Joe Biden Discussion

Admiral HMS Castanet
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Re: Joe Biden Discussion

Post by Silverstarqueen »

65deluxe wrote: Sep 22nd, 2023, 8:56 am
Silverstarqueen wrote: Sep 22nd, 2023, 8:04 am
No, I don't. Pelosi doesn't have the power to take the nuclear codes away from a President. You can bet the military tho had a very close eye on the danger presented by an Unstable Genius like Trump at the helm. No one has concerns about Biden having the nuclear codes because he's sane.
BWHAHAHAHAHA, Joe sane?! BWHAHAHAHAHAHA. Curious as to how you measure sane?
Sane... A sane person is of sound mind and is mentally healthy. Sane people have good judgment, are reasonable, and can tell the difference between what's real and imagined. Whenever someone commits a crime or does something totally outlandish, people usually wonder if they're sane or not.

Feel free to search up Nancy's attempting to take control of the codes away from President Trump. Though Im sure you already have. There are numerous links available.
Please explain how Pelosi could take control of the codes away from a President. Fortunately Americans managed to do it anyway, by voting Trump OUT of the Presidency and voting Biden IN.
Yes, Biden is sane, I just heard part of his speech about plans to tackle gun violence and deaths in America.His plans and reasoning sounds very sane. It will be a challenge for sure to cut the numbers of gun deaths (already over 30,000 this year alone). Maybe Republicans would say it's insane to attempt to cut the number of gun deaths, but most Americans want their leader to make the effort.
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Re: Joe Biden Discussion

Post by Veovis » ... 46744&ei=7

Every single day, every single time Biden talks he makes errors. No this man is not all home upstairs anymore. To say he is is simply to be willfully blind.

Pelosi didn't try to get the codes for herself really, she just tried to take them away from Trump as she disliked him. Still Pelosi was involved in a direct attempt to change the fundamentals of the US government chain of command because she didn't like him. I'm sure if the joint chiefs had asked who should protect them she would have suggested herself, instead as they should have, they told her to take a hike.
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Re: Joe Biden Discussion

Post by The Green Barbarian »

Silverstarqueen wrote: Sep 22nd, 2023, 12:32 pm [ Fortunately Americans managed to do it anyway, by voting Trump OUT of the Presidency and voting Biden IN.
You mean unfortunately. Biden is a sack of crap. Terrible weak feeble-brained dufus. Awful president too.
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Re: Joe Biden Discussion

Post by Silverstarqueen »

Veovis wrote: Sep 22nd, 2023, 12:39 pm ... 46744&ei=7

Every single day, every single time Biden talks he makes errors. No this man is not all home upstairs anymore. To say he is is simply to be willfully blind.

Pelosi didn't try to get the codes for herself really, she just tried to take them away from Trump as she disliked him. Still Pelosi was involved in a direct attempt to change the fundamentals of the US government chain of command because she didn't like him. I'm sure if the joint chiefs had asked who should protect them she would have suggested herself, instead as they should have, they told her to take a hike.
Please explain how Pelosi could have the power to take the codes away from Trump.
How did she attempt to change the fundamentals of the U.s chain of command?
It's a good point tho: who in their right mind would want an unstable kook like Trump to have the sole power to launch nuclear weapons? He's out of touch with reality, has made innumerable incomprehensible statements in his career, and show a complete lack of concern for the effects of his actions, even on people who were loyal to him. Only a sane person (and Biden is sane by all accounts, Trump is not) should have that kind of responsibility
Obviously a president would have to rely on the advice and information of experts around him as to a situation that did or did not warrant a nuclear response. Trump has already shown that he can't seem to distinguish between terrible and good advicefrom his own staff and experts, regarding important matters. There is no reason to believe that Biden could not assess the advice given him by defense experts and decide whether or no to launch nuclear weapons if a threat arose.
Last edited by Silverstarqueen on Sep 22nd, 2023, 1:59 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Joe Biden Discussion

Post by GordonH »

Silverstarqueen wrote: Sep 22nd, 2023, 1:36 pm
Veovis wrote: Sep 22nd, 2023, 12:39 pm ... 46744&ei=7

Every single day, every single time Biden talks he makes errors. No this man is not all home upstairs anymore. To say he is is simply to be willfully blind.

