Vax Mandate

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Admiral HMS Castanet
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Re: Vax Mandate

Post by Silverstarqueen »

firsttimecaller wrote: Oct 22nd, 2021, 8:21 pm
TheLiteralKingofEngland wrote: Oct 22nd, 2021, 8:16 pm What treatment? A ventilator?
Ventilators are used to treat an extremely low number of overall covid patients. :topic:
Unless they live in Saskatchewan, northern b.c., alberta, quebec.... ... d=msedgntp
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Re: Vax Mandate

Post by firsttimecaller »

Silverstarqueen wrote: Oct 22nd, 2021, 8:23 pm EI is for people who lose their job thru no fault of their own. It is not for people who just don't feel like taking a vaccine to protect the population against a pandemic. People (the vast majority) have a choice. If someone needs a medical exemption they might have a case for EI. People who are just following some conspiracy theory don't have a case for EI. There is nothing preventing them from getting a vaccine.
Your stereotyping is growing old. Not every unvaccinated person is a conspiracy theorist. Some people have actual concerns and aren't in a rush to get the vaccine. You love the vaccine, clearly, that's fantastic. I personally still have some questions about the vaccine that don't have answers yet. Not saying I'm never getting it, but it should be when I am comfortable making that decision.

People are being pushed into taking something that they are not ready to take. It doesn't matter if you THINK they should or should not take the vaccine, it is still a personal decision. The fact that people are now having that decision taken away by threat of complying or being fired is not cool. To be honest it is messed up that people think this is ok. They wear their masks, they do the things they are told do each day to make others feel safer, they stay home while others are taking their new passports for a spin. These people are not spreading COVID like wildfire, they are basically still sitting in the corner minding their own business.

Someone who has worked the same job for 20 years and now has the requirements of their job suddenly change in a very personal way could lose their job due to an abrupt change. That person has paid EI their entire adult life, supporting the system, keeping food on other peoples tables through their EI contribution and you have the audacity to imply that this hard working person should not be entitled to a government benefit they've help keep alive? Because they had a different belief in the medicine they take than their employer? I don't know what type of human being you were before COVID, but I really hope it's the divisiveness of the pandemic that has you thinking this way and that you aren't actually than low of a human being.
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Re: Vax Mandate

Post by OKkayak »

firsttimecaller wrote: Oct 22nd, 2021, 10:12 pm
Not every unvaccinated person is a conspiracy theorist. Some people have actual concerns and aren't in a rush to get the vaccine.
This is true, but they're also not the ones regurgitating the same conspiracy nonsense over and over again.
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Re: Vax Mandate

Post by Silverstarqueen »

firsttimecaller wrote: Oct 22nd, 2021, 10:12 pm
Silverstarqueen wrote: Oct 22nd, 2021, 8:23 pm EI is for people who lose their job thru no fault of their own. It is not for people who just don't feel like taking a vaccine to protect the population against a pandemic. People (the vast majority) have a choice. If someone needs a medical exemption they might have a case for EI. People who are just following some conspiracy theory don't have a case for EI. There is nothing preventing them from getting a vaccine.
Your stereotyping is growing old. Not every unvaccinated person is a conspiracy theorist. Some people have actual concerns and aren't in a rush to get the vaccine. You love the vaccine, clearly, that's fantastic. I personally still have some questions about the vaccine that don't have answers yet. Not saying I'm never getting it, but it should be when I am comfortable making that decision.

People are being pushed into taking something that they are not ready to take. It doesn't matter if you THINK they should or should not take the vaccine, it is still a personal decision. The fact that people are now having that decision taken away by threat of complying or being fired is not cool. To be honest it is messed up that people think this is ok. They wear their masks, they do the things they are told do each day to make others feel safer, they stay home while others are taking their new passports for a spin. These people are not spreading COVID like wildfire, they are basically still sitting in the corner minding their own business.

