I think I might vote Green this year

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I think I might vote Green this year

Post by UsedToBeDecided »

I've voted for Norm Letnick since 2009. At first it was because I liked Gordon Campbell, but then he turned out to be alright at the job and Clark was tolerable.... Wilkinson though, ick!! I might be an old guy, but I wasn't born yesterday and that man is a snake in a skin suit! The last thing I want is a guy like that getting into power and doing who knows what with our money.

So I didn't know if I could vote for Norm this year. But Horgan is just as big a con man as he is, and I thought the Greens were a bunch of anti-nuclear nuts. I only turned on the debate on Tuesday because the kid told me to watch it.

WOW!! Sonia Fursenau blew me away!! Horgan and Wilkinson never stopped complaining about each other, for stuff they'd both done, and she just kept cutting through all the bull :cuss: . Like, I don't get it all, but my grandkids are part indigenous, and some of the crap they go through for it is just terrible. She said exactly how I felt. And she kept talking about working together in service to British Columbians and I think she'd actually do it too..... I miss when politics was about that.

Then I looked up the Green candidate here, and it turned out he's actually an economist at UBCO, not a nutjob at all!! Phd and everything. And the other Kelowna candidates are a health analyst and an engineer... so now I actually feel pretty good about them. Not sure I'm ready to tell the world yet though.... what do you think :130:
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Re: I think I might vote Green this year

Post by Ka-El »

UsedToBeDecided wrote: ... so now I actually feel pretty good about them. Not sure I'm ready to tell the world yet though.... what do you think :130:
From liking Gordon Campbell to considering voting Green – wow, that was quite the journey. I was also very impressed with Fursenau but I don’t know I’m quite ready to vote Green. Since you asked, I know we should all vote for who we want, but I’ve always been wary of “wasting” my vote. I know that is a bad counter argument but that’s just me. But to directly answer your question, I think you should vote for who you want to vote for.
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Re: I think I might vote Green this year

Post by Bsuds »

Ka-El wrote: I’ve always been wary of “wasting” my vote.
I think the only "wasted" vote is the one who doesn't vote at all.
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Re: I think I might vote Green this year

Post by cyruslosco66 »

UsedToBeDecided wrote:I've voted for Norm Letnick since 2009. At first it was because I liked Gordon Campbell, but then he turned out to be alright at the job and Clark was tolerable.... Wilkinson though, ick!! I might be an old guy, but I wasn't born yesterday and that man is a snake in a skin suit! The last thing I want is a guy like that getting into power and doing who knows what with our money.

So I didn't know if I could vote for Norm this year. But Horgan is just as big a con man as he is, and I thought the Greens were a bunch of anti-nuclear nuts. I only turned on the debate on Tuesday because the kid told me to watch it.

WOW!! Sonia Fursenau blew me away!! Horgan and Wilkinson never stopped complaining about each other, for stuff they'd both done, and she just kept cutting through all the bull :cuss: . Like, I don't get it all, but my grandkids are part indigenous, and some of the *bleep* they go through for it is just terrible. She said exactly how I felt. And she kept talking about working together in service to British Columbians and I think she'd actually do it too..... I miss when politics was about that.

Then I looked up the Green candidate here, and it turned out he's actually an economist at UBCO, not a nutjob at all!! Phd and everything. And the other Kelowna candidates are a health analyst and an engineer... so now I actually feel pretty good about them. Not sure I'm ready to tell the world yet though.... what do you think :130:
im voting green in bc because im done with racists and bigots for leaders .
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Re: I think I might vote Green this year

Post by The Green Barbarian »

indianlarry66 wrote: im voting green in bc because im done with racists and bigots for leaders .
There are no racists or bigots as leaders, but if you vote Green you definitely get to vote for someone who is mentally insane.
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Re: I think I might vote Green this year

Post by southy »

The Green Barbarian wrote:
indianlarry66 wrote: im voting green in bc because im done with racists and bigots for leaders .
There are no racists or bigots as leaders, but if you vote Green you definitely get to vote for someone who is mentally insane.
Quick with the judgment - prove it! I thought so!
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Re: I think I might vote Green this year

Post by Gone_Fishin »

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Re: I think I might vote Green this year

Post by d0nb »

indianlarry66 wrote: im voting green in bc because im done with racists and bigots for leaders .
The Green Barbarian wrote:There are no racists or bigots as leaders, but if you vote Green you definitely get to vote for someone who is mentally insane.
southy wrote:Quick with the judgment - prove it! I thought so!
So there’s no problem with groundlessly labeling people as racist bigots, but don’t call them insane. Got it. [icon_lol2.gif]
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Re: I think I might vote Green this year

Post by d0nb »

It’s nice that those who want bigger, costlier, more intrusive government can now choose between three alternatives. For the rest of us, this election isn’t anything to get excited about.

I’m from the government and I’m here to help you.

According to Furstenau, with the Greens in power, we could look forward to silliness like this:

Q: How would you implement a four-day work week in BC?
A: I would use incentives to encourage employers to adopt a shorter work week.

Government should legislate, not use public funds to cajole. Using ‘incentives‘ to ‘encourage’ business to operate the way the government wants is as dangerous as forcing government to act like a business - a sure-fire recipe for failure. As a historian, Furstenau should know better.

Happy voting.
The biggest problem of censorship is that it tends to be the last resort of the ideologically arrogant and intellectually lazy … A day spent in defense of freedom of speech is a day spent in the company of bigots and hate mongers. – Omid Malekan

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