Joe Biden Discussion

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Re: Joe Biden Discussion

Post by The Green Barbarian »

After years of the anti-Trump people screaming about Trump's taxes, who is that ends up with a giant tax issue with the IRS due to malfeasant transactions? You guessed it, senile old Sleepy Joe. This clown just keeps getting worse and worse. Lock him up! Lock him up!!
Biden may owe up to $500K in back taxes

Biden may have improperly used 'S corporations' to avoid taxes on speaking fees and book sales

President Biden may have improperly avoided paying Medicare taxes before he took office and could owe the IRS up to $500,000, according to a Congressional Research Service report.

"Joe Biden wants to raise taxes by $2.1 trillion while claiming the rich need to pay their ‘fair share.’ But in 2017, multi-millionaire Joe Biden skirted his payroll taxes — the very taxes that fund Medicare and Obamacare," said Rep. Jim Banks, who chairs the conservative Republican Study Committee.

Banks said the report indicated that Biden improperly used "S corporations" while he and first lady Jill Biden raked in over $13 million on speaking fees and book sales in 2017 and 2018, but counted less than $800,000 of it as a salary that could be taxed for Medicare.


"There are millions — literally millions — of S corporations. So there might be a half a million S corporations that are playing this game," said John Bogdanski, who served as a member of the IRS Commissioner’s Advisory Group. "And the IRS doesn’t have anywhere near enough of a budget to bring a half a million cases every year." ... eport-says

This after I watched this idiot babbling away in a press conference a few weeks ago about how the IRS has to catch all of the "rich" people not paying their "fair share". LOL - he would know, he's one of them! What a hypocrite and scumbag Joe Biden is. Just such an awful president.
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Re: Joe Biden Discussion

Post by The Green Barbarian »

Anatomy of a Hoax

The Haitian migrant crisis is another catastrophe in a seri-s of disasters that plagues the beleaguered Harris-Biden administration.

There were harrowing images and videos of Haitian migrants wading across the top of a dam over the Rio Grande River to get to Texas. There was also footage of over fifteen thousand migrants crowding in what appeared to be a makeshift migrant camp under the International Bridge in Del Rio, Texas.

Whenever a crisis arises, the first instinct of the Democrats is not to resolve the problem. They instead focus on punishing the messenger, blocking the story, and spinning the narrative to distract. They know they can rely on their myriad lackeys in the mainstream media to spin any story to their advantage.

A day after the videos were made public, The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) brought in a two-week flight restriction over Del Rio, Texas. This enabled them to block the Fox News drone from taking videos of immigrants under the bridge after mass border crossing by thousands of Haitians. Embarrassed by the resulting controversy, the outrageous order later was rescinded.

But that was just not enough, they desperately needed another angle to distract from this obvious catastrophe.

That distraction came in the form of an image on social media that appeared to show a border agent on horseback whipping a fleeing Haitian immigrant of color.

This photo was like a gift from heaven for the spin masters and it launched a thousand ships of outrage.

AOC, fresh from her MET Gala catastrophe, used Twitter to virtue signal and to denounce the Border Patrol’s actions.

“It doesn’t matter if a Democrat or Republican is President, our immigration system is designed for cruelty towards and dehumanization of immigrants. Immigration should not be a crime, and its criminalization is a relatively recent invention. This is a stain on our country.”

Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., echoed AOC’s sentiment in her Twitter post

“These are human rights abuses, plain and simple. Cruel, inhumane, and a violation of domestic and international law,” Omar said in the post. “This needs a course correction and the issuance of a clear directive on how to humanely process asylums seekers at our border.”


The situation is so bad that the people working for the mainstream media know that they will be handsomely protected, awarded, rewarded and promoted for a lie that promotes the Democrat agenda while they could be punished for carrying facts that present President Trump or the Republicans favorably.

This isn’t a mistake, this was purposeful. The idea of pushing this narrative may have even been the result of active collaboration between the Biden people and personnel in the mainstream media.

This story is merely a symptom of the grave illness of collusion between the mainstream media and the Democrat establishment that has afflicted Washington for decades.

