Anti-Semitism in Canada - More Leftist hate

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Anti-Semitism in Canada - More Leftist hate

Post by The Green Barbarian »

The University of Toronto student union is engaging in horrible anti-Semitism. When will the Left stop hating on Jewish people? It's really going out of control! I knew that when there was basically no media coverage of the NDP cozying up to a rabid UK anti-Semite that the Leftist media is on board with all of this Jewish hate too. It's really a creeping issue in Canada that needs to be addressed as soon as possible. This is just disgusting:
Adam Zivo: A University of Toronto student union is going to war in defence of anti-Semitism

In the face of accusations of anti-Semitism, a University of Toronto students’ union would rather face defunding than temper its support for the boycott, divestment and sanction movement that targets Israel. It is yet another example of how student unions, enamoured with their own tone-deaf activism, stoke anti-Semitism and endanger Jewish students.

In February, the university itself determined that the University of Toronto Graduate Students’ union’s BDS commitments are clearly discriminatory and gave the union one year to adjust or eliminate them. If non-compliant, the union risks having its funding withheld. In response, the UTGSU vowed to defy the order and has recently begun building a reserve fund so that it can continue operations if defunded.

The BDS movement, which is at the heart of this scandal, calls upon institutions to boycott Israel economically, culturally and academically. For example, across North American university campuses, BDS activists routinely fight to shut down cultural and educational programs about Israel, as well as student exchange programs with Israeli universities.

BDS supporters claim that its tactics penalize only Israel and not Jews themselves. In practice though, the cultural and academic embargo demanded by the movement (which opposes “normalizing Israel”) creates onerous and unreasonable barriers for Jewish people to express themselves, culturally and intellectually.

Last year, the graduate students’ union created a BDS caucus — a subgroup within the union that has access to the union’s resources, including funding drawn from mandatory fees charged to all graduate students at the U of T. The creation of the BDS caucus was highly unusual, given that caucuses are typically centred on identity (i.e. “Race and Ethnicity Caucus” and “Queer Caucus”) rather than political agendas.


While Jewish pain is frequently minimized, StatsCan reports that in 2019 Jewish-Canadians accounted for 16 per cent of all hate crime victims , behind only Black-Canadians (18 per cent) and significantly higher than Muslim-Canadians (10 per cent). However, when adjusting for population sizes, anti-Semitism is three times more prevalent than anti-Black racism and five times more prevalent than Islamophobia.

The UTGSU has repeated, ad nauseum, that its anti-Zionism contains no animus towards the Jewish people as a whole. Actions speak louder than words. ... d=msedgntp
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Re: Anti-Semitism in Canada - More Leftist hate

Post by Babba_not_Gump »

We have a pathetic, sad lot of students coming out of universities.
If not held in check, they will turn this great country into a Marxist state.
I'm posting this from Traditional lands of the British Empire & the current Lands of The Dominion of Canada.
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Re: Anti-Semitism in Canada - More Leftist hate

Post by Brass Monkey »

One day it’s “Israel is not an apartheid state, they are diverse and welcoming”

The next day it’s “boycotting Israel for its crimes in Palestine is anti-Semitic because Israel is a Jewish state”

Calling out Israel for its crimes is not anti-semetism, just as doing the same with Iran isn’t islamaphobic.
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Re: Anti-Semitism in Canada - More Leftist hate

Post by The Green Barbarian »

Speaking of anti-Semitism on the Left, few do it better (other than the NDP) than the Greens, who are still in turmoil due to their Jewish leader not just jumping into the "I hate Israel" pool with the rest of the far Left people that run the Green Party. Hang in there Annamie Paul! ... htm#338546
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Re: Anti-Semitism in Canada - More Leftist hate

Post by Thinktank »

The Green Barbarian wrote: Jun 28th, 2021, 1:25 pm ... all of this Jewish hate too. It's really a creeping issue in Canada that needs to be addressed as soon as possible.
There is no anti-semitism in Canada. Never seen it once in all my life.

But I do see some anti-other-people among the people I know. When we are spending $trillions
slaughtering Muslims, for example, the media works us up to hate Muslims.

