Kelowna Council - General Discussion
- Newbie
- Posts: 25
- Joined: Oct 18th, 2005, 5:10 pm
Re: Kelowna Council - General Discussion
City Hall has made it very difficult for someone out of town to vote. My husband applied for the mail in ballot because he had to be away from Nov 5 to Nov 20. He was told ballot could be picked up Nov 3 and when he went to City Hall it was not ready. He again tried Nov 4 and it was again not ready. He left Kelowna very early on Nov 5 and never did get the ballot. I called them and they said the printer didn't get them ready in time. Not acceptable. Here is a person willing and able to vote and cannot because ballots were not ready. Not very organized for a city the size of Kelowna. I asked them to mail the ballot to him back East, but I doubt it will get there and back again by Nov 15. Not Impressed.
- Board Meister
- Posts: 442
- Joined: Mar 23rd, 2006, 7:35 am
Re: Kelowna Council - General Discussion
I agree that it is unfortunate, but i would imagine at this time of year, there are very few people in your situation that are away for 15 continuous days making it impossible to attend advance voting. I don't think we should assume that it is a conspiracy, or plot, to make it hard for someone to vote when in fact it is entirely possible that it was a printer error. Personally if it were that important to me that my husband vote, and the city was not willing to send it express post, i would go and get the ballot myself and expresspost it to my husband as that would ensure he gets it in plenty of time to be counted. Good luck i hope he gets the chance!Postie307 wrote:City Hall has made it very difficult for someone out of town to vote. My husband applied for the mail in ballot because he had to be away from Nov 5 to Nov 20. He was told ballot could be picked up Nov 3 and when he went to City Hall it was not ready. He again tried Nov 4 and it was again not ready. He left Kelowna very early on Nov 5 and never did get the ballot. I called them and they said the printer didn't get them ready in time. Not acceptable. Here is a person willing and able to vote and cannot because ballots were not ready. Not very organized for a city the size of Kelowna. I asked them to mail the ballot to him back East, but I doubt it will get there and back again by Nov 15. Not Impressed.
- Grand Pooh-bah
- Posts: 2084
- Joined: Jun 29th, 2007, 7:20 am
Re: Kelowna Council - General Discussion
I like Gunnar. heart in the right place and certainly looks after the common gals and guys like you and me. ALso Hodge I like. No signs from Blanleil. I think he is so arrogant that he thinks he does not need them. Same with Hobson. Given is very good. Will study all the issues. Kim for Mayor? She certainly will stir up cityhall. Stone is also for the common person in Kelowna. Mo Rajabali is interesting but I think can flip flop on issues. Zeger, I think council needs a person who takes "the other side". Kevin Craig and Joe Gates. 2 young people that will bring a different perspective to this city. New blood we do need. Pendarkar??? What can I say. Old gaurd.
- Grand Pooh-bah
- Posts: 2084
- Joined: Jun 29th, 2007, 7:20 am
Re: Kelowna Council - General Discussion
Forgot to mention that one does not have to vote for all 8. A voter can, if he/she wishes, vote for any number of candidates. Be it 3, 6 or whatever. I am not sure if all voters are aware of that.
- Fledgling
- Posts: 136
- Joined: Oct 2nd, 2006, 8:55 pm
Re: Kelowna Council - General Discussion
"Forgot to mention that one does not have to vote for all 8. A voter can, if he/she wishes, vote for any number of candidates. Be it 3, 6 or whatever. I am not sure if all voters are aware of that."
Thanks for bringing that up John, when we are at the ballot box, do we vote for 1 person or how does it work. Is there a max # to vote for for council. I had one nominee in mind, but never thought i could vote for more than one. Anyone know?
thanks for your reply.
"Forgot to mention that one does not have to vote for all 8. A voter can, if he/she wishes, vote for any number of candidates. Be it 3, 6 or whatever. I am not sure if all voters are aware of that."
