The Glitch Games

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The Glitch Games

Post by Cateyes »

NBC now running with the story that the Vancouver games have been plagued by glitches. So expect to see more of that in the US media echo chamber tomorrow.

$6,000,000,000 (and counting) and they still can't get it right. I am sympathetic to technical glitches but clearly there were some bad decisions made. For 6billion $'s you would think they could at least hire good people to manage things properly.

Here are some of the problems off the top of my head:

Superman fortress flame glitch. Stuff happens but more stuff happens when you make things more complicated. Apparently none of the Vanoc snobs heard of the term "Keep It Simple Stupid". Just put a bowl full of gas in the middle of the stadium and light it. But nooooooo, they had to raise a crystal palace out of the ground.

Weather, ok not much they could do about the warmest Jan (and probably Feb) in history but having the freestyle events at Cypress was just dumb, plain and simple. That fiasco is still unfolding with the refunding general admission tickets. Add to the bill the cost to helicopter/truck in yuppy snow from Manning Park to that 6billion and counting b

Fence around the official Superman crystal palace torch. Just a bad decision that does not pass the common sense test plain and simple.

Going with battery operated (in the name of Green games...apparently) Olympia ice machines in the Richmond Oval instead of tried and true Zamboni's. I don't know about ice machines but I know that Zamboni's just work and that is why everyone uses them. Lot's of complaints yesterday. I was watching the raw feed from the oval yesterday and a lot of people were pi$$ed. Dan Jansen on NBC had a very good point. He said these athletes train for years for this one moment and you would think the ice maintainers would have the same attitude. These Olympia machines apparently have a history of failures at the Richmond Oval. They failed for a short time during a previous Olympic event and screwed up the ice royally and caused a couple hour delay yesterday when 2 of them failed and one screwed up the ice. They managed to get the ice back to just ok condition but almost had to cancel.

Apparently that was finally enough to wise them up so they flew in a Zamboni overnight from Calgary. Just add that to that 6billion dollar and counting bill.
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Liberty and Truth

Re: The Glitch Games

Post by Liberty and Truth »

what is the point of this thread? Any fool can complain about things that went wrong. Lots has gone right too. I for one am really proud of what Canada is accomplishing at these games - this is our time to shine and on a whole we are shining brightly, despite some glitches, and despite the efforts of those that seem to want everything to fail.
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Re: The Glitch Games

Post by Cateyes »

Liberty and Truth wrote:what is the point of this thread? Any fool can complain about things that went wrong. Lots has gone right too. I for one am really proud of what Canada is accomplishing at these games - this is our time to shine and on a whole we are shining brightly, despite some glitches, and despite the efforts of those that seem to want everything to fail.
Spare me the patriotism crap. This has nothing to do with the athletes. They deserve all the corporate endorsement dollars they can squeeze out of this exposure! This thread has nothing to do with that. I am rooting for the Canadians as much as anyone.

So right back at ya....what is the point of your post? Any fool can get all "go Canada rah rah" as you sit in front of your computer eating cheetos and jumping on the bandwagon.
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Re: The Glitch Games

Post by animal lover1 »

I must agree. I am the first to trumpet "Go Canada Go", but seriously, this is an embarrassing mess. I am as patriotic as the next guy but I am embarrassed to be associated with this fiasco. Everytime I start to well up with Canadian pride, another disaster.

Equipment should NOT malfunction twice as badly as the Olympia machine did-someone should get sued and fired-but we will suck it up and pay for it.

The events at Cypress mountain have been a monumental disaster. No events should have been scheduled there.

Weather cannot be forecast, but no snow at Cypress WAS forecast.

Millions and millions wasted and we are the laughinstock of the world.

We can all say "mistakes happen", but most of these mistakes SHOULD HAVE BEEN FORESEEN.
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Re: The Glitch Games

Post by Nebula »

It's only embarassing if you want it to be.
You cannot reason someone out of a position that they did not use reason to arrive at.
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Re: The Glitch Games

Post by animal lover1 »

Nebula wrote:It's only embarassing if you want it to be.

Are you actually watching this mess-its embarrasing to ALL of us.
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Re: The Glitch Games

Post by Nebula »

animal lover1 wrote:
Nebula wrote:It's only embarassing if you want it to be.

Are you actually watching this mess-its embarrasing to ALL of us.
If you feel that way then that's the way you feel. Embarassment is an emotion. It comes from within, not from without.
You cannot reason someone out of a position that they did not use reason to arrive at.
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Re: The Glitch Games

Post by Cateyes »

*try reposting without the personal attacks/Jo*
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Re: The Glitch Games

Post by RR24K »

I not having any problem with the Olympic.

More with the network CTV , a few friends of mine had to make some $$$ choices some of which were cable, Internet and cellphone. After talking with them to find out that CTV does not broadcast their network for those with antenna in the Kelowna area. Both CBC & Global do. Thumbs down to CTV.
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Re: The Glitch Games

Post by Captain Awesome »

RR24K wrote: After talking with them to find out that CTV does not broadcast their network for those with antenna in the Kelowna area. Both CBC & Global do.
I don't get CBC or Global here. What channel are they on?
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Re: The Glitch Games

Post by LoneWolf_53 »

Cateyes wrote:
Nebula wrote: If you feel that way then that's the way you feel. Embarassment is an emotion. It comes from within, not from without.
bahahahah...snort. Apparently the fact we can look at the hypocrisy of this post by looking at your other posts is completely lost on Smoke another bowl and see what other zen like BS floats down from your head into the keyboard.
^^ = Irony :dyinglaughing:

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Re: The Glitch Games

Post by RR24K »

Captain Awesome wrote:
RR24K wrote: After talking with them to find out that CTV does not broadcast their network for those with antenna in the Kelowna area. Both CBC & Global do.
I don't get CBC or Global here. What channel are they on?
Channel 2 - Global Okanagan
Channel 5 - Global BC
Channel 15 - CBC
Channel 45 - CBC
Channel 21 - CBC French
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Re: The Glitch Games

Post by animal lover1 »

Watch it on the US channels-then you will get a real idea what a joke we have become. Listen to sportsradio or TV-it is a nightmare scenario.
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Re: The Glitch Games

Post by steven lloyd »

What the rest of the world is saying (according to international news headlines):

" The worst Winter Olympics ever ! "

:129: don't shoot the messenger
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Re: The Glitch Games

Post by NAB »

steven lloyd wrote:What the rest of the world is saying (according to international news headlines):

" The worst Winter Olympics ever ! "

:129: don't shoot the messenger
The joke's really on us. Vancouver choosing to bid for a "winter" games was a joke in the first place, but an even greater one was the IOC choosing Vancouver for "Winter" games.

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