Pelosi didn't try to get the codes for herself really, she just tried to take them away from Trump as she disliked him. Still Pelosi was involved in a direct attempt to change the fundamentals of the US government chain of command because she didn't like him. I'm sure if the joint chiefs had asked who should protect them she would have suggested herself, instead as they should have, they told her to take a hike.
Please explain how Pelosi could have the power to take the codes away from Trump.
How did she attempt to change the fundamentals of the U.s chain of command?
Only way would be if both Trump & pence were incapacitated then presidential line of succession goes to Speaker of the United States House of Representatives.
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Re: Joe Biden Discussion

Post by Veovis »

Silverstarqueen wrote: Sep 22nd, 2023, 12:32 pm
65deluxe wrote: Sep 22nd, 2023, 8:56 am

BWHAHAHAHAHA, Joe sane?! BWHAHAHAHAHAHA. Curious as to how you measure sane?
Sane... A sane person is of sound mind and is mentally healthy. Sane people have good judgment, are reasonable, and can tell the difference between what's real and imagined. Whenever someone commits a crime or does something totally outlandish, people usually wonder if they're sane or not.

Feel free to search up Nancy's attempting to take control of the codes away from President Trump. Though Im sure you already have. There are numerous links available.
Please explain how Pelosi could take control of the codes away from a President. Fortunately Americans managed to do it anyway, by voting Trump OUT of the Presidency and voting Biden IN.
Yes, Biden is sane, I just heard part of his speech about plans to tackle gun violence and deaths in America.His plans and reasoning sounds very sane. It will be a challenge for sure to cut the numbers of gun deaths (already over 30,000 this year alone). Maybe Republicans would say it's insane to attempt to cut the number of gun deaths, but most Americans want their leader to make the effort.
We already did. Willful ignorance is on you.
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Re: Joe Biden Discussion

Post by 65deluxe »

Crooked, Corrupt, Racist Joe sticks his foot in it again. This man is a disgrace. How can anyone support such a creepy racist?!

"President Joe Biden Calls LL Cool J ‘Boy’ at Congressional Black Caucus Event" ... cus-event/
Last edited by 65deluxe on Sep 26th, 2023, 6:42 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Joe Biden Discussion

Post by The Green Barbarian »

65deluxe wrote: Sep 24th, 2023, 7:37 pm Crooked, Corrupt, Racist Joe sticks his foot in it again. This man is a disgrace. How can support such a creepy racist?!

"President Joe Biden Calls LL Cool J ‘Boy’ at Congressional Black Caucus Event" ... cus-event/
And you know if a Republican had done that (especially one whose name rhymes with Plump) CNN and MSNBC would have hordes of screaming liberal idiots on panel after panel talking about how "systemic racism" is endemic in the Republican party, but of course, if it's a Dem engaging in horrific racism, it's totally cool. Just disgusting.
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Re: Joe Biden Discussion

Post by Silverstarqueen »

65deluxe wrote: Sep 22nd, 2023, 8:51 am
Pappywinkle wrote: Sep 22nd, 2023, 8:20 am
Yup, everyone desperately trying to paint President Biden as corrupt just looks like a massive fool right now, and rightly so!!
I kinda look at it as anyone who doesnt see corruption when they look at Joe is showing an obvious political bias and their views can't be taken seriously.
So after months of investigations no impeachment, does that mean Republicans are showing obvious political bias and their views can't be taken seriously?
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Re: Joe Biden Discussion

Post by 65deluxe »

