Sawmill Closure

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Re: Sawmill Closure

Post by outtawind »

smoky500 wrote:as to firewood/waste wood, it is criminal what gets burned in the slash piles they leave behind when they finish logging. I know that from one clear cut a fellow who sells firewood took 80 cords (so he claims, I know he took a lot from what I saw) from slash piles two years ago and I got 2 yrs worth of firewood .
You got that right!... the majority of the logs in those piles could easily be used by secondary industry. Firewood, chips, pellets etc. Yet - what do we do?... burn it. Smoke spews into the valleys and we all breathe it, this goes on for absolutely MONTHS. Ever flown out of Kelowna late fall? - it's armageddon up on the plateaus from here to Vancouver.

Yet - when the private citizen goes to burn nine branches in their back yard in October?... "NOPE", not allowed, only on day X, is your lot big enough, where's your permit.

An absolute complete and total farce.
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Re: Sawmill Closure

Post by GordonH »

Bumped Up

Canadian Sawmills have shutting down production for some time now, I suspect this could be nail that completely shuts it down for good. ... -lumber-Ng

environmentalists will be jumping for joy.
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Re: Sawmill Closure

Post by Glacier »

AlienSoldier wrote: Nov 6th, 2020, 5:53 am I don't know anything about logging am wondering how these places can be closing when the price of lumber sky rocketed this year. I thought it would have helped open mills not the opposite.
Canada and BC have made more parks. This take away logging area. With less supply you have to cut on production.
Last edited by Glacier on Jan 25th, 2023, 9:01 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Sawmill Closure

Post by seewood »

GordonH wrote: Jan 24th, 2023, 8:58 pm Canadian Sawmills have shutting down production for some time now, I suspect this could be nail that completely shuts it down for good.
When lumber prices are down, the tariff's don't help. The Tariff's were still there when lumber prices were up, in fact the tariff being a percentage was more then than it would be now.
If the demand in the States is down so are the lumber prices.

Several reasons why the mills are shutting down, lack of logs and those logs being expensive in relation to the price of lumber.
BC's stumpage payments to the province are based on the previous 6 months lumber prices. A stupid way of doing things really.
Lumber prices were way up last year so now the stumpage paid to the government is high, however the price of the finished lumber today does not cover the logging costs, hauling, overhead, milling costs and the now high stumpage rates.
The Mt. Pine Beetle and the recent massif fires have killed/burned up a ton of merchantable timber the mills used to count on.

When the Mt. Pine beetle infestation was rolling along, the government allowed an uplift in the annual allowable cut to harvest the dead/dying trees. Now the beetle has run its course, the government has lowered the AAC to get back on track to harvest on a sustainable level. Now we throw in deferrals, first nations control over areas and as Glacier mentioned, parks, even less area is available to harvest.

Today, I would never recommend anyone to get into forestry. With goal posts constantly moving from government and first nations, forestry and consistent harvest areas and plans will now always be a moving target. The majors are spending a ton more loot in the States because of the uncertainty, long and short term, here in BC.
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Re: Sawmill Closure

Post by rustled »

Here's part of the problem:
The new Ministry of Land, Water and Resource Stewardship will be responsible for working with First Nations to co-manage land and resources, protecting drinking water and other water policy strategies, working with the federal Department of Fisheries and Oceans to manage fisheries and managing provincial species at risk policies, among other things.

The new Ministry of Forests will now work on modernizing forest policy and “enhance focus” for year-long BC Wildfire Service, flood and dike management. ... tewardship
For almost a year, the priority has been on modernizing forest policy (whatever that means), and "enhancing focus for year-long BC Wildfire Service, flood and dike management" (whatever that means).
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Re: Sawmill Closure

Post by seewood »

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Re: Sawmill Closure

Post by Hurtlander »

Heard a rumour that Canfor is temporary closing its Houston BC mill for TWO YEARS.
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Re: Sawmill Closure

Post by rustled »

Hurtlander wrote: Jan 25th, 2023, 4:15 pm Heard a rumour that Canfor is temporary closing its Houston BC mill for TWO YEARS.
No longer a rumour. Could be more than two years:
A statement released by the company this afternoon is calling the closure temporary, saying there is a plan to rebuild the facility with newer equipment but that it hinges on approval by Canfor’s board of directors.

“It’s expected that it will take about two years to construct the facility, if approved by the board of directors,” the statement indicated.

There is no immediate word as to when the board of directors might consider the plan. ... -in-april/
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Re: Sawmill Closure

Post by Old Dad »

Anyone able to provide any accurate information on the volume of raw logs currently being exported from the province?
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Re: Sawmill Closure

Post by gertlush »

Ya, its on the Govs website
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Re: Sawmill Closure

Post by seewood »

Old Dad wrote: Jan 25th, 2023, 5:50 pm Anyone able to provide any accurate information on the volume of raw logs currently being exported from the province? ... sector.pdf

Page 14 gives you a breakdown to 2020.

Virtually all log exports are from the coastal supply area.
It is not economically feasible to truck very expensive logs from the coast to the interior and sell the finished product as 2X4's.
Logs harvested on the coast are not the same species for the most part as milled in the interior.
The exception that I know about to this is some red cedar logs are hauled from the Chilliwack area to cedar mills in Revelstoke.
The price of finished cedar logs allows this to happen.
The coastal forest has many species of trees in a stand, it is not homologous like much of the interior forests.
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Re: Sawmill Closure

Post by gertlush »

Im tired of the log export controversy. If you look the 2 main players do 50% of the exports from their private lands on the island. Island Timberlands and Mosaic I think? Or does Mosaic just do the harvesting, and the other company is named something else.

Anyway if you dig 1 layer deeper it is BC and AB public sector unions that control the companies in question... so what the f right? The right hand dont know what the left is doing.
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Re: Sawmill Closure

Post by Glacier »

gertlush wrote: Jan 26th, 2023, 1:17 pm Im tired of the log export controversy. If you look the 2 main players do 50% of the exports from their private lands on the island.
Why is Vancouver Island forest all private?! In the rest of the province it's all crown land but on the east side of the Island it's all privately owned forest! And the best forest in the province!
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Re: Sawmill Closure

Post by seewood »

Glacier wrote: Jan 26th, 2023, 6:30 pm Why is Vancouver Island forest all private?
Way back in the late 1800's ? I think the Canadian and BC government granted timber rights to the E&N railway to build a rail line Victoria to Nanaimo. Over time I believe close to 900,000 Ha came under private ownership.
Three companies own it today Western Forest products , Timber West and Island Timber.
The railway being built across Canada had a similar deal I believe, 1 mile either side of the rail line could be logged if there was timber for the line.
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Re: Sawmill Closure

Post by GordonH »

impo raw log shipments should be terminated, cut to order in BC. This would be far to little as well to late.

Logging & lumber industry in BC is officially screwed.
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