Your Kelowna in 2023, the Aftermath of Basran; Better, Worse or the Same?

Your Kelowna in 2023, in the Aftermath of Basran; is Better, is Worse or is just the Same?

1. Basran made my Kelowna Better
2. Basran made my Kelowna Worse
3. Basran had no impact on my Kelowna
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Re: Your Kelowna in 2023, the Aftermath of Basran; Better, Worse or the Same?

Post by clank »

Something smell
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Re: Your Kelowna in 2023, the Aftermath of Basran; Better, Worse or the Same?

Post by polelady »

Interesting to say the least... see what time and money can do.. poof gone.. under the table..who paid the hush money? lol
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Re: Your Kelowna in 2023, the Aftermath of Basran; Better, Worse or the Same?

Post by Ken7 »

OhMyDarlin wrote: May 16th, 2023, 12:27 pm
the truth wrote: May 16th, 2023, 11:05 am why so long little buddy
Trying to reach a settlement.
It would appear they came to a agreement! Sad.
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Re: Your Kelowna in 2023, the Aftermath of Basran; Better, Worse or the Same?

Post by 69cutlass »

Love that it said NOTHING of his actual guilt. Just that the case would be hard to try so they dropped it. Wow. And a scumbag walks
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Re: Your Kelowna in 2023, the Aftermath of Basran; Better, Worse or the Same?

Post by Bsuds »

Ken7 wrote: Jun 22nd, 2023, 5:09 pm It would appear they came to a agreement! Sad.
Well if they reached a settlement then she was in it for the money from the get go.

Or she had no proof and the Gov't had no case.

Or he wasn't guilty in the first place.

Take your pick.
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Re: Your Kelowna in 2023, the Aftermath of Basran; Better, Worse or the Same?

Post by kelownman »

Thats the beauty of "staying" charges/court proceedings, the reasons for the "stay" will never have to be revealed leaving the citizens to "speculate" why this happened. Unfortunate for Basran he will always and forever have a question mark following him about the alleged sexual assualt. For his haters that will be enough for them, I presume.
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Re: Your Kelowna in 2023, the Aftermath of Basran; Better, Worse or the Same?

Post by voice of reason »

stayed charges does not equal not guilty . if bassy had a case for his innocence he should have rode the charges out and cleared his name
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Re: Your Kelowna in 2023, the Aftermath of Basran; Better, Worse or the Same?

Post by Ken7 »

Bsuds wrote: Jun 22nd, 2023, 6:44 pm
Ken7 wrote: Jun 22nd, 2023, 5:09 pm It would appear they came to a agreement! Sad.
Well if they reached a settlement then she was in it for the money from the get go.

Or she had no proof and the Gov't had no case.

Or he wasn't guilty in the first place.

Take your pick.
Obviously, there was sufficient evidence to proceed with a charge. Crown counsel would have been very careful as he was a prominent citizen.

Just saying. Yes, you are right, charge stayed so he is not guilty at this time!
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Re: Your Kelowna in 2023, the Aftermath of Basran; Better, Worse or the Same?

Post by EdCase »

A Crown stay puts the case on hold. The Crown can bring the charges back before the court within 1 year of the date the charges were stayed. After a year has passed, the Crown cannot bring the stayed charges back before the court…so this may come back if the Crown feels that new evidence strengthens their case,

Some countries, particularly the US, do not accept a ‘stay’ as proof of innocence and may deny entry depending on their view of the alleged crime.
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Re: Your Kelowna in 2023, the Aftermath of Basran; Better, Worse or the Same?

Post by Panzer130 »

Let me start by stating I am NOT a Basran supporter at all. I really wanted to see that guy fry…

That said, we all need to take a hard look at our legal system and the ability for media to destroy lives before our legal system can be implemented. How is it the media is allowed to post Basran’s name all over the country, essentially making him guilty of a crime, destroying his life for ever, all before this accusation even makes it to court.

