If YOU had a say in a new "Holy Book".

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steven lloyd
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Re: If YOU had a say in a new "Holy Book".

Post by steven lloyd »

iphtheme wrote:George Carlin: "Thou shalt keep thy religion to thyself."
As the Baha’i propose, the search for spiritual enlightenment or connection with God is a personal journey. Sometimes this journey is shared with others, but it should never be imposed on others. There are as many different interpretations and understandings of God as there are people on this planet. When someone tells me they know the truth regarding God and His Word, I know for sure they are full of $hit – whether they know it or not. Such a person has no place telling me or anyone what's immoral or not. They need to take a look inside to find what's missing.
keesa wrote:It could have one of those CDs in a back pocket with John Lennon's, "Imagine."
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steven lloyd
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Re: If YOU had a say in a new "Holy Book".

Post by steven lloyd »

writerdave wrote:Preface should read: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictiously and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, businesses, companies, events or locales is entirely coincidental.
And a disclaimer by God: "This is not My Word"
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Re: If YOU had a say in a new "Holy Book".

Post by quietlywatching84 »

"reproduction of this document is forbidden without authors written consent"

"chapters on Sexual Relations are currently unavailable, all those pages are currently stuck together..."
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Re: If YOU had a say in a new "Holy Book".

Post by milo »

usquebaugh wrote:George Carlin:

"Thou shalt keep thy religion to thyself."
My thoughts exactly.

There is 22 Major Organized religions and Christianity only makes up about 2.1 billion people and there is around 4,429,300,000 people registered in other organized religions. Everyone can't be right.
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Re: If YOU had a say in a new "Holy Book".

Post by BoB76 »

Don't knock on the door of thy neighbor to discuss religion.
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