Vax Mandate
Re: Vax Mandate
As the minority in this thread who hasn't fallen into the CT blackhole I will leave the echo chamber to the rest ... sorry to have butted in ...
- The Pilgrim
- Posts: 35654
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Re: Vax Mandate
agree 100% why not
if you are not double vaxxed no welfre cheque
if you are not double vaxxed no cerb cheque
why not, you are correct they are only going after the working class
"The further a society drifts from truth the more it will hate those who speak it." -George Orwell
- Generalissimo Postalot
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Re: Vax Mandate
culling of the herd. Gonna be a crazy winter. Who is so confident in their "safety of the vaccine" THat they will sign over a contract to their homes if they die before May of next year? If not i'll give you $10 000.
- Fledgling
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Re: Vax Mandate
It doesn't take any conspiracy theories, it's all in plain sight. Coercing people into a medical procedure to keep their jobs or to just live a normal life is not the glorious and free country I grew up in.
- Newbie
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Re: Vax Mandate
try to think outside the box and do alittle research of your own instead of getting all your info from CNN or Fauci or Henry
its amazing what you can find out if you try, that is if you really are looking for the truth
- Walks on Forum Water
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Re: Vax Mandate
Last edited by ferri on Oct 22nd, 2021, 5:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Approved by mistake.
Reason: Approved by mistake.
Should Bill Gates be ordered to stand trial in Netherlands for lying to us about the covid vaccine? Let's not talk about it.
Should Bill Gates be ordered to stand trial in Netherlands for lying to us about the covid vaccine? Let's not talk about it.
- Guru
- Posts: 7844
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Re: Vax Mandate
^^ this is not a conspiracy theory's happening right before your very eyes !! how on earth is taking away someone's business , employment and income have to do to with a 2 yr old virus that now has treatment to control it ??
- Lord of the Board
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Re: Vax Mandate
Canada is replacing CERB with the Canada worker "Lockdown" benefitW105 wrote: ↑Oct 22nd, 2021, 11:53 am
this is about nothing except Control now..
Covid is not that big bad scary virus any's been almost 2 yrs now..the fear is getting smaller..if Covid was still big and bad, then the whole world would still be shut down..why ?? because many countries have very low vax rates and yet people from every part of the world can go vacation or work there with ease..
taking away people's businesses, employment and income isn't about saving people from a Virus..
we wear masks, we social distance, we have vaccines and boosters now, we have treatments available..we are no longer doomed
That title doesnt sound very promising.
[(4-Hydroxybutyl)azanediyl]di(hexane-6,1-diyl) bis(2-hexyldecanoate), ALC-0315 equivalent, is a ionizable, physiological pH cationic synthetic lipid that is used with other lipids to form lipid nanoparticles(LNP) for drug delivery, For research use only.
- Übergod
- Posts: 1019
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Re: Vax Mandate
If they continue with this vax mandate much past this winter. Then it proves the whole thing was a sham
- Guru
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Re: Vax Mandate
Liked,,,Happy Hall Oween123 wrote: ↑Oct 22nd, 2021, 1:09 pm if people cannot see by now what is going on , there is no hope for this country. They told us "just 2 weeks" They told us " if seniors and people with poor health get the shot we will be fine" They told us " Once you get vaccinated you will be safe"
they told us "there will be no vaccine mandate". They told us " you have the freedom to choose if you want the jab"
Are we getting the picture yet? In parts of Australia, they are demanding vaccine passports to grocery shop, they also have camps for the unvaccinated. This is not a conspiracy theory ( you can look it up) When will the media start asking critical
questions about what is going on. Oh, I forgot, they are all sponsored by Pfizer or johnson &johnson . I rest my case.
I hope we come to our senses soon.
ps. please explain to me why people who are fully vaccinated are ending up in ICU and some are dying ( as per govt stats)
They told us " if you get the jab ,you will only experience minor symptoms"
And there are so much more than you have listed. A recent pod cast by a European professor of clinical Psychology, (linked below), is a study that is showing just how scary the control of people has become. How easy it is for governments and media to manipulate the minds of so many today. A large segment of our society are not interested in making any conscious decisions, researching information, listening to facts. They are in a negative state of mind. They want to be part of something, grand stand and could care less what the facts are. And they need an escape for their own weakness. We see them here on these forums.
