If there is a god

Is there a god? What is the meaning of life?
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Re: If there is a god

Post by chickenlittle »

Squire Nibs wrote:
chickenlittle wrote: I found God. I bet you don't give your children the same opportunity.
I for one never once discussed god with either of my kids, neither of them ever brought it up. Had they wanted to discuss it, I would have told them what I believed spiritually, and told them that they would best make up their own minds, and kept the subject open as long as they wanted.

Don't judge my wheat by your bushel.
Love how your quote of my previous post completely takes away the context. Additionally my post was directed at CRooster and not directed at you in anyway.
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Re: If there is a god

Post by I Think »

chickenlittle wrote:God gave us free will which means we have to choose a relationship with him.
Or not
chickenlittle wrote: Convincing your children that they don't have that choice is as wrong as any of the other long list of do not's in the Bible
Why do you think you know how or what I taught or teach children?

To rephrase my statement, religiosity is the most perverse and evil force in the world.
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Re: If there is a god

Post by Mr Danksworth »

You are a bad parent if you don't believe in god.
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Re: If there is a god

Post by westsidebud »

i dnt believe in the bible but,that doesnt mean it isnt true or it is.just my personal belief
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Re: If there is a god

Post by I Think »

You are a bad parent if you don't believe in your children.
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Re: If there is a god

Post by Corneliousrooster »

chickenlittle wrote:
Corneliousrooster wrote: Anyone can believe anything if they put faith into something - I believe if you and I both live to be 100 years old, I will have read 1000's of books, immersing myself in countless bodies of knowledge in as many facets of life's experience that can hold my interest, helping me to experience and participate in as many of life's and the worlds wonders that your god created for you - You will have read the same book 1000's of times, the same collection of words, the same one sided story - and you can look deeply and try to find faith in the same faiths as the generations before you in the hopes of the ultimate reward in the great beyond

I am an evolutionist...and still have no faith in God (and even less in the creations made in His image - epic fail!)
Wow, what an arrogant assumption. I happen to read a great deal besides the Bible. I not only read books that support my beliefs by other Christians, I also read books authored by people of other faiths including atheists. I have read most of Richard Dawkin's books, all of Sam Harris's books a good number of books by Stephen Hawkings. I learn things from all of them. Some challenge my faith, some reaffirm it. I do not assume I have it all figured out. I try to expand my knowledge on a daily basis.

I am not sure why you find it so offensive that some people have choosen to submit their lives to God.

I experience the love of God on a daily basis. It brings me great joy and fullfillment. I want others to experience the same thing so I share my experience. I do not force it on others.

I don't even force my beliefs on my children. I have been very open with what I believe but have told them all that need to explore and make their own choices. My atheist parents gave me that opportunity and I found God. I bet you don't give your children the same opportunity. You probably teach them that Christians are closed minded, self righteous idiots. Afterall you have to make sure they don't end up all intolerant like those followers of Christ.
Why is it an arrogant assumption? It is my "belief" - (I don't really believe that you will only read one book - I was trying to illustrate the point that anyone can choose to put their faith in any belief they want.) My belief has no basis other than assumption -
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Re: If there is a god

Post by chickenlittle »

Squire Nibs wrote:
chickenlittle wrote:God gave us free will which means we have to choose a relationship with him.
Or not
chickenlittle wrote: Convincing your children that they don't have that choice is as wrong as any of the other long list of do not's in the Bible
Why do you think you know how or what I taught or teach children?

To rephrase my statement, religiosity is the most perverse and evil force in the world.