Someone who has worked the same job for 20 years and now has the requirements of their job suddenly change in a very personal way could lose their job due to an abrupt change. That person has paid EI their entire adult life, supporting the system, keeping food on other peoples tables through their EI contribution and you have the audacity to imply that this hard working person should not be entitled to a government benefit they've help keep alive? Because they had a different belief in the medicine they take than their employer? I don't know what type of human being you were before COVID, but I really hope it's the divisiveness of the pandemic that has you thinking this way and that you aren't actually than low of a human being.
Of course it doesn't matter if I think they should or should not take the vaccine. I actually have no say in how these decisions are made, except by electing representatives, that's why we have elected officials, and public health officers. You want to make this about me, but really it's about the protection of the community (for those who care about more than just themselves).
Of course not everyone is avoiding vaccination because of conspiracy theories (although many are misinformed because of the conspiracy theorists, some of them are dead now). Many are just not listening to health officials, who are sworn to protect the health of the community.
People are still free to make their choice. and yes, some have chosen never to spread the virus, stay home. You must not get out much tho, because many are working among us as well. They can chose too, but there will be consequences for some choices.

Many are still spreading the virus, or we wouldn't have the majority of patients in hospital, and serious cases who are unvaccinated. If they were all being so perfectly careful, why are they still ending up so ill? and those are just the tip of the iceberg, the sickest of the sickest, they are also then in the majority of the spreaders, even tho they only make up a small percentage of the population.
Regardless if someone has paid EI their whole life, there is no entitelment to an insurance program, there are requirements for reaping the benefits. Benefits which are there for people who lose their job thru no fault of their own, not because they have "questions" about a job requirement, and public health. A job doesn't just come with the benefits and perks, but there is a duty to the whole community where that person lives and reaps the benefits of the community at large. One example being the health care system. It's there for those who really need it, who unfortunately end up with some very bad health crisis. We all pay into it our whole lives, and hope never to need it. Hope that people will not tax it unnecessarily.

The whole point of the vaccine is to protect the health of the community, and the health system, even when going thru a pandemic. That's just not possible if we all did what the anti-vaxxers are doing and just refuse to take the vaccine.
Medicine is not actually a religion, it's based on science, and is dedicated to preserving the health of our people. I hope that you are not that low of a human being that you would put your unfounded beliefs ahead of protecting our community's health. EI does not pay out just because your beliefs say it should.
Of course in this (relatively) free country you have the choice, to meet your employment requirements, to meet public health requirements, or not. But you don't have the freedom to ignore those obligations and requirements, and still get to reap ALL the benefits. A lot of employers and self-employed, and employees have made great sacrifices to help us all get thru this. Some people are not rowing in the right direction. They call it divisiveness. Others see it as not making a bone fide equal effort to get our businesses back on track WHILE at the same time protecting people's health as much as possible. Hopefully you will rethink your very selfish position and talk to your doctor about your "questions" regarding the vaccine. Which has been proven to be far safer than going head to head with the Covid virus for our society.

For those who want to enjoy all the benefits of our great society, they will need also to accept the responsibilities that go along with that.
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Re: Vax Mandate

Post by Sparki55 »

Silverstarqueen wrote: Oct 23rd, 2021, 6:44 am Of course in this (relatively) free country you have the choice, to meet your employment requirements, to meet public health requirements, or not. But you don't have the freedom to ignore those obligations and requirements, and still get to reap ALL the benefits.
Fine, so a person doesn't want the vaccine and accepts the consequences, what do they do now?

No job, no safety net, no ability to survive. It's not like people can just live a life out in the woods and be a hunter gatherer, that illegal.

We're trapped in our society and you either follow everyone else and play along to survive or become homeless and starve on the streets.

Don't believe the following if you must but do at least acknowledge that the "nutcases" and conspiracy theorists saw the vax mandate, booster shots and restrictions coming. Next there will be more.
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Re: Vax Mandate

Post by I Think »

Why is it that so many anti vaxxers are right wingers?.
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Re: Vax Mandate

Post by the truth »

really if that's the case everyone on welfare should be double vaxxed by now or cut off
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Re: Vax Mandate

Post by I Think »

It is saddening that restaurant and other staff have to act as vaccination police, but that is the fault of the anti vaxxers.
We all have had to toughen up to get the country through this difficult time, it is past time for the anti vaxxers to toughen up and get the shots.
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Re: Vax Mandate

