Reform/Progressive Conservative crack forms
- Buddha of the Board
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Re: Reform/Progressive Conservative crack forms
Yup, O'Toole is flipping and flopping like a fish hauled up onto the dock. Not surprising: ... eir-party/crookedmember wrote: ↑Oct 22nd, 2021, 10:12 pmYou spoke too soon.
'Flip Flop' O'Toole has, well, flip flopped on that now too.
"Next up for federal Conservatives? A fight for the soul of their party"
“A minority of our caucus viewed mandatory vaccinations as a human-rights issue,” a senior party source told The Globe and Mail. “Many of us regarded this view as deeply misguided and wrong, but if we hadn’t respected it we would have faced a full-scale revolt with a number of our MPs.” (The Globe is not identifying the sources in this story because they do not have the authority to speak publicly.)"
"Already playing out, I would argue, is a fight for the soul of the Conservative Party of Canada, a fight that, broadly speaking, pits party supporters west of Ontario who believe the CPC should reflect a stricter sense of conservative values and principles (the old Reform Party wing) against those who support the leader’s wish to put the word “progressive” back in the conservative brand and become relevant in growing urban areas in Ontario, Quebec and British Columbia."
"Back in August, the idea of requiring candidates to be fully vaccinated as a condition for running was so contentious that Mr. O’Toole’s team was concerned a group of MPs might desert the Conservatives if such a rule were enforced.
To avoid this showdown, Mr. O’Toole capitulated, deciding he would simply not answer reporters’ questions when asked how many of his candidates had been vaccinated."
"But in the suburbs, where Mr. O’Toole hoped to make election gains, the idea of allowing any assault-style weapons to be sold in stores in Canada makes no sense. The Conservatives spent almost a week wringing their hands on the issue, searching for a way to acknowledge the majority view without angering their base.
The party ultimately decided to leave the ban in place until a review of the guns being outlawed could take place. But the four-day delay in arriving at a decision sucked the oxygen right out of the CPC campaign."
"The country is increasingly being divided along rural-urban lines, and the danger for Conservatives is the suburbs are now becoming politically and culturally urbanized. Those suburbs don’t look like the Conservative caucus either, which is 95 per cent white.
“We have a lot of work ahead of us to overcome the negative impression that voters in the suburbs and new Canadian voters have of our party,” the Tory party source said. “For many new Canadians, we’re still the party of snitch lines and burkas and barbaric cultural practices. It’s a problem.”"
"Not surprisingly, during this year’s election campaign, the Liberals drew attention to CPC candidates who had voted against the ban. In British Columbia alone, four of the 12 Tory MPs who voted against the bill were defeated in their Metro Vancouver ridings. For many voters, the idea that a person could support such a deplorable technique is repugnant."
"MPs such as Ms. Stubbs and many of her fellow western Conservative politicians will try to push the leader away from the centre and back to the right on everything from carbon taxes to gun rights.
And it’s not just Ms. Stubbs. Jenni Byrne, an influential Conservative backroom operative and deputy chief of staff to then-prime minister Stephen Harper, also has it in for Mr. O’Toole, saying he is the greatest threat to the current Conservative coalition since its founding in December, 2003.
The Campaign Life Coalition, a socially conservative pro-life organization, also wants Mr. O’Toole gone. It put out a statement last week saying it feels betrayed by the leader’s repositioning of the Conservatives."
“The membership, the donor base, are very upset with Erin for effectively lying to them about who he really is,” another senior-ranking Tory told me recently. “I don’t think many have ever seen anything quite as cynical as what Erin did: going from this God-fearing, gun-clutching, true blue conservative during the leadership to a platform that is likely the most liberal any conservative party in Canada has ever run on."
That pretty much sums it up. The "God-fearing, gun clutching, true blue" white Conservatives don't like O'Toole and don't like ANY of the progressive stuff (weak as it was) in O'Toole's campaign. Elmer's just not "their guy". They want a reincarnation of "Bible Bill" Aberhart.