We are in this mess because we are a very unhealthy, over weight society. No emphasis, no talk, no guidance, no support, just complete ignorance because of the effect it would have on one those individuals. No mandates in place to vaccinate them first, for all our protection. No discussion's for them to assist them with personal choices for their own protection.
The ones that need to do something drastic in theirs lives for now and the future health issue's we will face are of no acceptations to contribute to a healthy position for themselves and all of us.
Just attack the ones that have put so much time and energy into being prepared for a healthy approach and protection to this.
What the government and so many are demanding is that the others fall to their position and dilemma. Now the government is going to deny social allowances such as EI? People will be fired from their jobs if they do not do the only means of covid protection so many have left themselves. Overweight people are the most effected, the most virus load for transmitting, the biggest draw on our system. Mandate passports for a work out in your private corner of the gym, but nothing for access to your local burger joint.
But zero accountability, and then, these very same individuals are on the witch hunt which I m sure they are enjoying.
This has gotten completely wrong. Its a weak, embarrassing, handling of this health concern.
I had Covid, barely noticed. I am vax. It is because of actual information I have researched, listened too that I now feel so strong against the handling of this by our government. I do not trust them. They obviously really have no idea. And the biggest thing that changed my support. The masses of miserable, hypocritical, double standard individuals that have one thing they fight for. To have the rest of society cover them off for their own decisions to ignore any preparation for better health of themselves and now the rest of us.
And to completely unhealthy, vulnerable Covid Karen, now you book your trip to mexico for your holiday this winter because you believe your safe because of ignorance to facts. You realize, the Mexican people, the majority of them, have not gotten the same vaccinations that you believe give you the ultimatum protection.
30% of the people are and can be easily hypnotized, controlled and manipulate.
40% wont speak out knowing something is not right, so they just follow.
30% try to speak out and do something.
time 35 min mark of video.
"If I find out who's been running this country for the last 8.5 yrs into the ground, there will be hell to pay",,,,,,,,,Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.
- Walks on Forum Water
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Re: Vax Mandate
What kind of friends do you have? They want to take money away from Canada's poorest people
and give it to who? Moderna?
Should Bill Gates be ordered to stand trial in Netherlands for lying to us about the covid vaccine? Let's not talk about it.
Should Bill Gates be ordered to stand trial in Netherlands for lying to us about the covid vaccine? Let's not talk about it.
- Сварливий старий мерзотник
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Re: Vax Mandate
It past the time the Chief justices of the Canadian Supreme Court step up and do their job, tell the citizens of Canada if the actions of both the Federal & Provincial governments is or is not Constitutional.
I don't give a damn whether people/posters like me or dislike me, I'm not on earth to win any popularity contests.
It appears US voters hated Woke more than they hated Trump.
It appears US voters hated Woke more than they hated Trump.
- Generalissimo Postalot
- Posts: 724
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Re: Vax Mandate
LOL. They are only going after the employed. The working class people who have contributed day in day out throughout the pandemic. These are the people with something to lose. You can't take bread off a retiree's table with a mandate. You can't take away from the unemployed with a mandate. You can take EVERYTHING away from Joe Average by threatening their livelihood with a mandate (get the vaccine whether you need it or not, otherwise: no income = no food, no shelter, now no EI,)DoubleB12 wrote: ↑Oct 22nd, 2021, 1:28 pmI believe they apply to all...working, retired, semi-retired, unemployed.Not required where I work, and probably wont be, some places of employment is does apply.Do the unemployed have a job to lose?? Kind of an oxymoron response there!!For now yes, but that may change. More than likely the unemployed cant afford to travel, so I suggest get a job. Places are hiring everywhere!!
- Generalissimo Postalot
- Posts: 724
- Joined: Jun 25th, 2019, 12:46 pm
Re: Vax Mandate
Ventilators are used to treat an extremely low number of overall covid patients.

- Admiral HMS Castanet
- Posts: 29561
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Re: Vax Mandate
EI is for people who lose their job thru no fault of their own. It is not for people who just don't feel like taking a vaccine to protect the population against a pandemic. People (the vast majority) have a choice. If someone needs a medical exemption they might have a case for EI. People who are just following some conspiracy theory don't have a case for EI. There is nothing preventing them from getting a vaccine.
Last edited by Silverstarqueen on Oct 22nd, 2021, 8:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.