UK Deaths among teenagers up 56% since vaccine rollout

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Re: UK Deaths among teenagers up 56% since vaccine rollout

Post by Fancy »

binky11 wrote: Oct 14th, 2021, 5:59 pm ...I just don’t get it. I don’t understand why someone wouldn’t want to at least look at what ALL the scientists are saying. ....
To blatantly believe a doctor for one thing and then say he lied the next second pretty much dismisses any credibility.
Truths can be backed up by facts - do you have any?
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Re: UK Deaths among teenagers up 56% since vaccine rollout

Post by Fancy »

binky11 wrote: Oct 14th, 2021, 6:47 pm .... I would bet my life that Bonnie, Adrian Dix and JT are NOT vaccinated. ....
Pretty much sums it up - you're so fixated on these people you really should step away from the TV once in a while.
Truths can be backed up by facts - do you have any?
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Re: UK Deaths among teenagers up 56% since vaccine rollout

Post by Kelownamade »

binky11 wrote: Oct 14th, 2021, 6:47 pm
Kelownamade wrote: Oct 14th, 2021, 6:27 pm

Unreal. A vaccine so safe that the patients are dying. Your data is from lying billionaire owned media. The UK data reporting system is showing the data. The vaccines cause shedding. This is a fact. the vaccinated are murderers and selfish. "If I die, I want you to die too" Thankfully there are the smart people who didn't take the shot so we will be able to rebuild.

It truly is unreal. I would understand a small % of people falling for the mainstream lies, but so many? This is the truly scary part. Who in the right mind would refuse to listen to both sides on the biggest scandal in the history of the world?
I saw so many red flags from day one. Nothing was making sense to me. So I had to start finding out why. It didn’t take too long. I would bet my life that Bonnie, Adrian Dix and JT are NOT vaccinated. But they sure suckered everyone else to get it. They put their careers ahead of your lives. And yet you trust THEM? This is what makes no sense to me.
Remember covid was made for the vaccine, not the other way around. Once you can wrap your head around that, then, and just maybe then, you might “ get it”.
I can only plead with parents not to get their precious wee ones jabbed. The only deaths among children from covid, were kids with pre existing conditions, such as obesity. Vaccinating your little ones will turn out to be the biggest regret of your life. At the very least wait another year, because by then I know you wouldn’t do it.
That's why I believe its truly an IQ problem. Imagine trying to analyze data when your computer is from the 70s .....Their minds cannot compute anything unless they are told to say something. They are likely very scared people who are afraid of death. They have programmed society to believe illness is natural. No it's not. It means you are doing something wrong. These people are willing to kill children to virtue signal that they care. This usually means they are very selfish people and don't actually help anyone so they think by acting like a "nice" person that means they have done something.
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Re: UK Deaths among teenagers up 56% since vaccine rollout

Post by Fancy »

Kelownamade wrote: Oct 14th, 2021, 7:05 pm That's why I believe its truly an IQ problem. Imagine trying to analyze data when your computer is from the 70s .......
That makes zero sense. I see a common thread here but please do supply the data you've read regarding the teens - and I mean real data.
Truths can be backed up by facts - do you have any?
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Re: UK Deaths among teenagers up 56% since vaccine rollout

Post by butcher99 »

binky11 wrote: Oct 14th, 2021, 5:16 pm
butcher99 wrote: Oct 14th, 2021, 4:44 pm
Just FYI I don't have a TV. Have not had one for at least 10-15 years. I am one of the original cable cutters.

Sure I can comment. I took a look at it, listened to a couple minutes and knew there was nothing new there. I listened to quite a bit of it flipping through. Same old thing, different video. Then I took a look at the other headlines on the site and laughed that anyone would be gullible enough to fall for this stuff.

I am not going to listen to a 3/4 of an hour rant on some far right website by a guy who was one of Trumps right hand men just to find out what "it" is.

I don't think you know what the "it" is either.
Just tell us, what is "it".

I am open minded about this. I don't care if you get vaccinated or not. Show me anything that cannot be blown out of the water in a minute or less of looking at real data.
I have shown you over and ever that every one of these claims you put up are bogus. They make these claims which have a modicum of truth to them. They have a modicum of truth because they all leave out pertinent facts that skew the data to what makes them the most money. Rebel news. You can't even see the video without sending them ad revenue.
I am assuming the "it" you refer to is his claim that getting vaccinated causes variants. SOmething put to rest long ago.
If that is the case why do the variants not come from Canada the US, UK, Israel etc. Why do they always come from unvaccinated countrieS?
But since you don't or can't say what the it is, how close did I come.