There is no cure for this illness simply because Washington doesn’t see it as an ailment. They feel they are on the right side of history; spinning or falsifying is perfectly fine since they are working for ‘the cause.’ They are proud to be propagandists, hence any course correction is quite out of the question.

The citizen looking for fact based information hence has no option but to presume every story to be false until proven true. ... e=Connatix
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Re: Joe Biden Discussion

Post by foenix »

The Green Barbarian wrote: Sep 28th, 2021, 10:54 am After years of the anti-Trump People screaming about Trump's taxes, who is that ends up with a giant tax issue with the IRS due to malfeasant transactions? You guessed it, senile old Sleepy Joe. This clown just keeps getting worse and worse. Lock him up! Lock him up!!
Biden may owe up to $500K in back taxes

Biden may have improperly used 'S corporations' to avoid taxes on speaking fees and book sales

President Biden may have improperly avoided paying Medicare taxes before he took office and could owe the IRS up to $500,000, according to a Congressional Research Service report.

"Joe Biden wants to raise taxes by $2.1 trillion while claiming the rich need to pay their ‘fair share.’ But in 2017, multi-millionaire Joe Biden skirted his payroll taxes — the very taxes that fund Medicare and Obamacare," said Rep. Jim Banks, who chairs the conservative Republican Study Committee.

Banks said the report indicated that Biden improperly used "S corporations" while he and first lady Jill Biden raked in over $13 million on speaking fees and book sales in 2017 and 2018, but counted less than $800,000 of it as a salary that could be taxed for Medicare.


"There are millions — literally millions — of S corporations. So there might be a half a million S corporations that are playing this game," said John Bogdanski, who served as a member of the IRS Commissioner’s Advisory Group. "And the IRS doesn’t have anywhere near enough of a budget to bring a half a million cases every year." ... eport-says

This after I watched this idiot babbling away in a press conference a few weeks ago about how the IRS has to catch all of the "rich" people not paying their "fair share". LOL - he would know, he's one of them! What a hypocrite and scumbag Joe Biden is. Just such an awful president.
More BS from Faux News......
The couple's previous tax filings have shown how they were able to lower their tax bill by funnelling book and speech income through so-called S Corporations, thereby benefiting from a tax loophole that the Obama administration - in which Mr Biden served as vice-president - tried and failed to close........

The document, released on Monday, shows that during the busy election campaign year the Bidens paid a federal income tax rate of 25.9%, the White House said.

President Biden released 22 years worth of IRS returns, unlike the previous tenant of the WH who fought like a dog in trying to keep his tax returns a secret......but when we got a glimpse, he paid 750 dollars on millions of income......who's the crook?
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Re: Joe Biden Discussion

Post by The Green Barbarian »

Say, How Is Joe Biden’s Memory These Days?

Back on August 19, President Biden insisted none of his top military advisors warned against withdrawing from Afghanistan on his preferred timeline, and that none of them wanted the president to keep about 2,500 troops in the country.

Today before the Senate Armed Services Committee, U.S. Central Command General Frank McKenzie and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs General Mark Milley both said they had recommended President Biden maintain 2,500 troops in Afghanistan. McKenzie said he had also warned that a full withdrawal would lead inexorably to the collapse of the Afghan forces and government.

Back in August, Biden told George Stephanopoulos:

STEPHANOPOULOS: But your top military advisors warned against withdrawing on this timeline. They wanted you to keep about 2,500 troops.

BIDEN: No, they didn’t. It was split. Tha– that wasn’t true. That wasn’t true.

STEPHANOPOULOS: They didn’t tell you that they wanted troops to stay?

BIDEN: No. Not at — not in terms of whether we were going to get out in a timeframe all troops. They didn’t argue against that.

STEPHANOPOULOS: So no one told — your military advisors did not tell you, “No, we should just keep 2,500 troops. It’s been a stable situation for the last several years. We can do that. We can continue to do that”?

BIDEN: No. No one said that to me that I can recall.

The simplest explanation is that Biden simply lied. But there is that possibility that Biden genuinely does not remember what his military advisors recommended a few months ago, on one of the most consequential decisions of his presidency.

