They fought for our freedom

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Re: They fought for our freedom

Post by rustled »

The Defence Department says it's identified remains of a Canadian soldier buried in a cemetery in the Netherlands near the end of the Second World War.

Trooper Henry George Johnston's identity was confirmed under a program dedicated to identifying newly found skeletal remains and Canadian service members buried in nameless graves.

Johnston was buried as an unknown soldier in 1945 in the Commonwealth War Graves Commission’s Mook war cemetery in the Netherlands. ... r-75-years
I'm pleased they're making the attempt to identify the unidentified.
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Re: They fought for our freedom

Post by GordonH »

Reuniting of a Veteran possessions with his Family :up: :up: ... ith-family
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Re: They fought for our freedom

Post by GordonH »

Whomever ever is responsible for this should be ashamed of themselves and turn themselves in. ... d-Thursday
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Re: They fought for our freedom

Post by Sonny Taylor »

I've just learned that the Canadian soldier killed in a live fire exercise accident recently in Alberta is James Choi.

Seems to me that he is clearly of Chinese descent. We have no draft in Canada; nobody is forcing young males into the military. So I can only he assume that he volunteered for the job. That surely would also imply that he supported Canadian values.

To volunteer to be in a country's army (particularly infantry) and potentially having to kill or maim someone face to face (or in hand to hand combat) or be killed themselves; takes a lot of courage and deep beliefs. This man like other veterans deserves our utmost respect.

I say that as a German born (10 years after WWII) Canadian citizen who's father was in the German Navy in WWII. (I grew up here, but I am as Canadian as anyone).

I hope those who direct racist rants (even violence) against others who don't look like the majority might think about this. Anyone who is willing to fight for the rest of Canadians deserves respect. Race, colour or culture doesn't matter. Canadian is Canadian no matter all that stuff.

R.I.P. Mr. Choi.

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Re: They fought for our freedom

Post by The Green Barbarian »

We told yall Project 2025 wasn't real.
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Re: They fought for our freedom

Post by The Green Barbarian »

DebSS wrote:I remember my Dad talking about his ship getting hit. They were on the deck and all hell broke loose. He turned to look for the guy that was next to him and he was gone. (dead and not much left) He never talked about the war much only the good times he had with people or what his Convoy did. Never went to the Cenotaph, as he said I can remember just as well at home. I understand why they say so many self medicated, no help for their PTSD. Maybe we should remember them all the time when we do things that we appreciate and not just on one day of the year.
Have you seen the Tom Hanks movie Greyhound? I highly recommend it.
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Re: They fought for our freedom

Post by seewood »

Thank you past, present and future vets.

Also a thank you for the support offered by their loved ones, partners, parents, kids etc.
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Re: They fought for our freedom

Post by GordonH »

seewood wrote: Thank you past, present and future vets.

Also a thank you for the support offered by their loved ones, partners, parents, kids etc.
:up: :up:
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Re: They fought for our freedom

Post by GordonH »

Everyone please take a moment on this 11th day of the 11th month at the 11th hour on the 11th minute, take moment of silence in honour of those who made the ultimate sacrifice.

We mustn’t forget
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Re: They fought for our freedom

Post by Richadio »

Watching a news video this morning , ran across that some ceremonies in some cities (Ont.) are by invite only. You can not attend Remembrance ceremony if you are not invited. Ceremonies are generally held on public property in open public areas.
So who has the power to tell you to move along for not having an invite? Will order followers be out in full force to tell you to leave public spaces? Tyranny is getting out of control
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Re: They fought for our freedom

Post by Centurion »

What is the point of Remembrance Day if we no longer have the freedoms we used to protect and cherish ?
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Re: They fought for our freedom

Post by Richadio »

Centurion wrote:What is the point of Remembrance Day if we no longer have the freedoms we used to protect and cherish ?
Just watched a couple ceremonies from Victoria and Vancouver on tv and what a disgrace to the fallen that temporary fences were installed 100's of feet back from the cenotaphs to keep viewers back. In Victoria people were lining the sidewalks around the park in order to take in the ceremony.
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Re: They fought for our freedom

Post by sobrohusfat »

...I just never felt totally clean again."
The adventure continues...

No good story ever started with; "So i stayed home."
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Re: They fought for our freedom

Post by Even Steven »

Centurion wrote:What is the point of Remembrance Day if we no longer have the freedoms we used to protect and cherish ?
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Re: They fought for our freedom

Post by Tuttle »

My grandfather fought during ww2 and murdered people in thier sleep, that's war! There is nothing good about war or murder or cloniaztion. The other thing he taught me well was never point a gun at anyone unless you plan to pull the trigger.

If you believe that the people in ww2 fought for thier freedom then you have forgotten that The people in Soviet Union and China who fought and died in ww2 had fewer freedoms then the Nazis or Japanese. And that every nation on earth had refused the Jewish refugees from Nazis Germany! We may have been free in 1939 but we as racist as racist gets.

In war you fight for your life and the lives of those who you fight with. And it turns people into animals just like a police dog can never be a pet no soldier can ever return home. War is evil and makes all those who fight in it murders!

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