Chinese commies hand Liberals 12 seats

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Re: Chinese commies hand Liberals 12 seats

Post by Babba_not_Gump »

Seems there's more than a few Canadians? on here that have no issues with foreign interference in our country.
And interference from China! That most despicable of all countries.

No doubt they are all supporters of the United Front.
So sad to see such a lack of true patriotism.
I'm posting this from Traditional lands of the British Empire & the current Lands of The Dominion of Canada.
I also give thanks for this ethos richness bestowed on us via British Colonialism.

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Re: Chinese commies hand Liberals 12 seats

Post by normaM »

wow, talk about a Poster Boy for sore loser.
Pretty sure Alien lifeforms handed him at least 3 seats :/
And yet O'Toole's Brit backers couldn't kick him a few seats?
Please, test that assumption and then take note of the result
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Re: Chinese commies hand Liberals 12 seats

Post by PoplarSoul »

bb49 wrote: Sep 25th, 2021, 6:13 am Seems there's more than a few Canadians? on here that have no issues with foreign interference in our country.
And interference from China! That most despicable of all countries.
Does it include FIPA?
The Conservative Party didn't bat an eye.
Canadian governments are locked in for a generation. If Canada finds the deal unsatisfactory, it cannot be cancelled completely for 31 years.
China benefits much more than Canada, because of a clause allowing existing restrictions in each country to stay in place. Chinese companies get to play on a relatively level field in Canada, while maintaining wildly arbitrary practices and rules for Canadian companies in China.
Chinese companies will be able to seek redress against any laws passed by any level of government in Canada which threaten their profits. Australia has decided not to enter FIPA agreements specifically because they allow powerful corporations to challenge legislation on social, environmental and economic issues. Chinese companies investing heavily in Canadian energy will be able seek billions in compensation if their projects are hampered by provincial laws on issues such as environmental concerns or First Nations rights, for example.
Cases will be decided by a panel of professional arbitrators, and may be kept secret at the discretion of the sued party. This extraordinary provision reflects an aversion to transparency and public debate common to the Harper cabinet and the Chinese politburo.
Differences between FIPA and the North American Free Trade Agreement may offer intriguing loopholes for American lawyers to argue for equal treatment under the principle of Most Favoured Nation. ... -1.2770159
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Re: Chinese commies hand Liberals 12 seats

Post by fluffy »

bb49 wrote: Sep 25th, 2021, 6:13 am Seems there's more than a few Canadians? on here that have no issues with foreign interference in our country.
And interference from China! That most despicable of all countries.

No doubt they are all supporters of the United Front.
So sad to see such a lack of true patriotism.
So what is your plan ? Cut off all ties with our second largest trading partner ?

What about moving on being aware that there are areas that need caution. Foreign investment comes to mind, China's money is just as good as the next guy's, just be careful about all the guys trying to buy up Canada.
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Re: Chinese commies hand Liberals 12 seats

Post by Babba_not_Gump »

fluffy wrote: Sep 25th, 2021, 6:58 am
bb49 wrote: Sep 25th, 2021, 6:13 am Seems there's more than a few Canadians? on here that have no issues with foreign interference in our country.
And interference from China! That most despicable of all countries.

No doubt they are all supporters of the United Front.
So sad to see such a lack of true patriotism.
So what is your plan ? Cut off all ties with our second largest trading partner ?

What about moving on being aware that there are areas that need caution. Foreign investment comes to mind, China's money is just as good as the next guy's, just be careful about all the guys trying to buy up Canada.
What's my plan? I have one.
Cutting off all ties with china? Cut as much as possible.
Chinese money just as good? Then so is the cash that your neighbourhood fentanyl dealer has in his pocket. Would you do business with him?

How about giving your head a real big shake.
How about reading up a bit on what that despicable country has been up to in regards to abuses of human rights.
And you don't give a damn about what they just did to two of our citizens, and some of you are prepared to simply move on.

My plan?
I'll carry on as I always have. Buying as few goods as possible that say Made in China.

The rest of you, just keep your membership up to date in the United Front. Xi will keep you on his Christmas list. He loves Canadians like you.
I'm posting this from Traditional lands of the British Empire & the current Lands of The Dominion of Canada.
I also give thanks for this ethos richness bestowed on us via British Colonialism.

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Re: Chinese commies hand Liberals 12 seats

Post by fluffy »

bb49 wrote: Sep 25th, 2021, 11:07 am What's my plan? I have one.
Cutting off all ties with china? Cut as much as possible.
Chinese money just as good? Then so is the cash that your neighbourhood fentanyl dealer has in his pocket. Would you do business with him?

How about giving your head a real big shake.
How about reading up a bit on what that despicable country has been up to in regards to abuses of human rights.
And you don't give a damn about what they just did to two of our citizens, and some of you are prepared to simply move on.

My plan?
I'll carry on as I always have. Buying as few goods as possible that say Made in China.

The rest of you, just keep your membership up to date in the United Front. Xi will keep you on his Christmas list. He loves Canadians like you.

