Climate Change Mega Thread
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Re: Climate Change Mega Thread ... boost.html
more and more every day coming online, even warren buffet is investing 4 billion in a starter project
Eleven projects centered around floating wind technology are a step closer to fruition following a tranche of investment aimed at making the most of Britain’s windy coastlines.
The U.K. government said it would invest a total of £31.6 million (around $42.57 million) in the projects. In addition, over £30 million of cash is set to come from private industry.
more and more every day coming online, even warren buffet is investing 4 billion in a starter project
Harm Reduction Is Cool
Real men do not need to idle their cars in minus weather . I call them men that do wimps .
Real men do not need to idle their cars in minus weather . I call them men that do wimps .
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Re: Climate Change Mega Thread
Really? It looks like a twitter photoshop to have evidence he's a Nazi?Jlabute wrote: ↑Jan 25th, 2022, 8:53 amSince you actually started the 'source' denigrating and do it in practically every comment, I would assume it is your primary mode and you don't even realize you are doing it. I'm just giving you a heads up on the author wo likes to pretend he's a Nazi. I only use WUWT sometimes. Certainly you've seen his pictures by now.
"The Guardian"? LOL. The most biased and ridiculous activist mag.foenix wrote: ↑Jan 25th, 2022, 7:54 am If Skeptical Science is bad science, what's whatsupwiththat then? ..... it's a bafflegabble of misleading, untruthful pseudo science, run by an ex TV weatherman funded by the climate denier think tank Heartland Institute. At least John Cook has a PhD in cognitive science and trained in solar physics ... what's your guy got? ..... oh yeah another Mike Roberts.
John Cook is a cartoonist and trained as a web developer for most of his career. He did do physics. They are trying hard to cover a lot of this up. WUWT has a Top 100 science site award. All you know about WUWT is you don't agree with their opinions and ignore actual studies. This is not a mode of operation for Skeptical Science. They only push their own opinion and ban counter opinions.
![:haha: [icon_lol2.gif]](./images/smilies/icon_lol2.gif)
Oh please....a website run by an ex TV weather guy that has a reputation for pseudo science and it's not just the Guardian saying it. Their "science" when they get examined under careful scrutiny falls apart like a crumble cake. The reason get those awards is because they have to beg for them, not do it naturally.
Sheesh!Between 2008 and 2013, WUWT asked its readers to vote in several internet voting-based awards, and it won "best science blog" and "best blog" from the Bloggies[30] and the conservative Wizbang Weblog Awards. In 2013, Leo Hickman wrote in The Guardian Environment Blog that 13 of the 17 blogs nominated for the Science or Technology category for the Bloggies "were either run by climate sceptics, or popular with climate sceptics". The Bloggies founder acknowledged in 2013 that "climate sceptic" bloggers had influenced voting. He said "Unfortunately, I have no good solution for it, since they follow proper voting procedures and legitimate science blogs don't want to make an effort to compete." He discontinued the science category in 2014.WUWT did not win "Best Topical Weblog of the Year" 2014 as Watts claimed, but did enter the Hall of Fame that year
Last edited by foenix on Jan 25th, 2022, 12:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Climate Change Mega Thread
Isn't there something wrong when a supposed scientist and a researcher doesn't release the DATA and TECHNIQUES used in his research? Whatever happened to "peer review"? That's not how valid scientific research is done. You should know that. What's he scared of?Jlabute wrote: ↑Jan 25th, 2022, 9:08 amNo one can dispute the fake hockey stick. The data and techniques used by Mann are proprietary to him as he says, and he has not released his work for public scrutiny. The 'idea' of the hockey stick doesn't hold true in light of many other studies and current climate trends. The validity of temperature relating directly to CO2 is failing.foenix wrote: ↑Jan 25th, 2022, 8:10 am
Are we talking about Steve McIntyre of the Climate Fraudit that unsuccessfully tried to debunk the hockey stick?
Of course, Chinese scientists do not have a 'hockey stick'. MOST consider the hockey stick as a failed attempt at proxy analysis. If you look at the trees that Mann ignored, you don't see a hockey stick. Many studies conclude a cyclic nature to temperature.
liu-2011-tibet-tree-rings-2485-year-web.gif ... -til-2068/
So it appears Mann doesn't want to show his work and how he arrived at his conclusions but wants us to believe in faith based...."because I said so"? Sounds typical.The 2006 North Report published by the United States National Academy of Sciences endorsed the MBH studies with a few reservations. The principal component analysis methodology had a small tendency to bias results so was not recommended, but it had little influence on the final reconstructions, and other methods produced similar results. Mann has said his findings have been "independently verified by independent teams using alternative methods and alternative data sources." More than two dozen reconstructions, using various statistical methods and combinations of proxy records, support the broad consensus shown in the original hockey stick graph, with variations in how flat the pre-20th century "shaft" appears
......and why is it all these other people that are brought out have nothing to do with climate science but still have that commonality.....funding sources....
