Mark Greenberg - Council Candidate
- Generalissimo Postalot
- Posts: 841
- Joined: Jun 18th, 2005, 11:22 am
Re: Mark Greenberg - Council Candidate
Thank you Marc, both for actually taking the time to post on here... I know how busy campaigns can be but your willingness to respond to voters on here (unlike what we are seeing from certain other Councillors) is a testament to the value you place on listening to all residents of the West side and actually actively seeking out voters for their input.
Your answers were very specific, complete and for my purposes addressed these issues well. You have my vote.
Thank you again for taking the time to answer my questions and all the best with your campaign.
Your answers were very specific, complete and for my purposes addressed these issues well. You have my vote.
Thank you again for taking the time to answer my questions and all the best with your campaign.
"The road to hell is paved with concrete."
- Generalissimo Postalot
- Posts: 841
- Joined: Jun 18th, 2005, 11:22 am
Re: Mark Greenberg - Council Candidate
...and sorry for misspelling your first name... I hate when people misspell mine. :)
"The road to hell is paved with concrete."
- Newbie
- Posts: 21
- Joined: Oct 20th, 2008, 6:33 pm
Re: Mark Greenberg - Council Candidate
Dear Forum Members,
In view of the fact that the upcoming debates only allow for one or two minutes of direct presentation, I am publishing my campaign platform below so you can better understand what my positions and vision for the future of our municipality are.
All the best,
Marc Greenberg
Marc Greenberg’s 2008 Campaign Platform
1. Govern by virtue of leadership, teamwork and transparency. Secrecy, self-serving 'in camera' sessions and back room politicking should not be tolerated in our municipal government. Our community's future rests with leaders who possess clear vision, are accessible and in touch with our residents needs.
2. The permanent stationing of a BC Ambulance Advanced Life Support Unit for the Westside could provide life saving drugs and treatment on the way to the hospital improving survivability and successful outcomes for cardiac, neonatal, and other life threatening emergencies. There would be no cost to our taxpayers for this service.
3. Fiscal responsibility and economic development to contain taxes. The government like its residents should not live beyond their means.
4. Implement the Westbank Town Centre Plan to create a place where residents and visitors alike can enjoy an atmosphere of culture, recreation, dining and shopping with their family and friends while increasing much needed tax revenues at the same time.
5. Strike a balance between growth and preserving the semi-rural nature of our community. It is not a race. There should be no rush towards development which does not take into account the infrastructure required to service this growth and the impact on our fragile environment. Quality, high density housing development including affordable housing, should be encouraged so long as they are compatible with neighborhood character and value.
6. Widen Mt Boucherie, Old Okanagan Highway, Westlake and Glenrosa Roads to provide safe shoulders that will accommodate walkers and bicyclists and encourage exercise and access to our beautiful parks, beaches, lakeshore, town centre and wineries for both our residents and visitors.
7. The 97 Highway couplet running through the Westbank Town Centre is the single greatest hindrance to developing our town. I propose adding two lanes to Dobbin Road, making it a four lane highway and converting Main Street into a pedestrian mall replete with trees, benches, outdoor dining and shops.
8. Work with the Westbank First Nations in a productive and equitable partnership, particularly in the sharing of policing and fire costs associated with their new shopping developments and housing projects.
9. We are one of only a few small Canadian communities without a provincial or city police department, which has an international criminal organization in its midst. We must petition Ottawa for a federaly funded organized crime task force to be placed in our area to bring these individuals to justice to stop the proliferation of drug use and drug related crimes that have plagued our area.
10. Our large population of 'empty nesters' possesses an equally large population of man's and woman's best friends who are worshipped and adored. A fenced in, off-leash dog park, on Crown land and built with donations would give owners and pets a chance to exercise and socialize together.
11. Our youth must have access to a variety of recreational pursuits that keep them engaged and out of trouble. The Westside is one of the few BC municipalities that does not have modern skateboard/bicycle park. I support the development of such a park utilizing public/private partnerships
In view of the fact that the upcoming debates only allow for one or two minutes of direct presentation, I am publishing my campaign platform below so you can better understand what my positions and vision for the future of our municipality are.
