Cheating Germans

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Cheating Germans

Post by ImRight »

Have you heard? The German's are accused of putting magnetics on their sled. The Canada team is already calling foul??????????????
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Re: Cheating Germans

Post by zzontar »

How would that help unless it was a huge one like Wile E. Coyote used to use and there was a big slab of metal at the finish line?
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Re: Cheating Germans

Post by ferri »

lol zzontar!!! you really gave me a nice mental image there! ... story.html
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Re: Cheating Germans

Post by ImRight »

"I don’t know 100 per cent how they use it, but my belief is that they’re creating a magnetic component in their sleds that provides a damper" - Canadian skeleton racer Jeff Pain

Next thing they will figure out how to make the puck disappear or make the speed skating oval slope downhill.
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Re: Cheating Germans

Post by Mutha »

Oh brother, now the Canadians sound like a bunch of crybabies.
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Re: Cheating Germans

Post by hutton »

Well, you can't really call it cheating unless it was used during the actual olympics. What a team may use or do prior during training is whatever, but once the games start then it would be considered cheating (if there was an actual advantage gained). Equipment like bobsleds are subject to some pretty rigorious inspections as well.
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Re: Cheating Germans

Post by coffeeFreak »

Here is an interesting read about the "art" of cheating. The Olympics are fraught with many forms of this and it isn't just "cheating Germans". Winning has gone soooo far beyond th egold medal. ... ating.html
Al Czervic
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Re: Cheating Germans

Post by Al Czervic »

coffeeFreak wrote:Here is an interesting read about the "art" of cheating. The Olympics are fraught with many forms of this and it isn't just "cheating Germans". Winning has gone soooo far beyond th egold medal. ... ating.html
Interesting article - thx for posting. This "magnetic" sled issue is most fascinating.

Canadian Jeff Pain, however, has accused his German skeleton competitors of attaching magnets to their sleds to propel them faster down the course.

"My belief is they're creating a magnetic field that provides dampening [or] shock-absorbing," the 39-year-old Calgary slider, a two-time Olympian, said Wednesday.

"If you read the rules it says no electromagnetic fields. That's how I would define [the magnets]."

The FIBT (Fédération internationale de bobsleigh et de tobogganing) is the sport's governing body and will inspect and sign off on sleds during the Olympics.
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Re: Cheating Germans

Post by kompili »

Is this a form of cheating

More than 30 athletes banned from Games for doping.
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