Help with UK Immigration...I'm going nuts.

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Help with UK Immigration...I'm going nuts.

Post by G.E.M. »

:skyisfalling: :nutzoid:

I'm wondering if anyone out there knows a little more than me concerning the process
of applying for an Ancestry Visa to the UK?

I've searched and researched, I've e-mailed and i've even talked to real live people but
for some reason keep getting different answers. We do not want to apply and find out
it has all been down wrong.....that would get pretty expensive.

One of our main concerns is for the common-law dependent of the person applying for
the Ancestry Visa. There doesn't seem to be an online form for this type of visa. I did
get some information back saying to print a certain form out....a 'VA2'....and then
mail it. I then found out that anyone applying from Canada 'cannot', I repeat....
'cannot', mail the application. Ottawa embassy only accepts 'online' applications.

The list goes on about the rules and regulations but more importantly the discrepencies
of all the information. It is the most confusing thing I have ever come across.

Please...if anyone has some tid-bits of information, it would be soooooo appreciated.

Thanks so much. :clueless: :clueless:
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Re: Help with UK Immigration...I'm going nuts.

Post by CoffeeCanuck »

A co-workers kids immigrated to Scotland via the ancestor visa (pretty sure anyhow). I'll check with her and get back to you as soon as I have an answer.

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Re: Help with UK Immigration...I'm going nuts.

Post by G.E.M. »

Thanks Coffee....any info is helpful...especially since there have been many changes with Immigration in the past few months..... :nutzoid:
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Re: Help with UK Immigration...I'm going nuts.

Post by Jo »

What is an ancestry visa as opposed to a regular one? I found the link to it but it doesn't actually say what it is, just how to apply for it!
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Re: Help with UK Immigration...I'm going nuts.

Post by CoffeeCanuck »

I just heard back from my former co-worker, here is what she had to say, hope it helps.
You have to have a British Father or I think if you have a Grandfather you can get a 4 year work visa. If no relative then you get a 2year work visa. Used to be if you had a British mother you could get a visa but I think that changed recently but not absolutely sure.Did they check British Consulate website? I think info should be there.

ETA~ Here are some links you may find helpful. ... ukancestry ... ?t=4&t2=26
UK ancestry visa - eligbility

To be eligible for the UK ancestry visa you must satisfy the following ancestry visa requirements:

* You must be 17 years of age or over.
* You must be a citizen of a commonwealth country.
* You must have a grandparent who was born in the UK, the Channel Islands or the Isle of Mann or you must have a grandparent that was born in the Republic of Ireland prior to 31 March 1922.
* You must intend to and be able to work in the UK.
* You must be in a position to support yourself and any dependants without claiming public funds.

UK ancestry visa - duration

If your application for a UK ancestry visa is successful you will be granted permission to remain in the UK for five years. At the conclusion of this five year period you will then be eligible to apply for Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR) provided that:

* You continue to meet the requirements of the Immigration Rules for UK ancestry, and
* You have spent five years continuously in the UK and can show that you have an employment history throughout that five year period. If you intend to apply for ILR you should not spend more than 90 days per year outside the UK during this five year period.
* If at the end of your five year ancestry visa you do not meet all of the ILR qualifying criteria you may apply for an extension to your ancestry visa.

UK ancestry visa - additional information

In certain circumstances it may be possible for you to change your visa status to an ancestry visa from within the United Kingdom, however in most cases you must apply for your UK ancestry visa in your home country or the country where you legally live. You must also apply for entry clearance prior to coming to the UK.

If you have a spouse, unmarried partner or dependants under 18 years of age you can apply for them to join you in the UK on a UK ancestry dependency visa.

If you or your parent who you are claiming ancestry ties through is adopted you can still apply for entry clearance to the UK under the ancestry visa category.
It seems to now be a 5 yr visa. :smt023

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Re: Help with UK Immigration...I'm going nuts.

Post by CoffeeCanuck »

Jo wrote:What is an ancestry visa as opposed to a regular one? I found the link to it but it doesn't actually say what it is, just how to apply for it!
My understanding (as limited as it is on this issue :lol:) is that a regular visitor visa lasts for 6 months. The Ancestry visa allows you to live in the UK for 5 years and work without a work permit. After the 5 yrs, you can apply to become a permanent citizen.

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Re: Help with UK Immigration...I'm going nuts.

Post by LongInt »

While these people primarily deal with immigrating to Canada from the UK, they may know some things regarding the other way around:

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