Robert Hobson - Council Candidate

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Re: Robert Hobson - Council Candidate

Post by damngrumpy »

This conversation is most interesting. leroy brown is making it hard for me not to vote for Robert Hobson. I was not intending to vote for Robert, as I am really angry about some of the decisions he has mad, not all but some. The kind of attack dog attitude expressed by some leaves me with the feeling that perhaps Hobson made some decisions I don't agree with, but he has clearly explained his position, and some still want to scream.
Civil attitude, when taking a position goes a long way with me. Mr Hobson in this case has
made it clear where he stands, I don't like some of his choices, but at least I know what he supports and doesn't. Personal venom never sits well with me, so I will be rethinking about whether I add one more candidates name to my ballot list. Whether you like him or not, Hobson
has done a lot of good things for this city also, and if you are not voting for him that is one thing
but making him a villain of all things wrong with the city, is neither fair, nor appropriate in any forum.

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