Kim Ouellette - Mayoral Candidate

3 B's
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Re: Kim Ouellette - Mayoral Candidate

Post by 3 B's »

Think About It! wrote:i have that leap of faith syndrome thats going round. :134: :thewave: :rate10:
seriously! think about it!
Good for you!! All I can say to Kim is "YOU GO GIRL"!! :nyah:
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Re: Kim Ouellette - Mayoral Candidate

Post by FunkyBunch »

From what I've read of Kim's own material doesn't point to her being intelligent or dedicated.
She very well could be, but I haven't seen anything that would lead me to believe it.

I mean at the CD meeting a week or so ago she rambled off on every tangent imaginable from rabbits to just about anything she didn't agree with council on. It was a political stunt that showed nothing but immaturity.
3 B's
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Re: Kim Ouellette - Mayoral Candidate

Post by 3 B's »

Think About It! wrote:Is this how you are going to dismiss her because of a spelling word, does this not show that she
took the time and effort to write her own webpage. alot of time and thought went into this,
I know because I e-mailed her about who wrote it. SHE DID! not writers for her, ( sorry Jo)
*keep the personal commentary about other members off, please/Jo*

to your remarks about slugging Current City Council, GOOD! they need it, she said the same thing in 2005 at the Sunshine forum and let former Mayor Walter Gray have then too, and City Council, You didn't think her bad then did you, and she was still running for Mayor, now there are just the two of them and you care now?? Think About It!

If you must know I was there and what she said in my opinon was she supported the re-development of downtown just not 27-35 stories, I believe she said " I support up to 20 stories"
and did not support a Hotel on the Royal Trust Site. and the 600sq ft units were inadequate. (you missed all of this)
In her statement about the bunnies say the whole statement was
" You sit and listen but have you actually heard what is being said"
"We will not be stomped on like the rabbits"
Thats all i have to say about that.... I was there! (then you must if heard what I heard?)
And grand standing I don't think so ! can you say Walter Gray You heard what he said Right! and he made the news paper, I didn't read about her in the paper or her bunny remarkks(oops misspelled word)
Think About It! and do you not think that the Mayor has office help or does she know The Law, Land Planning,Tax Laws ect,or Does she not have Professionals at her side to assist her,
Seriously! *no all-cap comments please/Jo* (What is all-cap comments??/ thanks)
That was a good post!! Truth is, a lot of folks don't know that there has already been meetings and probably a decision has been made concerning three Massive Highrises in the lower Mission. One is actualy 33 stories high, one is 17 I believe and the other is a number I'm not quite sure I recall. However, does anyone know about these? I likely safely say, not many. The only reason I was privy to the information was because of a friend who owns a Development close by where this is "going" to be built. Supposedly this has not gone to council yet, but a city planner happened to slip when speaking with my friends and stated that there had already been a meeting on the issue. Truth is, it's not true, that council has not discussed this yet. They have had a meeting. The public forums as they stand are a farce. Decisions are made I believe, long before the public ever get to have their "supposed say". This is no way to honestly run a city. It shows little to no respect for the opinions of the public or the neighbourhood. This current bunch have done and will continue to do, what they want, despite the public!! That's really bad imo. Almost gives one pause for :skyisfalling: :
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Re: Kim Ouellette - Mayoral Candidate

Post by slayer2blive »

Did anyone see Kim provide first response care to the guy who suffered a heart attack at the veterans parade in Rutland. I hear she opened his breathing passage which was blocked.
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Re: Kim Ouellette - Mayoral Candidate

Post by uhrg »

Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but just because you "believe" something to be true does not make it so. I find it concerning that some people on these forums cannot distinguish between the two. For thousand of years people believed that the sun revolved around the earth and we all know the validity of that belief!

As far as I am concerned I cannot in good conscience vote for a person who has little to no experience in the public sphere. The position Kim Ouellette is running for is akin to the CEO of a half billion dollar corporation, and one that holds my interests at its core. How could I possibly support a rank amateur to hold such a position of responsibility?

When I examine Ms. Ouellette's various "strategies" on her website I am further alarmed. There are no executable plans present anywhere - only emotional responses to serious issues. The reality is that to deal with the present challenges in our community a balanced strategy and comprehensive approach is needed. Funding, for instance, needs to be addressed for many of the ideas presented by Ms. Ouellette.

Truthfully, I applaud Ms. Ouellette for her commitment to her community. But she needs to look at the position of Mayor with the same commitment and she clearly does not. Her analysis of the current situation is a metaphor for the validity of her candidacy: good intentions but lacks ability.
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Re: Kim Ouellette - Mayoral Candidate

Post by twentyandholding »

Yes I did, she saved a mans life that day bravo good for you kim your my hero too
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Re: Kim Ouellette - Mayoral Candidate

Post by John500 »

Its so funny. So many posts on castanet that suggest city hall needs a major cleanup. Now here we have a candidate who openly states that is what she will do. And now we dont like that. With respect to Sharon, we have only the electorate, including ourselves, to blame. Last election we voted in a new mayor with the large majority of the "old" group. So what do you expect. Lets do it right this time. If you want change, elect a majority of new blood!
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Re: Kim Ouellette - Mayoral Candidate

Post by twentyandholding »

I was just wondering, if we choose not to vote for any mayoral just because, are losing the opportinty to change. If that being the caese are we ready to just sit back, to endure another 3 year of mismanagement of developers having and getting more control of how the city choodes to allow more changes in the zoning by-laws and changing unit sizes from what they said in thier plans. i realize that sometimes things changr. but to go back in front of city councill and keep asking for more, this is a little crazy are there not enough seninor planners to make sure that when developers plans come before them before they go to councill everything is in place so they don't (develpoers and should this be allowed) have to ask for varyinance changes. or is it the city planners who are over worked because theres a shortage of them.
I think kim oullette is right we need to take a step back and review. I was also wondering abuot the air port expanction, with the way the economy is going how are we supposed to finish this very expenseive project. I want to see change and if that means voting for someone with little experince then i'm wlling to vote for kim oullette, i already seen what experence has done big deal
i'm twentyandholding been around enough to see the old way is not working.
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Re: Kim Ouellette - Mayoral Candidate

Post by twentyandholding »

Oh! just one more thing kim you have run a clean canpain and that shows just what integerty is about because lord knows you had alot of anumition to shoot with. you held your own by being honest. I also want you to know that mr.jake lowen is alive because of you and his friends wish to thank you again. take care and no matter what happens saturday you are a winner in our eyes and hearts. you have our votes.

Re: Kim Ouellette - Mayoral Candidate

Post by BoyWondering »

You deserve the chance Kim - wishing you all the best today!
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Re: Kim Ouellette - Mayoral Candidate

Post by Shortie04 »

Hey, I was just wondering if you all can tell me what Kim is promising if she gets in? Please and thanks, my computer is not letting me open her statement
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Re: Kim Ouellette - Mayoral Candidate

Post by slayer2blive »

Thanks, Kim for giving us a choice. 25% of Kelowna agreed with your positions on revieweing the last ten years of growth before proceeding, affordable housing and making Kelowna a better community for all who live here!!!

:nyah: :cheerleader: :banana:
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Re: Kim Ouellette - Mayoral Candidate

Post by twentyandholding »

Well done young lady, we are proud of you.looking forward to seeing you in 2011,and the best to you in the next three years to come. you have 4,056 people who belived in you today.
well done. :nyah: :sunshine: :hailjo: :discodance: you gave us a choice, and to the medea you missed out on a great oppertunity, in futuring this young lady. :nyah:

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