I agree, (anti) climate science is distorted by money and she and Mann are the prime examples.For four years, Nova jointly co-ordinated the Shell Questacon Science Circus, a partnership between Questacon, the Shell Oil Company Australia and the Australian National University, which operates all over Australia.........
She self-published the book The Skeptics Handbook, which rejects the scientific consensus on climate change and promotes various falsehoods about climate change.The book argues that temperatures have not increased, and that greenhouse gases do not contribute to climate change.The book promotes the myth that there is already so much CO2 in the atmosphere that adding more will not have an impact on temperatures.The book was widely distributed in the United States by The Heartland Institute, known primarily for promoting pseudoscientific views on climate change and the harms of smoking. In 2009, Nova self-published a sequel, Global Bullies Want Your Money, and in the same year she wrote a paper for the SPPI titled Climate Money. That year, she gave a presentation at the Heartland Institute, titled "The Great Global Fawning: How Science Journalists Pay Homage to Non-Science and Un-Reason."
She has falsely claimed that fewer than half of climate scientists agree with the IPCC's conclusion that CO2 is the dominant contributor to climate change. PolitiFact described that as a "flat-out wrong" interpretation of data from a survey, and the lead author of the survey in question said that the survey showed "a strong majority of scientists agree that greenhouse gases originating from human activity are the dominant cause of recent warming." Nova has argued that climate science is distorted by money, saying "thousands of scientists have been funded to find a connection between human carbon emissions and the climate. Hardly any have been funded to find the opposite."
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Re: Climate Change Mega Thread ... 7cb62a3aa7
it is all coming to an end.The Los Angeles City Council on Wednesday approved a measure to ban new oil and gas wells and phase out existing ones.
The council directed the city attorney to draft an ordinance to prohibit oil and gas drilling in Los Angeles, change zoning laws to make drilling illegal and study how to legally phase out existing wells. The council also created a jobs program to transition oil and gas workers to other industries.
Harm Reduction Is Cool
Real men do not need to idle their cars in minus weather . I call them men that do wimps .
Real men do not need to idle their cars in minus weather . I call them men that do wimps .
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Re: Climate Change Mega Thread
looks like teck has bought into the climate change hoax to the tune of billions. ... haul-fleet ... haul-fleet
Harm Reduction Is Cool
Real men do not need to idle their cars in minus weather . I call them men that do wimps .
Real men do not need to idle their cars in minus weather . I call them men that do wimps .
- Lord of the Board
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Re: Climate Change Mega Thread
You are right, ....sort of.
It is coming to an end, mass migration away from California. Away from eco terroristic views and left wing dogma. ... _migration
Why use a big word when a diminutive one will suffice.
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Re: Climate Change Mega Thread
California the leftist eco state is becoming a third world. Bad bad leftists and all their policies. ... d-country/

California the leftist eco state is becoming a third world. Bad bad leftists and all their policies. ... d-country/
Lord Kelvin - When you can measure what you are speaking about, and express it in numbers, you know something about it.
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Re: Climate Change Mega Thread
New coral reef study determines the following contrary to false alarms.
1) Coral reefs “develop rapidly in the warm period” (Roman, Medieval), and “coral reefs develop slowly in the cold period” (Little Ice Age, the Dark Ages Cold Period). Why? Because “warm periods are conducive to coral growth.”
2) Coral reef growth rates have rapidly accelerated in the last 300 years, or since the industrial revolution commenced.
3) Sea levels were 2 meters higher than they are today ~4,000 years ago, and still about 1 meter higher than today 1,000 years ago, or during the Medieval Warm Period. Lower sea levels produce a “decline in the coral reef development rate”.
4) The South China Sea surface temperatures were “3 to 6°C higher than today” from about 5,000 to 4,000 years ago; coral reefs developed rapidly in that warmth. ... ell-swoop/
1) Coral reefs “develop rapidly in the warm period” (Roman, Medieval), and “coral reefs develop slowly in the cold period” (Little Ice Age, the Dark Ages Cold Period). Why? Because “warm periods are conducive to coral growth.”
2) Coral reef growth rates have rapidly accelerated in the last 300 years, or since the industrial revolution commenced.
3) Sea levels were 2 meters higher than they are today ~4,000 years ago, and still about 1 meter higher than today 1,000 years ago, or during the Medieval Warm Period. Lower sea levels produce a “decline in the coral reef development rate”.
4) The South China Sea surface temperatures were “3 to 6°C higher than today” from about 5,000 to 4,000 years ago; coral reefs developed rapidly in that warmth. ... ell-swoop/
Lord Kelvin - When you can measure what you are speaking about, and express it in numbers, you know something about it.
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Re: Climate Change Mega Thread
Chances are you’ve never heard of Eunice Foote, but she was the first person to document climate change. Five years before the man credited for discovering it.
