Matthew Reed - BC NDP

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Re: Matthew Reed - BC NDP

Post by logicalview »

Matthew Reed wrote:Our package, which is over 3 years, over and above the Liberals is equal to about the same rate of debt creation seen by the Liberals. So it is close to the same level of debt creation, but we are just being open and honest about it.
Actually your package is over two years as detailed in your platform paper. Also your platform paper clearly states in black and white that the more than $3 Billion dollars is above and beyond what the liberals promise and is not even close to the same level of debt creation.

Also your paper states...
In the current recession, new taxes are wrong-headed. Instead, significant investments need to be made. That is the world wide consensus. Few governments are cutting services and raising taxes ......
So your platform is saying that it is wrong-headed for "new" taxes, but to "ordinary families" and the "children" more taxes aren't pretty much the same as "new" taxes.
Matthew Reed wrote:As a successful business owner I am running for the New Democrats because of this package, it will save and create jobs.
Actually I thought that you were a teacher and that you used to own a music store sometime in the past 10 years. I don't want a "tax holiday" from the NDP. I'd rather pay my fair share.
Matthew Reed wrote:We are almost at depression level rates of job loss and GDP contraction. What is more important to you? People or Profits?
I love that game. I'll take profits to make things interesting but only if you can define "ordinary families" and "everyday families" as referred to throughout your platform paper.
Oooooo, I forgot something very important. Even with our stimulus spending we will still have one of the lowest GDP to Debt ratios in Canada. It is really a very responsible package and everyone should read into it more.
The NDP GDP to Debt ratio will be higher than the liberals - it is the liberals who created the low GDP and you should look to the liberals for credit for that.
The Green Bonds are amazing, they are the most innovative financial investment tool BC has seen in over 30 years. The Liberals and the Greens have nothing that can protect the environment and create jobs as well as the New Democrats Green Bond program.
I just can't see "everyday" or "ordinary" families affording to give money to an NDP government (or any other government) to spend on green jobs in light of the global economy.

Matthew Reed wrote:I will respond to the other question after a couple hours of door knocking.
I have to tell you that I don't think that my Liberal candidate has earned my vote. I think that I'd drop dead if he showed up at my door to introduce himself.
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Re: Matthew Reed - BC NDP

Post by Glacier »

Matthew Reed wrote:Our stimulus package is larger because anything less will not work, as demonstrated by BC having the highest job loss rate in Canada.

Gordo and the crew have added to the debt by an average of $1.9 Billion per year since 2001. Our package, which is over 3 years, over and above the Liberals is equal to about the same rate of debt creation seen by the Liberals. So it is close to the same level of debt creation, but we are just being open and honest about it.
Don't take it personal, but this is exactly why I cannot vote for you. A stimulus package will not work regardless of how large it is. The larger the worse because we will have to pay that much more down the road.
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Matthew Reed
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Re: Matthew Reed - BC NDP

Post by Matthew Reed »

I agree 100% that too much spending is bad. For me it is mainly because of the long term interest and the impact it has on long term tax relief.

However our package is not out of control. We are going to create jobs. We have a detailed plan for forestry, mixed with the Green Bonds, will create nearly 200 000 green jobs. And they really will be green, it is a requirement of the investment package. ie Building to LEED standards and retro fitting public service buildings.

I understand that I can not sway everyone, but to those with an open mind, the New Democrats have a green economic agenda that will create so many more jobs than the other parties.

This "economic downturn" is the real deal, and I am proudly running for the New Democrats because this package will retain and create jobs whilst keeping BC at the top of the economic food chain.

If profits are so important to some then I must say that our package will create more jobs. In turn increasing the amount of money in circulation.

More jobs = more money = more profits.

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Re: Matthew Reed - BC NDP

Post by Captain Awesome »

Matthew, what's your opinion of Carol James? Is she suitable to run the province?
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Matthew Reed
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Re: Matthew Reed - BC NDP

Post by Matthew Reed »


you need to loosen up a bit. your all stoked up on election juice.

