Ukraine war/President/news

Grand Pooh-bah
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Re: Ukraine Russia war NEWS

Post by gertlush »

Haha the US will keep sending weapons till its over, too funny! Try googling "European smelter shutdowns" or "Russian share of global aluminum production" or "Russian share of global titanium production" or "NATO weapons stockpiles".

Shoot, why not google "concentration of derivatives trading amongst major US banks" and ponder how its all gonna shake out.

Do they talk about all that on CNN or Russian Media Monitor? No?
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Re: Ukraine Russia war NEWS

Post by Thinktank »

bb49 wrote: Sep 13th, 2022, 10:06 pm Would you rather it was Putin speaking?
At an American warmonger conference promoting warmonger stuff that the sheeple end up paying $trillions for?

Or do you mean Putin speaking - TO AMERICA - and telling them to shove their ideas - dreams - of expanding eastward?


Last edited by Thinktank on Sep 14th, 2022, 3:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Ukraine Russia war NEWS

Post by gertlush »

He needs guns, and cash.

The US has sent 800,000 155mm arty rounds to Ukraine, super duper.

They make 14,000 a month so thats about 5 years production just blew up.

Ukrainians fire 6,000 a day...

Did you see on Russian Media Monitor that Canada has asked South Korea to help replenish our stockpiles? Cause we sent ours to Ukraine? No, weird.

So now we are gonna build new factories to make more things to go boom.
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Re: Ukraine Russia war NEWS

Post by Babba_not_Gump »

gertlush wrote: Sep 14th, 2022, 5:02 pm He needs guns, and cash.

The US has sent 800,000 155mm arty rounds to Ukraine, super duper.

They make 14,000 a month so thats about 5 years production just blew up.

Ukrainians fire 6,000 a day...

Did you see on Russian Media Monitor that Canada has asked South Korea to help replenish our stockpiles? Cause we sent ours to Ukraine? No, weird.

So now we are gonna build new factories to make more things to go boom.
And what has Canada run out of? Helmets?
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Re: Ukraine Russia war NEWS

Post by Drip_Torch »

For those keeping track of such things... Russia has fired a forth Kinzhal (hyper-sonic-ish) missile since the start of hostilities with Ukraine. This one reportedly injured 6 firefighters in *checks notes* Stavropol, Russia.

oopsy... :138:



(Probably looted the wrong type washing machine for the cpu chip.)

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Re: Ukraine Russia war NEWS

Post by normaM »

seems everytime Putin has a set back a rich Russian dies mysteriously ... ous-death/
Please, test that assumption and then take note of the result
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Re: Ukraine Russia war NEWS

Post by Thinktank »

Ukraine War News (direct from the idiots twitter page)

Why do idiots always make it to high positions?

Secretary of State Blinken
Stay strong, Kyiv. I leave with redoubled respect for your ferocity, your courage, and your confidence that Ukraine will prevail. We stand firmly with you as you defend your freedom and independence, and our support is unwavering. - Blinken
Stay "poor", Ukrainian (fools). I leave with redoubled respect for your gullibility, your willingness to suffer like your ancestors did, and your confidence that Ukrainians endure every punishment USA puts on them. We stand firmly with you as you send your young men to croak for the American military industrial complex and our support for "war spending" is unwavering. - F'en blinken


Under Secretary Victoria Nuland
Sep 11
Honored to have joined @SecBlinken
on his visit to Kyiv. Ukraine is fighting for freedom & democracy—and America will stand with Ukraine for as long as it takes. 🇺🇸🇺🇦
Sep 11
Honored to have joined @SecBlinken
on his very corrupt visit to the poor losers in Ukraine. ( I pronounce it Ukrain-ee-yons, like Klingons) Ukraine poor people are paid by USA to - fighting for $trillions spent on military throughout the world —and American billionaire business men will stand with Ukraine's filthy crooked government for as long as it takes, to remove $1 trillion from taxpayers, no matter how many peasants croak, no matter how many old people starve. 🇺🇸🇺🇦



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Re: Ukraine Russia war NEWS

Post by Queen K »

There are reports of an assassination attempt on Putin but I can't find it again.

I have a start of all the oligarchs who have died in another thread but I'll put this here. 11 high ranking Russian businessmen are known to have died, I mean one guy threw himself out of a hospital window? Really? ... 6dd7898169

I don't know if this guy is included in the 11 but he apparently died of a stroke with signs of suffercating. ... b94fb88e22
Regardless of who "wins" an election, they always are up against a Silent Elite. Do you believe the extreme poor who voted for Trump ever thought their non-profit support would be slashed right out from under them?
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Re: Ukraine Russia war NEWS

Post by gertlush »

About as believable as Epstein hanging himself I guess.

Think there were any woman or children around when they drone striked these guys? Oops, sorry, wrong evil empire, my bad.
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Re: Ukraine Russia war NEWS

Post by Babba_not_Gump »

Queen K wrote: Sep 15th, 2022, 7:02 am There are reports of an assassination attempt on Putin but I can't find it again.
This? ... rt-3346174
I'm posting this from Traditional lands of the British Empire & the current Lands of The Dominion of Canada.
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Re: Ukraine Russia war NEWS

Post by gertlush »

I could see Zelensky consenting to a false flag nuclear attack if this goes on. He is rapidly running out of leverage with the west.

BoJo said it best but didnt finish the thought:

"Putin must be seen to lose, and lose badly"
Because if not "we in the west will be seen to lose badly and lose our legitimacy"
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Re: Ukraine Russia war NEWS

Post by Drip_Torch »

Russian Media Monitor - - ->

... and another one. --->

Meanwhile, in the south some heavy fighting being observed in Kherson. There's some speculation it may be units of the Russian Military fighting each other, but that remains to be seen. (It wouldn't be the first time - ... 18057.html , or even the second time... ... ar-updates ) ... 1091215363

Drip Torch - an upright and steadfast keeper of the flame, but when tilted sideways the contents spill and then our destiny is in the wind...
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Re: Ukraine Russia war NEWS

Post by Drip_Torch »

Okay, it's been a week. What do you have for us?


Putin's big national televised speech tonight was a bust.

There's some speculation on Russian Media Monitor channels. (They said the quiet parts out loud, with regard to their international mobilization plan, and it caused some eye rolls. Even with the propaganda pundits on Russia One.)


Another angle perhaps?



Russian Media Monitor - - ->
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Drip Torch - an upright and steadfast keeper of the flame, but when tilted sideways the contents spill and then our destiny is in the wind...
Grand Pooh-bah
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Re: Ukraine Russia war NEWS

Post by gertlush »

Uhhh, that I was right? The consensus being amongst most serious military observers, West and Russian, that this was a planned Russian withdrawal. And Ukraine took heavy casualties.

And Putin's speech is now out, along with the referendum decisions.

So what are we gonna do about it?
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Re: Ukraine Russia war NEWS

Post by bob vernon »

Vlady is threatening to use a nuclear weapon on the Ukraine. The winds aloft on Friday of this week will be from the east and blow the fallout over Europe. Usually the flow is from the west or southwest which would blow the fallout back over Russia, but Friday is the rare flow from the east. Just saying.

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