Joe Biden Discussion
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Re: Joe Biden Discussion
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Re: Joe Biden Discussion ... ngs-506529Polls show Biden's approval rating sliding to new lows
President Joe Biden’s honeymoon with the American people is over.
As many Americans disapprove of Biden’s job performance as approve, according to two new polls out Sunday — a precipitous decline for the new president after he spent his first half-year in the White House with high job ratings.
Half of Americans, 50 percent, approve of the way Biden is handling his job as president in the CBS News poll — but the same number, 50 percent, disapprove of Biden. In the NBC News poll, Biden’s approval rating is 49 percent, compared to 48 percent disapproval.
Both polls show declines in views of Biden, whose presidency has been besieged by twin crises in recent weeks: a resurgence of the coronavirus domestically, and the rocky withdrawal of U.S. military personnel and other Americans from Afghanistan ahead of Biden’s looming deadline. Biden’s approval rating slid 8 points in the CBS poll since July, and it’s down 4 points since the last NBC News survey, in April.
The two surveys are consistent with other polls indicating the strong approval ratings with which Biden entered the Oval Office have waned. The latest RealClearPolitics average pegs Biden’s approval rating and disapproval rating at the same number: 48 percent. And while the FiveThirtyEight average — which adjusts numbers from polling firms with histories of bias — is more positive for Biden (49 percent approval), Biden's average disapproval rating of 46 percent is higher than at any point in his young presidency.
Amazing what happens when you are revealed as a spineless imbecile suffering from dementia who should have never been elected president. Just so weird!
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Re: Joe Biden Discussion ... stein.htmlBidenstein
As little as a few weeks ago, the Democrat Party handlers who engineered the election of the 46th U.S. president were likely still celebrating their historic accomplishment. Having created a candidate who appeared to the outside world as a kindly and thoughtful moderate, all the while masking secret concessions to the likes of socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders, these political operatives believed themselves on the verge of finally enacting much of their far-left agenda.
Forward to the present, and the ongoing Afghanistan fiasco has so dramatically shaken many Democrats' faith in President Biden's competence — and, by extension, in the viability of their party's agenda — that nothing any longer seems politically certain. Even NPR, CNN, and other generally liberal media outlets concede that the newly weakened White House will have a much harder time marshaling the congressional votes needed to pass a $3.5-trillion "social infrastructure" plan.
For me, the metaphor that best captures the current moment is the obligatory shot in every movie version of Mary Shelley's classic, Frankenstein, when the brilliant doctor realizes that his supposedly perfect creation is now roaming the countryside, killing indiscriminately. Instead of the universal adulation he had been anticipating, it now looks as though he will be lucky to get off with a life sentence in some God-forsaken prison.
Remarkably, the unexpected glitches in the plans of both Shelley's ambitious surgeon and today's Democrat operatives turn out to be one and the same thing: a defective brain. In Dr. Victor Frankenstein's case, it was the damaged cerebrum his hapless assistant Igor had stolen for him. And while the doctor's modern counterparts likely knew from the start that their own creation had cognitive difficulties, a secret progressive agenda had been sufficiently nailed down in advance of the election that Biden's declining mental state might even have been thought a plus. In other words, his intellectual limitations could prove a useful way of keeping the future president in line.
What Biden's all too clever handlers never seem to have considered is the fact that, once in office, he would still be free to run foreign policy — potentially making decisions so misguided as to jeopardize all the domestic goals they had been working toward. Nor did they apparently imagine that, when questioned about some obvious international slip-up by the likes of George Stephanopoulos, Biden would stiffen with a stubbornness reminiscent of...well, a defiant Boris Karloff in a monster suit.
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Re: Joe Biden Discussion
Fox news reporting that US troops being pulled out of the airport.
No numbers for amount remaining to protect citizens.
No numbers for amount remaining to protect citizens.
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Re: Joe Biden Discussion
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Re: Joe Biden Discussion ... ssage.htmlMuddled, late, and disorganized: Joe Biden sends the Taliban a mixed message
The beasts of the Taliban undoubtedly were paying attention:
Joe Biden showed up five hours late to his press conference and, by one report, read his teleprompter with bloodshot eyes, spoke for the first five minutes on his domestic priorities, and declared the August 31 deadline for a U.S. troop pullout was on, just as the Taliban insisted, and then added that maybe it wasn't.
