Alan Clarke - Independent
Re: Alan Clarke - Independent
Believe me, it's not good attention, it's mostly negative...Mary-Anne Graham is gaining positive attention because she takes the time to read and responds to the constituents concerns, even in this (at times) cut-throat forum. I wish I could say the same for the rest of them, including Alan ClarkeRussell - Winfield wrote:Alan Clarke the INDEPENDENT is sure attracting a lot of attention in this thread, compared to the main stream political parties in this election campaign to date.
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Re: Alan Clarke - Independent
I have the agree with the Finch, most of the attention given to Alan on this forum isn't positive at all.
However, if you want to begin to turn the tide you could reply to the questions asked about Alan's views and planned course of action in a detailed manner.
My questions were:
- What is specifically wrong with healthcare delivery, not the symptoms but the actual mechanism or lack of one that is the problem?
-What is Alan's solution to that problem?
- What is specifically wrong with the current system of administering and managing health care?
-What is Alan's solution to that problem?
- What is the new "systems approach" proposed by Alan?
-What are the details of "Universal Health Care Client Caps and Deductables"? Sounds like private insurance to me.
-What constitutes "Abuse of the system", examples?
However, if you want to begin to turn the tide you could reply to the questions asked about Alan's views and planned course of action in a detailed manner.
My questions were:
- What is specifically wrong with healthcare delivery, not the symptoms but the actual mechanism or lack of one that is the problem?
-What is Alan's solution to that problem?
- What is specifically wrong with the current system of administering and managing health care?
-What is Alan's solution to that problem?
- What is the new "systems approach" proposed by Alan?
-What are the details of "Universal Health Care Client Caps and Deductables"? Sounds like private insurance to me.
-What constitutes "Abuse of the system", examples?
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Re: Alan Clarke - Independent
This thread is for discussion of Kelowna Lake Country resident, farmer and businessman Alan Clarke INDEPENDENT Conservative and Ex-Socred, web address:
Email: [email protected] ( "see all you good folks and friends out on the campaign trail!" )
Email: [email protected] ( "see all you good folks and friends out on the campaign trail!" )
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Re: Alan Clarke - Independent
Your certainly right, he's a good old Socred.grumpydigger wrote:Alan would certainly drive Gordo nut if he got in.....
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Re: Alan Clarke - Independent
eyepop wrote:Alan Clarke, the independent that, on his signs, uses a C in his name (on his signs) in the same script as this (but without the maple leaf). Yes, Alan is a Federal Conservative and an ex good old socred.
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Re: Alan Clarke - Independent
" Yes, he's a good old socred."grumpydigger wrote:Alan would certainly drive Gordo nut if he got in.....
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Re: Alan Clarke - Independent
Perhaps this is something like Gordo said one time in Victoria ........This is question period not answer period.........Answering questions just before a election can get you into alot of problems. It is just safer to stick to a set platform........................
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Re: Alan Clarke - Independent
For starters, our health care system is very top heavy, just like the rest of government, and has no guidelines, perameters or limits on hospital or doctor visits, thus the system is open to abuse, and thus lacks accoutability.flüffy wrote:Russell - Winfield wrote:....I guess that's the advantage of being an INDEPENDENT, you really get to have your say, engage and debate your colleagues and fully express yourself and your voice in both your constituency, the media and Victoria, without reprisals and intimidation from a partisan political party. You then become only accountable to those who elected you, your constituents.
That makes me wonder even more about his reluctance to face the electorate on this particular forum, but I suppose if his ability to give a direct answer to a direct question is no better than yours Russel, that it would be best for his campaign if he didn't show up here. I get some pretty nasty vibes from a candidate who claims he wants to carry the conscience of his constituents to Victoria but is conspicuously absent from arenas where those same constituents are voicing their concerns. It carries an appearance of "Do as I say and not as I do", and we already have plenty of that in Victoria.
To review:
Questions outstanding -
Specifics on where the health care system is failing and specifics on proposed remedies.
Greater detail on how extensive tax/fee reductions are going to be harmonized with the ambitious capital projects and government restructuring mentioned on Mr. Clarke's website.
simplistic eg: "a runny nose, does not justify a visit to the ER or emergency room". Alan is all about, Accountability, Balance, Common Sense and Compassion these are the ABC's ..................the ( four pillars ) of Alan Clarke's INDEPENDENT electoral platform at:
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Re: Alan Clarke - Independent
" Alan Clarke's political ideology is: centrism, populism, progressive conservatism"News wrote:This thread is for discussion of Alan Clarke, Independent candidate in Kelowna-Lake Country.
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Re: Alan Clarke - Independent
- What is Alan's solution to a "top heavy" health care system?Russell - Winfield wrote: For starters, our health care system is very top heavy, just like the rest of government, and has no guidelines, perameters or limits on hospital or doctor visits, thus the system is open to abuse, and thus lacks accoutability.
simplistic eg: "a runny nose, does not justify a visit to the ER or emergency room"...
