BC Election 2024

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Re: BC Election 2024

Post by Glacier »

LovemyBolt wrote: Mar 30th, 2024, 8:33 am
Then please do explain where and how kids learn that bullying and harassing and fighting etc is an answer? Parents is where. Please explain how and why kids end up on drugs and become thieves and vandalizers. Parents is how.
Oh yeah there's that dog whistle. Nobody is grooming anybody. What a ridiculous trope. Education. Not a slave factory.
You clearly do not have children. Children need to be taught to be good. To be kind. To be fair. Respectful. Etc.

Human nature is flawed. For most people the default is to be selfish and whatnot. But we learn from our parents, and from society at large, including teachers, proper behavior.

There are also negative lessons learned from the people around us. These are people who were raised by parents who thought children are not naturally selfish or bad in any way. It must be someone else's fault. They must blame someone else for their children's bad behavior. So the children grew up to be selfish, and influenced others to be self-centered little bullys.
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Re: BC Election 2024

Post by 77TA »

Interesting to see a person vilify conservatives for their Christian beliefs while also criticizing parents for not teaching their children morality or compassion. I wonder what such a person thinks is taught to children in Christianity?
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Re: BC Election 2024

Post by GordonH »

BC election has to take place on or before October 19, 2024. Writ day for October 19th election in BC is September 21, 2024.
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Re: BC Election 2024

Post by liisgo »

LovemyBolt wrote: Mar 30th, 2024, 8:33 am
Glacier wrote: Mar 30th, 2024, 8:23 am LOL!

Oh the irony!

Scared of extremists and fundamentalism, and then posts the most extremist opinions on the forum! Ironic!

To say parents can't parent and don't teach morals to their children of tolerance and respect is messed up and very extreme! It's gross really. Stay the hell away from my kids, groomer!

Then please do explain where and how kids learn that bullying and harassing and fighting etc is an answer? Parents is where. Please explain how and why kids end up on drugs and become thieves and vandalizers. Parents is how.
Oh yeah there's that dog whistle. Nobody is grooming anybody. What a ridiculous trope. Education. Not a slave factory.
Easy, poor parenting, zero expectations and a complete lack of accountability with in society. Basic survival, working for food etc. has been replaced with free available drugs, a huge drug environment and no reason to contribute, all meaning a far too easy path to what you describe.
The more a soft liberal approach is applied the more the numbers increase for the bad.
Not my narrative, its all proving itself.

BC as well as canada has failed in these area's. does it not make sense that someone and something different needs to be applied. The failure is all to noticeable.
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Re: BC Election 2024

Post by Gone_Fishin »

Record numbers of people are fleeing BC because the NDP makes life so great here?

Maybe not.

In other news, Danielle Smith has attracted a record number of people to her province with her Common Sense Conservative agenda.

B.C. records net loss of more than 8,600 in interprovincial migration in 2023


British Columbia had more people moving out to other provinces in 2023 than those coming in the opposite direction for the first time in more than a decade, according to figures from Statistics Canada.

The agency said B.C. recorded a net loss of 8,624 people in interprovincial migration last year, something that hasn't happened since 2012.


Statistics Canada said most of B.C.'s population loss was to Alberta, which figures show had the largest interprovincial population gain last year, with more than 55,000 people moving in versus moving out.

The agency said Alberta's population gain from other provinces is the largest nationally since it began tracking comparable data in 1972.

The migration trend coincided with efforts from Alberta to attract skilled workers from other parts of Canada, with a 2022 campaign targeting Vancouver and Toronto residents, with a second plan last year aimed at Atlantic Canada.

The report from StatCan said Alberta has been recording gains in population from interprovincial migration since 2022, a reverse of the trend seen from 2016 to 2021, when more people left the province than arrived from other parts of Canada.

StatCan said Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island all saw net-positive interprovincial migration last year, but all three provinces gained fewer domestic migrants than the previous two years.

https://www.castanet.net/news/BC/479976 ... on-in-2023
Last edited by Gone_Fishin on Apr 2nd, 2024, 8:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: BC Election 2024

Post by Rol-Tanguy »

Glacier wrote: Mar 21st, 2024, 12:04 pm The election is coming on or before October 19th. Are you ready? Will the BCNDP win in a massive landslide or will the BCU (BC United Party) disappear?

I think BCNDP will win, not sure on a landslide. BCU will most likely not disappear but will have to spend their time now forming its own identity and case after the BCC.
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Re: BC Election 2024

Post by Glacier »

Anyone else getting the Eby jeebies?
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Re: BC Election 2024

Post by Foyulp »

Gone_Fishin wrote: Apr 2nd, 2024, 8:37 pm Record numbers of people are fleeing BC because the NDP makes life so great here?

Maybe not.

In other news, Danielle Smith has attracted a record number of people to her province with her Common Sense Conservative agenda.