I can not respond to 7 quotes that contain no questions. sorry.

I am not going to argue your points, most of which are mis-guided. Your general overtone is that spending is bad. Is it?

I believe that creating 200 000 green jobs is a good thing. If you lost your job would you not be happy if the government was creating new green jobs?

Not too mention that much of are stimulus is going towards improving health care.
George Abbott admitted they only delivered 800 of the 5000 residential care promised in 2001. Yikes!

Lack of residential care beds, not acute or assisted living beds, is what creates code purples so often. We all suffer from a over stressed health care system.


Yes, I do teach and yes I did own a great music store. It expanded twice during the days of the 62cent Canadian dollar. It was an import based business, so I do get money, capitalism and free markets inside and out.

A tax holiday saves businesses. Over 1 million jobs are supplied by small businesses.

The next 8-12 months is the real economic test. A 1 year tax holiday will allow people to stay afloat during the roughest of times so that they still have a business in 2011. Once again we are spending to save peoples rear end now, so that they still have one later on. I think that is called compassion.
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Re: Matthew Reed - BC NDP

Post by Matthew Reed »

Carole James question:

Everyone has their bias opinion of her but...... I have met her 4 or 5 times in the past 6 months and she is awesome.

She is a very powerful, strong and compassionate person. So yes she is a leader.

I have come to really like her because she is honest, straight forward and is a bang on speaker in public face to face encounters.

Commercials and ads are just that, but in person you get a great leader and strong voice for the hard working people in BC.

I also must add that the New Democrats really encourage ideas from their members, and they do listen. As we know from the media Gordon Campbell is a 1 man show and he does not take the input of others.

To me that speaks volumes towards the difference between the Liberals and Democrats. If you are open to your candidates that means you are listening to the requests of the people. Even when Campbell was in opposition he was a 1 man show.

Last edited by Matthew Reed on Apr 28th, 2009, 10:41 am, edited 1 time in total.
Matthew Reed
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Re: Matthew Reed - BC NDP

Post by Matthew Reed »

Water Question:

Yeah, about 15 years ago the old NDP crew did that, but it was much different than what is on the table right now.

I believe it was 22 rivers and we tried to focus on projects that kicked back into the community.
We now support a moratorium on all run of the river IPP's.

The Liberals have sold the rights to about 150 rivers with applications for another 650. 800 in total.
800 rivers that will end up in the hands of international off shore corporations. 800 rivers that will be regulated by NAFTA and not BC.

So 22 vs 800. Big difference with larger implications.

Not to mention the Private company involved was the accounting firm that was involved with Enron. Remember them.

BC Hydro gives BC about $500 Million a year. Where do get an extra $5 Billion a decade? How do we then cope with rates that will rise? How will we feel the first time our water is sold south of the boarder for profit. Profit that will make BC more poor and the off shore tax haven of a corporation rich as heck?

The New Democrats will not let this continue and keep this massive revenue stream in BC.

Matthew Reed
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Re: Matthew Reed - BC NDP

Post by Matthew Reed »

How come no one is ripping the Liberals for BC Rail?

I mean a raid on the Legislature, that is juicy. Is it not the only time in history that the RCMP has raided Victoria?

If it was the New Democrats we would be getting torn apart in the media.

1) The court doc's show that Campbell office was in a conflict of interest.

2) The Kinsella situation is interesting to say the least.

3) They sold BC Rail for a fraction of it's worth. New Zealand did that same thing and had to buy back the rail company at 10x the price. Yes, it literally was 10x the price.

Talk about stupid economic decisions. Sell low? That's silly.

They sold BC Ferries, BC Rail and now privatizing BC Hydro, Health Care and Education.

A SD#23 student is cost at $5800. A private school student in West Vancouver can cost you as much as $20 000 a year. This kind of lunacy is in health care too. Why pay for 1 rich kid who's family can afford it, when it could support 3 or 4 kids in public school.


