Sick of NDP attack ads

BC's provincial election and STV referendum takes place Tuesday May 12th.
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Re: Sick of NDP attack ads

Post by Nicklan »

Bellevuejim wrote:The constant attack ads on the TV are driving me nuts. Can't this party ever focus on what they have done or maybe even, what they can do?

Non stop attacks on the best government that B.C. has had in a long time...just not working on winning me over.

Could anyone really imagine James as premier? We would be the laughing stock of the country, continent...maybe the world? A premier with a permanent scowl on her face, pro union, anti business...people and industry would leave B.C. in droves. We would be doomed!!!
As She claims to be backing building new steel plants and shipyards here in BC I am claiming I want to build.
These are moder iron and steel plants as well as casting and rolling mills for both long and flat carbon and stainless steels of all grads. Everything from High Nichol Plate to Raw Carbon Rebar and everything in between.
I will also build a modern world class shipyard capable of building any and all ships from double ended Barges to 500 thousand DWT Tankers, container ships and bulk carriers for coal and iron ore ect...
What industry is left to leave I would like to know what you mean?
That is why I suggested doing away with all BC Corp income taxes on investments and profits made from those investment in BC untill the economy turns around and we have our people working agian.
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Re: Sick of NDP attack ads

Post by sourdough »

Bellevuejim wrote: 2000 - Ah, the fast ferries...over $450 million *bleep* away. I will take the Olympics any day, thanks.

If you believe that somehow the NDP will help you...or anyone else, you are sadly mistaken. Please do your homework. Carol James is not qualified to lead this province and manage its budget. Homelessness will always be a problem in BC. We have the mildest climate in Canada...easier to be homeless in Vancouver than Toronto. Child poverty is terrible but the NDP will not do a better job solving the problem.

Oh, and you want to start googling names? Try Jenny Kwan, Harry Lali, Mike Farnworth and Adrian Dix to name a few. Glen Clark and the disaster of the 90's live on...

Ha ha! $450 million *bleep* away? Wait till you see that we *bleep* away $8 billion on the Olympics. And trying to blame homelessness on the weather!? Are you serious?! That statement just takes away any credibility from anything else you have to say. Homelessness was not a problem in the past so why is it getting so bad now? Must be global warming I guess?? Maybe we should carbon tax the homeless for taking advantage of our good weather?? Is child poverty the fault of the weather as well? I guess like you say though, the NDP won't be able to do a better job at solving the problem since they can't control the weather like our Saviour El Gordo. All El Gordo cares about are big business and the corporate elite who are draining BC of its economic and natural resources. Time to take our province back from international corporate greed...
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Re: Sick of NDP attack ads

Post by Nicklan »

sourdough wrote:
Bellevuejim wrote: 2000 - Ah, the fast ferries...over $450 million *bleep* away. I will take the Olympics any day, thanks.

If you believe that somehow the NDP will help you...or anyone else, you are sadly mistaken. Please do your homework. Carol James is not qualified to lead this province and manage its budget. Homelessness will always be a problem in BC. We have the mildest climate in Canada...easier to be homeless in Vancouver than Toronto. Child poverty is terrible but the NDP will not do a better job solving the problem.

Oh, and you want to start googling names? Try Jenny Kwan, Harry Lali, Mike Farnworth and Adrian Dix to name a few. Glen Clark and the disaster of the 90's live on...

Ha ha! $450 million *bleep* away? Wait till you see that we *bleep* away $8 billion on the Olympics. And trying to blame homelessness on the weather!? Are you serious?! That statement just takes away any credibility from anything else you have to say. Homelessness was not a problem in the past so why is it getting so bad now? Must be global warming I guess?? Maybe we should carbon tax the homeless for taking advantage of our good weather?? Is child poverty the fault of the weather as well? I guess like you say though, the NDP won't be able to do a better job at solving the problem since they can't control the weather like our Saviour El Gordo. All El Gordo cares about are big business and the corporate elite who are draining BC of its economic and natural resources. Time to take our province back from international corporate greed...
Actully there is nothing wrong with those Fast Cats
Giordo closed it all down completely for policial gain ownly.
There are over a hundred of these stype ships operating around the world including Canada and the USA and even built by some of the same people who where involved in building the fast cats. They built them before the fast cats and have built more sence?
The only thing needed is to get Gordo and his Gang Gone from Victoria as soon as possable.