Basically the CPC base is saying #@%& off with yer climate change, LGBTQ, gun control, women's rights, seniors rights, minority rights, indigenous rights, immigration ('cept from Normay), CBC lovin' commie agenda! We want 1935!
It ain't O'Toole's party, it is their party. That's the reality. If the red Tories don't like it - then there's the flipping door - and don't let it hit yer butt on the way out!
The middle path - everything in moderation, and everything in its time and order.
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Re: Reform/Progressive Conservative crack forms
National columnist now referring to CPC "leader" as "Iffy O'Toole."
"One thing you can say about his military training: he really mastered the about-face." -Coyne

Until a few weeks ago, I thought O'Toole would survive for a while. But now the Reform/Alliance faction of the party is turning him into a national joke.
Imagine splintering and destroying your party over an issue as stupid as the benefits and efficacy of vaccination.
Given the camp behind this, I guess you folks can say hello to your new leader Loopy Leslyn Lewis.
The inmates are running the nuthouse.
"One thing you can say about his military training: he really mastered the about-face." -Coyne

Until a few weeks ago, I thought O'Toole would survive for a while. But now the Reform/Alliance faction of the party is turning him into a national joke.
Imagine splintering and destroying your party over an issue as stupid as the benefits and efficacy of vaccination.
Given the camp behind this, I guess you folks can say hello to your new leader Loopy Leslyn Lewis.
The inmates are running the nuthouse.
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- Buddha of the Board
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Re: Reform/Progressive Conservative crack forms
Well, one real positive for Alberta is that O'Toole managed to hand the Liberals a couple of Alberta seats in the election. It is expected that at least one of them will be a cabinet minister, so Alberta actually gets a real voice at the table.crookedmember wrote: ↑Oct 24th, 2021, 8:01 am National columnist now referring to CPC "leader" as "Iffy O'Toole."
"One thing you can say about his military training: he really mastered the about-face." -Coyne
Until a few weeks ago, I thought O'Toole would survive for a while. But now the Reform/Alliance faction of the party is turning him into a national joke.
Imagine splintering and destroying your party over an issue as stupid as the benefits and efficacy of vaccination.
Given the camp behind this, I guess you folks can say hello to your new leader Loopy Leslyn Lewis.
The inmates are running the nuthouse.
Given the backstabbing and inter faction warfare within the CPC, I wonder if Leslyn will actually run for the leadership. It takes a special kind of person to be able to herd cats with their hackles up ALL the time, and even more special to want to.
Bear in mind that Andrew Coyne is a small c conservative from the old school red Tory wing, and they are likely at the very least feeling adrift at the moment. The CPC isn't willing to listen to them as it has become over populated with firebrand diehards from the various single issue factions. Their is no reasoning with the likes of Campaign Life Coalition infiltrators, the gun nut lobby, or die hard anti-vaxxer types - as they all fully and completely reject rationality and a priori thought.
The middle path - everything in moderation, and everything in its time and order.
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Re: Reform/Progressive Conservative crack forms
I don't believe these people are capable of seeing the forest for the trees anymore, nor understand the damage they're doing to their party. Even the right wingers on this board are unable to see the CPC is imploding.
Now it's all about which faction controls the party: the almost-sane-moderates, or the bat****-crazies like Leslyn.
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- Insanely Prolific
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Re: Reform/Progressive Conservative crack forms
Given Leslyn is not "bat--- crazy", the only motive I can think of for this attack on her character is her race, and that's just disgusting.crookedmember wrote: ↑Oct 24th, 2021, 9:13 am
Now it's all about which faction controls the party: the almost-sane-moderates, or the bat****-crazies like Leslyn.
We told yall Project 2025 wasn't real.