The next person that wants to rip our stimulus package that will create 200 000 green jobs needs to first explain the economic advantages of the revenue loss from selling BC Ferries, BC Rail and the destruction of the current BC Hydro model.

I am for ideas being stated, but I really want to hear anyone explain how privatizing our Social Credit legacy will make us a rich province 10 years from now.

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Re: Matthew Reed - BC NDP

Post by logicalview »


Ha, stoked up on election juice. I just want a candidate to tell the truth. There is alot at stake.

Having said that, I sincerely applaud you on the fact that you care enough to contribute here and are actually knocking on doors.

As far as responding to 7 quotes, most of them were comments demonstrating the tricky spinnerama that your party is using to attempt to form a government. They weren't questions and didn't need answering.

I do have a problem with
Matthew Reed wrote:Our stimulus package will create over 150 000 jobs.
and within hours it's blossomed to 200,000 jobs in the post above. Also the bit on increasing the debt by almost 10% instantly and not knowing that your promising to spend $3.0+ Billion dollars more than the liberals over two years and not three.

I must say that your view that when the NDP spends money now it saves butts in the future statement made me chuckle.

Oh, and I'll take one of those 200,000 green jobs should you get in.

Anyway, best to you Matthew I think you personally are running a better campaign than your counterparts.
CaptainAwesome wrote:Matthew, what's your opinion of Carol James? Is she suitable to run the province?
I'd like to know if you think that you'd be a better NDP leader than Carol?
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Re: Matthew Reed - BC NDP

Post by Captain Awesome »

logicalview wrote:
CaptainAwesome wrote:Matthew, what's your opinion of Carol James? Is she suitable to run the province?
I'd like to know if you think that you'd be a better NDP leader than Carol?
Please tell me this was directed to Matthew guy and not me.
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Re: Matthew Reed - BC NDP

Post by logicalview »

CaptainAwesome wrote:
logicalview wrote: I'd like to know if you think that you'd be a better NDP leader than Carol?
Please tell me this was directed to Matthew guy and not me.
It was directed towards Matthew.

There's only one CaptainAwesome and your job is to save the universe not run a province.
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Re: Matthew Reed - BC NDP

Post by Matthew Reed »

Ah Ha Ha Ha, It would be an honor to be the leader.

I raised it to 200 000 because I forgot about forestry and technology jobs, my bad. But is is not a made up number.

The 150 000 jobs are via the Green Bonds. We have lost over 55 000 forestry jobs. Between our forestry plan and investment in innovative technology 200 000 jobs is a fairly accurate number.

So that is how that number emerged.

Do you disagree that if you do not have a job, or if your small business tanks (which means no real EI payouts), that you are worse off than being in more debt? In proportion it is not as much as the Harper or Obama spending so that is why I truly feel it is a safer option than doing nothing at all.

Darn tootin' a lot is at stake!!!!! That is why I am here answering questions.

4 out of 5 doorsteps are undecided and they are really looking for a honest candidate that will not screw them. I have lived in Kelowna - Lake Country for 16 of the past 17 years and it will always be my home. I am fired up and willing to debate the topics for the voters best interest so that they can make the best decision they can. We had about a 55% voter turn out last time, I hope by answering questions and knocking on 1000's of doors that more people will feel confident enough to cast their vote.

Better than the 19.5% Municipal turn out, terrible.

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Re: Matthew Reed - BC NDP

Post by Al Czervic »

Matthew Reed wrote:I am very short on time so I can not give long answers, but in short.


The unfairly rude person that needs not to slick personal mud

I believe it was closer to $20 Billion in 1991, but that is a moot point. And yes it is now just under $48 Billion, Al Clarke brought the new numbers from the BC Chamber of Commerce.

"embarrassing that as a candidate you would not spend even 15 minutes to read up on" is too bad that voters have can be so rude to people that are going out of their way to help the public. And again it is about $48 Billion as the Chamber would not send Al false doc's. Perhaps you need to apologize for your personal attack that is based on a false statement?



