New roundabouts

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New roundabouts

Post by tabubil »

Well Mr Mayor regarding this link about the new roundabouts. ... s-cyclists
You are taking quotes from the following link:
Well to start with it was never -publicized that were looking for comments and that it was on a private face-book page that you had to be a member of to look at or respond to the articles. This sound like a closed site for comments. You also again never give numbers or percentages.
Then there is this quote:“Worth every penny. Super easy to get from East Hill to downtown without dealing with 27 st and 30/32/35 Ave intersections.” Well as one who resides in East Hill let me inform you that it is not easier to go downtown as now I have to reduce speed to go through the roundabouts and then contend with other drivers who do not respect the right-away. Then wait until a trail comes and you have massive lines ups on three sides and everyone thinks they have the right a way and the finger goes up and this happen just after it was opened.
I will never use this waste of money now I tell people please use 32 Avenue to go downtown or to 28 street and most agree after they try the new system.
Someone should gto to Australia and see how to set up and use the roundabout properly.
This was a total waste of money and time and I pity the poor driver who has to clear snow from this failure.
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Re: New roundabouts

Post by OKkayak »

About time they're getting this project going, been in the works for a good 12 years if not longer :up:
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Re: New roundabouts

Post by common_sense_guy »

To the original poster. It appears you may be the only one that doesn't like the idea of a roundabout. I don't know a single person who hasn't been in a roundabout from Kelowna all the way to Vernon that doesn't think they improve traffic flow. My guess is you maybe a little unsure how to use them properly if you don't think they actually improve traffic flow. And that is okay because I always come across somebody quite frequently that doesn't seem to know how they operate.they come to a complete stop when they could go right into it. I'm sure you could Google and watch a few videos online that show how much better they are than coming to a complete stop. Take the time to watch a couple videos and I'm sure you will come to realize they are much better than a four-way stop
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Re: New roundabouts

Post by GordonH »

common_sense_guy wrote: Jun 25th, 2021, 4:40 pm To the original poster. It appears you may be the only one that doesn't like the idea of a roundabout. I don't know a single person who hasn't been in a roundabout from Kelowna all the way to Vernon that doesn't think they improve traffic flow. My guess is you maybe a little unsure how to use them properly if you don't think they actually improve traffic flow. And that is okay because I always come across somebody quite frequently that doesn't seem to know how they operate.they come to a complete stop when they could go right into it. I'm sure you could Google and watch a few videos online that show how much better they are than coming to a complete stop. Take the time to watch a couple videos and I'm sure you will come to realize they are much better than a four-way stop
Exactly, not everyone uses their signals (large amounts don’t).
So I tend to watch direction of front tires, it easy to tell if they are turning away from the circle or into the circle.

If properly used it gets away from those lineups at 4 way stops, that can happen.
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Re: New roundabouts

Post by coffeeFreak »

It seems like overkill to me for that part of town and I will continue to avoid driving 39th at all costs.
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Re: New roundabouts

Post by Raiford »

Solution: Put Stop signs at the roundabout entry points, "drivers" will blast right through 'em and traffic flow will be increased 9-fold.

Easy and also peasy.
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Re: New roundabouts

Post by Ken7 »

I wish people would be educated on these. Never mind roundabouts, signal your intention I can't read you mind! It's hot out and I has a short fuse when it's hot, I can't tolerate stupid people.
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Re: New roundabouts

Post by Bsuds »

Ken7 wrote: Jun 30th, 2021, 6:06 pm I can't tolerate stupid people.
There are way too many of those and not enough roundabouts!
I'm old enough to remember when Plastic bags were the solution to the destruction of trees!
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Re: New roundabouts

Post by Ken7 »

Bsuds wrote: Jul 1st, 2021, 6:54 am
Ken7 wrote: Jun 30th, 2021, 6:06 pm I can't tolerate stupid people.
There are way too many of those and not enough roundabouts!
Right now people use Campbell Road on the west end of the bridge. It only causes issues with the merge on the bridge. I wish these "ALL ABOUT ME" people would wake up.

I slows the flow for all and you only passed 30 vehicles on a good day. Leave 5 minutes earlier and you'll make it there as fast.
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Re: New roundabouts

Post by Bsuds »

Ken7 wrote: Jul 24th, 2021, 8:51 am
I slows the flow for all and you only passed 30 vehicles on a good day. Leave 5 minutes earlier and you'll make it there as fast.
But, but look at how proud they are for passing those vehicles and got to work less than 30 seconds faster!
I'm old enough to remember when Plastic bags were the solution to the destruction of trees!
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Re: New roundabouts

Post by Randall T »

The single lane roundabouts here are too small to use signal lights effectively, and who believes that the people behind the lever know what they are doing. Half of them don't even know what it's for except to turn on the wipers or flash their lights behind people they think are holding them up.
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Re: New roundabouts

Post by Poindexter »

Ken7 wrote: Jun 30th, 2021, 6:06 pm I wish people would be educated on these. Never mind roundabouts, signal your intention I can't read you mind! It's hot out and I has a short fuse when it's hot, I can't tolerate stupid people.
Roundabouts are an IQ test people are unaware they're taking.
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Re: New roundabouts

Post by bob vernon »

The ultimate conspiracy theory about roundabouts: many roundabouts have something in the middle of the roundabout like a monument or even a light pole. The circle slows you down long enough and there are radio waves beamed from the centre of the roundabout that are aimed at your brain. The purpose: thought control.
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Re: New roundabouts

Post by alanjh595 »

It seems to be working great they are getting everyone travelling right.
Bring back the LIKE button.

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