B.C. records net loss of more than 8,600 in interprovincial migration in 2023


British Columbia had more people moving out to other provinces in 2023 than those coming in the opposite direction for the first time in more than a decade, according to figures from Statistics Canada.

The agency said B.C. recorded a net loss of 8,624 people in interprovincial migration last year, something that hasn't happened since 2012.


Statistics Canada said most of B.C.'s population loss was to Alberta, which figures show had the largest interprovincial population gain last year, with more than 55,000 people moving in versus moving out.

The agency said Alberta's population gain from other provinces is the largest nationally since it began tracking comparable data in 1972.

The migration trend coincided with efforts from Alberta to attract skilled workers from other parts of Canada, with a 2022 campaign targeting Vancouver and Toronto residents, with a second plan last year aimed at Atlantic Canada.

The report from StatCan said Alberta has been recording gains in population from interprovincial migration since 2022, a reverse of the trend seen from 2016 to 2021, when more people left the province than arrived from other parts of Canada.

StatCan said Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island all saw net-positive interprovincial migration last year, but all three provinces gained fewer domestic migrants than the previous two years.

https://www.castanet.net/news/BC/479976 ... on-in-2023
I know a few who have made that choice. If the majority of those numbers match my sample size, that is a lot of conservative votes that have left for Alberta.
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Re: BC Election 2024

Post by seewood »

Rol-Tanguy wrote: Apr 2nd, 2024, 8:40 pm I think BCNDP will win, not sure on a landslide. BCU will most likely not disappear but will have to spend their time now forming its own identity and case after the BCC.
My guess is the NDP will have the most seats but not enough for a majority. The B-cup and conservative party together will have enough seats to be a majority .
Greens [icon_lol2.gif] perhaps another 1-2 seats.
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Re: BC Election 2024

Post by GonnaMissThis »

Rol-Tanguy wrote: Apr 2nd, 2024, 8:40 pm
Glacier wrote: Mar 21st, 2024, 12:04 pm The election is coming on or before October 19th. Are you ready? Will the BCNDP win in a massive landslide or will the BCU (BC United Party) disappear?

I think BCNDP will win, not sure on a landslide. BCU will most likely not disappear but will have to spend their time now forming its own identity and case after the BCC.
Hoping the NDP will not win. Definitely need a change in this province.
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Re: BC Election 2024

Post by Veovis »

If the BCNDP win, we will be seeing 40-60 Billion in deficit over the next 4 years. Something we cannot afford. Eby is sold on the Justin Jagmeet governing through tax and spend but never actually build anything.

It's not something we can afford.

Eby see's a net loss of people moving away from BC, and announces it's due to affordability, so he will tackle affordability head on. First task. Raise taxes on everything.

If it's BCU and BCC splitting too much NDP will get in. Hopefully we can get one of those two to get enough seats. Keep in mind, every green seat is an NDP seat should they need to backroom steal again like Weaver did.
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Re: BC Election 2024

Post by The Green Barbarian »

Glacier wrote: Apr 3rd, 2024, 3:54 am Anyone else getting the Eby jeebies?
:up: :up:
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Re: BC Election 2024

Post by The Green Barbarian »

Veovis wrote: Apr 3rd, 2024, 10:57 am If the BCNDP win, we will be seeing 40-60 Billion in deficit over the next 4 years. Something we cannot afford. Eby is sold on the Justin Jagmeet governing through tax and spend but never actually build anything.

It's not something we can afford.

Eby see's a net loss of people moving away from BC, and announces it's due to affordability, so he will tackle affordability head on. First task. Raise taxes on everything.

If it's BCU and BCC splitting too much NDP will get in. Hopefully we can get one of those two to get enough seats. Keep in mind, every green seat is an NDP seat should they need to backroom steal again like Weaver did.
I guess it's too much to hope for to have these two parties merge so that the vote won't be split and we can throw these evil NDP scumbags out on their stupid commie ears. Please someone make the call and merge these two!
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Re: BC Election 2024

Post by Veovis »

Heard an interview with a BCC member a week ago or so on 1150am and he mentioned that he sent a message about just that thought. He said Falcon sent him a 2 word reply that started with an F and an O.

I've also heard Falcons ads and he sounds bored, like he doesn't even want to be there let alone run a province.
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Re: BC Election 2024

Post by The Green Barbarian »

Veovis wrote: Apr 3rd, 2024, 12:22 pm Heard an interview with a BCC member a week ago or so on 1150am and he mentioned that he sent a message about just that thought. He said Falcon sent him a 2 word reply that started with an F and an O.

I've also heard Falcons ads and he sounds bored, like he doesn't even want to be there let alone run a province.
If that's true, then its time for the Liberal/BU party to die. The NDP must be kicked out at all costs, and not just because of their massive hatred of Jews either.
Last edited by The Green Barbarian on Apr 3rd, 2024, 12:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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