Thanks for bringing that up John, when we are at the ballot box, do we vote for 1 person or how does it work. Is there a max # to vote for for council. I had one nominee in mind, but never thought i could vote for more than one. Anyone know?
thanks for your reply.
- Fledgling
- Posts: 109
- Joined: Oct 9th, 2008, 9:55 am
Re: Kelowna Council - General Discussion
Honestly, if people are going to vote for John Zeger because he would respresent the "other side", why not vote for someone like Angela Reid instead. She at least seems like an intelligent, reasonable person who has some people skills.
I realize some people do not like the current council and that they should "get a taste of their own medicine", but c'mon people. Not everyone is going to be an incumbent, and I see no reason to make these people listen to Zeger's ill-informed rhetoric on a daily basis. Nobody deserves that.
I realize some people do not like the current council and that they should "get a taste of their own medicine", but c'mon people. Not everyone is going to be an incumbent, and I see no reason to make these people listen to Zeger's ill-informed rhetoric on a daily basis. Nobody deserves that.
- Board Meister
- Posts: 442
- Joined: Mar 23rd, 2006, 7:35 am
Re: Kelowna Council - General Discussion
I agree!Hombre wrote:Honestly, if people are going to vote for John Zeger because he would respresent the "other side", why not vote for someone like Angela Reid instead. She at least seems like an intelligent, reasonable person who has some people skills.
I realize some people do not like the current council and that they should "get a taste of their own medicine", but c'mon people. Not everyone is going to be an incumbent, and I see no reason to make these people listen to Zeger's ill-informed rhetoric on a daily basis. Nobody deserves that.
- Newbie
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- Joined: Nov 7th, 2008, 10:03 am
Re: Kelowna Council - General Discussion
As a candidate for council I am asking you to please take a look.
Having previously served successfully on a City Council (Saskatoon for 3 consecutive terms for a total of 9 years) and many civic and provincial boards, I believe that I can make a meaningful contribution to the City of Kelowna. Kelowna is one of the most beautiful places in the world. I know that Kelowna can be an even greater place to live, work and play. Kelowna is reaching only limited success in part due to less than stellar city public policies. There is a significant disconnect between City Hall and both the business community and the citizens of this community. I do not have all the answers but I am prepared to listen to the citizens and provide new vision and leadership to help make good things happen.
Why do libraires close most evenings and holidays?
Why does City Hall close at 4PM every day?
Why is the Transit System so inadequate?
The answers to these question made me think we needed something much better.
I am not holden to anybody and I do not represent any special interst group.
I have developed a 10 Point Action Plan
1. Responsible Financial Planning
2. Expand Transit Service Routes and Times
3. Enhanced Economic Development
4. Make Kelowna a Centre of Excellence for Health and Education
5. Focus on New Tourism Initiatives including a National Multipurpose Trade and Convention Centre
6. Create Easy Access for Citizen Participation and consider the Ward System
7. Remove Barriers to Affordable Housing
8. Action for Environmental Stewardship
9. Develop a World Class Centre for Innovative Research and Development
10. Become a Model Healthy-Safe City
Mark Thompson
Candidate for City Council
As a candidate for council I am asking you to please take a look.
Having previously served successfully on a City Council (Saskatoon for 3 consecutive terms for a total of 9 years) and many civic and provincial boards, I believe that I can make a meaningful contribution to the City of Kelowna. Kelowna is one of the most beautiful places in the world. I know that Kelowna can be an even greater place to live, work and play. Kelowna is reaching only limited success in part due to less than stellar city public policies. There is a significant disconnect between City Hall and both the business community and the citizens of this community. I do not have all the answers but I am prepared to listen to the citizens and provide new vision and leadership to help make good things happen.
Why do libraires close most evenings and holidays?
Why does City Hall close at 4PM every day?
Why is the Transit System so inadequate?
The answers to these question made me think we needed something much better.
I am not holden to anybody and I do not represent any special interst group.