Silverstarqueen wrote: Sep 28th, 2023, 6:17 pm
65deluxe wrote: Sep 22nd, 2023, 8:51 am
I kinda look at it as anyone who doesnt see corruption when they look at Joe is showing an obvious political bias and their views can't be taken seriously.
So after months of investigations no impeachment, does that mean Republicans are showing obvious political bias and their views can't be taken seriously?

but the left and their cult following are still okay with Trumps impeachment, that was based upon a lie made up by clinton and perpetrated by the fbi. Got it. :up:
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Re: Joe Biden Discussion

Post by Silverstarqueen »

65deluxe wrote: Sep 28th, 2023, 7:23 pm
Silverstarqueen wrote: Sep 28th, 2023, 6:17 pm
So after months of investigations no impeachment, does that mean Republicans are showing obvious political bias and their views can't be taken seriously?
but the left and their cult following are still okay with Trumps impeachment, that was based upon a lie made up by clinton and perpetrated by the fbi. Got it. :up:
Trump was impeached twice, based on actual evidence, and is not the topic of this thread.
Biden's impeachment inquiry has....nada. Shows up the Republicans for the bunch of fools they have in their midst, while they dance on the edge of shutdown. Aren't they supposed to prevent that instead of spending their time trying to dig up dirt on a guy where there is none? The cult on the left at least isn't being led by a criminal.
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Re: Joe Biden Discussion

Post by 65deluxe »

Silverstarqueen wrote: Sep 29th, 2023, 5:09 am
65deluxe wrote: Sep 28th, 2023, 7:23 pm

but the left and their cult following are still okay with Trumps impeachment, that was based upon a lie made up by clinton and perpetrated by the fbi. Got it. :up:
Trump was impeached twice, based on actual evidence, and is not the topic of this thread.
Biden's impeachment inquiry has....nada. Shows up the Republicans for the bunch of fools they have in their midst, while they dance on the edge of shutdown. Aren't they supposed to prevent that instead of spending their time trying to dig up dirt on a guy where there is none? The cult on the left at least isn't being led by a criminal.
So what some of these congressmen don't realize is that empty allegations do not constitute evidence of wrongdoing. ... 2c4d4&ei=9
BWAHAHAHAHA. Love your news source. And the fact you still believe Trumps impeachments were legit, and biden has done nothing wrong.
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Re: Joe Biden Discussion

Post by Pappywinkle »

65deluxe wrote: Sep 29th, 2023, 7:06 am
Silverstarqueen wrote: Sep 29th, 2023, 5:09 am
Trump was impeached twice, based on actual evidence, and is not the topic of this thread.
Biden's impeachment inquiry has....nada. Shows up the Republicans for the bunch of fools they have in their midst, while they dance on the edge of shutdown. Aren't they supposed to prevent that instead of spending their time trying to dig up dirt on a guy where there is none? The cult on the left at least isn't being led by a criminal.
So what some of these congressmen don't realize is that empty allegations do not constitute evidence of wrongdoing. ... 2c4d4&ei=9
BWAHAHAHAHA. Love your news source. And the fact you still believe Trumps impeachments were legit, and biden has done nothing wrong.
If Biden has done something wrong, surely the GOP will present evidence - legit or not - so they can impeach him like was done to Trump. Except after months of searching and the inquiry beginning this week, Republicans have failed miserably on bringing forth ANY 'evidence' upon which to impeach Biden.

I mean, you seem so, so confident that Biden has done something wrong, yet after months of work by the many teams of people, the GOP have yet to find anything. Perhaps you should email the Republicans so you can save their impeachment inquiry! I bet Trump would do an ALL CAPS post celebrating you, too!!
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Re: Joe Biden Discussion

Post by 65deluxe »

Last edited by ferri on Sep 29th, 2023, 10:04 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Joe Biden Discussion

Post by The Green Barbarian »

Silverstarqueen wrote: Sep 29th, 2023, 5:09 am
Trump was impeached twice, based on actual evidence,
Not really.
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