Our Noah's Ark

Is there a god? What is the meaning of life?

Is this a plausible explanation to Revelation 13?

Yes, it is possible.
No, not at all.
It is partially correct.
I do not understand.
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Re: Our Noah's Ark

Post by GordonH »

michael777 wrote:
whatisupcastanet wrote:So michael777 do you happen to read the other 65 books of the bible (unless you read the catholic bible). Or is Revelation all you focus on.
Of course I read all the books of the Bible. If I only had Revelation to rely on, it would be very hard to decipher the parables. The answers to many parables are in the Old Testament. The problem with that is that the questions are in the New Testament. This is why the Jews have erred. They have the answers to the wrong questions. M777
Okay are you reading the poorly translated version (english) of Old & New Testaments or are reading them in biblical Hebrew & ancient Greek.

:sleepdeprived: 4am comes quickly.
Last edited by GordonH on Aug 16th, 2009, 8:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Our Noah's Ark

Post by NAB »

michael777 wrote:Is it important to you to live forever? M777
Generally speaking, my answer would be no. But then I sometimes may be inclined to think "depends".. i.e. what that living forever might be comprised of.
michael777 wrote: It is to me. M777

But at this point I must say nighty-night, so I will look for your answer tomorrow. Carry on folks.

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Re: Our Noah's Ark

Post by michael777 »

whatisupcastanet wrote:
michael777 wrote: Is it important to you to live forever? It is to me. And yes, prophecies that were written thousands of years ago are finally starting to happen. Which means the end is coming fast for this age. The six thousandth year is about to finish and the sabboth day, or God's rest, the millennium is coming. This is a parable. The world was made in six days and on the seventh he rested. A day to God is one thousand years. M777
So let me understand you here. Your calulation have us coming up to 7,000 years since early chapters of Genesis. Please correct me on this if I am wrong.
No, we are about to enter the seventh millennium, which means we have accomplished nearly 6000 years. The seventh millennium begins on the first day of the year 6000. When six days are finished it is time for God's rest. We have a seven day week and on the seventh day we should rest. Long ago that day use to be Saturday. It was moved to Sunday in Roman times. This mirrors the commandment to observe the sabboth day. M777
Last edited by michael777 on Aug 16th, 2009, 9:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Our Noah's Ark

Post by Mr Danksworth »

Well, you definately have it all figured out, hurrdurr.
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Re: Our Noah's Ark

Post by Phoenix Within »

michael777 wrote:It is written in the book of Peter. M777
yea I looked that up online and got an interesting answer to it. the first website reference to it said that the "thousand years is as one day" is a reference saying: With men, the passing of long periods of time generally affects their keeping of promises, but not with God. Time has no bearing on whether He will do what He said He would do: “a thousand years are like a day” (vs. 8, NIV).

In other words, you've misunderstood it. What else have you missed?
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Re: Our Noah's Ark

Post by hellomynameis »

michael777 wrote:
Hellomynameis wrote:As an ex-Christian I am curious about the point of your message:

I have never understood the fascination that some have with attempting to interpret and predict End-time prophecy, perhaps you could unclothe this mystery for me? Especially re: why you feel your hypothesis is so pertinent to fellow Christians opposed to atheists and other non-Christians?
The importance of my message is apparent to Christians.
Atheists and other non-believers have an extremely hard time understanding. One reason for this is that it takes years of study to understand all the parables invovled. Atheists pick up a Bible, read a few words, and think they know something. This is why I really don't want to talk with them. They waste my time. Just quoting me a few words out of context is useless. The Bible is loaded with parables. Parables that are hidden. First they must be identified and then an attempt can be made to solve them. If you, as an ex-Christian, don't spend anytime reading and trying to understand the Bible, chances are you probably won't. For me just to give you the answers is a waste of time when you don't know the questions. Having said that, I have given you a slew of answers. They still mean nothing to you. M777
I'm not asking you how you came to form the beliefs you have (what parables are involved and how to interpret them) nor am I attempting to refute your beliefs. I simply want to know a few things that were not in the purview of your message, for example:

1. What relevancy do you think your message has to fellow Christians? Is it a motivator, a warning or what?

1a. Where is the productivity in your endeavour?
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Re: Our Noah's Ark

Post by Nebula »

michael777 wrote:And yes, prophecies that were written thousands of years ago are finally starting to happen.
It appears your interpretation of Revelation prophesies are coming true, to you.
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Re: Our Noah's Ark

Post by Nebula »

michael777 wrote:No, we are about to enter the seventh millennium, which means we have accomplished nearly 6000 years. The seventh millennium begins on the first day of the year 6000.
I completely missed the class on how to rationally discuss a subject with someone who believes the Earth is only 6,000 years old. Wow.

Just out of curiosity, what is the first day of the year 6,000?
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Re: Our Noah's Ark

Post by hellomynameis »

michael777 wrote: No, we are about to enter the seventh millennium, which means we have accomplished nearly 6000 years...
Since God created the universe?
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Re: Our Noah's Ark

Post by Phoenix Within »

Nebula wrote:Just out of curiosity, what is the first day of the year 6,000?
January 01, obviously! :dyinglaughing:
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Re: Our Noah's Ark

Post by Nebula »

Phoenix Within wrote:
Nebula wrote:Just out of curiosity, what is the first day of the year 6,000?
January 01, obviously! :dyinglaughing:
Haha, quite. Considering the Gregorian calendar was figured out a wee bit later than 6,000 years ago, I'm thinking there might be another date in mind.
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Re: Our Noah's Ark

Post by Phoenix Within »

Okay, how about the first of Thaguary? Groguary?
So I love the Okanagan but it's a place best enjoyed from atop a very large pile of $100 bills. - Spocky

Re: Our Noah's Ark

Post by michael777 »

Hellomynameis wrote: 1. What relevancy do you think your message has to fellow Christians? Is it a motivator, a warning or what?
1a. Where is the productivity in your endeavour?
My writings are designed to strengthen one's faith. We have been waiting and watching patiently for years. This is nearly a confirmation of one's faith. Beyond that, it is what you make of it. If you are not interested, you will still not be interested. I'm appealing to those who have been waiting for God's return.
As for this second question, I'm not sure I understand it. To me, a satisfactory outcome in my endeavor would be if I could help just one person. If not a single soul is helped, then I have failed in my endeavor. Ideally, I am hoping to help every Christian. In any case, it is never a waste of time working for God. You will always be repaid. M777
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Re: Our Noah's Ark

Post by Nebula »

michael777 wrote:This is nearly a confirmation of one's faith.
Unless you're completely wrong. Just what makes you think you've got it all figured out when hundreds (thousands?) of people before you didn't?
You cannot reason someone out of a position that they did not use reason to arrive at.

Re: Our Noah's Ark

Post by michael777 »

Nebula wrote:
michael777 wrote:No, we are about to enter the seventh millennium, which means we have accomplished nearly 6000 years. The seventh millennium begins on the first day of the year 6000.
I completely missed the class on how to rationally discuss a subject with someone who believes the Earth is only 6,000 years old. Wow.

Just out of curiosity, what is the first day of the year 6,000?

I never said the Earth was only six thousand years old. The Earth has been here for millions of years. It became null and void. It was already here. God then started over, creating people and animals and planting gardens. I think if you believe the Earth is only six thousand years old, you have to be blind. M777

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