Kelownans Opposed to the Olympics

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Re: Kelownans Opposed to the Olympics

Post by kompili »

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Now that the Olympic Torch has passed through the Okanagan, are you more excited about the upcoming Winter Games?

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Re: Kelownans Opposed to the Olympics

Post by damngrumpy »

Except for the fact that this thing would really kill us tax dollar wise, I would like to see the games
come down around this governments ears. But the fact is we have to make them successful to
save our grand kids even further billions. These people, the government mostly have lied and lied
again, they have trampled on people individual rights, they have used the police to intimidate
people who don't agree with them. They have wasted money like we waste water, and there is
nothing we will get back in hard cold cash. We don't need more publicity, our current infrastructure
can't handle the pressure now. Economically and socially we are having a hard time because our
leadership decided to spend the money on 17 days worth of games instead of the things that matter. The over run cost on the Convention Center, the Athletes Village, and now the bankrupt
ski hill. are a cruel joke. The auction will take place during the games, and parent companies are
now suing the national government for 90 million that is to be paid for using a hill that has no snow. In fact this whole venture is turning out to be a huge snow job. Some people who have yet
to discover reality are still putting on the smiley face of denial. After these games are over we need an investigation to find out who is responsible for this mess. Oh no that would cost even more money, those in denial keep on smiling you will be paying for forty years or more.
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Re: Kelownans Opposed to the Olympics

Post by coffeeFreak »

Glacier wrote:I was glad to see the protesters in such good moods today. All smiles and they even seemed to be half celebrating the Olympics by sporting Olympic merchandise.
I happened to be standing with that group but not in the picture because I was on the other end. The two random mitten wearers were NOT part of the group protesting! A few randoms asked to have their picture taken with the group and sadly, it appears, some of those pictures were used to mock or weaken the protesters message.
Glacier, whoever took that picture (and hopefully it wasn't you) needs to be challenged on its validity, because it is a total misrepresentation...well to be completely blunt it's bullcrap!
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Re: Kelownans Opposed to the Olympics

Post by Captain Awesome »

coffeeFreak wrote:because it is a total misrepresentation...well to be completely blunt it's bullcrap!
Well, then it falls in line with other so-called "Olympic protest movement" nicely.
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Re: Kelownans Opposed to the Olympics

Post by motorhomebabe »

coffeeFreak wrote:
Glacier wrote:I was glad to see the protesters in such good moods today. All smiles and they even seemed to be half celebrating the Olympics by sporting Olympic merchandise.
I happened to be standing with that group but not in the picture because I was on the other end. The two random mitten wearers were NOT part of the group protesting! A few randoms asked to have their picture taken with the group and sadly, it appears, some of those pictures were used to mock or weaken the protesters message.
Glacier, whoever took that picture (and hopefully it wasn't you) needs to be challenged on its validity, because it is a total misrepresentation...well to be completely blunt it's bullcrap!
I guess thats called propaganda,.
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Re: Kelownans Opposed to the Olympics

Post by ILBT uh-huh »

I wan't impressed with the outright exaggeration on your list.

Security is only going to cost 900 million, not 1billion as you stated.
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Re: Kelownans Opposed to the Olympics

Post by coffeeFreak »

Captain Awesome wrote:
coffeeFreak wrote:because it is a total misrepresentation...well to be completely blunt it's bullcrap!
Well, then it falls in line with other so-called "Olympic protest movement" nicely.
Please explain? What "other" movement are you referring to?
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Re: Kelownans Opposed to the Olympics

Post by Captain Awesome »

coffeeFreak wrote:
Captain Awesome wrote: Well, then it falls in line with other so-called "Olympic protest movement" nicely.
Please explain? What "other" movement are you referring to?
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Re: Kelownans Opposed to the Olympics

Post by coffeeFreak »

Captain Awesome wrote:
coffeeFreak wrote: Please explain? What "other" movement are you referring to?
Still don't see the parallel but then again I do believe we stand on opposite ends of the spectrum with this one.

The only point I was making in my original post was that the use of the Olympic mittens in that photo was deceptive and misleading...nothing more, nothing less.
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Re: Kelownans Opposed to the Olympics

Post by Glacier »

coffeeFreak wrote:
Glacier wrote:I was glad to see the protesters in such good moods today. All smiles and they even seemed to be half celebrating the Olympics by sporting Olympic merchandise.
I happened to be standing with that group but not in the picture because I was on the other end. The two random mitten wearers were NOT part of the group protesting! A few randoms asked to have their picture taken with the group and sadly, it appears, some of those pictures were used to mock or weaken the protesters message.
Glacier, whoever took that picture (and hopefully it wasn't you) needs to be challenged on its validity, because it is a total misrepresentation...well to be completely blunt it's bullcrap!
It looks like to me that the person holding the "What about?: Social Housing..." sign is also wearing those same gloves.

