West Kelowna Naming Referendum

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Re: Westside Naming Committee

Post by canadman »

It's funny to me how those who advocate Westbank scold anyone who doesn't if they so much as make even the most remote of references to the amalgamation/incorporation referendum. That we're somehow "still holding on to the referendum" and "we're still replaying the referendum..." etc...

Yet Fancy can just out and out say she voted for Westbank because "most voted against joining Kelowna" and that's perfectly ok.

It's so ridiculous and such a double standard.

You attack when you want to then stand back and cry foul when those you've attacked fight back.

You use the referendum when it suits you then cry foul when any of those who oppose you make the same reference.

You speak of fairness and people (TNC) shoving names and ballots down people's throats because TNC wouldn't listen to you or didn't act fairly then applaud a Councillor who does exactly that, shoves a ballot and names on us without so much as a word of explanation or discussion.

You speak of having proprietary 'ownership' of the whole westside for 100 years and that newcomers just don't know where they live and should move away if they don't like it, then put up a candidate in an election who speaks of unity...

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Re: Westside Naming Committee

Post by Fancy »

You attack when you want to then stand back and cry foul when those you've attacked fight back.
What a bunch of hogwash. You might want to rethink what you're saying.
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Re: Westside Naming Committee

Post by canadman »

No, I think I'm pretty good with it.
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Re: Westside Naming Committee

Post by Fancy »

I've made my point more than a few times. Selective reading by canadman? Of course. Did not the majority vote against joining Kelowna? Yes. So of course I would think that the majority would want to disassociate themselves from Kelowna in every way. I decided that BECAUSE the majority do NOT want to be part of Kelowna, I would embrace that and then decide for myself who to vote for to be OUR mayor (the most important part of this election) and of course council, and then make my opinion known on what I think our community name should be. I do NOT want some generic name like Okanagan Hills but chose to vote Westbank - a name already on the maps. Unbelievable? No.
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Re: Westside Naming Committee

Post by Fancy »

What's really sad is the fact that words like "attack" need to be used - defeats the purpose of uniting the community to be sure.
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Re: Westside Naming Committee

Post by Fancy »

You use the referendum when it suits you then cry foul when any of those who oppose you make the same reference.
I've never cried "foul" those are your words and yours alone - I've never opposed anyone or anyone's opinion but you have.
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Re: Westside Naming Committee

Post by Fancy »

You speak of fairness and people (TNC) shoving names and ballots down people's throats because TNC wouldn't listen to you
I haven't a clue what you're yapping about here - I haven't done the shovelling - seems you have. You've been on TV - I haven't.
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Re: Westside Naming Committee

Post by Fancy »

Yet Fancy can just out and out say she voted for Westbank because "most voted against joining Kelowna" and that's perfectly ok.
What I find really repugnant, one can't have an opinion here without being "attacked".
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Re: Westside Naming Committee

Post by canadman »

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Re: Westside Naming Committee

Post by Fancy »

It's so ridiculous and such a double standard.
Can't understand where the double standard is here.
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Re: Westside Naming Committee

Post by Fancy »

Wow is right. Do you think you can just say what you want and that's okay? I'm offended - I have a right to MY opinion and how I want to vote. You don't have the right to dictate those decisions.
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Re: Westside Naming Committee

Post by canadman »

Is this like when the dentist is poking around in your mouth with those pointed little tools and accidentally gets a little too deep in your gums and strikes a nerve?

Funny, I don't think I've been dictating just making observations which is my right. And I think it's also my right to express my opinion and advocate for what I believe in.
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Re: Westside Naming Committee

Post by Fancy »

canadman wrote:Is this like when the dentist is poking around in your mouth with those pointed little tools and accidentally gets a little too deep in your gums and strikes a nerve?

Funny, I don't think I've been dictating just making observations which is my right. And I think it's also my right to express my opinion and advocate for what I believe in.
At least use an analogy that fits and address the concerns, which you didn't.
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Re: Westside Naming Committee

Post by canadman »

And FYI, yes I do think it's ok to say what I want... I believe it's called freedom. Much like others on here seem to have no problem saying what they want. That doesn't mean I have to agree with them or you have to agree with me. But you certainly can't tell me what I can and can't say.

I made an observation.

(some) Westbank advocates have been attacking. Read the posts. The ones in red have been removed for, as the little red disclaimer says, personal attacks.

You did make reference to amalgamation/incorporation as your reason for voting Westbank, others of us have been scolded for even making an assocaition with the referendum.

Councillor Findlater did fast track through a ballot as a result of back room meetings and Council shot down discussion and input on the matter and (some) Westbank advocates on here then applauded the result while the same people shot down the naming committee citing virtually the same reasons.

That is not dictating anything, merely recapping what I believe is a double standard.
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Re: Westside Naming Committee

Post by Fancy »

still holding on to the referendum
No – we voted not to amalgamate with Kelowna – hence why have Kelowna part of the name – redundant
a double standard
You attack when you want to then stand back and cry foul when those you've attacked fight back
Nope – did not do that
You use the referendum when it suits you then cry foul when any of those who oppose you make the same reference.
Again, How?
Truths can be backed up by facts - do you have any?
Fancy this, Fancy that and by the way, T*t for Tat

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