Candidates phoning for your support

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Candidates phoning for your support

Post by prairieflower »

To all the lazy candidates who no longer feel it is necessary and meet your constituants by going door-to-door, but have to phone with a pre-recorded message right when we are eating supper - Sorry but you just lost my vote.

I know that the world is now techno-friendly but come on.....I get enough telephone soliciting already, now the election dudes.

Give it up, please!
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Re: Candidates phoning for your support

Post by Captain Awesome »

prairieflower wrote:Sorry but you just lost my vote.
So, after careful assessment and researching candidate's platform based on what they'll bring to Canadian people and how it will benefit different segments of our society in short and long term, how it will affect our economy and environment, and future vision of our country they have for all of've decided to go with somebody altogether different just because the candidate choose wrong media to contact you?

That just tells me that:
A. It doesn't really matter to you whom you vote for
B. You'll vote for anybody who will give you a free coffee mug no matter what they bring to the table.

No wonder our elections turned into never-ending popularity contests.
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Re: Candidates phoning for your support

Post by steven lloyd »

prairieflower wrote: I know that the world is now techno-friendly but come on.....
We have an answering machine. We use it to screen calls and ignore recordings.
We don't even answer the phone during supper hours.
If anyone's leaving me a recorded message I didn't get it.
It is a techno-friendly world.
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Re: Candidates phoning for your support

Post by Corneliousrooster »

The candidate is being INTERVIEWED FOR A JOB by his prospective EMPLOYERS -

Can I apply for a job at your work over the phone? How about a pre recorded application to discusstell you the issues that are important to you?

Impersonal, lazy, annoying, inconsiderate, waste of resources that gives back ZERO return ....sounds like everything canadians like to vote for in a politician.

If some one is voting for a candidate based on a prerecorded sales pitch there should be just as much concern as for the "coffee mug prize" voters.....
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Re: Candidates phoning for your support

Post by prairieflower »

Sorry not wanting a coffee mug, just would like to hear them in person talk about their platform. I watch the news, the debates, the other blather they all talk about.

I don't enjoy them calling by pre-recorded message. It's impersonal as all hell to me. I cannot ask a question, I cannot interrupt to voice something...It's wrong to me.

Guess I am getting old........but I do miss the good ole days of meeting people face to face, and talking to them face to face.
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Re: Candidates phoning for your support

Post by Glacier »

Why not get off your lazy duff, and head over to at your local Candidate's Forum where you can meet everyone face to face at once? :sillygrin:
Last edited by Glacier on Apr 13th, 2011, 11:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Candidates phoning for your support

Post by Roadster »

Same here, answering machine takes care of lots these days.
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Re: Candidates phoning for your support

Post by Tacklewasher »

Dammit! I want a coffee mug.

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