School Trustee - General Discussion

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Re: School Trustee Elections?

Post by Churchhawk »

Reggin wrote:AMEN to BCPSEA going the way of the dodo bird.

I believe evry trustee brings there own biases to the board room and they must be big enough to put them aside for the ultimate good of the student.

Often, however, parent, students and teachers DO have the exact same goals!

AND... this is a very good topic to debate! Thanks to each for input.
Reggin: You are missing my point. As I said before "the rules are the rules" Could you imagine what might happen if we have only one or two of our trustees abl;e to vote on salries and other issues.

Also, there is the other issue of a difernet sort of conflict when someone is lected to more than one posiion
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Re: School Trustee - General Discussion

Post by Churchhawk »

REG VOLK: As a candidate for Central Okanagan East director ..........................................................................
Please feel free to contact me at 765-5222 Reggin

So Reggin, it really is you that is running for both School Trustee and Regional Director.

Please tell me why I should vote for you for either of those positions.
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Re: School Trustee - General Discussion

Post by oldal »

I've been watching Reggin trying to rationalise running for two different jobs in the same jurisdiction. It has become obvious that you are Reg Volk. Tell us how you intend to juggle the two seperate but equal responsibilities. Also tell us why you are in favour of having seven school trustees elected at large, rather than having regional representation, as is the case at present.
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Re: School Trustee - General Discussion

Post by oldal »

No you have not anserwed a thing, especially the 'seven at large' issue. It doesn't matter what we discuss here. The voters are probably astute enough to figure it out.
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Re: School Trustee - General Discussion

Post by omisimaw »

could care less... think there should be a change and only those with a vested interest should get a vote LOL
No in all seriousness when you have no kids in school and no connection to the educational arena it really is not a matter you pay attention to, nor care to.
I am thinking this will be a place where my card will be blank as I feel it is better to leave the space than pick the wrong one and be a party to yet more destruction within our SD23... as from all I have heard from those who are involved it is just that a real mess
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Re: School Trustee - General Discussion

Post by Chmmr »

Reggin wrote:Hmmmm....

Perhaps you need to attend a few school functions to see the many positive happenings
in this school district??

OR read the write ups for the trustee candidates and vote for those whom you think will make things better??

Do not rely on "idle gossip"!
Yup lots of positive happenings for sure-perhaps like all the schools having their playgrounds pulled out and new ones replaced out of the pocketbooks of the parent (to the tune of 50,000 for a 300 kid school) (granted this was not just our district but surely a HUGE negative ). I can think of lots of problems in our district that require change.
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Re: School Trustee - General Discussion

Post by Chmmr »

Or pester the provincial government to fund playgrounds fairly and properly? Did you?[/quote]
Actually all the schools were not eligible for that funding. My son's included even though we are in Rutland and certainly are far from upper class, rich neighborhoods. Our parents raised the entire amount themselves through activities organized by the PAC. It was a massive undertaking and exhausting not only for the people organizing, but by the parents being solicited for funds (not the PAC's fault at all). I expect our school boards to stand up and be our voices in government when something like this happens and tell the province what they need to make it feasible for all kids to have playgrounds. That didn't happen.
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Re: School Trustee - General Discussion

Post by omisimaw »

Reggin wrote:Hmmmm....

Perhaps you need to attend a few school functions to see the many positive happenings
in this school district??

OR read the write ups for the trustee candidates and vote for those whom you think will make things better??

Do not rely on "idle gossip"!
Hmmm possible you might come to the awareness that I am very well aware of the many positive and negative happenings within SD23 and other jurisdictions however that is not my point. Kind of get that way with over 40 years experience, direct experience at many levels!

Reading write ups is like putting your opinion on that of another and that is not me at all.

Reading however other thoughts have and I like others will not support union members and their lot. I do not believe education should be ruled by unions or threatened or the kids put out a minute of fun or education on the whim of those who teach.

I believe teaching is a vocation and that with vocation comes sacrifice at ones expense. It is not a mere journey through post secondary to achieve a professional lisence.

I do not believe they are hard done by the educators of today and know for a fact they make decent wage.

I do disagree with cuts etc. based on what the unions / federation / association have their membership believing is because they do not give of their time for free.

So this changes the job of educator greatly. It now makes them a salaried employee with a professional lisence over someone who takes the time and effort to get a degree to follow the vocation they have chosen.

The loser .... or losers.... THE KIDS

I have a vote but do not wish to use it based on the state of affairs and the visions and directions that those who work and run for office are taking eduction in 2008.

So whatever happens happens. I also know not to speak against what is happening based on the fact I did not take any stand to vote in a different voice when I had a voice, not a chance, just a voice. Education today is run by the unions and federations/associations of who - YOU? surely not me!
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Re: School Trustee - General Discussion

Post by Chmmr »

Reggin wrote:In actual fact, the provincial government controls bargaining now and arbitrarily took away many of the gains teachers had made over decades.

Parent advisory councils also help manage schools for the benefit of children.

There are vast improvements over the past.