Re: Sick of NDP attack ads

Post by LeashCops »

Yah, Campbell is a convicted criminal. After he leaves office his status as a US felon, will keep him out of the US.

People need to see his mug-shot at every opportunity.

However, a better picture to use would be the one of him smiling as he is being booked. Funny? If that drunk had veered across the line and into traffic he could have killed people.

Gordon Campbell is a low-life con-man who is unfit for public service because he is incapable of public service. He is the enemy of the 99% of the people of BC who get nothing from his revolting collection of dubious lawyers, ex-cops and real estate dupists who form his dirty government. If you vote Lib, you vote for liars and thieves.
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Re: Sick of NDP attack ads

Post by Captain Awesome »

LeashCops wrote:If you vote Lib, you vote for liars and thieves.
... and baby-killers.
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Re: Sick of NDP attack ads

Post by Bellevuejim »

He is the enemy of the 99% of the people of BC who get nothing from his revolting collection of dubious lawyers, ex-cops and real estate dupists who form his dirty government. If you vote Lib, you vote for liars and thieves.
Enemy of 99% eh? Nice statistic based on nothing.

I guess we can all take your advice and vote for the circus sideshow that is the NDP. A cast of candidates that you can find sleeping under bridges across B.C and a leader that with no experience leading anything...Maybe she can run for president of Kelowna Minor Hockey when the voters of B.C. vote the scowl off of her face for the final time!!
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Re: Sick of NDP attack ads

Post by Queen K »

Last night I was asked whom my union was supporting.

Reply: "Who cares, it's a choice between Zilch and Zero."

Don't get me wrong, I vote NDP everytime. In ultraconservative Kelowna, where my vote is akin to throwing a raindrop on a forest fire.
Regardless of who "wins" an election, they always are up against a Silent Elite. Do you believe the extreme poor who voted for Trump ever thought their non-profit support would be slashed right out from under them?
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Re: Sick of NDP attack ads

Post by steven lloyd »

keesa wrote: Don't get me wrong, I vote NDP everytime. In ultraconservative Kelowna, where my vote is akin to throwing a raindrop on a forest fire.
With the income gap as pronounced as it is in Kelowna you would really think you would have some more people asking questions of why it's so hard to get anywhere, let alone get by. Everyone gets upset by increases in crime and honelessness, and the homeless becoming more desperate but no one asks what is causing this. They just jump on the more police and stiffer sentences bandwagon like that is going to address crime and homelessness. When will we ever learn ?
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Re: Sick of NDP attack ads

Post by Bellevuejim »

Don't get me wrong, I vote NDP everytime. In ultraconservative Kelowna, where my vote is akin to throwing a raindrop on a forest fire
Notice how the communities that support the B.C.Liberals are usually the most prosperous?

Every redundant town/industry/person in this province seems to believe that the NDP are somehow going to save them. If the industry that sustained that community is no longer viable/profitable, it is time to move on. Don't look for the government to save you...NDP or otherwise. You can't go around and try and stimulate industry that there is no demand for. You can't waste billions on building steel plants and shipyards if nobody is going to buy what you are making. Come on people, use some common sense.
Last edited by Bellevuejim on Apr 14th, 2009, 9:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Sick of NDP attack ads

Post by kingsandman »

usquebaugh wrote:
*bleep* wrote:Glenn Clark was exonerated???!!! For what, ruining our economy? I don't think so. Who cares about the casino scandal...that was the least of offenses. Don't forget, O.J. got off his murder charges...
You're comparing Glenn Clark to O.J. Simpson? The two cases are not analogous, and it makes you sound desperate to deflect attention away from
Campbell's criminal record....
Privatization and deregulation are ruining British Columbia's economy.

