Lake Country Council - General Discussion

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joe smo
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Lake Country Council - General Discussion

Post by joe smo »

Only one seat contested - must be that every councillor in LC is doing an outstanding job. Predict the lowest turn out for this election in LC history.

Besides - you cant get to the ballott box - all the streets are dug up.

Don't forget about the 6 million dollar fire hall.
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Re: Lake Country Council - General Discussion

Post by armor »

:skyisfalling: Has anyone in Lake Country awakened to the fact that there is a race for school trustee out here? The incumbent, Anna Hunt-Binkley is up against two other people, one of who may be in favour of doing away with a dedicated trustee for Lake Country in favour of everyone being elected at large. Anna is opposed to this and if we don't get her re-elected we may lose our trustee. Then everything will be decided by the "big city folks" because they'll outnumber us by a wide margin on the board. USE YOUR VOTE OR LOSE YOUR TRUSTEE!
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Re: Lake Country Council - General Discussion

Post by CarMa »

Beyond that one issue, trustees are responsible for a budget that nears $200 million and they set policy for our schools.

People talk about the taxpayer being the employer... well get out there and vote in your employees.
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Re: Lake Country Council - General Discussion

Post by armor »

CarMa wrote:Beyond that one issue, trustees are responsible for a budget that nears $200 million and they set policy for our schools.

People talk about the taxpayer being the employer... well get out there and vote in your employees.
Yes...That too! Thank you CarMa
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Re: Lake Country Council - General Discussion

Post by truthseeker »

Reggin wrote:My understanding is that ALL of the trustee candidates for Lake Country are in favour of keeping a trustee for that area. BUT.... that trustee MUST represent Ellison and Joe Rich also, which just happens to have schools, that are ALL in the City of Kelowna boundary (except for Ellison elementary.)

Perhaps boundaries need to be changed?

The city currently elects ALL trustees at large, the recommendation is to have Westside elect their two trustees at large? Perhaps there should be TWO trustees also, for Ellison -Joe Rich -Lake Country? Lots to think about, on this topic!
I am interested in reading Reggin's comments about all Area 1trustee candiadtes being in favour of keeping a trustee for that area. I read the report of the Electoral Boundaries Committee in some detail, and I noticed that Reg Volk, a current candiadte, was referred to three times. One, he was one of a handful of people who turned out to the Kelowna meetings, and plainly stated his preference for 7 at Large. Secondly, he presented his views to the committee in paper form and those notes were part of the report. Thirdly, he then sent the same presentation by email, and it was included again.

That's what he said ten monnths ago. HAS HE CHANGED HIS MIND?? If so, he needs to come out and say so, so that we can make an informed decision.
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Re: Lake Country Council - General Discussion

Post by armor »

Reggin wrote:I have a copy of Mr. Volk's submission to SD23 dated December 13 , 2007. In it he simply questions the lack of representation for Ellison and Joe Rich as part of the Lake Country Zone 1. He states " I conclude that there is a big need for improved communications" and questions if electing trustees at large would improve this process. I do not believe he is locked into any position.

Bottom line? any trustee would have to speak to the wishes of their constituents -perhaps some kind of poll is necessary?

BUT... ultimately the whole board votes, and will decide along with the provincial government.

So...there is the truth truthseeker!

No..there is NOT the truth! At least it isn't the way his views on the matter were conveyed to the George Elliott PAC. Perhaps someone misunderstood.
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Re: Lake Country Council - General Discussion

Post by truthseeker »

armor wrote:
Reggin wrote:I have a copy of Mr. Volk's submission to SD23 dated December 13 , 2007. In it he simply questions the lack of representation for Ellison and Joe Rich as part of the Lake Country Zone 1. He states " I conclude that there is a big need for improved communications" and questions if electing trustees at large would improve this process. I do not believe he is locked into any position.

Bottom line? any trustee would have to speak to the wishes of their constituents -perhaps some kind of poll is necessary?

BUT... ultimately the whole board votes, and will decide along with the provincial government.

So...there is the truth truthseeker!

No..there is NOT the truth! At least it isn't the way his views on the matter were conveyed to the George Elliott PAC. Perhaps someone misunderstood.

Reggin is very quick to say what Mr Volk thinks, or explain what a great chap Mr Volk is - that is because REGGIN is Reg Volk. In a previous post, somewhere in these forums, Reg Volk said he was running for Regional Director and gave his telephone number and Pen-name:

REG VOLK: As a candidate for Central Okanagan East director ..........................................................................
Please feel free to contact me at 765-5222 Reggin

So now we have Reggin saying that he had never said he was in favour of "7 at Large". I wonder if he actually read the final report of the Electoral Boundary Committee. In the report from the Hollywood Road Meeting , the Committee noted:

"R.Volk supports the view that trustees be elected at large throughout the district."

In his submission, Reg Volk said:

"7) If all trustees were elected at large it would seem to me that they would need to try to be aware of ALL the issues throughout the district and not just their electoral area."

"10) I conclude that there is a big need for improved communications to each of the school district areas and electing trustees "at large" would go a long way to improve the current process.

I believe a change to an "at large system" WOULD result in "more effective representation.""

I don't think it takes a rocket scientist to see that Reggin is a twister of words.

The Electoral Boundaries Committee counted him as one of the people in favour of seven at large. Perhaps he should have set the record straight then, rather than interpreting his words as he now sees fit.

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Re: Lake Country Council - General Discussion

Post by truthseeker »

I just noticed a couple of other times Reg Volk was mentioned in the Report from the Boundaries Committee.