If the president insists he did not lie in the George Stephanopoulos interview, is it now acceptable to ask if Biden can remember what he is told in briefings? ... hese-days/
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Re: Joe Biden Discussion

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Re: Joe Biden Discussion

Post by The Green Barbarian »

Biden and the Border Patrol: So good to have the 'adults' back in charge

Throughout the Trump era, the now former president was upbraided for his disturbing habit of commenting prejudicially on pending investigations and prosecutions. I joined this chorus early on, observing, for example, that Donald Trump was to blame for the outrageously mild sentence imposed on deserter Bowe Bergdahl.

While his apologists rationalized that President Trump was not a lawyer and should be excused for any unfamiliarity with the concerns in play, there really was no excusing it: The chief executive is responsible for upholding due process; lack of legal training is irrelevant; Trump was a litigious celebrity businessman who easily grasped the principles at issue; those principles are not complicated (the prohibition against "poisoning the well" is a commonsense concept, not a peculiarly legal one); and even if a rookie mistake could be overlooked, Trump made this a four-year habit.

The former president, nevertheless, compares favorably to his successor. President Biden does not even have an ostensibly plausible excuse for smearing the horsebound Border Patrol agents who are now being investigated by their agency for what appears to be the entirely lawful manner in which they corralled aliens who were attempting to enter the United States illegally in Del Rio, Texas.


That is, Trump said things presidents should never say, even if they are true, because presidents are obligated to take care that the laws are faithfully executed, which include the laws that require due process for suspects and defendants. Biden and Harris, by contrast, have made statements about the Border Patrol agents that are untrue - wholly apart from the fact that such things never should be said by presidents and vice presidents.

Biden's remarks were especially outrageous:

"I promise you, those people will pay. There will be an investigation, under way now, and there will be consequences. There will be consequences. ... It's an embarrassment, but beyond an embarrassment, it is dangerous. It's wrong; it sends the wrong message around the world, it sends the wrong message at home. It's simply not who we are."

Disgraceful. By the time Biden said this, days had elapsed and the falsity of the initial claim that the agents had "whipped" the Haitian illegal aliens - which morphed (because of the embarrassment of Acela corridor journos who did not know whips from reins) into a claim that the reins had been used as whips or straps against the aliens - was already notorious.

Despite having abundant reason to know that what he was saying was untrue, Biden said it anyway. He "promised" that there would be "consequences" for agents who had done nothing wrong in trying to deal with the chaos and lawlessness at the border that Biden himself has fomented. ... d=msedgntp
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Re: Joe Biden Discussion

Post by The Green Barbarian »

This should have the Dems and the Left gasping in their echo chambers, as facts are the worst thing a big lie can run into. It's just amazing to me how so many incredibly stupid Democrats like Maxine Waters and their media lapdogs fall for false narratives. Just disgusting.
Biden's Red Queen justice: How he destroyed both the investigation and the reputation of border agents
“Those people will pay.” With that promise, President Biden vowed to punish Customs and Border Protection agents accused of whipping undocumented immigrants on the southern border. Despite the announcement of an investigation into the allegation just the day before, Biden did not stop for the pretense of process in declaring the agents guilty.

This “sentence first — verdict afterwards” approach may amuse the Red Queen of Alice in Wonderland, but it should be anathema to an American president. Not only did Biden shatter his own administration’s investigation but he joined other leading Democratic figures in defaming the agents.

Biden told the American people that these easily identifiable officers would be punished after they allegedly “strapped” the Haitian migrants. Other Democratic politicians like Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) declared that the whipping was “worse than what we witnessed in slavery,” while Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D-Mass.) called it “white supremacist behavior.” Many in the media went into high gear, too, denouncing what one outlet described as the “Whipping (of) Haitian Asylum Seekers.”

However, Biden’s behavior was the worst, due to his position as head of the Executive Branch: “It was horrible what — to see, as you saw — to see people treated like they did: horses nearly running them over and people being strapped. It’s outrageous. I promise you, those people will pay.”

