B.C. real estate workforce facing pressure as housing demand surges, says report

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Posts: 202
Joined: Oct 8th, 2011, 1:50 pm

Re: B.C. real estate workforce facing pressure as housing demand surges, says report

Post by watchd0g »

You mean attrition because they got caught... a lack of ethics, morality and honesty.
Posts: 302
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Re: B.C. real estate workforce facing pressure as housing demand surges, says report

Post by toyota20 »

I don''t believe this. We need to find new ways to market real estate. Realtors are too damn expensive. Just think of all the realtor fees embedded into many houses that have been bought and sold numerous times.
We just need somewhere to list our properties and we can sell them on our own. I've done it several times. It's really not hard at all.
Posts: 1552
Joined: Dec 30th, 2008, 8:34 pm

Re: B.C. real estate workforce facing pressure as housing demand surges, says report


None of them every lift a hammer to pound a nail or lay a brick, they are all skimmers.
Most of them are just navigating the bureaucracy, filled with regulators, gatekeepers and all the "stakeholders" leaching billions away. No wonder the cost of housing has gone through the roof.
Posts: 120
Joined: Jul 17th, 2020, 6:16 pm

Re: B.C. real estate workforce facing pressure as housing demand surges, says report

Post by MBO17 »

"I unlocked the door and said 'this is the master bedroom', now please give me 6% of your $1,000,000 sale" - every realtor ever

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