All Things Trudeau, Chapter 2

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Re: All Things Trudeau, Chapter 2

Post by blueliner »

Hurtlander wrote: Oct 10th, 2021, 7:59 am Once again, Trudeau is all talk but no action.. ... t-it-seems

“ It is a hollow, virtue-signalling gesture. (You know, like declaring a national day of reconciliation, then buggering off to the beach.)

Back on Sept. 28, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said all federal workers would be compelled to get fully vaccinated. “We are going to ensure the federal public service is vaccinated,” he said. “There is a clear requirement for vaccination for anyone who works for the federal government.”

Except that when Finance Minister and Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland announced the vax policy on Wednesday, there were gaps in it you could drive a semi through. Several semis.
The Treasury Board claims that Ottawa employs the equivalent of 300,540 full-time civil servants. About 212,000 of them will be exempt from getting vaccines.

In case you’re curious, that’s nearly 70% of the federal workforce that won’t be covered by the mandatory vaccine policy.

According to Blacklock’s Reporter: “Exempted employees include (federal) call centre operators, federal judges, meat inspectors, park wardens, postal workers, tax auditors, Commons and Senate staff,” and members of the armed forces.

Mounties, Canada Border Services agents and federal prison guards must be fully vaccinated by the end of October or face being placed on unpaid leave by mid-November. But soldiers, sailors and air force personnel are exempt.
Also excluded from the mandate are any federal employees who work for Crown corporations, such as Canada Post. Right, why should they be vaccinated? They only visit about 40% of the homes in the country and touch the mail of every Canadian who uses a superbox or postal office to pick up their letters and parcels.

Tax processors and auditors at the Canada Revenue Agency are exempt, as are federal employees who deal directly with the public or employees of departments that are deemed short-staffed by the Trudeau government, so cannot afford to lose any more workers.

According to Blacklock’s, that includes call centre operators who process E.I. claims and veterans’ benefits.

For me, here’s the kicker: The unlucky saps who aren’t exempt, don’t have to provide proof of vaccine. They merely have to fill out an online form claiming to be fully vaccinated or claiming a religious or medical exemption.“
Great posted but sure this must be Harper fault
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Re: All Things Trudeau, Chapter 2

Post by the truth »

TimmyE wrote: Oct 9th, 2021, 8:03 pm Trudeau will meet with new Afghan arrivals, but didn't have the time to come and meet the indigenous living in Kamloops first???
that is because he does not care about the native vote, when will they wake up and realize this
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Re: All Things Trudeau, Chapter 2

Post by The Green Barbarian »

AlienSoldier wrote: Oct 9th, 2021, 6:21 pm

You keep hating JT so much but really have only opinions.
Terrible post AS. :thumbsdown: :thumbsdown:

Yes, many people have "opinions" when they see a guy who claims to be our PM continually engaging in malfeasance, continually lying, and continually demonstrating that he doesn't give a :swear: about Canadians. These are "opinions" based on what a complete idiot Justin has been, and continues to be. It's just so sad that this is the best apparently that the Liberals could dredge up as a leader. Just total bottom of the barrel garbage.
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Re: All Things Trudeau, Chapter 2

Post by ferri »

Take the rest of this to Bickering please. :-X
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Re: All Things Trudeau, Chapter 2

Post by hobbyguy »

AlienSoldier wrote: Oct 9th, 2021, 6:21 pm
The Green Barbarian wrote: Oct 8th, 2021, 12:07 pm

What does this have to do with Justin?

Are they though? Tried buying any appliances, cars or real estate lately?

Not really, but thanks.

Sounds like giant loads of BS to me.

Because Justin and the Liberals just plain suck. It's pretty simple.
At 72+% we are one of the top 5 countries in the world when it comes to vaccine implementation for Covid-19. It means we not only were able to procure them but distributed and implemented them successfully.

All 3 million jobs that were lost since 2020 have now been recovered with the latest 150,000+ job gain this past month.

Inflation has nothing to do with job gain. Inflation is running high everywhere due to money printing, low interest rates and also supply chain disruptions. These are all temporary measures. Real Estate being up has helped millions of Canadians accumulate wealth, do you have something against this?

You keep hating JT so much but really have only opinions. Is this one of those "if they pick on you, they really really like you" kinda things?
You might want to have a look at this article about inflation: ... /100526856

"On trend inflation, which refers to longer-term dynamics, he said working-age populations would start declining in many countries as populations age.