ETA: the picture is supposed to be light-hearted and funny, not insulting to the protesters exercising their franchise.
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Re: Kelownans Opposed to the Olympics

Post by westsidebud »

NAB wrote:
Captain Awesome wrote: Well, it's mostly people in Vancouver who are impacted, really...
How true that is Captain.

8 - 10 years ago the Olympics weren't even on my radar, and I like to think I keep reasonably tuned in to what is going on most of the time. But then more important 'things' were going on in my personal life which took priority, such as retiring and getting my retired butt out of the Okanagan.

Trying to remember when the 2010 Olympics first captured my serious attention, I think it was when the final thrust and presentations took place and they were awarded to Vancouver. I remember thinking "how nice for Vancouver". It sure didn't mean much to me living elsewhere in BC until I finally realized what it meant in terms of potential costs to everyone who didn't live there.

Since then, the horror stories just got worse and worse.


here nab and all you olympic bashers , if your against the games your also against this to.

A group of terminally ill children whose wish to go to the Vancouver Winter Olympics was threatened when the company operating their cruise ship hotel weighed anchor will have places to stay after all.

About a dozen children and their families from Canada and the United States sponsored by Make A Wish Canada were scheduled to attend the Games, with the first arriving next Thursday.

They were to stay aboard the Norwegian Star, a Norwegian Cruise Lines vessel leased by Edmonton-based Newwest Special Projects as a floating hotel for the Games.

But Newwest suddenly cancelled its venture Tuesday, citing higher than expected costs and slow sales of the expensive packages for the ship's 1,100 staterooms, despite cutting the price.

"I found out Monday around noon," Make A Wish executive director Ross Hetherington said Wednesday.

"I honestly went to bed Saturday night thinking, OK, 10 months of work, it's done. And then Monday morning it got blown out of the water, literally."

Two of the 13 kids were from Australia and headed directly to alpine events at Whistler, and so are unaffected by the cruise-ship debacle.

Hetherington said news reports about the crisis triggered a flood of calls offering help, everything from hotel rooms to private homes, the use of cars, even berths on a yacht.

"The phone hasn't stopped ringing since six o'clock this morning," he said. "We're just inundated with people who want to help. I'm absolutely amazed at the goodness of people."

By Wednesday evening hotel rooms for all 11 kids and their families had been found by Jet Set Sports, a hospitality management firm affiliated with the Games, Hetherington said.

"It's a lot of back and forth as to what they have available and what our kids' needs are, but I feel a lot better about it today than I did yesterday," Hetherington said.

The children -- four from across Canada and seven from the United States -- range in age from eight to 17 and suffer a range of illnesses from lymphoma and leukemia to muscular dystrophy.

"These are life-threatening medical conditions," says Hetherington. "These kids have gone through far more than kids should have to go through in their young lives."

Two of the Canadian kids did participate in the Olympic torch relay, he said.

They'll be arriving throughout the Games and attend a variety of events, from the opening and closing ceremonies to hockey and figure skating finals.

They'll also get to meet top Olympic competitors, although Hetherington says just who will be a surprise. And they'll be hosted at NBC's Olympic studios and at Canada
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Re: Kelownans Opposed to the Olympics

Post by Nebula »

westsidebud wrote:here nab and all you olympic bashers , if your against the games your also against this to.
What an entirely ridiculous statement.
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Re: Kelownans Opposed to the Olympics

Post by westsidebud »

Nebula wrote:
westsidebud wrote:here nab and all you olympic bashers , if your against the games your also against this to.
What an entirely ridiculous statement.
you cant have your cake and eat it to, sorry . your either against the olympics or your for them.

snowskis-1000 bux
olympic venues millions
inspiration to kids - priceless

im for and always have been for the games because i understand what its realy about. you and your partners in crime equate it to money, well boohoo lol its not about you
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Re: Kelownans Opposed to the Olympics

Post by Nebula »

Sorry to pop your bubble there, WSB, but you'll be hard pressed to find me slamming the Olympics on Castanet. (Moral of the story: Don't lump everyone into one basket.)
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Re: Kelownans Opposed to the Olympics

Post by Captain Awesome »

westsidebud wrote:A group of terminally ill children whose wish to go to the Vancouver Winter Olympics was threatened when the company operating their cruise ship hotel weighed anchor will have places to stay after all.
I'm sure there is some way to blame it on Gordo and the gang! Dang liberals, eating small babies for lunch, pocketing millions, and telling cancer kids "NO, YOU CAN'T GO!".
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