Also, who do you blame the recent loss of 22,000 jobs in B.C. on? The party in power, or the opposition?
Gordon Campbell's DUI took place in Hawaii, where it's not a felony. The conviction has zero impact on his criminal record here in Canada. He made a mistake, admitted to it, and faced the consequences in Hawaian court. He also voluntarily suspended his driving privileges in Canada for one year, something he wasn't legally required to do. Get over it, move on. He has.
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Re: Sick of NDP attack ads

Post by Al Czervic »

The fact that yesterday some of BC’s most respected environmental organizations denounced the NDP should serve as a wake up call. Yet; in spite of no formal qualifications or related experience Carole James continues to insist that Internationally respected people like David Suzuki who has spent his entire life devoted to environmental causes is somehow wrong and apparently Carole James who has never held a job in the real world is apparently right.

I honestly feel bad for the NDP. Carole James has actually conceded that the economy is the big issue of this election and she offers up a platform that only adds billions in debt and is guaranteed to put more people out of work. I just do not see how any of this adds up. This is not to suggest that the Liberals or Campbell is golden; but I am really having a hard time trying to understand exactly where Carole James is going.

It’s almost like she will next be suggesting she knows more about the Canucks than coach Vigneault does…it’s just bizarre.
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Re: Sick of NDP attack ads

Post by usquebaugh »

keesa wrote:Last night I was asked whom my union was supporting.

Reply: "Who cares, it's a choice between Zilch and Zero."

Don't get me wrong, I vote NDP everytime. In ultraconservative Kelowna, where my vote is akin to throwing a raindrop on a forest fire.
Yes, but this time there are conservative candidates who may help split the vote. I wonder who the churchgoers will vote for in droves-- the right or the far right? :127:
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Re: Sick of NDP attack ads

Post by Glacier »

usquebaugh wrote: Yes, but this time there are conservative candidates who may help split the vote.
There will only be two parties winning seats, and I don't think the BC Conservatives will take anymore than 1 and a half percent of the vote. Greens well be taking much more of the left vote than this. I would guess they will get around 10%. I suspect with James as leader of the NDP, most of the centrist swing vote will go liberal.
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Re: Sick of NDP attack ads

Post by usquebaugh »

Glacier wrote:
usquebaugh wrote: Yes, but this time there are conservative candidates who may help split the vote.
There will only be two parties winning seats, and I don't think the BC Conservatives will take anymore than 1 and a half percent of the vote. Greens well be taking much more of the left vote than this. I would guess they will get around 10%. I suspect with James as leader of the NDP, most of the centrist swing vote will go liberal.
I don't know. I think you might be underestimating the right wing vote in this particular part of the valley.
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Re: Sick of NDP attack ads

Post by logicalview »

NDP Olympic Bashing

February 12, 2009
NDP Olympic Bashing

While the rest of the world celebrated the one-year countdown to the 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games, the BC NDP couldn't resist more bashing.

* Carole James has said on multiple occasions that 'she didn't support going for the Olympic bid', and the NDP's consistent bashing of the Olympics is evidence of their lack of support.
* In the past two days of Question Period, the NDP have tried to smear Whistler Blackcomb, Terasen, Translink, Telus, BC Hydro, and ICBC for supporting the Olympics.
* Today, after complaining about the Olympics, Carole James had the audacity to complain that she didn't get an invite to the Richmond Oval for the IOC Countdown Celebration. (The seats were given to kids, athletes, and coaches – people who actually support these games).
* The Olympics will bring more than 250,000 visitors to B.C., a TV audience of 3 billion, and years of increasing tourism following the world-wide exposure. The BC Liberals believe that not only do the Olympics bring a huge near and long-term economic boost, but that above all else, they represent the spirit and excitement of British Columbians. The NDP's negativity and Olympic-bashing has to stop.
Now wouldn't it be hellarious to see her at the games?
Not afraid to say "It".

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