- Insanely Prolific
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Re: Reform/Progressive Conservative crack forms
And given that there is no "back-stabbing and inter-faction warfare" within the CPC, other than in the fevered imaginations of those paid off to engage in blatant demagoguery, of course Leslyn is going to run. I'm concerned for her though, given how much racism she was subjected to the last time she ran by Liberal attack dogs (including seeing racists attack her right here on Castanet) and how much she will probably have to endure going forward, including false accusation considering her sanity, which is disgusting and obviously race-based.
The Liberals and NDP have long histories of engaging in disgusting and evil racism, of course, and that is not even up for debate. We also know that unlike other parties, the Liberals basically ditch all morality to win. Leslyn is going to have to prepare for attacks on her that she probably never expected, especially on her skin tone, as the Liberals are all about virtue signaling about how high and mighty they are in public, while they get worse than the KKK in private. I have high hopes for Leslyn, but I'm not going to envy the hard road of horrible and disgusting racism she is going to have to endure from Liberal operatives. Anyone calling her "bat---- crazy", despite the fact that she's not, might as well don a hood and go burn a cross, as you are racist scum.
We told yall Project 2025 wasn't real.
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Re: Reform/Progressive Conservative crack forms
Chantal Hébert -- Erin O’Toole is chasing Jason Kenney and Doug Ford in a race to the bottom ... he-bottom/
How many dead horses can Canada’s conservative movement flog before it makes itself irrelevant to mainstream voters?
On Parliament Hill, Erin O’Toole’s Conservative party might as well be on a mission to kill in the bud any early buyers’ remorse Canadians may feel about handing Justin Trudeau a third term.
It was not enough that the Conservatives took hits from both sides of the vaccination mandate debate by sitting on the fence during the federal election campaign.
Now O’Toole’s caucus — or at least some of its vocal elements— would engage in a losing battle over the mandatory vaccination protocol to be put in place in time for the reopening of the House of Commons next month.
The decision to bar anyone who is not fully vaccinated from entering the parliamentary precinct as of Nov. 22 was made behind closed doors by the small group of MPs who represent the main parties — including the Conservatives— on the board of internal economy.
On that basis, the Official Opposition can try — as some of its members would — to make the issue a matter of parliamentary privilege and bring it to the floor of the House at the first opportunity next month. But even on that battlefield, the ultimate outcome is not in doubt.
Should it ever come to a vote of the full House, the only question will be whether some Conservative MPs choose to break ranks and join their New Democratic, Green, Bloc and Liberal colleagues in supporting the mandatory vaccination protocol.
At week’s end, it is unclear whether O’Toole — who has said his party would respect the rules — has the moral authority to convince his caucus to take a pass on a lose-lose fight. ... he-bottom/
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- Insanely Prolific
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Re: Reform/Progressive Conservative crack forms
LOL - once again, trying to sell this whole blarney about how the Conservatives are dying etc. It's just so funny and yet also so silly to watch. All the paid DI's looked like fools calling for the death of the CPC before the election, and then watched the Liberals miss the shot on the open net and lose again. What you clowns should be focusing in on is why the Liberals are unelectable and continue to lose elections. The CPC is going to be just fine. As much as you wish otherwise. In their current state, the Liberals are NEVER going to get a majority, the precious dictatorship they covet so much. Their policies just don't resonate. The CPC is only going to get stronger and stronger and rightly so.crookedmember wrote: ↑Oct 24th, 2021, 9:25 am Chantal Hébert -- Erin O’Toole is chasing Jason Kenney and Doug Ford in a race to the bottom
I have high hopes for Leslyn, I just hope that she is strong enough to endure horrible racist attacks like when racist scum totally lie and call her "bat---- crazy" and "a goof". She doesn't deserve being racially attacked by far-Left half-wits. She's so much better than that.
We told yall Project 2025 wasn't real.