You need to find out more.
PAC's do not manage the schools by a long shot. THey are responsible for fundraising, and supporting the school in that manner (money goes to the library, classrooms, field trips, and a variety of other things that directly benefit the kids). There are also parents on the school planning committees, and as member reps for COPAC etc , but you certainly could not say that the PAC's help manage the schools by a long shot. We are allowed input and suggestions are welcome, but in the end it comes down to district policies, and approval by the principal, and/or district if required.

Sounds like you may also need to find out more.
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Re: School Trustee - General Discussion

Post by 2by4angel »

PACs are NOT responsible to fundraise - This is a choice made by the parents/guardians/school to benefit those within the school...

Individuals do have a number of options when it comes to expressing views/opinions at the Board level and also have the ability to ask questions of the Board/District Staff at any time. Visit the SD website at and click 'Board of Education' in the top bar for information/details.

In fact, the Board has requested additional funding for education and other items (including playgrounds) countless times over the last number of years...A letter was just signed by the Board and Education Partners at the last Board Meeting and was sent to the Ministry of Education asking that they increase the overall funding for education.

With respect to the comment: "We are allowed input and suggestions are welcome, but in the end it comes down to district policies, and approval by the principal, and/or district if required." - This does play a role in the decision-making process at the school level, however, when it comes to the SD Budget, issues are often far more complex than people realize and any factor, regardless of how small it may seem, can affect a SD and its Budget drastically.

I commend those running in this Trustee Election because they will have some major decisions to make over the next while that WILL have profound effects on the students within this district for years to come and there is also the possibility that one topic to be discussed at Board meeting(s) (and possibly mandated by the Ministry of Education) may change the face of our SD and our schools forever...
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Re: School Trustee - General Discussion

Post by Timi »

How many School Trustees do we vote in?
stay real.
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Re: School Trustee - General Discussion

Post by CarMa »

Choose 1 for Lake Country out of 3 candidates.

Choose 4 for Kelowna out of 10 candidates.

2 are already acclaimed -- 1 from Peachland and 1 from Westside.
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Re: School Trustee - General Discussion

Post by Timi »

Thanks CarMa! :sunshine:
stay real.
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Re: School Trustee - General Discussion

Post by Chmmr »

2by4angel wrote:PACs are NOT responsible to fundraise - This is a choice made by the parents/guardians/school to benefit those within the school...

Individuals do have a number of options when it comes to expressing views/opinions at the Board level and also have the ability to ask questions of the Board/District Staff at any time. Visit the SD website at and click 'Board of Education' in the top bar for information/details.

In fact, the Board has requested additional funding for education and other items (including playgrounds) countless times over the last number of years...A letter was just signed by the Board and Education Partners at the last Board Meeting and was sent to the Ministry of Education asking that they increase the overall funding for education.

With respect to the comment: "We are allowed input and suggestions are welcome, but in the end it comes down to district policies, and approval by the principal, and/or district if required." - This does play a role in the decision-making process at the school level, however, when it comes to the SD Budget, issues are often far more complex than people realize and any factor, regardless of how small it may seem, can affect a SD and its Budget drastically.

I commend those running in this Trustee Election because they will have some major decisions to make over the next while that WILL have profound effects on the students within this district for years to come and there is also the possibility that one topic to be discussed at Board meeting(s) (and possibly mandated by the Ministry of Education) may change the face of our SD and our schools forever...
Yes they are. With the example of the playgrouds, there was absolutely no one else to raise funds for the playgrounds if the PAC's didn't do it, and as a matter of fact, if a PAC did not exist for a school, that automatically made them ineligible for the provincial grant (as did many other factors that prevented many schools from getting it) If the playgrounds are removed, and there is nothing for the kids to play on, is that fair? It is out of necessity that the PAC's raise funds, so that they can help the schools to supplement the inadequate funding the schools are currently receiving.
Personally i think more lobbying needs to be done. Certainly, signing a letter is not nearly enough when it comes to something as important as funding for schools for our children.
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Re: School Trustee - General Discussion

Post by Moyra Baxter »

Hello there:

This may be an unusual thing for me to do, but I am very interested in the comments regarding the topics on this post, so I have decided to join this discussion.

I am currently the Chairperson of the Board of Education (School Board) and I have the good fortune of being elected by acclamation in the upcoming Trustee elections.

I did want to assure everyone that the current Board, and previous Boards, have done more than just write letters to the Minister regarding the lack of adequate frunding for public education.

We have:

Met with our MLAs on a regular basis and brought to their attention funding issues which affect our school disrict.

Met with Ministry officials and given them the facts.

Bent the ear of the Minister at every opportunity.

Discussed these issues with Teachers, Principals , CUPE and parents and recently sent a joint letter on this subject.

Reminded our MPs that there are some federal issues which they should be funding eg services for immigrant and refugee children, and that school districts shhould be GST excempt.

Taken resolutions to the BC School Trustees Association AGMs and Provincial Meetings so that BCSTA can directly lobby government on behlf of all school districts regarding funding shortfalls.

Parent Advisory Councils were never set up to be fundraising groups - that they find themselves "forced" to fundraise is shameful.

Moyra Baxter

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