A while back the media was making us anti-Russian. The idiot leader of Britain said nuclear war was a real possibility.
Now, we're starting to be slightly anti-Chinese - we even
arrested an innocent Chinese person.

But not anti-semitism. Never seen it once.

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Re: Anti-Semitism in Canada - More Leftist hate

Post by liisgo »

Thinktank wrote: Jun 30th, 2021, 6:25 am
The Green Barbarian wrote: Jun 28th, 2021, 1:25 pm ... all of this Jewish hate too. It's really a creeping issue in Canada that needs to be addressed as soon as possible.
There is no anti-semitism in Canada. Never seen it once in all my life.

But I do see some anti-other-people among the people I know. When we are spending $trillions
slaughtering Muslims, for example, the media works us up to hate Muslims.

A while back the media was making us anti-Russian. The idiot leader of Britain said nuclear war was a real possibility.
Now, we're starting to be slightly anti-Chinese - we even
arrested an innocent Chinese person.

But not anti-semitism. Never seen it once.
I too would hold media and its ownership accountable for most of the anti?, and hatred with in our societies today.
Also, probably a fair share of that onto the political parties for using it and its means for power. It clearly works.
By far, the biggest use of media influence right now against a specific country, group is at the typical white male.
No good comes from it. Nothing but hatred is the outcome. To many people want to join any mob mentality it create's.
We haven't learnt anything from past actions. Zero. We are pounding hatred and anti? into society against a chosen group.
You would think that we would all know better. Know how to approach issue's without allowing it to form.
The truly amazing aspect of it is that the exact very same ones that start a campaign against a fellow citizen is now using a lot of the same tactics that they are saying was part of what happened to them. :up:
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Re: Anti-Semitism in Canada - More Leftist hate

Post by Thinktank »

Septuagenarian wrote: Jun 30th, 2021, 8:32 am Well I'm happy to see it's the media now and not the students or the profs. [icon_lol2.gif]
Remember Sunera Thobani? She's a professor at UBC.

When she said USA shouldn't start the Iraq war, the entire media went berzerk and called her every filthy name in the book.
I remember the editors of every big newspaper in Canada attacked her like hyenas - but no editor of any big newspaper in Canada ever said - maybe - Netanyahu shouldn't be bombing people. Canada is as anti-anti-semitic as you can get.

Yeah - it's the media making us full of hatred.
“US foreign policy is soaked in blood. And other countries of the West including shamefully Canada, cannot line up fast enough behind it. All want to sign up now as Americans and I think it is the responsibility of the women’s movement in this country to stop that, to fight against it.
no anti-semitism from her. but she got attacked in the media.

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Re: Anti-Semitism in Canada - More Leftist hate

Post by The Green Barbarian »

Septuagenarian wrote: Jun 30th, 2021, 8:32 am Well I'm happy to see it's the media now and not the students or the profs. [icon_lol2.gif]
Yes well it's cause and effect. Those brain-washed gullible idiot students in the U of T's students union didn't just decide to hate Jewish people over night. A lot of really awful people had to be involved for them to come to such a horrible and bitter place.
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Re: Anti-Semitism in Canada - More Leftist hate

Post by Babba_not_Gump »

Septuagenarian wrote: Jun 30th, 2021, 8:32 am Well I'm happy to see it's the media now and not just the students or the profs. [icon_lol2.gif]
There, I fixed it for you.
I'm posting this from Traditional lands of the British Empire & the current Lands of The Dominion of Canada.
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Re: Anti-Semitism in Canada - More Leftist hate

Post by Hurtlander »

Thinktank wrote: Jun 30th, 2021, 6:25 am
The Green Barbarian wrote: Jun 28th, 2021, 1:25 pm ... all of this Jewish hate too. It's really a creeping issue in Canada that needs to be addressed as soon as possible.
There is no anti-semitism in Canada. Never seen it once in all my life.

But I do see some anti-other-people among the people I know. When we are spending $trillions
slaughtering Muslims, for example, the media works us up to hate Muslims.

A while back the media was making us anti-Russian. The idiot leader of Britain said nuclear war was a real possibility.
Now, we're starting to be slightly anti-Chinese - we even
arrested an innocent Chinese person.

