Reform/Progressive Conservative crack forms

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Re: Reform/Progressive Conservative crack forms

Post by Ka-El »

fluffy wrote: O'Toole saw the need for a more centrist postion, too bad that his campaign was sabotaged from with his own party. The old school, far right influence is still strong in the CPC, and that will continue to hold him back.
Conservatives are such slow learners :smt045
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Re: Reform/Progressive Conservative crack forms

Post by The Green Barbarian »

fluffy wrote: Oct 13th, 2021, 9:11 am
We're getting a little closer to an NDP government every election,
LOL - yes that drop of 51 seats in 2015 was a real "move closer" all right. The NDP is never going to win an election. They are too insane. Their regressive policy just isn't palatable to anyone who can do basic math. Just babbling catch phrases like "pay your fair share", without defining what "fair share" is, only captures the most gullible and foolish of society. People want to see hard numbers, not regressive babbling.
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Re: Reform/Progressive Conservative crack forms

Post by nucksRnum1 »

The Green Barbarian wrote: Oct 13th, 2021, 9:55 am
fluffy wrote: Oct 13th, 2021, 9:11 am
We're getting a little closer to an NDP government every election,
LOL - yes that drop of 51 seats in 2015 was a real "move closer" all right. The NDP is never going to win an election. They are too insane. Their regressive policy just isn't palatable to anyone who can do basic math. Just babbling catch phrases like "pay your fair share", without defining what "fair share" is, only captures the most gullible and foolish of society. People want to see hard numbers, not regressive babbling.
If Singh can capture the imagination of the eastern urban ridings like Layton did - then the conservatives will never be in power ever again. Unless of course, the conservatives come closer to the middle.
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Re: Reform/Progressive Conservative crack forms

Post by Glacier »

Quebec has a conservative Premier, and he's set to win 100 of 125 seats. Quebec also has the most per capita Covid deaths in Canada, but no one cares about that.
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Re: Reform/Progressive Conservative crack forms

Post by The Green Barbarian »

nucksRnum1 wrote: Oct 13th, 2021, 12:14 pm
If Singh can capture the imagination of the eastern urban ridings like Layton did - then the conservatives will never be in power ever again. Unless of course, the conservatives come closer to the middle.
Layton didn't really capture anyone's imagination, he just took advantage of extremely weak leadership in the Liberals with a very damaged brand. As soon as the people living in those urban ridings heard the lies of Justin they left the NDP in droves. You can't "capture imagination" with empty platitudes and silly promises like forgiving all student loans. Regressive policy like that just doesn't work, for people who can do math and understand basic economic principles.
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Re: Reform/Progressive Conservative crack forms

Post by Brerrabbit18 »

The Green Barbarian wrote: Oct 13th, 2021, 12:36 pm
nucksRnum1 wrote: Oct 13th, 2021, 12:14 pm
If Singh can capture the imagination of the eastern urban ridings like Layton did - then the conservatives will never be in power ever again. Unless of course, the conservatives come closer to the middle.
Layton didn't really capture anyone's imagination, he just took advantage of extremely weak leadership in the Liberals with a very damaged brand. As soon as the people living in those urban ridings heard the lies of Justin they left the NDP in droves. You can't "capture imagination" with empty platitudes and silly promises like forgiving all student loans. Regressive policy like that just doesn't work, for people who can do math and understand basic economic principles.
Funny that. You are correct.
O'toole proved the you can't "capture imagination" with empty platitudes and silly promises". He flip-flopped on so many Conservative "policies", I was beginning to wonder what party he was the leader of.
Last edited by Brerrabbit18 on Oct 13th, 2021, 1:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Reform/Progressive Conservative crack forms

Post by bob vernon »

119 Conservative MPs elected. 37 of them are hiding whether they've gotten their Covid vaccination or not. Whatever the exact number, hiding and dodging on this issue makes the party look ridiculous. ... 20782.html
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Re: Reform/Progressive Conservative crack forms

Post by Glacier »

bob vernon wrote: Oct 13th, 2021, 6:52 pm 119 Conservative MPs elected. 37 of them are hiding whether they've gotten their Covid vaccination or not. Whatever the exact number, hiding and dodging on this issue makes the party look ridiculous. ... 20782.html
Good on them. I wouldn't tell either. It's like how when you have that one Jewish friend in school who would get teased mercilessly if people find out, so when it comes to light that someone in your class is Jewish you refuse to confirm or deny if you're the Jewish kid as a way of spreading out the hate over a wider area as away of helping your friend avoid being tormented alone.
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Re: Reform/Progressive Conservative crack forms

Post by daria »