And that would see the global labour supply shrink in coming decades.

"All of the factors that have led to an increase in labour, the reduction in bargaining power that went with it, the decline in trade unions etcetera, all of that will now reverse," he said.

"It [will make] the availability of labour, from having been coming out your ears, to being hard to find, and people will bid up wages in order to deal with the shortages of workers that they will increasingly be facing, not just temporarily.

"That's not transitory. It's here for the long run," he said."

Cyclical inflation, especially in assets, is driven largely by low interest rates when combined with limited supply. Housing, auto prices etc. where loans are a fact of life for most. We do indeed have supply chain disruptions adding into that at the moment - and improved supply chains are likely to be more costly.

There are other factors such as the temporarily tough to cross borders for TFWs that can't be helped at the moment. That plays into lack of retail supply for some products in the agricultural/food sector and therefore price stickiness for seasonal items, meat products etc.

None of this is truly in the government bailiwick until the pandemic can be brought under control - and worldwide. Might as well try to blame Bernier as to try to blame Trudeau for conditions that no one wanted.
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Re: All Things Trudeau, Chapter 2

Post by Jlabute »

Trudeau, voted worlds most parasitic mind. He is immoral and dangerous.

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Re: All Things Trudeau, Chapter 2

Post by Hurtlander »

Wow, yet another example of the Trudeau government’s outright hypocrisy and stupidity.. ... -seriously

“ Federal Health Minister Patty Hajdu said over the weekend that Canadians shouldn’t travel unless it is “absolutely necessary.”
Did she miss that her boss had just returned from a controversial beach vacation in Tofino?

Did she forget that we just went through a six-week election that saw leaders, their entourages and reporters crisscrossing the country for an unnecessary election?

That’s what it would seem like after watching Hajdu’s appearance on Global’s Sunday political show, The West Block.

When asked a question about Canadians with mixed vaccines travelling outside of the country, Hajdu gave a general travel warning.

“I’ll remind Canadians that, as annoying as it is, and I think everybody is looking forward to a hot holiday, but some Canadians even want to travel because they haven’t seen family in a very long time, but we still have travel advisories in place recommending that people don’t travel unless it’s absolutely necessary,” Hajdu said.“

<<<< SNIP>>>>

“ Now with her boss set to attend G20 in Rome at the end of the month and Glasgow for the United Nations climate summit at the start of November, Hajdu is warning us not to travel internationally.

Days after her boss admitted flying to Tofino on the first National Day for Truth and Reconciliation was a thoughtless mistake, she’s now saying travel inside Canada is dangerous and can spread COVID.
If things were as dangerous as she’s making them out to be, none of Trudeau’s trips would be going ahead and we wouldn’t have just gone through an election.

Nor would taxpayers have paid for outgoing cabinet minister Catherine McKenna to travel the country on her climate change farewell tour this summer.

The Liberals are masters at saying one thing and doing another, and then looking back with a straight face when questioned on their hypocrisy.“
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Re: All Things Trudeau, Chapter 2

Post by daria »

Don't take my silence to mean I've agreed with you; I easily could've just lost interest in explaining how wrong you are.
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Re: All Things Trudeau, Chapter 2

Post by crookedmember »

TheLiteralKingofEngland wrote: Oct 11th, 2021, 6:47 pm
This video is depraved homophobic tripe. From deriding the acronym to stating that supporting gay and trans people is going to lead society to Hell is backwards Medieval garbage that shouldn't exist in this day and age. Shame on Fox News for spouting such divisionism and any Canadians lapping up this dangerous rhetoric need to give their heads a shake.
It's sort of DSM-5 material that the fine folks who irrationally hate Trudeau, love and admire someone as awful and depraved as Tucker Carson

It's pure insanity. There's no other way to state it.
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Re: All Things Trudeau, Chapter 2

Post by PoplarSoul »

crookedmember wrote: Oct 11th, 2021, 7:30 pm It's pure insanity. There's no other way to state it.
No kidding.
I would never watch a video from Tucker Carlson (the guy is nuts) but I did watch this one after reading TheLiteralKingofEngland's post.
Wow .. just wow.
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Re: All Things Trudeau, Chapter 2