Foote’s experiment, which was documented in a brief scientific paper in 1856 noted that “the highest effect of the sun’s rays, I have found to be in carbonic acid gas [carbon dioxide].”
This discovery laid the groundwork for the modern understanding of the ‘greenhouse gas effect’ but the recognition was given to an Irish scientist named John Tyndall in 1861.
interesting indeed.How did she discover climate change?
The experiment that she conducted involved two glass cylinders, two thermometers and an air pump. She pumped carbon dioxide into one of the cylinders and air into the other, and then placed them out in the sun.
“The receiver containing the gas became itself much heated - very sensibly more so than the other - and on being removed, it was many times as long in cooling,” she says in her paper.
The higher temperature in the carbon dioxide cylinder showed Foote that carbon dioxide traps the most heat. She performed the experiment on a range of different gases including hydrogen and oxygen.
“On comparing the sun’s heat in different gases, I found it to be in hydrogen gas, 108°; in common air, 106°; in oxygen gas, 108°; and in carbonic acid gas, 125°.”
This finding led Foote to conclude that, “An atmosphere of that gas would give to our earth a high temperature; and if as some suppose, at one period of its history the air had mixed with it a larger proportion than at present, an increased temperature from its own action as well as from increased weight must have necessarily resulted.”
This was the first scientific acknowledgement that CO2 had the power to change the temperature of the Earth. ... dit-for-it
Harm Reduction Is Cool
Real men do not need to idle their cars in minus weather . I call them men that do wimps .
Real men do not need to idle their cars in minus weather . I call them men that do wimps .
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Re: Climate Change Mega Thread
another giant falls. aig to divest from oil n gas. ... FywWhVXQng ... FywWhVXQng
AIGinsurance just committed to end insurance for new coal, tar sands, and Arctic energy exploration projects!!
Harm Reduction Is Cool
Real men do not need to idle their cars in minus weather . I call them men that do wimps .
Real men do not need to idle their cars in minus weather . I call them men that do wimps .
- Guru
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Re: Climate Change Mega Thread
Crude oil demand. Still inching upwards. Thankfully Germany's green party is now taking a liking to nuclear thanks to energy realism. AIC will hardly restrict the use of fossil fuel energy. ... ince-2006/
Of course though, many wind farm companies and solar companies bite the dust, such as this: ... SKCN1UL0YB ... ds-sacked/ ... ince-2006/
Of course though, many wind farm companies and solar companies bite the dust, such as this: ... SKCN1UL0YB ... ds-sacked/
Lord Kelvin - When you can measure what you are speaking about, and express it in numbers, you know something about it.
- Guru
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Re: Climate Change Mega Thread
Global temperature anomaly is currently 0.03 and 0.00 degrees Celsius for January & February 2022. No fire today.
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Lord Kelvin - When you can measure what you are speaking about, and express it in numbers, you know something about it.
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Re: Climate Change Mega Thread
anyone that tries to deny oil n gas use by humans is warming the planet should have to explain why a car gets hot in the summer on a sunny day with windows rolled up. if they can explain that, then they understand climate warming and what causes it and have just chosen to put out fake news because they are known in internet circles as trolls, flamers, take your pick.
Harm Reduction Is Cool
Real men do not need to idle their cars in minus weather . I call them men that do wimps .
Real men do not need to idle their cars in minus weather . I call them men that do wimps .
- The Pilgrim
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Re: Climate Change Mega Thread
Lol!captkirkcanada wrote: ↑Mar 10th, 2022, 9:45 am anyone that tries to deny oil n gas use by humans is warming the planet should have to explain why a car gets hot in the summer on a sunny day with windows rolled up. if they can explain that, then they understand climate warming and what causes it and have just chosen to put out fake news because they are known in internet circles as trolls, flamers, take your pick.
A car is hot on a warm day because it prohibits convection. It would still be warm like that without any GHGs. GHGs warm the planet by a completely different way, and that is radiative heating.
They aren't related at all.
"No one has the right to apologize for something they did not do, and no one has the right to accept an apology if the wrong was not done to them."
- Douglas Murray
- Douglas Murray
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Re: Climate Change Mega Thread
This just goes to show the feverous and religious like proponents of Man Made Climate Change do not, in fact, understand the science.Glacier wrote: ↑Mar 10th, 2022, 10:16 amLol!captkirkcanada wrote: ↑Mar 10th, 2022, 9:45 am anyone that tries to deny oil n gas use by humans is warming the planet should have to explain why a car gets hot in the summer on a sunny day with windows rolled up. if they can explain that, then they understand climate warming and what causes it and have just chosen to put out fake news because they are known in internet circles as trolls, flamers, take your pick.
A car is hot on a warm day because it prohibits convection. It would still be warm like that without any GHGs. GHGs warm the planet by a completely different way, and that is radiative heating.
They aren't related at all.
You Can Tune A Piano But You Can't Tuna Fish. REO SpdWgn