“IT” will all come out in the wash. It already is, but will explode one day. That day is coming. And it’s not going to be pretty. It will be the biggest scandal this world has ever seen. I see you as gullible, you see me as gullible. Time will tell.
time has already told. 6.5 billion doses worldwide and a year and a half after the first shots. The vaccine is safe.

But, no one has ever said what "it" is.
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Re: UK Deaths among teenagers up 56% since vaccine rollout

Post by butcher99 »

Kelownamade wrote: Oct 14th, 2021, 7:05 pm

That's why I believe its truly an IQ problem. Imagine trying to analyze data when your computer is from the 70s .....Their minds cannot compute anything unless they are told to say something. They are likely very scared people who are afraid of death. They have programmed society to believe illness is natural. No it's not. It means you are doing something wrong. These people are willing to kill children to virtue signal that they care. This usually means they are very selfish people and don't actually help anyone so they think by acting like a "nice" person that means they have done something.
Yes, it is an IQ problem. Or a gullibility problem. But not the way you think. First off, a computer from the 70s would work just fine to analyze data. It would just do it slower. Even eniac would work fine for analyzing data. It is just numbers and that is what computers do best. Even really really old ones.

It is a well known fact that those who feel themselves to be smarter than others just are not. You can look up the dunning-kruger effect. Those who are smarter continually question their intelligence and wonder just how intelligent they are. So the next time you feel like saying how you are more intelligent than those who disagree with you, think of this study.

Here you go. Looked it up for you. ... ct-4160740
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Re: UK Deaths among teenagers up 56% since vaccine rollout

Post by Kelownamade »

butcher99 wrote: Oct 14th, 2021, 9:57 pm
Kelownamade wrote: Oct 14th, 2021, 7:05 pm

That's why I believe its truly an IQ problem. Imagine trying to analyze data when your computer is from the 70s .....Their minds cannot compute anything unless they are told to say something. They are likely very scared people who are afraid of death. They have programmed society to believe illness is natural. No it's not. It means you are doing something wrong. These people are willing to kill children to virtue signal that they care. This usually means they are very selfish people and don't actually help anyone so they think by acting like a "nice" person that means they have done something.
Yes, it is an IQ problem. Or a gullibility problem. But not the way you think. First off, a computer from the 70s would work just fine to analyze data. It would just do it slower. Even eniac would work fine for analyzing data. It is just numbers and that is what computers do best. Even really really old ones.

It is a well known fact that those who feel themselves to be smarter than others just are not. You can look up the dunning-kruger effect. Those who are smarter continually question their intelligence and wonder just how intelligent they are. So the next time you feel like saying how you are more intelligent than those who disagree with you, think of this study.

Here you go. Looked it up for you. ... ct-4160740

I am smarter than you. I am not nearly the smartest or most anything. The computer comment was an analysis of comparing dumb people to more intelligent and capable minds. You offer no substance to this conversation. The ones you worship are clearly incompetent or malicious. They have guided society into taking a toxic shot that is killing children. Bravo. what a smart decision to follow these fools. 52 people died during the swine flu vaccine roll out and we now have over 50 000 Americans dead. I do not care about covid deaths. Those are 95% very sick people and the healthy ones were treated poorly because the ones you worship are controlling the protocols which are killing people aka Ventilators. If you were honest and well researched, you would know this. Its obvious what's happening and its nearly impossible to convince someone they made a decision that will kill them. I feel bad for you and especially since people like you fought to die.

Re: UK Deaths among teenagers up 56% since vaccine rollout

Post by spooker »

And there goes another thread taken over by bots being vague, angry, and slanderous ... fun while "it" lasted I guess ... it's interesting to see where OP started then where things went other directions, the mods trying to get things back on track, then the thread being dragged off a cliff by name calling [insert derogatory name here] ...

Life isn't normal right now, data is being interpreted out of context (i.e. the original conclusion of this thread), and all the normal people have to figure out how to navigate it ...
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Re: UK Deaths among teenagers up 56% since vaccine rollout

Post by Randall T »

binky11 wrote: Oct 14th, 2021, 5:59 pm
Randall T wrote: Oct 14th, 2021, 5:34 pm Arguing with an idiot is like playing chess with a pigeon. It'll just knock over all the pieces, :cuss: on the board, and strut about like it's won anyway.
I couldn’t agree more. I just don’t get it. I don’t understand why someone wouldn’t want to at least look at what ALL the scientists are saying. I mean, it could be a matter of life and death, why wouldn’t one even do their research on this? Is it laziness or just plain stupidity? Or low functioning people? Or people who seriously trust their government? What is it?
ALL of the scientists? I'm not playing chess with you :biggrin:
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Re: UK Deaths among teenagers up 56% since vaccine rollout

Post by alanjh595 »

binky11 wrote: Oct 14th, 2021, 5:59 pm
Randall T wrote: Oct 14th, 2021, 5:34 pm Arguing with an idiot is like playing chess with a pigeon. It'll just knock over all the pieces, :cuss: on the board, and strut about like it's won anyway.
I couldn’t agree more. I just don’t get it. I don’t understand why someone wouldn’t want to at least look at what ALL the scientists are saying. I mean, it could be a matter of life and death, why wouldn’t one even do their research on this? Is it laziness or just plain stupidity? Or low functioning people? Or people who seriously trust their government? What is it?
I have looked at as much of the material that was available at the time and have continued to watch for new information daily. I have researched and considered the options very carefully.