According to the New York Post:
President Joe Biden announced that he has asked defense officials to put together "contingency plans" for keeping American forces on the ground in Afghanistan beyond the end of this month — despite claiming earlier Tuesday that the White House would abide by the Taliban's "red line" of a full withdrawal by Aug. 31.
Biden said Tuesday that the completion of US forces' evacuation operation at Kabul's international airport by the end of this month "depends on the Taliban continuing to cooperate," and confirmed that he had asked the Pentagon and the State Department for "contingency plans to adjust the timetable, should that become necessary."
Just a day ago, Pentagon officials were saying that Biden wouldn't extend the deadline, right after the Taliban had threatened "consequences" if they did. Now there's contingency talk, given that that didn't go over very well with Americans. Sound as if this guy knows what he's doing?
It doesn't sound like a lot of clarity to allies, the Taliban, or most of all to the trapped Americans who are in danger of being left behind. And with Joe showing signs of senility and showing up late, it's obvious there's some kind of infighting going on backstage.
For the Taliban, one thing is clear: Joe Biden doesn't know what he's doing. His messaging is mixed; he's striving to please all sides. Contingency plans? From the Milley crew? Good luck with that one, because the Taliban can see that most of the Biden thrust has been to satisfy themselves. Elsewhere, administration officials have said Americans actually will be left behind.
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Re: Joe Biden Discussion
Wow does Joe look old....and decrepit....just wow...
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Re: Joe Biden Discussion ... t-of-them/Trump Rejects Biden’s Blame For Taliban Takeover: ‘We Would’ve Bombed The Hell Out Of Them’
Former President Donald Trump rejected President Joe Biden’s attempts to blame him for the botched Afghanistan withdrawal and American lives lost due to the chaos in Kabul.
While Biden continues to point the finger at Trump for negotiating with the Taliban, the former president said the agreement his administration orchestrated was clear about consequences.
“We had a very strong agreement. It was conditions-based. Now there were many other parts of the agreement also. And if they violated them, you know that, we went in and bombed the hell out of them, and they never would. They never would have come into Kabul. And they just wouldn’t do it,” Trump said on the Hugh Hewitt Show. “Now what happened is one day, Biden said take the soldiers out. And it went back to the leaders of the Taliban, to the whole group of them, that the soldiers are leaving. And I would say that they were shocked, okay? I am surmising that they were shocked, because we had that thing so tight.”
He also noted that “we would not have stood for any soldiers or any Americans being killed or shot at or hurt in any way.”
“That was in there. And Hugh, for 18 months, not one American soldier was killed. Not one. Eighteen months. And that was because of the agreement, and because of my talk with Abdul, who is now the boss, as you know, He is now the boss,” Trump said.
When asked “what do you make about his availability to the press,” Trump said he doesn’t think Biden knows what is going on.
“I don’t think he knows what’s happening. And it’s frankly a horrible thing that’s going on. I think it’s the most embarrassing moment for our military and for our country. I’ve never seen anything like it. I’ve never seen, it just doesn’t make sense,” Trump said. How they’re doing it, what they’re doing, we had it in perfect shape. Just like we had the southern border in perfect shape, and then he destroyed it. We had the fewest number of people coming in. Now, we have the most number of people, and drugs and other things coming in. We had that in the best shape in the history of our country. And now, for this long period of this war, this horrible 21-year war, we had it in such good shape to get out, and get out with pride, get out with, really, a moral victory. And for some reason, it doesn’t make sense, he pulled the military out first.
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Re: Joe Biden Discussion
Yesterday Joe's ice cream flavor was vanilla.
Today he asked for I'm peached.
Today he asked for I'm peached.
- Insanely Prolific
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Re: Joe Biden Discussion
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- Insanely Prolific
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Re: Joe Biden Discussion ... erica.htmlSenile or not, Biden has betrayed America
President Biden's dementia no longer explains the destructive policies his administration has implemented since taking office. The horror that took thirteen American lives in Kabul on Wednesday is intentional; there is no other explanation. This is purposeful.
Biden may be out to lunch, but those around him are not. They are calling the shots; it is Klain, Blinken, Austin, Milley, McKenzie, Sullivan, et al. who have brought us to the lowest the nation has ever found itself: voluntarily defeated, at home and abroad.
Susan Rice, Eric Holder, and Obama are likely part of the left's destroy-America crowd. Pelosi and Schumer are their second string, their tools.