What gives us the right to tell China how to run their country ? I don't care for the way Wal-Mart does business, but I shop there now and then if it's something I can't find anywhere else. Canada does close to $100 Billion in trade per year with China, what do you say to the people in Canada whose jobs depend on that money ? While I respect your right to refuse to buy Chinese goods you do not have the right to make that decision for others.
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Re: Chinese commies hand Liberals 12 seats

Post by daria »

fluffy wrote: Sep 25th, 2021, 12:56 pm
What gives us the right to tell China how to run their country ? I don't care for the way Wal-Mart does business, but I shop there now and then if it's something I can't find anywhere else. Canada does close to $100 Billion in trade per year with China, what do you say to the people in Canada whose jobs depend on that money ? While I respect your right to refuse to buy Chinese goods you do not have the right to make that decision for others.
Concerns about human rights abuses should be enough for us to criticize the CCP. The Uyghur Muslims are being held in internment camps. ... tml/ampRFA
Don't take my silence to mean I've agreed with you; I easily could've just lost interest in explaining how wrong you are.
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Re: Chinese commies hand Liberals 12 seats

Post by The Green Barbarian »

bob vernon wrote: Sep 24th, 2021, 8:30 pm
There was an election. We voted. The Conservatives came second. Grow up and accept it. What a buncha whiners.
"We" didn't vote, that's the point. Our election was rigged by Chinese communists.
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Re: Chinese commies hand Liberals 12 seats

Post by The Green Barbarian »

JLives wrote: Sep 24th, 2021, 8:57 pm

Don't forget Obama.
Obama was 2019. Not so much this time, even though that idiot did try to interfere again.
It's really not a good look.
What's not a "good look"? The Liberals hopping in bed with Chinese communists? Yup, you are right about that.
They've lost 3 times in a row and doubling down on what doesn't work won't help.
And the Liberals and NDP have lost two times in a row, despite the Liberals have help from Chinese communists and global elitist scum like Obama and Hillary. Talk about doubling down on what doesn't work.
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Re: Chinese commies hand Liberals 12 seats

Post by The Green Barbarian »

JLives wrote: Sep 24th, 2021, 9:11 pm OP is looking for any excuse to not take ownership of why the Conservatives didn't win.
This just so wrong and silly. All I am doing is saying that the Conservatives would have won 12 more ridings if the Liberals weren't assisted by a foreign power, who happens to be pretty evil. And of course, it's just being deflected away as usual.
The Liberals won for one reason, voters voted for them.
The Liberals lost, despite accepting help from an evil foreign power. Talk about stupid, and evil too.
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Re: Chinese commies hand Liberals 12 seats

Post by The Green Barbarian »

crookedmember wrote: Sep 24th, 2021, 9:22 pm I'm pretty sure that most Canadians other than those like the OP were wise enough to see flip-flop O'Toole was not a good choice without the help of the Chinese commies.
No, it was the Chinese Commies who didn't like the Conservative platform. That's already been stated. The disgusting and stupid Liberals accepted help from an evil foreign power, and still managed to miss a shot on an open net.
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Re: Chinese commies hand Liberals 12 seats

Post by The Green Barbarian »

nucksRnum1 wrote: Sep 24th, 2021, 9:23 pm

That was simply because the Conservatives didn't put any effort into creating a platform worth stumping about.
They actually did do that, and then the Chinese commies knifed them in the back, and supported the Liberals. And then the Liberals still lost anyway. Talk about missing a shot on an open net! Too many stinking albatrosses around their Liberal necks, it appears.
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Re: Chinese commies hand Liberals 12 seats

Post by The Green Barbarian »

crookedmember wrote: Sep 24th, 2021, 9:29 pm I guess the Chinese commies were smarter than the UK fascists
Except that there weren't any "UK fascists" but there definitely were Chinese communists involved in helping the Liberals. And that's pretty gross and disgusting.
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Re: Chinese commies hand Liberals 12 seats

Post by The Green Barbarian »

daria wrote: Sep 25th, 2021, 1:57 pm Concerns about human rights abuses should be enough for us to criticize the CCP. The Uyghur Muslims are being held in internment camps. ... tml/ampRFA
I actually got into a discussion with a Chinese national the other day, and it was pretty fascinating. I asked her how the Chinese could be taking over Afghanistan right now and working with the horrid Taliban, and she said that the Chinese model is they just don't care about what the government they are dealing with is doing to their own people. Stoning women to death? Who cares! I was kind of flabbergasted at this view of the world, but I guess, it is working for them. If you are willing to deal with the worst people on earth and have zero guilt about it, then you can pretty much do anything you want.

She also said that "we", being western civilization I guess, are "stupid" for even trying to "fix" these countries. Given the horrible track record of trying to fix countries, she may have a point there. Perhaps the Chinese attitude would change a bit if suddenly Al Quada starts flying giant passenger jets into their largest buildings in Shanghai and Beijing? Who knows.
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Re: Chinese commies hand Liberals 12 seats

Post by GordonH »

People have bought into BS that CCP is dishing out hook, line and sinker. Sooner or later it’s going comeback to bit these fools in the :cuss:.

I will sit back and say I told you so.
I don't give a damn whether people/posters like me or dislike me, I'm not on earth to win any popularity contests.
It appears US voters hated Woke more than they hated Trump.

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