Norm Letnick - BC Liberal

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Re: Norm Letnick - BC Liberal

Post by John500 »

Its too bad that once, even good people like Norm, are elected, Campbell will make sure they follow the party line. But I guess thats the system.
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Re: Norm Letnick - BC Liberal

Post by Phoenix Within »

Would you vote Liberal to support this man?
VERNON – Premier Gordon Campbell tossed a loonie at a striking ambulance paramedic Wednesday and told him “here, don’t spend it all in one place.” The unidentified paramedic answered “thanks a lot, that’s half an hour’s pay for me.” BC Ambulance Paramedics get only $2/hr for on-call standby.
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Re: Norm Letnick - BC Liberal

Post by issueman »

Edited by Trip/Please re-post not using all caps.
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Re: Norm Letnick - BC Liberal

Post by mechanic_virus »

Excerpts from last years press release:

March 19th, 2008

KELOWNA – The Province and the City of Kelowna have agreed to create up to 140 new supportive housing units on three City-owned sites to be built by 2010, Minister responsible for Housing Rich Coleman and Mayor Sharon Shepherd announced today.

Properties at 330 Boyce Crescent and 195 Rutland Road North will be developed with housing units for low-income singles who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. Each development will have 30 to 50 units of apartment-style housing and space for supportive services. A proposal call seeking non-profit housing organizations to manage and operate the housing, and plans for support services, will be issued this spring by the Province.

A third property at 2938 Tutt St. will be developed with up to 40 larger family-type units for women and children. This site will be operated and managed by New Opportunities for Women (NOW) Canada Society.

Construction is expected to start in early 2009. The City approval process will be consistent with established policies and practices for development permit applications. The Province has agreed to arrange for the buildings’ capital and operating funding. Building costs are estimated to be around $30 million.

Excerpts from this years press release:

April 9th, 2009

KELOWNA – The Province is investing $22.7 million for two supportive housing developments that will help break the cycle of homelessness in the City of Kelowna and create 226 jobs, announced Housing and Social Development Minister Rich Coleman.
“The housing developments we’re announcing today will provide a number of tangible, immediate benefits to people in Kelowna,” said Coleman. “They will provide much-needed housing to address the needs of homeless people in the community, and create construction jobs that support working people and their families during a challenging economic climate.”

Both housing developments are scheduled to begin work this summer. They include:

* 40 units of housing at 330 Boyce Cres. The housing development will be managed and operated by the Canadian Mental Health Association – Kelowna Branch. It will provide housing with support services to allow people to stabilize their lives before moving into more stable supportive housing.
*39 units of housing at 2938 Tutt St. The housing development will be managed and operated by the New Opportunities for Women (NOW) Canada Society. It will provide transitional second-stage housing for women and children.

Hey Norm, what did the Liberals do with that other $7.3 million they promised us? And why did they promise us 140 new units on three properties last year while only 79 units on two properties this year? What happened to the property on Rutland Rd. that the John Howard Society was to take on? And why, just before the election, are they announcing this like it's new money when it's pretty much the same release they put out last year but with some major cuts?
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Re: Norm Letnick - BC Liberal

Post by issueman »

*a) stop posting duplicate posts, b) stop spamming the political threads/Jo*
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Re: Norm Letnick - BC Liberal

Post by Rwede »

Phoenix Within wrote:Would you vote Liberal to support this man?
VERNON – Premier Gordon Campbell tossed a loonie at a striking ambulance paramedic Wednesday and told him “here, don’t spend it all in one place.” The unidentified paramedic answered “thanks a lot, that’s half an hour’s pay for me.” BC Ambulance Paramedics get only $2/hr for on-call standby.
In a heartbeat! :-)
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Re: Norm Letnick - BC Liberal

Post by usquebaugh »

Apparently, some people don't believe B.C. needs enough full-time paramedics to respond quickly to a medical emergency. Well, at least until it's their family facing the medical emergency... :137:
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Re: Norm Letnick - BC Liberal

Post by Captain Awesome »

Go Norm!
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Re: Norm Letnick - BC Liberal

Post by mechanic_virus »

Yes. Go. Please.
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Re: Norm Letnick - BC Liberal

Post by steven lloyd »

mechanic_virus wrote:Yes. Go. Please.
I don't live in Kelowna anymore, but I really don't expect any evolution in intellectual or political acuity out of that riding this election. Hey, it doesn't matter if their premier is defrauding them or the province is being sold out from under their feet. They got a new bridge.
We have got to stop asking, "How stupid can you be?"
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Re: Norm Letnick - BC Liberal

Post by mechanic_virus »

Woohoo. A new bridge. We're getting spoiled rotten with money for transportation, but what are the Liberals doing to our environment and resources? What happened to the housing units that were promised to us and then swept under the rug as referenced in my post a little ways up?
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Re: Norm Letnick - BC Liberal

Post by steven lloyd »

mechanic_virus wrote: What happened to the housing units that were promised to us and then swept under the rug as referenced in my post a little ways up?
Why are there people who actually believe what Gordon Campbell says on his TV ads when essentially the exact opposite of what he says is actuallly true ? :129:

"We care about the delivery of health care in rural areas."

