JC Rathwell - Council Candidate
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Re: JC Rathwell - Council Candidate
Sounds like another Andre to me. Don't need that.
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Re: JC Rathwell - Council Candidate
Very very strange and shallow critera for selecting a council member! Perhaps you should consider looking at the reason the vehicle(s) are where you can see them, is that he is downtown and active in the goings on there. Operating a successful business downtown may require his presence in that area. Also, in order to comment and attempt to help the city, he must be interested and involved...which he IS! New ideas and perspectives are needed, and he appears to want to share these, and learn from his efforts in order to go forward.
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Re: JC Rathwell - Council Candidate
He probably bought his loud thumping, against the city noise bylaw, stereo from Andre too. He is a definite NO vote.
Hummers are nothing but a status symbol. Look at me I'm rich. How many of these Hummer's ever see a dirt road? About 1% or less I'll bet. Not a necessity at all, but a way to show elitism.
We have enough self serving millionaires on council already. I'm not against millionaires being on council, but they must understand the needs of the common folk and not be self serving elitists like what we have in our current administration. Time to clean house and not just council chambers, but our entire city hall.
Our planning department are years behind. A city of this size needs to be set up more like Kamloops. Clover leafs are the best way of eliminating traffic congestion and yet not one of these in Kelowna. Kelowna planners should look at Kamloops as an example of how to do things the right way. Clover leafs end the need for left hand turning lanes, which are what slow traffic in the first place. The should be implemented at the busiest intersections. It would cost hundreds of millions to straighten out the mess that has been made of this city.
We are decades behind where we should be. Kelowna is not a small town anymore, but a growing metropolis. We need city planners that understand this, and a council too. I will not be voting for any incumbents. They have no vision or common sense.
Kelowna needs a council that can not only hear the people who voted for them, but also listen to us. The money wasted on the Simpson Covenant, Wet Facility and hiring consultants instead of our council dealing with these problems, could have been spent more wisely.
We don’t need anymore wasteful spending in our next administration. Rathwell looks like another waster. JC looks just like another Andre to me. Another self serving elitist that we don’t need. JC NOT FOR ME. :sillygrin:
Hummers are nothing but a status symbol. Look at me I'm rich. How many of these Hummer's ever see a dirt road? About 1% or less I'll bet. Not a necessity at all, but a way to show elitism.
We have enough self serving millionaires on council already. I'm not against millionaires being on council, but they must understand the needs of the common folk and not be self serving elitists like what we have in our current administration. Time to clean house and not just council chambers, but our entire city hall.
Our planning department are years behind. A city of this size needs to be set up more like Kamloops. Clover leafs are the best way of eliminating traffic congestion and yet not one of these in Kelowna. Kelowna planners should look at Kamloops as an example of how to do things the right way. Clover leafs end the need for left hand turning lanes, which are what slow traffic in the first place. The should be implemented at the busiest intersections. It would cost hundreds of millions to straighten out the mess that has been made of this city.
We are decades behind where we should be. Kelowna is not a small town anymore, but a growing metropolis. We need city planners that understand this, and a council too. I will not be voting for any incumbents. They have no vision or common sense.
Kelowna needs a council that can not only hear the people who voted for them, but also listen to us. The money wasted on the Simpson Covenant, Wet Facility and hiring consultants instead of our council dealing with these problems, could have been spent more wisely.
We don’t need anymore wasteful spending in our next administration. Rathwell looks like another waster. JC looks just like another Andre to me. Another self serving elitist that we don’t need. JC NOT FOR ME. :sillygrin:

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Re: JC Rathwell - Council Candidate
Council members should uphold city by laws or change them through the proper channels.
To have an Illegal suite/tenants, is not a good recommendation. Will Mr. R. stop disobeying this by law if he is elected?
To have an Illegal suite/tenants, is not a good recommendation. Will Mr. R. stop disobeying this by law if he is elected?
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Re: JC Rathwell - Council Candidate
After reading through Mr. Rathwell's position on a number of topics I asked for clarification on his stand on the homeless. Mr. Rathwell's position is that the homeless should be moved out of downtown where the tourists won't see them. This to me sounds like he is more concerned with the image that they portray than the homeless themselves. Yes, lets get the homeless off the streets but lets do it by solving the problem not by relocating them because they don't look good to the tourists and the downtown shoppers.
- Übergod
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Re: JC Rathwell - Council Candidate
Hardly, character is very important...Very very strange and shallow critera for selecting a council member!
Also, if Rathwell feels ready for council, he should be aware of that ... which also shows lack of knowledge.
If he can't figure out the basics of politics, how can he develop and understand complex issues that need to be solved?
Silence is golden and duct tape is silver.
- Lord of the Board
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Re: JC Rathwell - Council Candidate
Please list 5 of your top priorities, and how you would deal with each issue if it were completely up to you.
Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
~ Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
~ Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
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Re: JC Rathwell - Council Candidate
YIKES!!! . . . I just read the survey responses of some of the candidates, in particular Rathwell, Blanleil and Mack. These guys have absolutely no balance -- totally all business, development and just about anything goes - money-making events with no consideration or respect given to residential neighbourhoods and families . . . anything for the all mighty entrepreneurial buck right!
It also appears from reading the other forums that they could'nt pass a mirror without falling in love.
It also appears from reading the other forums that they could'nt pass a mirror without falling in love.
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Re: JC Rathwell - Council Candidate
The truth about any person's character is shown through the relationships in their life and how they conduct themselves in business and in private. JC is not a model citizen in any of these areas, with a whole lot of dirt under the carpet. What you see is partially what you'll get with him: an egotistical, uncaring and selfish individual. What you don't see though (things he wants hidden) are his long strings of mis-dealings and mis-used relationships. That says a lot to me and I won't be voting for this man. Kelowna needs good people in council.
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Re: JC Rathwell - Council Candidate
I know nothing about Mr.Rathwell, except for his boat. I see that he has not taken the time to post on his forum. I do not mind millionaires in council, as long as they are of the old school kind, with class,integrity, and do not feel the need to boost their egos through displays of their wealth. It's the nouveau riche who put themselves on display. And i believe this contradicts the needs of current society -- sustainability of the earth and our surrounding environment. Driving a large hummer for status does not seem to fit with where the earth's current focus should be. Many millionaires do excellence with their dollars. Support sustainability, donate to causes they believe in, etc. It is not the "millionaire" who should be resented. It is what the millionaire chooses to do with his/her money.
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Re: JC Rathwell - Council Candidate
30th out of 36 isn't bad I guess :coffeecanuck: :sillygrin:
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Re: JC Rathwell - Council Candidate
:dyinglaughing:leroibrown wrote:30th out of 36 isn't bad I guess :coffeecanuck: :sillygrin: