Family loses $12k through TikTok

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Tik Tok screw up

Post by vegas1500 » ... ded#315067

Thoughts? Although I believe the credit card company possibly should have sent a notification, I feel the parents are 100% responsible for the costs.
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Re: Family loses $12k through TikTok

Post by kelownman »

"We are so grateful ... I did not even imagine this, this is amazing. This is the best news we've had in months, in regards to this." ... htm#315256

They SHOULD be grateful and thank their lucky stars that OTHERS saved them from themselves!
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Re: Family loses $12k through TikTok

Post by Bsuds »

I'm glad they are getting a refund and hope this will teach other parents to be more diligent.

I check my CC online regularly to make sure there are no bogus charges on it and have caught a few in the past. If they did that they would have stopped this before it got so outrageous.
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Re: Family loses $12k through TikTok

Post by Queen K »

If nothing else, the public has also learned a great deal from this story.
Regardless of who "wins" an election, they always are up against a Silent Elite. Do you believe the extreme poor who voted for Trump ever thought their non-profit support would be slashed right out from under them?
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Re: Family loses $12k through TikTok

Post by Even Steven »

Oh well. The squeaky wheel gets $12K.
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Re: Family loses $12k through TikTok

Post by t76turbo »

^^^Have they learned?
I recall plenty of cases of YouTube and exorbitant cell phone bills incurred by youngsters on family trips.

I’ve got a 12 year old kid and she does not have a phone nor will she ever have access to any of my credit cards. She does however already have a weekend cleaning job where she earns $100 a month. She understands the value of money. As parents WE are failing our young when we don’t teach responsibility.

Parents are lucky they wiggled out of their responsibility here.

I used to slip a 5’er or 10’er out of my father’s wallet now and then when I was a kid. I knew exactly what I was doing.
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Re: Family loses $12k through TikTok

Post by W105 »

I know parents who have gotten ipads for their kids as young as 4 yrs old..instant babysitter

I remember when my kid was 11 yrs old, all his friends had cell phones or ipods or a laptop, he was actually teased because of it...I had parents telling me to "get with the times"

I'm not gonna beat up on a 12 yr old kid who obviously has a serious lack of self esteem that her life revolved around getting "likes" at any cost...hope her parents get her some help about that...the tween yrs mold how they think and act when they get older...

and again I do wonder why their credit card wasn't flagged with $12,000 worth of charges in one mth ?? especially when it was being used on one item..

anyways glad it all worked out for them :)
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Re: Family loses $12k through TikTok

Post by alanjh595 »

W105 wrote:I'm not gonna beat up on a 12 yr old kid who obviously has a serious lack of self esteem that her life revolved around getting "likes" at any cost...
I feel sorry for this child, in that her "likes" obtained from a bunch of internet, anonymous, "friends" defines her as a person.
Her parents share in this child's psychological issues, and should be ashamed of their failure in setting boundaries. They fear the loss of the love from their daughter for restricting her wants.
Bring back the LIKE button.
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Re: Family loses $12k through TikTok

Post by kgcayenne »

W105 wrote:I know parents who have gotten ipads for their kids as young as 4 yrs old..instant babysitter

I remember when my kid was 11 yrs old, all his friends had cell phones or ipods or a laptop, he was actually teased because of it...I had parents telling me to "get with the times"

I'm not gonna beat up on a 12 yr old kid who obviously has a serious lack of self esteem that her life revolved around getting "likes" at any cost...hope her parents get her some help about that...the tween yrs mold how they think and act when they get older...

and again I do wonder why their credit card wasn't flagged with $12,000 worth of charges in one mth ?? especially when it was being used on one item..

anyways glad it all worked out for them :)
I’m glad they will be reimbursed, but I hope this child is helped.

When my daughter wanted an iPhone (the 4 was just out) it went like this:
Her. “Mom can I...”
Me: “No.”
Her: “but I didn’t even..”
Me: “you are not getting an iPhone”
Her: “but so & so has one, and this person and everyone...”
Me: “That’s their problem.”
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Re: Family loses $12k through TikTok

Post by sherashera »

I have zero sympathy for these parents. Who let's their 12 year old on tik tok to begin with? A generation raised on tablets and phones. Maybe the parents will smarten up.
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Re: Family loses $12k through TikTok

Post by stuphoto »

W105 wrote:I know parents who have gotten ipads for their kids as young as 4 yrs old.
When I was 4 years old an iPad would have lasted me 4 minutes or less before being smashed all over the house.
The box would have kept me occupied for days.
By age 12 I wouldn't have smashed an iPad, however I would have dissected it within 10 minutes.
I still can't reassemble most electronics, but it's fun trying :biggrin:
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Re: Family loses $12k through TikTok

Post by Bsuds »

kgcayenne wrote: Me: “That’s their problem.”
My favorite reply was "sounds like a personal problem"
I'm old enough to remember when Plastic bags were the solution to the destruction of trees!
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Re: Family loses $12k through TikTok

Post by JayByrd »

The child likely didn't realize the purchases within the app were linked to real money. Or maybe she did, and didn't realize how much they were adding up. Kids can be both incredibly savvy and incredibly dumb, sometimes in the same breath.

I don't blame the parents for trying to get the charges reversed; it was worth a shot and it worked out. They weren't owed a break but TikTok/Apple were kind enough to give them one. Good for them.
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Re: Family loses $12k through TikTok

Post by oneh2obabe »

Hopefully the parents learned a lesson and disabled the app linking their daughter's device to the mother’s credit card authorizing purchases.
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Re: Family loses $12k through TikTok

Post by Podonk »

I would like to see so pictures of this girl doing some nice things to help our community or the less fortunate. Maybe her parents should go out with her to ring the bells for the Christmas Kettle. I really am tired of seeing stupidity being rewarded. I got nothing nice to say about any of it, absolutely unbelievable.

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