By announcing that the agents were guilty and needed to be punished, Biden destroyed the credibility of the Department of Homeland Security’s ongoing investigation. It is akin to what is called “command influence” in the military, when comments or actions of a superior officer influence an investigation or prosecution. Investigators and department officials could well be worried about their own careers if they do not find a basis to punish one or more of the border agents. The failure to do so would be an embarrassment to the president and risk the wrath of powerful figures in Washington. Conversely, any action taken against these agents can now be challenged due to Biden’s preemptive declaration.

The biggest problem is that the whipping story was entirely untrue.

Indeed, it was obviously untrue from the start. We were all watching the same video, and the officer was clearly using his strap to control his skittish horse. Even the photographer expressed astonishment at the coverage and said he did not see a single person strapped or whipped by agents.


What is notable here is that the truth could have been confirmed easily before any political or media figures portrayed the border agents as white supremacists in a race-fueled whipping frenzy.

In the end, we might all agree with President Biden that “it was horrible what you see, what you saw — to see people treated like they did.” But that should include federal agents who were sentenced to officials’ public condemnation before any verdicts were reached. ... on-and-the
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Re: Joe Biden Discussion

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Re: Joe Biden Discussion

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The most popular president in history folks...

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Re: Joe Biden Discussion

Post by nucksRnum1 »

He has been in Washington for 40 plus years. Think he cares what bitter conservatives say about him? Not at all.
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Re: Joe Biden Discussion

Post by The Green Barbarian »

nucksRnum1 wrote: Oct 3rd, 2021, 10:30 pm He has been in Washington for 40 plus years. Think he cares what bitter conservatives say about him? Not at all.
Think he possesses the cognitive ability to understand what anyone says about him? Not at all.
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Re: Joe Biden Discussion

Post by The Green Barbarian »

LOL - Nascar driver Brandon Brown being interviewed by NBC on live TV after winning his race, and the crowd breaks out into the "F--- Joe Biden!!" chant that has taken the US by storm. So here's the crowd, chanting "F--- Joe Biden"! on live TV, and the reporter somehow thinks that they are saying "Let's go Brandon!!" - har har har hardy har. If you watch the video, it's pretty easy to understand what the crowd is saying...

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Re: Joe Biden Discussion

Post by daria »

The Gold Standard in vaccine hesitancy aka Joe and Kamala:

Don't take my silence to mean I've agreed with you; I easily could've just lost interest in explaining how wrong you are.
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Re: Joe Biden Discussion

Post by foenix »

daria wrote: Oct 5th, 2021, 4:41 am The Gold Standard in vaccine hesitancy aka Joe and Kamala:

They didn't trust what Trump was saying like any sane person around the world. When you lie 25,000+ times, why would any sane person believe what Trump was it's not about the vaccine hesitancy, it's about Trump's credibility in anything he says.
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Re: Joe Biden Discussion

Post by The Green Barbarian »

Joe Biden insults Sinema and Manchin, the very senators he needs to win over for his porkulus spending

Joe Biden is known for his incompetence. Despite that, he's billed, both by himself and his press pals, as nevertheless a master legislator, a man who knows his way around Congress, a man whose decades of congressional experience makes him a president who can get things done.

Turns out he's stupid there, too.

His trillion-dollar "infrastructure" stimulus and its attendant $3.5 trillion "budget reconciliation" pork, which he considers central to his legacy, are hanging by a thread in Congress, as two Democratic senators hesitate.

What does old Joe do about these two Democratic senators he needs to persuade to come on over to his side?

Unlike normal people, who'd be very, very, nice to them in order to get them in his tree and then reach the desired goal, Joe goes and insults them. He spewed an amazing string of disgusting comments that could only be construed as insults against them yesterday.


Now he goes and insults Sinema and Manchin on a no-brainer matter concerning activists who've acted like pigs. He chose...and chose poorly. Does this fool have any sense of focus on his legislative priorities and the mere two people he needs to get in his tree? Nope, not in the least. When a freak shows up, Joe Biden takes the side of the freak.

That tells us a lot about this loser and his tin ear for politics. He's unfit, he's inept, he's incompetent -- and not just wrong on nearly every foreign policy issue, as Bob Gates has said, but politically incompetent even from his own perspective. With his insults to Sinema and Manchin, who tend to dig in any way when they want to go independent, the failure of Biden's porkulus now seems inevitable. ... nding.html
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