Post by AtlantisKelowna »

nucksRnum1 wrote: Oct 8th, 2021, 6:18 pm
AtlantisKelowna wrote: Oct 8th, 2021, 8:30 amSounds like a typical liberal excuse to me. Maybe you can explain the investment JT's favorite media station was given 600 million instead of investing that into people who actually needed it? That money could have trained more people than needed to maintain these systems and got the ball rolling on these facilities. I mean he made the promise 6 years ago before the supply issues but managed to give away hundreds of millions to big corporations and his buddies during that time

By the way, the last guy never made the promise and even if they should have, they didn't. JT made the promise and like most of his promises, they are full of :cuss: just like him and his followers.
What a load. CBC is a crown corporation. If the conservatives were in power they would be paying for CBC as well. The difference is that conservatives hate crown corps - and would do their best to run it into the ground. And then sell it to a donor for pennies on the dollar. And there would be a pork barrel stipulation when sold off in fine print that the profits will be private - and the losses will be paid by taxpayers.

Replies with a typical Liberal deflection. CBC is not more important than clean drinking water for the FN people. CBC should be privately owned and the Canadian people shouldn't be bailing them out for any reason. The fact you continually blame the conservatives when they haven't been in power for 6 years is very comical. You can assume whatever you like about the conservative party but it's all a bunch of fairytales until it actually happens.
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Re: All Things Trudeau, Chapter 2

Post by AtlantisKelowna »

nucksRnum1 wrote: Oct 8th, 2021, 6:20 pm
AtlantisKelowna wrote: Oct 8th, 2021, 8:41 amYes, the liberals just had an election, *bleep* away hundreds of millions, and couldn't gain a majority government. The people who matter did all they could to prevent that.
Otool ran on deficits too. So why is it a scandal because the Liberals are? Holy blowing things out of proportion batman!

O'Toole is not the PM! JT is the :cuss: making all the poor decisions.
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Re: All Things Trudeau, Chapter 2

Post by AtlantisKelowna »

foenix wrote: Oct 8th, 2021, 10:45 am
AtlantisKelowna wrote: Oct 8th, 2021, 8:32 am

Right! JT has been completely free of corruption and scandals hasn't he lol! I guess when you can prevent the country you serve from holding you accountable and proving your guilt then it just didn't happen.
If we're comparison shopping, JT and the Libs are not even close to the level the "other" guys were at and I certainly didnt see any accountability from them at all.
Yes, there was absolutely no accountability from Bill Morneau and Julie Payette. JT is most definitely on their level though so I'm not exactly sure what you're talking about.
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Re: All Things Trudeau, Chapter 2

Post by The Green Barbarian »

crookedmember wrote: Oct 11th, 2021, 7:30 pm
It's sort of DSM-5 material
No one but paid Liberal DI's know what this term means.
that the fine folks who irrationally hate Trudeau,
I don't know anyone who "irrationally" hates Justin Trudeau, but they sure dislike the fact that someone with zero integrity, brains but possessing a ton of arrogance is supposedly representing our country on the national and international stage. What an embarrassing time to be a Canadian.
love and admire someone as awful and depraved as Tucker Carson
I don't understand anyone who "loves and admires" any of the hosts on any of the US news channels, be it Rachel Madcow at MSNBC or Don the Dummy Lemon on CNN. These hosts all push their agendas, and are basically extremely hard to listen to. But given they are mostly sticking to talking about the politicians in their own country, who really cares. It is funny watching the ratings plummet at networks like CNN, as no one wants to watch a host play defence, especially for regimes that are so awful like Biden/Harris.
It's pure insanity. There's no other way to state it.
Yup, anyone still defending Justin Trudeau has to be purely insane.
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Re: All Things Trudeau, Chapter 2

Post by crookedmember »

The Trudeau Liberals won their third straight election and Trudeau is serving his third term as Prime Minister because they ran a great campaign with fully costed, well thought out policies that actually help Canadians. Trudeau crisscrossed the country and wasn't afraid of the dull-witted, mouth-breathing, uncouth right-wing protesters or anyone else.

The Reform/Alliance CPC lost their third straight election (and some seats) because their current (but not for long) leader Elmer "flip-flop" Fudd hid in a Ottawa TV studio, was on the wrong side of every issue, refused to campaign and meet Canadians, and was even scared of reporters asking questions.

Trudeau showed leadership. Elmer proved he was absent the day the Lord handed out courage.
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