Post by alanjh595 »

:up: :up: :up: :up: :up:
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Re: Vax Mandate

Post by Silverstarqueen »

TheLiteralKingofEngland wrote: Oct 22nd, 2021, 8:24 pm
firsttimecaller wrote: Oct 22nd, 2021, 8:21 pm Ventilators are used to treat an extremely low number of overall covid patients. :topic:
Okay, so what treatment is being mentioned. Just wondering.
One alternative to mechanical ventilation: ... -covid-19/

28000 Canadians died of Covid, only about 2000 were ventilated, so "low" number is technically true.
What it means is that ventilation doesn't work in many cases and there's no point in trying it. Ventilation itself can do damage to the lungs as well, people don't necessarily survive it in great shape. And obviously Canada doesn't have the resources to ventilate 28,000 people total over a year or so.
ECMO is used rarely, it's an even scarcer resource than ventilators.
The bigger problem is that many patients are too far gone, even if they could be ventilated, their lungs just can't exchange oxygen even with breathing assist, the damage from covid is too extensive. Once on the vent, many cannot get off it.
Even so, ICU care has to be the least efficient way to treat covid. The vaccine cuts the serious illness down to 10% ish of what otherwise would be the load of high level care (if everyone took it). Obviously keeping someone out of ICU is a better option if at all possible. Comparative costs of highest level care for a population of vaccinated vs unvaccinated are hugely different, but who's counting?
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Re: Vax Mandate

Post by W105 »

people can claim EI for stress leave and I hope anybody who gets fired for not getting vaxxed applies for it for that reason...
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Re: Vax Mandate

Post by DoubleB12 »

I Think wrote: Oct 23rd, 2021, 7:24 am It is saddening that restaurant and other staff have to act as vaccination police, but that is the fault of the anti vaxxers.
We all have had to toughen up to get the country through this difficult time, it is past time for the anti vaxxers to toughen up and get the shots.
It's actually well past the time now in BC, we have an 85% double dose rate we should be living in this province restriction free!!
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Re: Vax Mandate

Post by Silverstarqueen »

I Think wrote: Oct 23rd, 2021, 7:19 am Why is it that so many anti vaxxers are right wingers?.
I think it's because they are listening to certain right-wing sources of misinformation (understatement). There are a relatively few sources for the Anti-vax propaganda, (this has been researched in online media) and then the mis-information just spreads from there. Some contribution from certain right=wing TV channels as well.
Right-wing influencers decided some time ago that Anti-vax was going to be their project and part of their platform, and made a medical issue into a political issue. Unfortunately a lot of people who were not necessarily right wingers also got sucked up in the process and were influenced by the misinformation. So yes, there can still be lefties who have drunk the koolaid, done their "research", but unfortunately didn't listen to the Public health officials and scientists with more solid information.
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Re: Vax Mandate

Post by I Think »

DoubleB12 wrote: Oct 23rd, 2021, 7:41 am
I Think wrote: Oct 23rd, 2021, 7:24 am It is saddening that restaurant and other staff have to act as vaccination police, but that is the fault of the anti vaxxers.
We all have had to toughen up to get the country through this difficult time, it is past time for the anti vaxxers to toughen up and get the shots.
It's actually well past the time now in BC, we have an 85% double dose rate we should be living in this province restriction free!!
Yep, the anti vaxxers are keeping us from being able to open up the country.
We're lost but we're making good time.
Admiral HMS Castanet
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Re: Vax Mandate

Post by Silverstarqueen »

W105 wrote: Oct 23rd, 2021, 7:37 am people can claim EI for stress leave and I hope anybody who gets fired for not getting vaxxed applies for it for that reason...
I think the stress has to be experienced before they are fired, and not a result of being fired.
Can someone be seriously stressed just not taking a vaccine? Is that a work related stress?
If just being generally stressed qualifies, then probably 80% of workers could quit and claim that, since many many workers have been stressed thru out the whole pandemic. In my daily dealings with workers in the community, I often thank them for just being on the job thru it all.
Last edited by Silverstarqueen on Oct 23rd, 2021, 7:47 am, edited 1 time in total.

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