- Buddha of the Board
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Re: Reform/Progressive Conservative crack forms
The list of CPC/UCP "dead horses" is long. Abortion, MAID, gun control, equalization, trickle down Friedman voodoo economics, anti-immigration, niqab, anti-indigenous, CANZUK, man made climate change denial, homophobia and on and on. Vaccination passports and mandates are just the latest addition. Not sure, but somewhere in there is "flat earth".crookedmember wrote: ↑Oct 24th, 2021, 9:25 am Chantal Hébert -- Erin O’Toole is chasing Jason Kenney and Doug Ford in a race to the bottom
How many dead horses can Canada’s conservative movement flog before it makes itself irrelevant to mainstream voters?
On Parliament Hill, Erin O’Toole’s Conservative party might as well be on a mission to kill in the bud any early buyers’ remorse Canadians may feel about handing Justin Trudeau a third term.
It was not enough that the Conservatives took hits from both sides of the vaccination mandate debate by sitting on the fence during the federal election campaign.
Now O’Toole’s caucus — or at least some of its vocal elements— would engage in a losing battle over the mandatory vaccination protocol to be put in place in time for the reopening of the House of Commons next month.
The decision to bar anyone who is not fully vaccinated from entering the parliamentary precinct as of Nov. 22 was made behind closed doors by the small group of MPs who represent the main parties — including the Conservatives— on the board of internal economy.
On that basis, the Official Opposition can try — as some of its members would — to make the issue a matter of parliamentary privilege and bring it to the floor of the House at the first opportunity next month. But even on that battlefield, the ultimate outcome is not in doubt.
Should it ever come to a vote of the full House, the only question will be whether some Conservative MPs choose to break ranks and join their New Democratic, Green, Bloc and Liberal colleagues in supporting the mandatory vaccination protocol.
At week’s end, it is unclear whether O’Toole — who has said his party would respect the rules — has the moral authority to convince his caucus to take a pass on a lose-lose fight. ... he-bottom/
The CPC "party of stupid" has collected all the "dead horses" and the diehards that want to flog them. Never mind that none of those factions has much in common with the other and therefore no cohesion or cohesive policy approach is possible.
O'Toole never had any "moral authority" to start with, having "won" the "leadership" on a rigged result (Leslyn Lewis got waay more votes). None of the gang of dead horse floggers the CPC has assembled is leadable anyway. The collection of "educated idiot" opportunists that make up most of the CPC caucus even less so - as they really are just in it for themselves.
Think about it - would a reasonable employer hire Derek Sloan? Cathay Wagantall? They would be intolerably toxic to the workplace culture! - yet that's the type the CPC hires.
The middle path - everything in moderation, and everything in its time and order.
- Buddha of the Board
- Posts: 17517
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Re: Reform/Progressive Conservative crack forms
Great post crookedmember. Sadly, die hard conservatives are unable to discuss anything about Leslyn Lewis without pulling the race card, which is just disgusting and further proof that conservatives are still stuck in the dark ages. Canadians deserve a party that can debate potential leaders based on their merits rather than their skin colour, and conservatives prove again and again that they’re unable to do so.crookedmember wrote: ↑Oct 24th, 2021, 9:13 am
Now it's all about which faction controls the party: the almost-sane-moderates, or the bat****-crazies like Leslyn.
It's that special time of year when conservatives stupidly act like they're not allowed to say Merry Christmas.
George Orwell was a socialist.
George Orwell was a socialist.
- Insanely Prolific
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Re: Reform/Progressive Conservative crack forms
No, it's not.
Not this demagoguery again. Just such foolishness. Nope, not an issue.Abortion,
I don't know what this is, but given the source, probably more demagoguery and utter foolishness.MAID
Oh good grief, not this lie again. Just such silliness.gun control,
equalization, trickle down Friedman voodoo economics, anti-immigration,....]
Just more lies, more demagoguery and foolishness. All so that the Liberals can lose elections, even with the help of the Chinese Communist party. Enough of the lies about the CPC. It's time to stop lying to yourselves about how unelectable the Liberals are.