All the best,
Marc Greenberg
Marc Greenberg’s 2008 Campaign Platform
1. Govern by virtue of leadership, teamwork and transparency. Secrecy, self-serving 'in camera' sessions and back room politicking should not be tolerated in our municipal government. Our community's future rests with leaders who possess clear vision, are accessible and in touch with our residents needs.
2. The permanent stationing of a BC Ambulance Advanced Life Support Unit for the Westside could provide life saving drugs and treatment on the way to the hospital improving survivability and successful outcomes for cardiac, neonatal, and other life threatening emergencies. There would be no cost to our taxpayers for this service.
3. Fiscal responsibility and economic development to contain taxes. The government like its residents should not live beyond their means.
4. Implement the Westbank Town Centre Plan to create a place where residents and visitors alike can enjoy an atmosphere of culture, recreation, dining and shopping with their family and friends while increasing much needed tax revenues at the same time.
5. Strike a balance between growth and preserving the semi-rural nature of our community. It is not a race. There should be no rush towards development which does not take into account the infrastructure required to service this growth and the impact on our fragile environment. Quality, high density housing development including affordable housing, should be encouraged so long as they are compatible with neighborhood character and value.
6. Widen Mt Boucherie, Old Okanagan Highway, Westlake and Glenrosa Roads to provide safe shoulders that will accommodate walkers and bicyclists and encourage exercise and access to our beautiful parks, beaches, lakeshore, town centre and wineries for both our residents and visitors.
7. The 97 Highway couplet running through the Westbank Town Centre is the single greatest hindrance to developing our town. I propose adding two lanes to Dobbin Road, making it a four lane highway and converting Main Street into a pedestrian mall replete with trees, benches, outdoor dining and shops.
8. Work with the Westbank First Nations in a productive and equitable partnership, particularly in the sharing of policing and fire costs associated with their new shopping developments and housing projects.
9. We are one of only a few small Canadian communities without a provincial or city police department, which has an international criminal organization in its midst. We must petition Ottawa for a federaly funded organized crime task force to be placed in our area to bring these individuals to justice to stop the proliferation of drug use and drug related crimes that have plagued our area.
10. Our large population of 'empty nesters' possesses an equally large population of man's and woman's best friends who are worshipped and adored. A fenced in, off-leash dog park, on Crown land and built with donations would give owners and pets a chance to exercise and socialize together.
11. Our youth must have access to a variety of recreational pursuits that keep them engaged and out of trouble. The Westside is one of the few BC municipalities that does not have modern skateboard/bicycle park. I support the development of such a park utilizing public/private partnerships
- Newbie
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- Joined: Oct 16th, 2006, 12:12 pm
Re: Mark Greenberg - Council Candidate
I am so glad that you are running again Marc. I voted for you in the last election as did my family and we will be voting for you again. We think you would be an effective, beneficial asset to the Westside Council. :nyah:
- Fledgling
- Posts: 128
- Joined: Oct 9th, 2008, 9:53 am
Re: Mark Greenberg - Council Candidate
Unfortunately, I missed the forum last night but I heard that you did a great job. Congratulations!
- Newbie
- Posts: 29
- Joined: Oct 29th, 2008, 12:00 pm
Re: Mark Greenberg - Council Candidate
At last night's all candidates meeting you spoke with passion and showed good respect to the time keeper and moderator. Which means you showed respect to us. You left me wondering what that old phrase you wanted to tell us was? Maybe I'll hear it at the next all candidates meeting.
You lost my vote when you spoke so strongly against LePage Complex. Is it the sport complex or other items that you oppose? I felt Rusty Ensign and others did an excellent job in a very difficult and changing market. I hope I get a chance to find out at the next all candidate meeting how you would improve on or have done LePage differently.
It was interesting to hear that you have door knocked 2,000 doors. Good work on you. This year you came by our door and I thank you for that. Before you the only other who showed my sub division the respect by door knocking here was and is David Knowles.
Good luck.
You lost my vote when you spoke so strongly against LePage Complex. Is it the sport complex or other items that you oppose? I felt Rusty Ensign and others did an excellent job in a very difficult and changing market. I hope I get a chance to find out at the next all candidate meeting how you would improve on or have done LePage differently.
It was interesting to hear that you have door knocked 2,000 doors. Good work on you. This year you came by our door and I thank you for that. Before you the only other who showed my sub division the respect by door knocking here was and is David Knowles.
Good luck.