If you are a Basran hater (or any hater) of any gender, all you must do is accuse someone of sexual assault, have a few connections that make it appear viable, and boom, you can destroy a life with very little to no accountability.

Every person in Kelowna now thinks Basran is guilty of sexual something, but we have no idea to whom, where, what occurred, or if any of it is true at all. Odd that the crown didn’t drop the case until they were able to garner more evidence. That to me stinks of a *bleep* claim in the first place. More evidence typically makes the case stronger, not weaker.

The point is – there is no way these types of cases should be public at all until it is proven in court.
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Re: Your Kelowna in 2023, the Aftermath of Basran; Better, Worse or the Same?

Post by Ken7 »

Panzer130 wrote: Jun 24th, 2023, 8:31 am

The point is – there is no way these types of cases should be public at all until it is proven in court.
I agree with you although it is done in all walks of life.

Police are also tar and feathered before being tried in Criminal Court or under the Police Act or RCMP Act.

I guess in reality, if you don't want your name in the press, think before you act....
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Re: Your Kelowna in 2023, the Aftermath of Basran; Better, Worse or the Same?

Post by Panzer130 »

Ken7 wrote: Jun 24th, 2023, 8:39 am I guess in reality, if you don't want your name in the press, think before you act....
The problem is – you don’t have to act at all. The power is in the hands of the accuser, and you are deemed guilty by the media before any legal system is implemented.

Imagine you and I work in the same firm; You are my boss. We are both out in the parking lot having a smoke during a staff party. No one else is there, you are 20 feet away from me, we don’t even see each other.

A few weeks later I put in a complaint to HR you sexually assaulted me in that parking lot. I state I waited because I feared I would lose my job or HR wouldn’t believe me. Security cameras show us both walking out the same door at roughly the same time. The cameras don’t catch the alleged assault, but there is enough footage to support it could have happened.

Police are called; I put on a strong act of suffering, trauma. I note some specific cars in the parking lot, their color, their make/model. I can speak to what you were wearing that day, the smell of your cologne. I can do all of this because I intended to bring this accusation forward; I made notes; I had a plan; you always wear the same cologne.

You were just out having a smoke, so all your answers to the questions are vague. You don’t remember anything because you were daydreaming about running your business. But that appears too convenient and too vague – clearly you are lying.

The media runs with it, your life is essentially destroyed. I walk away with a smile on my face because no one knows who I am. You can’t speak up because you will be accused of attacking the victim.

Your crime – you smoke.
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Re: Your Kelowna in 2023, the Aftermath of Basran; Better, Worse or the Same?

Post by 69cutlass »

Would people please stop defending this scum that sold out our city.
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Re: Your Kelowna in 2023, the Aftermath of Basran; Better, Worse or the Same?

Post by Ken7 »

Panzer130 wrote: Jun 24th, 2023, 8:58 am

Your crime – you smoke.
I used to smoke! I knew when and where it was ok to play! I also investigated many sexual assaults I know what happens. Sadly this one did not go to trial.

One thing one needs to learn, never stick your pen into company ink.

There is more to this story then you wish to believe. Let it go.
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Re: Your Kelowna in 2023, the Aftermath of Basran; Better, Worse or the Same?

Post by raft-cove »

EdCase wrote: Jun 23rd, 2023, 6:42 pm A Crown stay puts the case on hold. The Crown can bring the charges back before the court within 1 year of the date the charges were stayed. After a year has passed, the Crown cannot bring the stayed charges back before the court…so this may come back if the Crown feels that new evidence strengthens their case,

Some countries, particularly the US, do not accept a ‘stay’ as proof of innocence and may deny entry depending on their view of the alleged crime.
28% approval rating after Basran's terms.

I'm too woke to remember if 28% is a passing grade.

Oh wait, no grades anymore. Lucky for Basran.


On that note, what happened to all his anti-bullying pink shirt promotion?

Do the charges disqualify him for that job now?
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