Poll: Do You Support More Gun Control Laws?

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Poll: Do You Support More Gun Control Laws?

Post by Treblehook »

This question seems irksome to me. The more appropriate issue is the failure of our prosecutors and courts to effectively prosecute and effectively sentence persons who have violated that existing firearms laws. What is the point in creating new laws when those that already are on the books are not used?

https://www.castanet.net/news/Poll/3250 ... -measures-
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Re: Poll: Do You Support More Gun Control Laws?

Post by seewood »

As for the title, yes I do want more gun control laws for the scum that inhabit within our society and insist on shooting each other over drugs and the like.

Is this reality? Not in the least. Mine are locked up as are the majority of law abiding firearm owners who respect the PRIVILEGE of owning fire arms.

Canada , in my opinion, have laws regarding firearms that work for the most of us. Yes there will be some that " crack" and are in the news because of firearm use, don't know how to prevent that unless Canada prohibits ALL firearm ownership. Political suicide.
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Re: Poll: Do You Support More Gun Control Laws?

Post by Babba_not_Gump »

Are there stiffer penalties for committing a crime while using a firearm?
If not then there has to be.
If there is, then apparently they aren't severe enough.
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Re: Poll: Do You Support More Gun Control Laws?

Post by bob vernon »

I want extreme penalties for use of a firearm when committing a crime. BUT..... I want the right to arm myself inside my home to protect my family from crime. As a victim of a home invasion, I want to be armed to the max in the future in case this ever happens again. I currently have several machetes and axes concealed through the house, but I'd really like something like a Mossberg Shockwave. Or a couple of them.
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Re: Poll: Do You Support More Gun Control Laws?

Post by Gone_Fishin »

The people have spoken. Go to hell, Justin Trudeau.
Do you support more federal gun control measures?

Total Votes: 15317
Yes: 28.35%
No: 69.32%
Unsure: 2.33%

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Re: Poll: Do You Support More Gun Control Laws?

Post by GordonH »

With or without more gun control, those wanting to use a gun in either criminal activity or mass shooting. Will be able to get a gun it’s called the black market.
More gun control may put a small dent in the black market business... it will continue.

How many people who have gone through the system received their PAL or PPAL, then turned around to become a criminal or mass shooter.

btw... I have absolutely no desire to become a gun owner.
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Re: Poll: Do You Support More Gun Control Laws?

Post by Even Steven »

Gone_Fishin wrote:The people have spoken. Go to hell, Justin Trudeau.
Do you support more federal gun control measures?

Total Votes: 15317
Yes: 28.35%
No: 69.32%
Unsure: 2.33%
More like a tiny sector of a majorly conservative and grey-haired area population has spoken.
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Re: Poll: Do You Support More Gun Control Laws?

Post by JagXKR »

bob vernon wrote:I want extreme penalties for use of a firearm when committing a crime. BUT..... I want the right to arm myself inside my home to protect my family from crime. As a victim of a home invasion, I want to be armed to the max in the future in case this ever happens again. I currently have several machetes and axes concealed through the house, but I'd really like something like a Mossberg Shockwave. Or a couple of them.
Well, what are you waiting for?
https://www.cabelas.ca/product/141847/m ... mp-shotgun
In stock right now.
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Re: Poll: Do You Support More Gun Control Laws?

Post by GordonH »

Gone_Fishin wrote: The people have spoken. Go to hell, Justin Trudeau.
Do you support more federal gun control measures?

Total Votes: 15317
Yes: 28.35%
No: 69.32%
Unsure: 2.33%
Castanet polls are not good survey, since just removing history enables a user to vote as many times as they want.
I don't give a damn whether people/posters like me or dislike me, I'm not on earth to win any popularity contests.
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Re: Poll: Do You Support More Gun Control Laws?

Post by Gone_Fishin »

GordonH wrote:
Castanet polls are not good survey, since just removing history enables a user to vote as many times as they want.
So someone did that 15,000 times yesterday? Yeah, I don't think so.

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Re: Poll: Do You Support More Gun Control Laws?

Post by dirtybiker »

So just how many firearms involved crimes are committed by the legal gun owners ?
Registered gun owners ?

I'd venture that any gun related crime in Canada is with a non registered,
illegally acquired weapon, in the hands of someone not even legally
allowed (PAL) to have said firearm in possession. Including ammo.

My idea of more gun control is in windage, elevation, and
finesse of trigger.
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Re: Poll: Do You Support More Gun Control Laws?

Post by GordonH »

GordonH wrote: Castanet polls are not good survey, since just removing history enables a user to vote as many times as they want.
Gone_Fishin wrote: So someone did that 15,000 times yesterday? Yeah, I don't think so.
I didn’t say that... it’s not a accurate polling system, because it easily can be tilted.
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Re: Poll: Do You Support More Gun Control Laws?

Post by monilynno »

Or it could be a dead on accurate poll.
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Re: Poll: Do You Support More Gun Control Laws?

Post by Ken7 »

Once again the Liberals are off target.

They did it with the Registry years ago and it did not help Law Enforcement as they said that was the purpose. Police do not have time in most cases to run weapons checks when responding to calls.

Police suspect weapons are in every home, and it doesn't have to be a firearm, registered or not.

Make laws to support Police by automatically jailing Criminals who possess firearms as they do in the USA. Secondly when a firearm is used in a offence, the chance of Parole or early release should not be available. If sentenced to 15 years, you would do all.

Again if you were to penalize the offenders of using firearms unlawfully to are then on target. The stupidest thing about this issue is they are saying these weapons are not needed or used for hunting.

Although if our Indiginous people own them, they can keep them to hunt. Hmm...what am I missing by the double standard? One minute Trudeau stated these guns are not needed for hunting and then he makes this exemption.

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Re: Poll: Do You Support More Gun Control Laws?

Post by csm »

The *bleep* Son of Castro - Strikes Again!!

Just wait - it starts with legally owned guns, then it will be anything that runs on a "Gas Engine" and they will be coming after your car, truck, RV, weedeater and lawnmower. Then your house and the rest of your money they haven't already stolen.

Seems property rights have no bearing anymore.

So much for "Oh Canada - The True North Strong and Free" eh?

What I find amazing are Liberals state they believe in Freedom and Democracy, but their actions and statements always prove just the opposite. The most important 2 letters in Liberal is "Li" ( add an e and you got "Lie" - which they are very good at.)
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