried desperately to get the hard drive back after it was left at a lap top repair shop with his water damaged Mac ... -TRUE.html
It's interesting to consider whether or not the FBI will come clean on this, and what the implications are for America if they refuse to do so.
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Re: Joe Biden

Post by foenix »

rustled wrote:
averagejoe wrote:The Joe meeting happened, the emails are correct and Joe took 10% of equity': Bannon says EVERYTHING reported in Hunter laptop scandal is true and reveals how lawyer for Biden's son tried to get hard drive back - proving 'it's no Russian intel op'
Steve Bannon said Sunday everything found on Hunter Biden's lap top is true

'Joe Biden has lied about this for years,' the former White House strategist said
He also revealed that Hunter Biden's lawyer tried desperately to get the hard drive back after it was left at a lap top repair shop with his water damaged Mac ... -TRUE.html
It's interesting to consider whether or not the FBI will come clean on this, and what the implications are for America if they refuse to do so.
I'm sure they learned their lesson with Comey releasing politically sensitive stuff before the election as per their policy not to but then again they are led by Barr and Wray. Also Barr is looking to put something out there for his boss, Trump because his other efforts fell like duds.

There is no implication of anything coming out before the election, its suppose to be the FBI policy which Comey broke in 2016.....and here we though Comey was doing favors for Hillary [icon_lol2.gif].

The tapes/drives won't even make it to first base as it's looking more and more like a fake implant by the Russians, Giuliani and Bannon each day that goes by.
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Re: Joe Biden

Post by seewood »

foenix wrote:The tapes/drives won't even make it to first base as it's looking more and more like a fake implant by the Russians, Giuliani and Bannon each day that goes by.
The amount of sniveling from Fox is astounding on this.
Twitter and Facebook I believe had mentioned they are not allowing, or taking down or warning that certain posts are Fake.
Until these tapes are proven beyond a reasonable doubt they are true, and not Bannon's or Giuliani's word, I doubt they will be seen or heard from.

A tv talking head this morning mentioned if Twitter and Facebook had started censoring lies and fake news years ago, these supposed hard drives would not be an issue today.

To have the hard drives be dropped off at a little computer shop in Delaware when Hunter lives in California, just weeks before an election and Giuliani just happens to have a copy after spending months trying to dig up dirt on the Biden's does not pass any smell test.
Hard drives : Russian produced fake news.
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Re: Joe Biden

Post by fluffy »

foenix wrote: Bannon is supposedly a smart guy but this story has as many holes as Swiss cheese......and of course we're suppose to take ole Stevie's word for it because................?
He cut a deal for a get-out-of-jail-free card ?
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Re: Joe Biden

Post by foenix »

fluffy wrote:
foenix wrote: Bannon is supposedly a smart guy but this story has as many holes as Swiss cheese......and of course we're suppose to take ole Stevie's word for it because................?
He cut a deal for a get-out-of-jail-free card ? that's an angle I haven't considered. I noticed Bannon was defending the buffoon like he was listening and predicting he would run again in 2024 if.....gasp......lost to Biden. But I think Steve forgot the Don will probably be in jail by then.

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