- Newbie
- Posts: 21
- Joined: Oct 20th, 2008, 6:33 pm
Re: Mark Greenberg - Council Candidate
I am not against the Sport Complex itself. It is a great sports and recreational asset to our community, but I am certainly against the huge cost overruns that nobody has taken responsibilty for. It is interesting how time dulls peoples memory but we are currently pinching pennies for our new police headquarters and talking about a bare bones building to house our police officers; municipal employees are trying to get by in cramped quarters and trailers because we can't afford a real municipal hall; we have taken $900,000 earmarked to beautify the Gellatly Bay waterfront (which is used by more people than attend Le Page Arena) to put in a geothermal heating system that should have been engineered before the arena was even built!
Now the supporters/backers of the arena and the recreation department want a hard floor to add to the current $14 million complex. Where does it end? I like to go to the occassional hockey game but this is a bit much.
My point at the debate was that before we start writing another blank check for the floor, we need to assess the viability of the arena's use as a convention centre or concert venue.
Currently the Le Page Arena Convention Centre would be in competition with Prospera Place, as well as the new and much larger South Okanagan Convention Centre and double arena in Penticton, and the new convention centres being built on the Westside by both the Mission Hill Winery and the new ten million dollar Holiday Inn and Convention Centre improvement.
If some one could prove to me that they would actually turn a profit with a hard floor which would benefit the municipality I would be happy to sign the check.
Until then I wouldn't give them another dime.
And by the way what ever happened to the 'investigation' to determine how a six million dollar (of our money) project more that doubled in price?
Thanks for hearing me out.
Marc Greenberg
2008 Candidate for Westside Council
PS The phrase I wanted to say but ran out of time related to my statement of being the 'underdog'
in the election race.
It was: "It is not the size of the dog in the fight but the size of the fight in the dog"
Now the supporters/backers of the arena and the recreation department want a hard floor to add to the current $14 million complex. Where does it end? I like to go to the occassional hockey game but this is a bit much.
My point at the debate was that before we start writing another blank check for the floor, we need to assess the viability of the arena's use as a convention centre or concert venue.
Currently the Le Page Arena Convention Centre would be in competition with Prospera Place, as well as the new and much larger South Okanagan Convention Centre and double arena in Penticton, and the new convention centres being built on the Westside by both the Mission Hill Winery and the new ten million dollar Holiday Inn and Convention Centre improvement.
If some one could prove to me that they would actually turn a profit with a hard floor which would benefit the municipality I would be happy to sign the check.
Until then I wouldn't give them another dime.
And by the way what ever happened to the 'investigation' to determine how a six million dollar (of our money) project more that doubled in price?
Thanks for hearing me out.
Marc Greenberg
2008 Candidate for Westside Council
PS The phrase I wanted to say but ran out of time related to my statement of being the 'underdog'
in the election race.
It was: "It is not the size of the dog in the fight but the size of the fight in the dog"
- Newbie
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- Joined: Oct 29th, 2008, 12:00 pm
Re: Mark Greenberg - Council Candidate
Mr. Greenburg,
Thank you for the excellent and prompt reply to my posting. At the meeting in my opinion you come across as pretty hard and a little bit angry but then we are all just regular people. Here your words are clear and make sense. My advice is show that with some passion and who knows. At present we have four (4) excellent councilors in Carol Zanon, Duane Ophus, Gord Millison and David Knowles I hope if you are successful you will learn from their example. I'll certainly be giving you a closer second look.
Thank you for the excellent and prompt reply to my posting. At the meeting in my opinion you come across as pretty hard and a little bit angry but then we are all just regular people. Here your words are clear and make sense. My advice is show that with some passion and who knows. At present we have four (4) excellent councilors in Carol Zanon, Duane Ophus, Gord Millison and David Knowles I hope if you are successful you will learn from their example. I'll certainly be giving you a closer second look.
- Newbie
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- Joined: Jul 28th, 2005, 4:10 pm
Re: Mark Greenberg - Council Candidate
Hi Mark, I wish I lived on the Westside so I could vote for you. I know what a great job you will do as an alderman. Good luck with the election!
Gerry Parrott
Gerry Parrott
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Re: Mark Greenberg - October 28th Speech
For those of you who could not attend the last candidate debate on October 28th I am posting my brief speech below. The next debate is this coming Monday evening at 7PM at the Alliance Church.