I have developed a 10 Point Action Plan
1. Responsible Financial Planning
2. Expand Transit Service Routes and Times
3. Enhanced Economic Development
4. Make Kelowna a Centre of Excellence for Health and Education
5. Focus on New Tourism Initiatives including a National Multipurpose Trade and Convention Centre
6. Create Easy Access for Citizen Participation and consider the Ward System
7. Remove Barriers to Affordable Housing
8. Action for Environmental Stewardship
9. Develop a World Class Centre for Innovative Research and Development
10. Become a Model Healthy-Safe City
Mark Thompson
Candidate for City Council
- Newbie
- Posts: 21
- Joined: Feb 24th, 2007, 10:40 am
Re: Kelowna Council - General Discussion
*repost without your personal information and without the advertising/Jo*
- Übergod
- Posts: 1714
- Joined: Dec 19th, 2005, 11:29 am
Re: Kelowna Council - General Discussion
I have been watching with interest the campaigns or lack of them by some.
My vote will go to a few people and no I never vote for all 8 spaces on the ballot, I plump, so as to consentrate my vote only on those I want to see elected.
I will be voting for Shephard even though I will have to hold my nose for that one
Gunnar, Hodge, Angela Read, will get my vote as well
John Zeger will also get my vote purely as revenge for what the current council has done in the past
three years. Like it or not, some of the present people will likely get re-elected and I want to see
them have to deal with the insufferable Zeger.
For School board, Rolly Cacconi, Horning and Scanlan.
If people do come out and vote maybe we can get rid of some of the remaining councillors like
Given, Brian was good when he first got elected but he is now like Hobson and Andre, they leave
me with the feeling they are just a little more important than everyone else
My vote will go to a few people and no I never vote for all 8 spaces on the ballot, I plump, so as to consentrate my vote only on those I want to see elected.
I will be voting for Shephard even though I will have to hold my nose for that one
Gunnar, Hodge, Angela Read, will get my vote as well
John Zeger will also get my vote purely as revenge for what the current council has done in the past
three years. Like it or not, some of the present people will likely get re-elected and I want to see
them have to deal with the insufferable Zeger.
For School board, Rolly Cacconi, Horning and Scanlan.
If people do come out and vote maybe we can get rid of some of the remaining councillors like
Given, Brian was good when he first got elected but he is now like Hobson and Andre, they leave
me with the feeling they are just a little more important than everyone else
- Generalissimo Postalot
- Posts: 998
- Joined: Jun 14th, 2008, 4:41 pm
Re: Kelowna Council - General Discussion
Candidates should be wary of endorsements. As a result of endorsements for certain candidates, I have taken four of these candidates off my list. It's just like Dick Cheney endorsing McCain/Palin in the United States. McCain/Palin needed that endorsement like a hole in the head.
Also, it's a good thing I didn't vote in the advance poll because I never saw these endorsements before this week.
Also, it's a good thing I didn't vote in the advance poll because I never saw these endorsements before this week.
- Newbie
- Posts: 88
- Joined: Oct 16th, 2006, 12:12 pm
Re: Kelowna Council - General Discussion
Aw Geez! imagine that a woman who doesn't want to kill concieved BABIES. Good for her. If I could vote in Kelowna, she would have my vote. But the entire rest of my big family does live in Kelowna and they WILL vote for her.mechanic_virus wrote:Yes, Googling can be interesting. I just discovered that Janice Henry was the VP of the Kelowna chapter of REAL Women of BC, a group with the following purposes:
* to foster and promote the family as the basic unit of society; to defend principals which uphold the Judeo-Christian view of traditional marriage and family and to undertake or facilitate research into areas which impinge on the well-being of the family;
* to gather and disseminate current information, data and research on public and private programs and policies, legislation and implementation of government and agency programs;
* to act in an advisory capacity and to provide a resource base to individuals, families, other groups, and government personnel; and, where necessary, to provide direction and referrals to appropriate resource personnel and/or agencies;
* to recognize the importance of the woman''s role, both within the home and within society, and to encourage efforts that make all career choices financially viable options for women;
* to support efforts for women that provide them with equal opportunity in education, employment and retirement;
* to support the right to life of all innocent individuals from conception to natural death.