I was agreeing with a point you made in a previous post.
Squire Nibs wrote:I see children being warped and brainwashed by people who try to convince young innocent minds that they are sinners.
. Are you really so insecure that you interpret anything that people post that is in disagreement with your world view as an insult? I was agreeing with you and somehow you managed to twist it around in to a slight against your parenting skills.
chickenlittle wrote:Unfortunately I am forced to agree with you on the brainwashing of children and the atrocities commited in the name of God.
Think that is pretty clear agreement. Try slowing down and actually reading posts before you fly off with the assumption that sombody is directing a personal insult at you.
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Re: If there is a god

Post by chickenlittle »

Corneliousrooster wrote:
chickenlittle wrote: Wow, what an arrogant assumption. I happen to read a great deal besides the Bible. I not only read books that support my beliefs by other Christians, I also read books authored by people of other faiths including atheists. I have read most of Richard Dawkin's books, all of Sam Harris's books a good number of books by Stephen Hawkings. I learn things from all of them. Some challenge my faith, some reaffirm it. I do not assume I have it all figured out. I try to expand my knowledge on a daily basis.

I am not sure why you find it so offensive that some people have choosen to submit their lives to God.

I experience the love of God on a daily basis. It brings me great joy and fullfillment. I want others to experience the same thing so I share my experience. I do not force it on others.

I don't even force my beliefs on my children. I have been very open with what I believe but have told them all that need to explore and make their own choices. My atheist parents gave me that opportunity and I found God. I bet you don't give your children the same opportunity. You probably teach them that Christians are closed minded, self righteous idiots. Afterall you have to make sure they don't end up all intolerant like those followers of Christ.
Why is it an arrogant assumption? It is my "belief" - (I don't really believe that you will only read one book - I was trying to illustrate the point that anyone can choose to put their faith in any belief they want.) My belief has no basis other than assumption -
Your belief is not what was an arrogant assumption. Your assumption that I am not educated or well read is. Your implication that I will not "experience and participate in as many of life's and the worlds wonders that your god created for you" is.
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Re: If there is a god

Post by I Think »

The trouble with arguing with Christians is that it gets boring really fast.
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Re: If there is a god

Post by Glacier »

Squire Nibs wrote:If there is a god, why are his/her/it's followers such dweebs?
Are they all dweebs or just some of them?
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Re: If there is a god

Post by I Think »

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Re: If there is a god

Post by Corneliousrooster »

chickenlittle wrote:
Corneliousrooster wrote: Why is it an arrogant assumption? It is my "belief" - (I don't really believe that you will only read one book - I was trying to illustrate the point that anyone can choose to put their faith in any belief they want.) My belief has no basis other than assumption -
Your belief is not what was an arrogant assumption. Your assumption that I am not educated or well read is. Your implication that I will not "experience and participate in as many of life's and the worlds wonders that your god created for you" is.
My belief and my assumption are the same thing - sucks doesn't it when someone believes something unfounded as truth and starts telling people about it as fact.... See where I'm going here..

i would not teach my children that christians are close mi nded self righteous idiots - it doesn't take too many encounters to discover this generalization. I would discuss christianity in the same breath as all the other myths that humans eventually evolved out of.

I have no problem with anyone "giving or receiving their 'LOVE' for God" - Go nuts -
Its when you try to apply reason and reality that I have the problem. ( you could love unicorns too, which is great - just don' try to pass it off like it is a tangible being rather than the mental security blanket that it is.)
I gave and received some love last night too - no gods required (just one goddess :dyinglaughing: )
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Re: If there is a god

Post by steven lloyd »

Squire Nibs wrote:The trouble with arguing with Christians is that it gets boring really fast.
Not a "Christian", but I find the same problem with trying to engage in intelligent debate on spirituality or philosophy with many atheists. So rigid minded and closed to intellectual growth.
We have got to stop asking, "How stupid can you be?"
Too many of his cultists are taking it as a challenge.
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Re: If there is a god

Post by Mr Danksworth »

steven lloyd wrote:So rigid minded and closed to intellectual growth.
Did it ever occur to you that the study of philosophy and religion led us to be atheists in the first place? In other words, our intellectual growth was used to grow us out of the need for gods?
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Re: If there is a god

Post by NAB »

Instead, many aspire to BECOME gods, but gotta get rid of the competition first ;-)
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