Hope to see you there.
Looking at the group of candidates here tonight I can safely say that I am the underdog
I have not lived here for 30 years
I do not have the key to the old boys club
I did not sit on the governance committee
But here is what I have done and can do
I have visited over 2000 of your homes during this campaign and have spoken to hundreds of your neighbours and this is what I heard
You want change
You want strong leadership
You want transparency and integrity on council
You have concerns about emergency health care, crime & taxes
Some of the tax neutral programs I propose are:
An advanced life support ambulance for cardiac and infant emergencies to get you to the hospital alive
A dedicated outdoor pedestrian mall in our town centre to encourage business
A federally funded organized crime task force to combat drugs & auto theft
Please take the time to pick up a copy of both my brochure and my campaign platform before you leave tonight
Don’t you deserve Integrity and Leadership in your municipal council
Vote for Marc Greenberg on November 15th
Marc Greenberg
2008 Candidate for Westside Council
Hope to see you there.
Looking at the group of candidates here tonight I can safely say that I am the underdog
I have not lived here for 30 years
I do not have the key to the old boys club
I did not sit on the governance committee
But here is what I have done and can do
I have visited over 2000 of your homes during this campaign and have spoken to hundreds of your neighbours and this is what I heard
You want change
You want strong leadership
You want transparency and integrity on council
You have concerns about emergency health care, crime & taxes
Some of the tax neutral programs I propose are:
An advanced life support ambulance for cardiac and infant emergencies to get you to the hospital alive
A dedicated outdoor pedestrian mall in our town centre to encourage business
A federally funded organized crime task force to combat drugs & auto theft
Please take the time to pick up a copy of both my brochure and my campaign platform before you leave tonight
Don’t you deserve Integrity and Leadership in your municipal council
Vote for Marc Greenberg on November 15th
Marc Greenberg
2008 Candidate for Westside Council
- Fledgling
- Posts: 128
- Joined: Oct 9th, 2008, 9:53 am
Re: Mark Greenberg - Council Candidate
Yes, we absolutely do deserve 'integrity and leadership" in our municipal council! Thank you for reassuring us that that is what we will get when we vote for you on Nov. 15th!
- Grand Pooh-bah
- Posts: 2788
- Joined: Sep 6th, 2006, 11:07 pm
Re: Mark Greenberg - Council Candidate
Marc has deeply disappointed me with his comment that RLP is a "white elephant" and that he would not support spending another cent on it. It is not a white elephant, and that the RDCO was unable to practice honest budgeting and cost control on its construction does not mean that it is unworthy of ongoing, legitimate expenditures that people may want. Sorry, Marc.
- Fledgling
- Posts: 128
- Joined: Oct 9th, 2008, 9:53 am
Re: Mark Greenberg - Council Candidate
Yes, RDCO obviously made some huge errors with RLP, but that doesn't mean we can now walk away and say that's it....we will have to commit money for ongoing, legitimate expenditures as rturner says. I'll have to read more about Marc's stand on this issue before I make a judgement.
- Newbie
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- Joined: Oct 20th, 2008, 6:33 pm
Re: Mark Greenberg - Council Candidate
Hi Rob,
In my post above, I explained that I recognize the importance of the the Royal Le Page Arena as an important community sports and recreation venue for the Westside. My objections which I raised in the candidates forum related to two issues.
The first was the source of the funding for the heating system which will be required to bring back the fans and sponsors who have canceled their season passes and sponsorships because it is uncomfortably cold in the arena, especially for children and seniors. The money for this upgrade has come from funds that were set aside for the improvement of the Gellatly Park Beachfront and Walkway. These funds, which I believe to be in vicinity of $800,000, were to add lights, benches and improved walking path along the lake. I have received complaints from many seniors, dog walkers and others that these funds were taken away. Aren't citizens of our community entitled to other recreational pursuits?
I agree to disaree with the council on where the money to fix the heating problem comes from but I concur that fixing the heating problem so the arena could stop operating in the red and turn a profit was neccessary.
The question I answered at the candidates debate had to do with approving yet more money to equip the arena to operate as a convention centre and a concert venue. The figure given was around $153,000 some of which might be offset by sponsors. This figure is a grossly inadequate for what the arena will require to operate as a concert venue from my experience as a consultant to that industry.