Makes me wonder when she ways "will work hard to put faith back in City Hall" whether she means faith as in trust or faith in a religious context.
- Newbie
- Posts: 88
- Joined: Oct 16th, 2006, 12:12 pm
Re: Kelowna Council - General Discussion
Robert Hobson is a Dinosaur on this council. It is sooooo past time to retire this man. He is arrogant to the point that he thinks he can never be voted out. I'm sure he believes he is entitled to this position ad infinitum. Time for a change in these types. This continual re-elction is not just popularity it is brainwashing. Folks go to the ballot and recognize a name and x it. What a terriblbe shame. More of the SAME??? I surely hope not.OneAngryCitizen wrote:Anyone notice that on the city website, that Robert Hobson is the only one who has refused to provide both a link to a website and a campaign statement. Although he was one of the first to file his papers, he has yet to provide the above. Is this arrogance or not?
- Newbie
- Posts: 88
- Joined: Oct 16th, 2006, 12:12 pm
Re: Kelowna Council - General Discussion
Great post dg except you are not wise to Hold your nose" and vote for Mayor. Unknowns have been some of the greatest Presidents/Prime Ministers/ Mayors and every other leadership role you can think of. But I respect your view.damngrumpy wrote:I have been watching with interest the campaigns or lack of them by some.
My vote will go to a few people and no I never vote for all 8 spaces on the ballot, I plump, so as to consentrate my vote only on those I want to see elected.
I will be voting for Shephard even though I will have to hold my nose for that one
Gunnar, Hodge, Angela Read, will get my vote as well
John Zeger will also get my vote purely as revenge for what the current council has done in the past
three years. Like it or not, some of the present people will likely get re-elected and I want to see
them have to deal with the insufferable Zeger.
For School board, Rolly Cacconi, Horning and Scanlan.
If people do come out and vote maybe we can get rid of some of the remaining councillors like
Given, Brian was good when he first got elected but he is now like Hobson and Andre, they leave
me with the feeling they are just a little more important than everyone else
- Newbie
- Posts: 88
- Joined: Oct 16th, 2006, 12:12 pm
Re: Kelowna Council - General Discussion
I definitely like your platform. Although I live in Westbank, my large family lives in Kelowna and you will be put on their iist. Great presentation. Unpretentious and does not appear to to be self serving in any way. It speaks directly to the issues. Good job. and Good luck.Mark Thompson wrote:Greetings
As a candidate for council I am asking you to please take a look.
Having previously served successfully on a City Council (Saskatoon for 3 consecutive terms for a total of 9 years) and many civic and provincial boards, I believe that I can make a meaningful contribution to the City of Kelowna. Kelowna is one of the most beautiful places in the world. I know that Kelowna can be an even greater place to live, work and play. Kelowna is reaching only limited success in part due to less than stellar city public policies. There is a significant disconnect between City Hall and both the business community and the citizens of this community. I do not have all the answers but I am prepared to listen to the citizens and provide new vision and leadership to help make good things happen.
Why do libraires close most evenings and holidays?
Why does City Hall close at 4PM every day?
Why is the Transit System so inadequate?
The answers to these question made me think we needed something much better.
I am not holden to anybody and I do not represent any special interst group.
I have developed a 10 Point Action Plan
1. Responsible Financial Planning
2. Expand Transit Service Routes and Times
3. Enhanced Economic Development
4. Make Kelowna a Centre of Excellence for Health and Education
5. Focus on New Tourism Initiatives including a National Multipurpose Trade and Convention Centre
6. Create Easy Access for Citizen Participation and consider the Ward System
7. Remove Barriers to Affordable Housing
8. Action for Environmental Stewardship
9. Develop a World Class Centre for Innovative Research and Development
10. Become a Model Healthy-Safe City
Mark Thompson
Candidate for City Council