I made the informed decision to get the vaccine and I am very happy with my choice. Continually looking at the daily numbers, it was the best choice in this pandemic that I have made.
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Re: UK Deaths among teenagers up 56% since vaccine rollout

Post by butcher99 »

Kelownamade wrote: Oct 14th, 2021, 10:16 pm
butcher99 wrote: Oct 14th, 2021, 9:57 pm

Yes, it is an IQ problem. Or a gullibility problem. But not the way you think. First off, a computer from the 70s would work just fine to analyze data. It would just do it slower. Even eniac would work fine for analyzing data. It is just numbers and that is what computers do best. Even really really old ones.

It is a well known fact that those who feel themselves to be smarter than others just are not. You can look up the dunning-kruger effect. Those who are smarter continually question their intelligence and wonder just how intelligent they are. So the next time you feel like saying how you are more intelligent than those who disagree with you, think of this study.

Here you go. Looked it up for you. ... ct-4160740

I am smarter than you. I am not nearly the smartest or most anything. The computer comment was an analysis of comparing dumb people to more intelligent and capable minds. You offer no substance to this conversation. The ones you worship are clearly incompetent or malicious. They have guided society into taking a toxic shot that is killing children. Bravo. what a smart decision to follow these fools. 52 people died during the swine flu vaccine roll out and we now have over 50 000 Americans dead. I do not care about covid deaths. Those are 95% very sick people and the healthy ones were treated poorly because the ones you worship are controlling the protocols which are killing people aka Ventilators. If you were honest and well researched, you would know this. Its obvious what's happening and its nearly impossible to convince someone they made a decision that will kill them. I feel bad for you and especially since people like you fought to die.
"I am smarter than you" You have no idea if you are or not. You certainly did not read the article on people who say they are smarter than others. You are certainly more gullible if you listen to Joe Rogan and others of his ilk.
You have provided no evidence that the vaccine is harmful to anyone. Every argument you put up has been shown with very little effort to be a constructed argument carefully avoiding facts that show it is not true. That has been shown to you over and over and over.

I have had enough of your thinly veiled insults. Some of your comments make no sense and have no logic to them. For someone "so smart" a person would think there should at least be logic to your comments. Take for instance this comment by "the smartest person on the forum
52 people died during the swine flu vaccine roll out and we now have over 50 000 Americans dead. "

Or this.
Those are 95% very sick people and the healthy ones were treated poorly because the ones you worship are controlling the protocols which are killing people aka Ventilators.
What? Totally meaningless sentences. Not taken out of context because, there is no context.

As pointed out your computer comment just does not work. A computer no matter how slow will eventually come to the same conclusion when you input the same facts.
However there is a really great computer saying that programmers learn their first day in class. It is GIGO. It stands for Garbage in, Garbage out. You seemed to miss that class.

Another on on ignore. Hasta luego. Well, no that is see you later. Adios.

Re: UK Deaths among teenagers up 56% since vaccine rollout

Post by Jonrox »

It's interesting to see the "I'm smarter than you" debate pop up. None of us is smart enough to actually understand and discuss the science behind this. I'll paraphrase a great series of tweets I saw recently...

Let's say a 5-year old and an adult play chess. The adult is going to beat the 5-year old 100 times out of 100. Does this mean the adult is an amazing chess player, fully aware of advanced strategies and tactics? Of course not... it simply means they can beat a child by knowing just the basics of the game.

Now take that adult with a basic understanding of chess and put them against a chess player with an Elo of 1600. The 1600 level player will win 100 out of 100 times. Is this player an amazing chess player? Of course not, it just means they have a rudimentary grasp of chess strategy, but that's all that's needed to consistently beat someone who simply understands the basic rules.

Now put the 1600 level player against someone who has studied the game their entire life and fully understands the intricacies, strategy, nuances, and history of chess... a grandmaster. The grandmaster wins in their sleep 100 out of 100 times.