"We recognize crime is a problem and want to do something about it"

People actually believe this *bleep* you know.

Oh, I also liked the one about small business being the core of the BC economy. Nice to know that people earning minimum wage who will never be able to afford a home and depend on food banks to feed their children represent the core of our economy. Good on ya Gordo.
We have got to stop asking, "How stupid can you be?"
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Re: Norm Letnick - BC Liberal

Post by Bestside »

Miller's Angel wrote:
damngrumpy wrote:First of all the candidate should know the problems that are most important to local voters. Remember the winning candidate must first do what is best for the province in this case even though they represent local interests. The health of the province has the most impact on a local area.
It does look very strange however to have an election of convenience where the candidates by and large don't live in the riding or they belong to two different ideologies.
As for STV there is no way I would support it, for the reason stated above. As a voter I support one
particular group and I will support only one candidate. This system provides for more than one belief. Personally I belive an election is really a civil war without guns and I would only vote one name on the ballot. It is called plumping
I 100% agree with you. Candidates should know the problems that are most important to local voters. This is why I read Norm's answers to the questions posted on the Kelowna Chamber of Commerce website. I felt after this that he did not whatsoever relate to average working person of the riding. I also felt that it was very vague and he didn't write the answer himself as it was cut and posted in different fonts and different point sizes.

As far as the STV vote - it's not a civil war, or a religion where you have to make one choice and stick with it and only it. I am partial to one party. I also feel that by voting for them sometimes my vote gets wasted as they have a lesser amount of votes. Therefore I'm forced to vote for the lesser of two evils that I don't want to vote for. With the STV I can still vote the way I want to and have a back up for the lesser of my two evils if my party doesn't succeed. You're obviously a liberal supporter and have never supported a minority group so you wouldn't understand how powerful this can be. For people like me it makes it worth voting again.
Be careful with STV... if the backers of STV have to give British Columbian's a bogus presentation to sell it, then it is not all what it seems.

To check out the questionable quality of the BC-STV advertising modules. Go here: ... 68#p492268

If you are concerned about being provided bogus information, you would be well advised to vote "No" to BC-STV.
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Liberty and Truth

Re: Norm Letnick - BC Liberal

Post by Liberty and Truth »

Phoenix Within wrote:Would you vote Liberal to support this man?
VERNON – Premier Gordon Campbell tossed a loonie at a striking ambulance paramedic Wednesday and told him “here, don’t spend it all in one place.” The unidentified paramedic answered “thanks a lot, that’s half an hour’s pay for me.” BC Ambulance Paramedics get only $2/hr for on-call standby.
Liberty and Truth

Re: Norm Letnick - BC Liberal

Post by Liberty and Truth »

steven lloyd wrote:
mechanic_virus wrote: What happened to the housing units that were promised to us and then swept under the rug as referenced in my post a little ways up?
Why are there people who actually believe what Gordon Campbell says on his TV ads when essentially the exact opposite of what he says is actuallly true ? :129:

"We care about the delivery of health care in rural areas."

"We recognize crime is a problem and want to do something about it"

People actually believe this *bleep* you know.

Oh, I also liked the one about small business being the core of the BC economy. Nice to know that people earning minimum wage who will never be able to afford a home and depend on food banks to feed their children represent the core of our economy. Good on ya Gordo.
I'll believe the Liberal's "*bleep*" any day of the week over the NDP's "*bleep*". I guess you guys want us to forget the hell of 1991 - 2001. I won't forget it. The lies about the surplus, the extremely high taxes, the out of control labour unions, the people leaving in droves. THAT IS "*bleep*", and it's what the NDP does. You guys and your whining about minimum wage people not being able to afford houses. Give it a rest! I too worked for minimum wage at one time in my life. Then I went and got an education, and guess what! I don't work for minimum wage anymore. The economy can't, and never will be able to, afford to pay everyone salaries that will allow them to buy houses. Get that through your tiny socialist minds once and for all. There will ALWAYS be people in need, and people requiring help, no matter who is running the government. So help these people. Do what you can - give them training, donations, a job, or a shoulder to cry on. Be a productive member of society and your community, rather than being a leach on the government dole. Crying and babbling about how the government is supposed to magically solve all of your problems by just handing you piles of money isn't a solution to anything. YOU are the solution. Always crying about how the government should be doing everything IS the problem - DO YOU GET THAT?

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