The Liberals are definitely the "party of stupid", not the CPC, with so many stinking albatrosses around their necks that they are unelectable.
Racially attacking Leslyn Lewis isn't going to help you guys. You have to figure out why you can't win elections. Lying about the CPC is just going to further your implosion. The CPC is doing just great, thank you very much.
We told yall Project 2025 wasn't real.
- Buddha of the Board
- Posts: 17517
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Re: Reform/Progressive Conservative crack forms
So,true! It’s sad how far the Conservative party has fallen, given their many policy failures, failed, embarrassing leaders, and supporters who even in 2021 can’t discuss it’s members qualities without bringing up race. For all these reasons, and more, the CPC is more fractured then ever and an embarrassment to all Canadians. Just yuck!hobbyguy wrote: ↑Oct 24th, 2021, 10:00 amThe list of CPC/UCP "dead horses" is long. Abortion, MAID, gun control, equalization, trickle down Friedman voodoo economics, anti-immigration, niqab, anti-indigenous, CANZUK, man made climate change denial, homophobia and on and on. Vaccination passports and mandates are just the latest addition. Not sure, but somewhere in there is "flat earth".crookedmember wrote: ↑Oct 24th, 2021, 9:25 am Chantal Hébert -- Erin O’Toole is chasing Jason Kenney and Doug Ford in a race to the bottom ... he-bottom/
The CPC "party of stupid" has collected all the "dead horses" and the diehards that want to flog them. Never mind that none of those factions has much in common with the other and therefore no cohesion or cohesive policy approach is possible.
O'Toole never had any "moral authority" to start with, having "won" the "leadership" on a rigged result (Leslyn Lewis got waay more votes). None of the gang of dead horse floggers the CPC has assembled is leadable anyway. The collection of "educated idiot" opportunists that make up most of the CPC caucus even less so - as they really are just in it for themselves.
Think about it - would a reasonable employer hire Derek Sloan? Cathay Wagantall? They would be intolerably toxic to the workplace culture! - yet that's the type the CPC hires.
It's that special time of year when conservatives stupidly act like they're not allowed to say Merry Christmas.
George Orwell was a socialist.
George Orwell was a socialist.
- Buddha of the Board
- Posts: 15191
- Joined: Jan 20th, 2011, 8:10 pm
Re: Reform/Progressive Conservative crack forms
please ensure you're using the quote button correctly. Thanks.
Last edited by Triple 6 on Oct 24th, 2021, 10:40 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Reason: quotes incorrectly used.
The middle path - everything in moderation, and everything in its time and order.
- Buddha of the Board
- Posts: 15191
- Joined: Jan 20th, 2011, 8:10 pm
Re: Reform/Progressive Conservative crack forms
The Green Barbarian wrote: ↑Oct 24th, 2021, 10:05 am
No, it's not.
Not this demagoguery again. Just such foolishness. Nope, not an issue.
I don't know what this is, but given the source, probably more demagoguery and utter foolishness.
Oh good grief, not this lie again. Just such silliness.
And that's why the CPC is dysfunctional and fracturing. Pretending the CPC "stuff" don't stink denialism will never fix the blatantly and obviously defective CPC.
The middle path - everything in moderation, and everything in its time and order.
- Insanely Prolific
- Posts: 104495
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Re: Reform/Progressive Conservative crack forms
No, that's why it's "dysfunctional and fracturing" in the fevered brains of demagogues, who are trying desperately anything they can rather than admit that the Liberal platform and policies don't resonate with the majority of Canadians, and why they will NEVER get the majority they seek. The CPC is doing just fine.
Could you try this statement again in English?Pretending the CPC "stuff" don't stink denialism
Except that other than to the fevered brains of demagogues and half-wits, the CPC is not "obviously defective" and instead is doing just great! Now the Liberals on the other hand, what a total train-wreck. Great job Erin!will never fix the blatantly and obviously defective CPC.
We told yall Project 2025 wasn't real.