But not anti-semitism. Never seen it once.
Wow, what rock have you been living under Thinktank ? ... i-semitism

“ In the face of accusations of anti-Semitism, a University of Toronto students’ union would rather face defunding than temper its support for the boycott, divestment and sanction movement that targets Israel. It is yet another example of how student unions, enamoured with their own tone-deaf activism, stoke anti-Semitism and endanger Jewish students.
In February, the university itself determined that the University of Toronto Graduate Students’ union’s BDS commitments are clearly discriminatory and gave the union one year to adjust or eliminate them. If non-compliant, the union risks having its funding withheld. In response, the UTGSU vowed to defy the order and has recently begun building a reserve fund so that it can continue operations if defunded.
The BDS movement, which is at the heart of this scandal, calls upon institutions to boycott Israel economically, culturally and academically. For example, across North American university campuses, BDS activists routinely fight to shut down cultural and educational programs about Israel, as well as student exchange programs with Israeli universities”

<<< snip>>>

“ While Jewish pain is frequently minimized, StatsCan reports that in 2019 Jewish-Canadians accounted for 16 per cent of all hate crime victims, behind only Black-Canadians (18 per cent) and significantly higher than Muslim-Canadians (10 per cent). However, when adjusting for population sizes, anti-Semitism is three times more prevalent than anti-Black racism and five times more prevalent than Islamophobia.”
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Re: Anti-Semitism in Canada - More Leftist hate

Post by gertlush »

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Re: Anti-Semitism in Canada - More Leftist hate

Post by sobrohusfat »

BDS hurts Palestinians just as much if not more than it hurts Israelis - by eliminating their ability to earn a proper livelihood.

But these misguided dimwits don't care one bit about actually uplifting those who they believe the "evil zionists" are "oppressing" - as long as their efforts hurt Israelis, then mission accomplished.

The leadership of the Palestinian Authority opposes the boycott movement.

“No we do not support the boycott of Israel. We don’t ask anyone to boycott Israel itself.” – Mahmoud Abbas, President of the Palestinian Authority, 2013

Majdi Khaldi, an adviser to Abbas said, "We are neighbors with Israel, we have agreements with Israel, we recognize Israel, we are not asking anyone to boycott products of Israel."

Many Palestinian workers oppose boycotts

There are 14 Israeli industrial parks in West Bank, with 788 factories. Overall, these factories employ over 11,000 Palestinians, and pay two to three times what Palestinians make elsewhere on average.

In 2014, nearly 14% of the Palestinian workforce in West Bank was working in Israel or Israeli settlements.

Thousands of Palestinian farmers have worked with Israelis to learn and improve their agricultural techniques.

Many Palestinian business leaders and entrepreneurs oppose boycotts

Palestinian entrepreneurs have participated in countless joint projects with Israelis, and invested millions in joint Israeli-Palestinian venture capital. An estimated 16,000 Palestinian businesspeople have founded companies and factories in Israel and Israeli industrial zones in the West Bank, according to a 2012 study.

Many Palestinian academics oppose boycotts

“I’m against the boycott in general, we need more dialogue with the other. That’s why I believe that you should not have a general boycott against Israel, or a boycott against Israeli universities.”

– Mohammed S. Dajani Daoudi, director of American studies at Al-Quds University

Former President of Al Quds University Sari Nusseibeh has publicly opposed boycotts. The University had about 60 joint projects with Israeli institutions, with a combined budget of $5-million in 2009 alone.

Brainless "Woke" tw@s are always on the wrong side - of everything.
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Re: Anti-Semitism in Canada - More Leftist hate

Post by Babba_not_Gump »

Last edited by Catsumi on Jun 30th, 2021, 8:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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I'm posting this from Traditional lands of the British Empire & the current Lands of The Dominion of Canada.
I also give thanks for this ethos richness bestowed on us via British Colonialism.

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Re: Anti-Semitism in Canada - More Leftist hate

Post by Babba_not_Gump »

bb49 wrote: Jun 30th, 2021, 4:35 pmRemoved
Damn, I hate when they do this and I don't recall what I said! :biggrin:
I'm posting this from Traditional lands of the British Empire & the current Lands of The Dominion of Canada.
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Re: Anti-Semitism in Canada - More Leftist hate

Post by ferri »

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