Glacier wrote: Oct 13th, 2021, 8:07 pm
bob vernon wrote: Oct 13th, 2021, 6:52 pm 119 Conservative MPs elected. 37 of them are hiding whether they've gotten their Covid vaccination or not. Whatever the exact number, hiding and dodging on this issue makes the party look ridiculous. ... 20782.html
Good on them. I wouldn't tell either. It's like how when you have that one Jewish friend in school who would get teased mercilessly if people find out, so when it comes to light that someone in your class is Jewish you refuse to confirm or deny if you're the Jewish kid as a way of spreading out the hate over a wider area as away of helping your friend avoid being tormented alone.
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Re: Reform/Progressive Conservative crack forms

Post by The Green Barbarian »

bob vernon wrote: Oct 13th, 2021, 6:52 pm 119 Conservative MPs elected. 37 of them are hiding whether they've gotten their Covid vaccination or not. Whatever the exact number, hiding and dodging on this issue makes the party look ridiculous. ... 20782.html
what's "ridiculous" is how this was presented. These people aren't "hiding" or "dodging". This is pure demagoguery that HG was talking about, and it's why the Liberals and NDP keep failing. Enough with the lies. The CPC has to capitalize on this total lack of integrity by their opponents. It's a given. The demagoguery and regressive policies of the parties on the Left just keeps growing, and is leading to them continuing to fail.
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Re: Reform/Progressive Conservative crack forms

Post by nucksRnum1 »

The Green Barbarian wrote: Oct 13th, 2021, 12:36 pmYou can't "capture imagination" with empty platitudes and silly promises like forgiving all student loans. a drop in the bucket forgiving student loans is bad.....and bailing out industry and big business is good? How? Many oil workers and contractors still became casualties.....and big business bailouts created wealth for individuals which ended up in Panama accounts
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Re: Reform/Progressive Conservative crack forms

Post by crookedmember »

bob vernon wrote: Oct 13th, 2021, 6:52 pm 119 Conservative MPs elected. 37 of them are hiding whether they've gotten their Covid vaccination or not. Whatever the exact number, hiding and dodging on this issue makes the party look ridiculous. ... 20782.html
It's not a principled stand. They're refusing to disclose because they're scared poopless of their anti-vax base.

They're cowards. Most conservatives are.
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Re: Reform/Progressive Conservative crack forms

Post by fluffy »

crookedmember wrote: Oct 14th, 2021, 7:05 amIt's not a principled stand. They're refusing to disclose because they're scared poopless of their anti-vax base.
Politicians, ya gotta love 'em. The far right vote is a considerable force of numbers regardless of what you might think of their views, some of which stretch the limits of "socially beneficial". I think continuing to pander to this fringe is a necessary evil for the CPC, without them the party will fail entirely, with their numbers they can remain a force of contention federally. Still, it's hard to deny that this same fringe is costing the CPC among centrist voters.
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Re: Reform/Progressive Conservative crack forms

Post by hobbyguy » ... -1.6210552

"Conservative Party's national council suspends member after bid to recall O'Toole as leader

In a Facebook post, Chen calls his suspension a way 'to silence' some Conservatives"

Bert Chen is asking the basic questions that the CPC needs to address, and the O'Toole power play comes barreling at him.

I happen to think Bert Chen is correct, that O'Toole the leadership campaign guy and O'Toole the anti-CPC party leader are chameleons. O'Toole is all about O'Toole and the party membership be darned.

When O'Toole "won" the rigged leadership campaign, he pushed MacKay out, pushed out as many red Tories as he could in a purge to demand personal loyalty. Then O'Toole - despite CPC votes saying otherwise, switched gears to to an inauthentic "pro-choice", "defend LGBTQ rights" (he did neither) and pro-carbon tax position (on that one he had signed a written pledge NOT to have a carbon tax!) and totally ignored party resolutions in crafting a hollow campaign platform that did not reflect what the party itself wants. Big spending and deficits (not as much as others, but still big spending and deficits) and laden with goofy gimmicks all aimed at chasing votes - party principles be damned!

O'Toole and his cronies are playing a dangerous game when they start ostracizing key grass roots figures. Bert Chen is the Ontario grassroots representative, and he ain't no dummy.

When the grassroots speaks - you better darn well listen. Otherwise what is the point of having a political party at all?

I wonder if O'Toole hasn't made an enemy that won't be silenced? Bert Chen is quite obviously social media savvy, and if O'Toole and his cronies lose the social media war, they are done for.

Nobody ever criticized Andrew Scheer for not representing the CPC base and membership. One can easily make that criticism of the flip-flopping chameleon O'Toole. Even I know where Andrew Scheer stands on issues, but I have zero sense of where O'Toole really stands on a half a dozen key issues because he flips and flops and displays a lack of guiding principles - or perhaps any principles at all.

Going after Bert Chen personally is only going to make things worse and widen the crack(s) in the CPC.

Max Bernier, when leaving the CPC, said it had become "morally and intellectually bankrupt". When the CPC "leadership" turns on a longserving and loyal grassroots executive, who is obviously getting at the key question facing the CPC, that starts to make Max's statement look to be true.
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Re: Reform/Progressive Conservative crack forms

Post by liisgo »

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