The brilliant Lara Logan, who spent a year in Afghanistan, has no doubt that what has happened is intentional, that none of it would have occurred if it were not part of a plan. That is the only explanation that makes sense. Logan divides those responsible into three groups: the dimwits, the half-wits, and the full-wits. The dimwits are those who do the left's bidding. The half-wits want to be part of the agenda but are almost as clueless. The full-wits are those pulling the strings, making things happen for their own traitorous reasons, the ones who use and abuse the dimwits and half-wits.
As anyone can see, the Biden team is incompetent, blinded by its own feckless ideology — but these people think they know best, that they are in charge of America's managed decline. And they're pleased with their role. They are enemies of America. The blood of those thirteen soldiers who died in Kabul is on their hands. They orchestrated it, invited it, let it happen.
There can no longer be any doubt that Biden, a man obviously suffering from dementia, sold his soul to any buyer long before he became Obama's V.P. Now he is the "imbecilic," as Tony Blair put it, instrument of a group of radical anti-American quislings bent on transforming America into a Soviet/Maoist/Venezuelan-style totalitarian country of serfs ruled by a thoroughly amoral elite. That's their plan, and they are sticking to it. They must be defeated. The deaths of those thirteen soldiers must be a wake-up moment. Biden must be impeached, and his Cabinet should be fired. This is a group of people, aligned with the Democrat party, who truly do mean to transform the U.S. into everything the Founders hoped to prevent with our Declaration, our Constitution, and our Bill of Rights.
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Re: Joe Biden Discussion
Biden admits that he is told which reporters he should be calling on. Like we didn't already know this.
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Re: Joe Biden Discussion ... -are-dead/This Is Where Joe Biden’s Great Empathy Has Landed Us: 13 US Servicemen Are Dead
On the pandemic as a 2020 election issue, Joe Biden was the media’s preferred candidate for president, not so much because he screamed confidence that he could stop people from dying. (He was literally underground for most of his public appearances.) But because he properly showed that he cared people were dying.
He had a soft voice and manner that soothed cable news anchors and brought comfort to reporters who find no greater arousal than in a man who cries in public.
The trick has earned Biden a lot of stock with the media, which then assured the public that he is the staid, competent leader this country needed after four years of Donald Trump.
He tried it again Thursday during a highly anticipated press conference to address the ISIS suicide bombing in Kabul, Afghanistan, that left 13 U.S. service members dead and more than a dozen others injured.
“They were part of the bravest, most capable, and the most selfless military on the face of the Earth,” Biden said. “And they were part of, simply, what I call the ‘backbone of America.’ They’re the spine of America, the best the country has to offer. Jill and I — our hearts ache, like I’m sure all of you do as well, for all those Afghan families who have lost loved ones, including small children, or been wounded in this vicious attack. And we’re outraged as well as heartbroken.”
Later in the conference, Biden bowed his head in what I assume was anguish ™ or maybe frustration ™ while a reporter asked him about his responsibility in the fallout.
The problem with the performance, though, is that the dead didn’t lose their lives because of a freak virus that the entire world is grappling with. They died because under Biden’s command, our military did not secure the perimeter of the Kabul airport that Americans are using to exit. And it has been under his command that the administration is scurrying against the clock to evacuate as many Americans as possible, lest we further tick off the new Taliban government that Biden has allowed to call the shots.
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- Insanely Prolific
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Re: Joe Biden Discussion ... d=msedgntpAnd in Afghanistan, inexplicably, President Biden and his entourage determined to leave Afghanistan practically as quickly as aircraft could remove American military personnel, without consultation with NATO allies who had three quarters of the international forces in Afghanistan, without a thought for the many thousands of American civilians in the country, and without any regard for the tens of thousands of Afghans who had worked with the Americans and are in mortal danger with the Taliban in power. As the operations swiftly degenerated into a cowardly fiasco and the American president was for the first time depicted by the British Parliament as a figure of shame, Biden and his principal colleagues lied to the public, contradicted each other, and magnified America’s monstrous humiliation at the hands of a bunch of primitive and barbarous, flea bitten, terrorists.
There is open discussion of trying to reconstruct the Western alliance without American leadership. Biden’s own partisans are silent as his standing in the eyes of his countrymen crumbles. Is there any sane person who in the dark and quiet of their bedroom in the dead, vast, and middle of the night would not prefer Trump with his gaucheries to this horrifying immolation of American national credibility and of the unbroken right of the West over 2500 years to be the preeminent influence in the world? Possibly, but they are no longer numerous or outspoken.
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