- What "guidelines, parameters or limits on hospital or doctor visits" would Alan try to introduce?
I think previous governments, Ministries and health authorities have been very wise in not attempting to limit access to health services. Instead various programs have been developed such as: BC HealthGuide, BC Nurseline, QRT, Liaison and community Nursing, Dial-a-dietitian, BC Healthfiles and many other programs that are used to improve health 'at the door' and prevent inappropriate visits and admissions to hospitals.
Politicians that can go beyond the usual "here's a problem, trust me I'll fix it" mode of communicating and actually produce facts that show the problem exists, why they think it exists and offer a detailed solution to the problem are the ones that stand out. Even if we disagree with them on some points they at least show their hand, we respect that, so many people are tired of cunning and slight of hand. IMO the vague politician is just white noise.
Also, I hope my previous questions will also receive detailed answers too.
Last edited by hellomynameis on May 5th, 2009, 12:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Alan Clarke - Independent
Russel, I'm not sure if you are authorized by Mr. Clarke to act on his behalf or not, and whether your answers on this forum have any amount of input from him, but that is beside the point I wish to make here. Your answers, like Mr. Clarke's platform statements on his website, lack the substance and detail required to make an informed decision on whether or not Mr. Clarke is worthy of support come election day, and forums like this offer an opportunity to add clarity to one's political stance. Your role here seems to be more of an apologist than a front man for one who's absence grows more conspicuous by the day. Now the decision of how to run his campaign is Mr. Clarke's decision to make, and if he doesn't want to answer my questions that's fine, but if he is not aware of the appearance those actions (or lack thereof)present, then one has to wonder as to is abilities to adequately represent his constituents should he gain office. It only seems reasonable that if someone wants votes, then straight answers to straight questions (as opposed to a collection of political buzzwords and vague promises) would go a long way to earning the confidence of the electorate and their votes.
"That wasn't very data-driven of you."
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Re: Alan Clarke - Independent
Castanet membership at noon today: 74,937
Now what sort of political hopeful would pass on an audience of that size, and why?
Now what sort of political hopeful would pass on an audience of that size, and why?
"That wasn't very data-driven of you."
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Re: Alan Clarke - Independent
you might want to have someone check the spelling of entrepreneurial on Alan's bio page.Russell - Winfield wrote:You might want to check your spelling on your last post.
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Re: Alan Clarke - Independent

take a strip of paper and try to form that letter as shown.
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Re: Alan Clarke - Independent
Yes, Alan was the first candidate in this election, to come out with a detailed election platform in the Kelowna Lake Country riding. Alan's platform covers the province in general, plus focuses specifically on three main areas in our riding that have been ignored by the government, over the last two decades, the Rutland area, Lake Country area, and Glenmore area. What's really neat in this election, is the fact, that their's one lone INDEPENDENT candidate, that's only interested in one thing, representing his constituents. No partisan politics, No party gag order, No hidden agendas. Their is no reason for Alan to run in this election, other than the reason I just stated. For the first time in a along time, we can vote for a local understanding resident who actually really passionately cares, and only wants to serve his community. We will call him "David" the other real neat thing about Alan, is that he favours none of the above, its Alan "David" against "Goliath" the BC Liberal Party, NDP, BC Conservative, and the Green Party. It takes a truly dedicated and loyal community man, to challenge and debate all four partisan political parties. Alan pull's no punches in this election campaign, he's standing up for Rutland, he's standing up for Lake Country, he's standing up for Glenmore, he's standing up for Kelowna, he's standing up for the Farmers, Nurses, Doctors, Loggers, Construction workers.........businesses, other workers, single mothers, woman's rights, Families and Children, property rights, the community as a whole,he's standing up for all the disenfranchised voters in British Columbia. And the truth be known that the, Partisan mainstream political parties can't stand the heat, and their noses are right out of joint, because "David ( Alan )is sleuing Goliath ( the four mainsteam political parties )in this 2009 election campaign", and the majority of constituents both active voters and the disenfranchised voters in Lake Country - Kelowna just love it, except for the mainstream party's key organizers and their candidates. Yes, Independence, Freedom, Democracy, and political integrity has returned to the voters of Kelowna Lake Country, let's make sure we make it count on May 12th, and vote for political Independence and representation. "ALAN OUR POSITIVE AND VISIONARY COMMUNITY VOICE IN VICTORIA" not a another, same old, same old, do nothing in Victoria voice again."grumpydigger wrote:Perhaps this is something like Gordo said one time in Victoria ........This is question period not answer period.........Answering questions just before a election can get you into alot of problems. It is just safer to stick to a set platform........................