What has not been factored in are the following: a concert stage, upgraded electrical panels, ceiling support for stage lighting, spotlight platforms, stage barricades, elevated mechanical lift platforms, loading docks to unload stage equipment, secure receipt room, security company office space, hiring a marketing staff....and so on. These additions which are prerequisate for being able to hold concerts will push the costs much higher than $150,000. There is even a question whether as a concert venue, such a small arena can attract competitive acts and turn a profit after expenses.
In addition, I noted my reservations whether the arena can compete in the convention and/or concert business with competition from Prospera Place, Grand Hotel Convention Centre, South Okanagan (Penticton) Arena and Convention Centre, the new $10 million expansion of the Westbank Holiday Inn or the new Mission Hill Winery Convention Centre.
As a taxpayer I and many others have been outraged by the enormous cost overuns of the Arena which we will be paying in our tax bills for many years, but that is in the past. I would like to see the Le Page Place succeed as a hockey venue and a source of pride in our community.
My position of not spending any money on the arena was in the context of the new request for our tax dollars to be spent for this uncertain new venture with the potential of more cost overruns expenses looming in the future and my desire that the council remember that there are other worthy recreational projects requiring our limited municipality's budget.
Yours truly,
Marc Greenberg
2008 Candidate for Westside Council
In my post above, I explained that I recognize the importance of the the Royal Le Page Arena as an important community sports and recreation venue for the Westside. My objections which I raised in the candidates forum related to two issues.
The first was the source of the funding for the heating system which will be required to bring back the fans and sponsors who have canceled their season passes and sponsorships because it is uncomfortably cold in the arena, especially for children and seniors. The money for this upgrade has come from funds that were set aside for the improvement of the Gellatly Park Beachfront and Walkway. These funds, which I believe to be in vicinity of $800,000, were to add lights, benches and improved walking path along the lake. I have received complaints from many seniors, dog walkers and others that these funds were taken away. Aren't citizens of our community entitled to other recreational pursuits?
I agree to disaree with the council on where the money to fix the heating problem comes from but I concur that fixing the heating problem so the arena could stop operating in the red and turn a profit was neccessary.
The question I answered at the candidates debate had to do with approving yet more money to equip the arena to operate as a convention centre and a concert venue. The figure given was around $153,000 some of which might be offset by sponsors. This figure is a grossly inadequate for what the arena will require to operate as a concert venue from my experience as a consultant to that industry.
What has not been factored in are the following: a concert stage, upgraded electrical panels, ceiling support for stage lighting, spotlight platforms, stage barricades, elevated mechanical lift platforms, loading docks to unload stage equipment, secure receipt room, security company office space, hiring a marketing staff....and so on. These additions which are prerequisate for being able to hold concerts will push the costs much higher than $150,000. There is even a question whether as a concert venue, such a small arena can attract competitive acts and turn a profit after expenses.
In addition, I noted my reservations whether the arena can compete in the convention and/or concert business with competition from Prospera Place, Grand Hotel Convention Centre, South Okanagan (Penticton) Arena and Convention Centre, the new $10 million expansion of the Westbank Holiday Inn or the new Mission Hill Winery Convention Centre.
As a taxpayer I and many others have been outraged by the enormous cost overuns of the Arena which we will be paying in our tax bills for many years, but that is in the past. I would like to see the Le Page Place succeed as a hockey venue and a source of pride in our community.
My position of not spending any money on the arena was in the context of the new request for our tax dollars to be spent for this uncertain new venture with the potential of more cost overruns expenses looming in the future and my desire that the council remember that there are other worthy recreational projects requiring our limited municipality's budget.
Yours truly,
Marc Greenberg
2008 Candidate for Westside Council
- Grand Pooh-bah
- Posts: 2788
- Joined: Sep 6th, 2006, 11:07 pm
Re: Mark Greenberg - Council Candidate
Well, as I promised you at the all-candidate meeting tonight, I read your post in its entirety, and it is certainly more informative than the brief news report on your comments. However, I'll agree, it mitigates to a large extent what seemed to be your negative attitude towards our asset. If there'd been a municipality, we might have built it somewhere else rather than up against the north face of a mountain, with the severe scar that was created on the natural environment to accommodate it.