Regular folks trying to discuss the science of Covid and discredit the actual experts is like the adult who understands only the basics of chess trying to discredit the knowledge and experience of Magnus Carlsen. And Magnus Carlsen watching the 5-year old throw a temper tantrum because he's losing every game is comparable to the actual Covid experts watching regular folks believing they're science and medical experts get upset because they watched some videos on Facebook or Bitchute. At best it's maybe a slightly humorous sideshow... but still completely irrelevant.

I'm not saying the 1600 level player isn't smart. They might be incredibly smart, but the grandmaster is exponentially smarter and more knowledgeable when it comes to chess. They're on such opposite ends of the spectrum that it's not even worth the time to consider what the regular folks are saying. Their opinions are completely meaningless (mine included) in comparison to actual experts.

In all of human history there's never been a better example of the Dunning-Kruger Effect than what we're seeing right now.

So yeah... some of you who are saying you're smarter than other folks on the forum... you very well might be, but it still doesn't mean jack *bleep*. You're the 1600 Elo level player compared to the adult who can defeat a child, who's understanding and experience means literally nothing when compared to the grandmasters.
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Re: UK Deaths among teenagers up 56% since vaccine rollout

Post by butcher99 »

Jonrox wrote: Oct 15th, 2021, 8:54 am It's interesting to see the "I'm smarter than you" debate pop up. None of us is smart enough to actually understand and discuss the science behind this. I'll paraphrase a great series of tweets I saw recently...

I just want to point out here that it was not an "I am smarter than you" debate. There was only one person here playing that card That person was not me. It takes at least two to have a debate. . I like to believe I am adult enough to not get into that juvenile nonsense.

If someone wants to believe they are extremely intelligent go for it.
Now back to our regularly scheduled nonsense
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Re: UK Deaths among teenagers up 56% since vaccine rollout

Post by Kelownamade »

butcher99 wrote: Oct 15th, 2021, 8:14 am
Kelownamade wrote: Oct 14th, 2021, 10:16 pm

I am smarter than you. I am not nearly the smartest or most anything. The computer comment was an analysis of comparing dumb people to more intelligent and capable minds. You offer no substance to this conversation. The ones you worship are clearly incompetent or malicious. They have guided society into taking a toxic shot that is killing children. Bravo. what a smart decision to follow these fools. 52 people died during the swine flu vaccine roll out and we now have over 50 000 Americans dead. I do not care about covid deaths. Those are 95% very sick people and the healthy ones were treated poorly because the ones you worship are controlling the protocols which are killing people aka Ventilators. If you were honest and well researched, you would know this. Its obvious what's happening and its nearly impossible to convince someone they made a decision that will kill them. I feel bad for you and especially since people like you fought to die.
"I am smarter than you" You have no idea if you are or not. You certainly did not read the article on people who say they are smarter than others. You are certainly more gullible if you listen to Joe Rogan and others of his ilk.
You have provided no evidence that the vaccine is harmful to anyone. Every argument you put up has been shown with very little effort to be a constructed argument carefully avoiding facts that show it is not true. That has been shown to you over and over and over.

I have had enough of your thinly veiled insults. Some of your comments make no sense and have no logic to them. For someone "so smart" a person would think there should at least be logic to your comments. Take for instance this comment by "the smartest person on the forum
52 people died during the swine flu vaccine roll out and we now have over 50 000 Americans dead. "

Or this.
Those are 95% very sick people and the healthy ones were treated poorly because the ones you worship are controlling the protocols which are killing people aka Ventilators.
What? Totally meaningless sentences. Not taken out of context because, there is no context.

As pointed out your computer comment just does not work. A computer no matter how slow will eventually come to the same conclusion when you input the same facts.
However there is a really great computer saying that programmers learn their first day in class. It is GIGO. It stands for Garbage in, Garbage out. You seemed to miss that class.

Another on on ignore. Hasta luego. Well, no that is see you later. Adios.

There are TRUTHS in this world. Anyone who takes an experimental shot during a period of clearly fraud and tyranny is not too bright. Hence why PHD's and experts with higher IQ's are not taking the shot.

95% of those who died from covid has 4 comorbidities. They were dying . 5% who didn't have comorbidities died from poor treatment caused by toxic protocols directed to be used by doctors.

Computer comment was a simple example of comparing a low IQ person to the computing power from the 70s vs an intelligent person with a state of the art computer. If it takes a dumb person 10 000 hours of studying to be able to understand what's occurring and an intelligent person only 100 hours, do you think the dumb people are going to invest that amount of time to analyze the data? No they won't, so they will die.
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Re: UK Deaths among teenagers up 56% since vaccine rollout

Post by Fancy »

Kelownamade wrote: Oct 15th, 2021, 9:58 am There are TRUTHS in this world. ...
Truths can be backed up by facts - do you have any?
Truths can be backed up by facts - do you have any?
Fancy this, Fancy that and by the way, T*t for Tat

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