Liberal resignation: free contraception for poor people

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Liberal resignation: free contraception for poor people

Post by mattinkelowna »

VANCOUVER (NEWS 1130) – B.C. Liberal candidate Laurie Throness is under fire, again, this time for controversial comments about free contraception , comparing the NDP’s plan to one that’s trying to prevent poor people from getting pregnant. ... -eugenics/

The first time he was under fire was because of homophobic comments.

CBC also reports that some mail-in ballots casting a vote for the B.C. Liberal Party in Chilliwack-Kent have likely already been submitted, but it's unclear what happens to them now that the party no longer has a candidate in the riding.
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Re: Liberal resignation: free contraception for poor people

Post by bob vernon »

He's a candidate in the election. His name is on the ballot. If he wins, he will get a seat in the Legislature, but it won't be as a Liberal party member. He would sit as an independent.
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Re: Liberal resignation: free contraception for poor people

Post by gordon_as »

All of the right wingers in Chilliwack will still vote for him because they share his Religious agenda. The Liberals had to dump him to distance themselves from his embarrassing admissions. He will sit as an independent , but make no mistake , he will vote with his Liberal cronies.
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Pete Podoski
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Re: Liberal resignation: free contraception for poor people

Post by Pete Podoski »

gordon_as wrote:All of the right wingers in Chilliwack will still vote for him because they share his Religious agenda. The Liberals had to dump him to distance themselves from his embarrassing admissions. He will sit as an independent , but make no mistake , he will vote with his Liberal cronies.
He'd be really stupid if he voted for any N.D.P. ideas.
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Re: Liberal resignation: free contraception for poor people

Post by Veovis »

He just missed the point completely. Free contraception is one thing, FORCED contraception including vasectomy's and tubal ligation would be Eugenics.

The difference is choice.
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Re: Liberal resignation: free contraception for poor people

Post by Ka-El »

It seems the Liberal Party under Andrew Wilkinson is quickly falling apart as we near the election. Even the Party executive is now questioning his leadership. Wilkinson was just a really bad choice from the beginning for the Liberals (I suspect they might have been doing much better right now had Christy Clark been kept on as opposition leader) and that is really showing itself in this campaign. For better or worse I believe there is a really good chance we’ll be looking at an NDP majority.
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The Green Barbarian
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Re: Liberal resignation: free contraception for poor people

Post by The Green Barbarian »

Pete Podoski wrote:
He'd be really stupid if he voted for any N.D.P. ideas.
Yeah, why would anyone vote for any NDP ideas? No one with a brain would vote any differently than to vote with the Liberals.
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Re: Liberal resignation: free contraception for poor people

Post by Veovis »

What a ridiculous conclusion to to come to after an idiot misinterpreting something, saying something foolish and being dropped by the party after doing it.

The liberal party acted properly in this instance I think. They ditched him, you however run off in some odd tangent.
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Re: Liberal resignation: free contraception for poor people

Post by Ka-El »

Veovis wrote: The liberal party acted properly in this instance I think. They ditched him, you however run off in some odd tangent.

I agree the Liberal party acted fairly and properly by allowing him to resign. However, watching the news on Global at lunch (tried to find a link) and more is definitely underfoot with, as already stated, the party executive now questioning his leadership. Not really an odd tangent as both these issues are directly related to involving Wilkinson’s leadership, or lack thereof.
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Re: Liberal resignation: free contraception for poor people

Post by flamingfingers »

It seems the Liberal Party under Andrew Wilkinson is quickly falling apart as we near the election. Even the Party executive is now questioning his leadership. Wilkinson was just a really bad choice from the beginning for the Liberals
You have to ALMOST feel sorry for poor Andrew. He really has no leadership skills and is so bereft of any sort of personality it's small wonder the party executive is questioning is (non) leadership. But WHO in that party could ever inspire that mongrel group to act cohesively for the benefit of BC and not their own interests after 16 years of "I'm for me." (Thanks to Gordo and Christy.)

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