Mr. Reed,

I can assure you that my expectation that you use factually accurate information was not “slinging of mud” if you saw it this way then certainly I do apologize.

I assume that you would agree that any candidate from any party stating things that are not true as being factual does a disservice to this electoral process.

As you continue to cling to the false debt numbers you previously stated; I have provided the BC Auditors General’s Report so that you can read it to get a true understanding of BC’s actual debt levels. The report can be viewed here…. ... ovDebt.pdf

I expect that after you have read this document you will correct your misinformation and apologize for the serious error in the debt numbers you have previously quoted. Also lest there be no doubt about the NDP’s record on debt I suggest you read the following document as well…. ... 20Debt.pdf

The fact remains that no government in this history of BC has added more debt than the NDP has. And if elected again there would be billions more added.
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Matthew Reed
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Re: Matthew Reed - BC NDP

Post by Matthew Reed »

Fair enough Al. But how come Al Clarke's documents from the BC Chamber of Commerce shows BC Debt just under $48 Billion, with daily interest of over $7 Million?

I see no reason stop mentioning that fact if it is a government document.

Maybe you could post on Clarke's thread and he could get you more in for? Based on the Chamber document the Liberals created more debt as a yearly average than the New Democrats.

Plus our spending created a higher GDP, 2.8% vs 2.4 %, and 5% more jobs per capita year on year.

The Liberal spending went to giving raises to people like the head of BCLC. A raise from about $250 000 a year to just under $1 MIllion a year. Campbell gave him self a 50% raise, but no raise for hard working families. What kind of economic agenda is that?

Also in the 90's we had to deal with fallout from, the Savings and Loans crisis, the Asian economic meltdown (ie Japans lost decade), the dot com bubble and the fall of the NASDAQ.

4 economic crisis over 10 years and we had more growth. They have had 6 months of bad times.

please answer:
Do you favor job loss at depression level numbers or stimulus so that we can avoid bankruptcy?

We no longer have the Social Credit legacy of profitable crown corp's and the only way BC can make money is taxes and resource revenue. But since we are exporting raw logs and selling other resources we do not have that kind of revenue either.

So politely, because typing does seem more aggressive than what is often shown:
How do you think BC can make money?

Do you believe that markets should be left alone and that no help should be provided for a job loss rate that is rising by over 30%? If so we just have a different view and will never agree.

I do understand free markets and the damage of long term debt creation. But if we turn into California, the world 10th largest economy, we will but millions into poverty, seems unfair to me.


Thanks for keeping me honest! I enjoy the line of questioning.
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Re: Matthew Reed - BC NDP

Post by Glacier »

Matthew Reed wrote: please answer:
Do you favor job loss at depression level numbers or stimulus so that we can avoid bankruptcy?
If you don't mind I will answer this question. Your sentence seems a bit like double speak to me. This is what I read out of it.

1) Job loses now, (but a quicker recovery and more economic prosperity in the long run).
2) Spend like drunken sailors so we are so far in debt we are somehow avoiding bankruptcy. (huh?)

If you get the time you should browse some of the Economic Crisis threads such as
-Notes from the Field: tracking the Great Unwinding
-Nothing but the cold, hard numbers: Housing Crash
-Popping The Housing Bubble: The Canadian Credit Crunch

In these thread the case has been laid out why stimulus packages are short term gain for long term pain. The reason the Great Depression went on for so long is that Hoover tried to spend his way out of the downturn (just like Bush did), and then Roosevelt came a long and magnified the spending (much like Obama has been doing). Roosevelt's "New Deal" actually made the depression longer and more severe by saddling the nation with a heavier government debt, and extending the depression by several years.

In BC terms, the market forces that have lead to the economic recession are external, so bringing in a massive expenditure now will mean huge problems later with massive debt for our children to pay off and an aging population will require more money for medicare. Watch the documentary I.O.U.S.A.
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