From the Meeting at Hollywood Road:

"R. Volk said.....he believes that electing all at large would actually give greater representation on the issues to the smaller communities."

"He believes a change to election at large throughout the district would result in more effective representation than the staus quo modified ward system."

"Reg noted that electing at large gives parents a choice to approach any trustee they would like to communicate with"

It is certainly not surprising that Reg Volk was counted as IN FAVOUR OF 7 AT LARGE.
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Re: Lake Country Council - General Discussion

Post by armor »

No one 'spoke to the PAC'. This is in the report from the 3 fact-finders who held meetings last December. You are definitely on record, according to the committee, as being in favour of seven at large.
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Re: Lake Country Council - General Discussion

Post by amomof2dogs »

Reggin wrote:I have a copy of Mr. Volk's submission to SD23 dated December 13 , 2007. In it he simply questions the lack of representation for Ellison and Joe Rich as part of the Lake Country Zone 1. He states " I conclude that there is a big need for improved communications" and questions if electing trustees at large would improve this process. I do not believe he is locked into any position.

Bottom line? any trustee would have to speak to the wishes of their constituents -perhaps some kind of poll is necessary?

BUT... ultimately the whole board votes, and will decide along with the provincial government.

So...there is the truth truthseeker!
You really think that referring to yourself in the third person is a transparent and honest way to communitcate with your potential constituents? Perhaps you should reveal that you are Reg Volk and have an open and forthright discussion with the voters.
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Re: Lake Country Council - General Discussion

Post by amomof2dogs »

I would encourage support of the encumbent trustee Anna Hunt-Binkley. Ms. Hunt-Binkley has in the past 6 years has focused on the needs and best interests of all district students and is a strong advocate for the students of Lake Country, Ellison and Joe Rich. Her initiatives with the healthy schools program have been recognized provincially and have served as a model for the province. Anna has been a strong advocate for Lake Country schools. Anna's work and dedication in keeping our schools free from corporate influence is to be commended. While many districts are selling ad space on busses, in classrooms, in text books and on school building School District 23 is keeping our students from becoming capitive corporate audiences.

Lake Country Ellison and Joe Rich students have needs that are sometimes very different from their more urban counterparts. Many students from these areas have long bus rides on dangerous routes and some face extremely long walks to school where transportation is not provided. Everyday on my drive to work I pass numerous RMS/RSS students who walk to school from the Ellison area because they are within the 4.8 kilometres of the school. Ms. Hunt-Binkley understands the issues facing the students and their families of the Lake Country Joe Rich Ellison area and has been an effective advocate for the past 6 years.

Ms. Hunt-Binkley has on many occasions brought items and issues to the board table that have arisen from outside her represented area. Even though she may have been elected to serve a particular area she is a valuable asset to the whole district and in my opinion a respected and valuable member of the Board of Education.
I think, therefore we are different.
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Re: Lake Country Council - General Discussion

Post by Gone_Fishin »

Reggin wrote:Hmmm...interesting.

Thanks for discussing a very important issue.

Ms. Binkely recently said in the Lake Coutry Calendar that the government "froze transportation funding in 2002." She went on to note that she was successful this year in having the B.C. Trustees Association adopt a motion to pursue this issue.

2002 to 2008. SIX YEARS to decide to do something??

The reality also is, that Joe Rich and Ellison residents do not know who there trustee is as she has never connected with them in the six years she has been elected.!

However, I am sure she has done other commendable work as indicated.
Hey Reg, thanks for helping people decide whom to vote for - anyone who can't differentiate between their, there, and they're has NO place on our school board!

Hiding behind an internet alias, getting busted for it (good work truthseeker!), and refusing to acknowledge it, is sorely lacking the professionalism and integrity we demand of our elected officials.

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Re: Lake Country Council - General Discussion

Post by Gone_Fishin »

Reggin wrote:Sorry, but I think you missed the real issue here.

Transportation problems.

Internet grammar does get a little wild-SO THERE???? and spellling occasionaly also!

But you are right, it will be their choice of whom they're voting for!! LOL

How about Eats SHOOTS and LEAVES? or is it Eats Shoots and LEAFS??

WHAT is the issue here? TRANSPORTATION PROBLEMS. Period.

Let's address that!
That was mature. Good luck in the election. You'll need it, as your ability to get elected on your merits certainly won't get you there.

PS - the word is "occasionally".

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Re: Lake Country Council - General Discussion

Post by oldal »

Reggin said: Hmmm...interesting.

Thanks for discussing a very important issue.

Ms. Binkely recently said in the Lake Coutry Calendar that the government "froze transportation funding in 2002." She went on to note that she was successful this year in having the B.C. Trustees Association adopt a motion to pursue this issue.

2002 to 2008. SIX YEARS to decide to do something??

Give me a break! Reggin, alias Reg, certainly knows how to twist things. If Mr Volk had attended as much as one School Board meeting in the past six years, he would know that the Board discussed, and wrote letters to the Minister of Education on this transportation issue on many occasions.

He would also know that the Board reported that they had taken their concerns to the three MLAs in the school district. The recent motion going to the BC School Trustees Assn. was nothing more than the last thing the Board, including Trustee Hunt-Binkley, has done in regard to underfunding of the school transportation system.

Finally, Reggin should stop slamming his opponents, not only for the School Board but also for the Regional District. He is not winning many votes with this kind of behaviour. (For more information visit Kelly Hayes' thread under "Regional District" where most of the negative comments come from Reggin.)
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Re: Lake Country Council - General Discussion

Post by lalalie »

How about Eats SHOOTS and LEAVES? or is it Eats Shoots and LEAFS??
*cough* It's eats, chutes, and leaves.

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